Any chance of a body fat % update based on my latest progress picture. Weight is now 12st 12.8. Is only been 3 and half weeks so I appreciate its not massively different but just wondered
[QUOTE=Abacha452;1520897341]Hey guys, could someone give me a bf% estimate? I'm 5'7, 170lbs. Been lifting for a year and never have paid much attention to my diet so I've gotten fat. Been doing stronglifts ever since I started. Any advice as to whether I should cut or bulk and until what weight?[/QUOTE]
About 23%. I'd cut.
Any chance of a body fat % update based on my latest progress picture. Weight is now 12st 12.8. Is only been 3 and half weeks so I appreciate its not massively different but just wondered
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Thanks in advance.
20 yrs old
5' 11
160 lbs
1 Attachment(s)
Hey any estimates? 5'11, 170lbs. Planning on cutting to 10-12 and bulking again.
[QUOTE=evanmwoods;1520962941]Thanks in advance.
20 yrs old
5' 11
160 lbs
About 15%
6 Attachment(s)
I'm 23 Years old. 5'11 and 179lbs. Any estimate? My goal is to hit at least 10% bodyfat before I start bulking. Which leads me to a question if anyone can take to answer. This was my first time cutting and successfully i feel seeing as from the included before picture when i was at 215lbs back in June. I've lost quite a bit a weight and measurements and I've honestly started to feel like I'm getting to be too small and skinny and its getting harder for me to want to finish this cut. I wanted to get a second opinion on whether or not i should continue my cut or if I'm at a good place to start bulking up again because honestly sometimes i feel like a skinny **** and it gets to messing with me. I went from a 37 inch waist back in 2015 where i was 190 lbs to about a 40 inch waist when i was 215.. now i'm at around 32 inches in the morning before breakfast. I was at 15.25 inch arms (2015) and now at 16.25inches so my measurements seem to be there and ive lost a lot of fat on my thighs and muscles are coming out, my strength has increased A LOT compared to how i was.. but when i look at myself i just feel skinny and frail. Is this a common thing? Should I start bulking now or still go for my goal?
[QUOTE=Fonzarp;1520973641]I'm 23 Years old. 5'11 and 179lbs. I went from a 37 inch waist back in 2015 where i was 190 lbs to about a 40 inch waist when i was 215.. now i'm at around 32 inches in the morning before breakfast. I was at 15.25 inch arms (2015) and now at 16.25inches so my measurements seem to be there and ive lost a lot of fat on my thighs and muscles are coming out, my strength has increased A LOT compared to how i was.. but when i look at myself i just feel skinny and frail. Is this a common thing? Should I start bulking now or still go for my goal?[/QUOTE]
I'd say about 15% You don't look frail. That's in your head and yes that's common in the lifting world.
I'd cut down to 170 and then bulk. You'd be about 12% there and that's a good starting point IMO.
[QUOTE=CKPY1996;1520966311]Hey any estimates? 5'11, 170lbs. Planning on cutting to 10-12 and bulking again.[/QUOTE] bump, sry lol
[QUOTE=CKPY1996;1520966311]Hey any estimates? 5'11, 170lbs. Planning on cutting to 10-12 and bulking again.[/QUOTE]
I didn't see this before. About 16%
20 years old
159 lbs
Should I continue cutting or should I start a Lean Mass phase and thanks in advance
[QUOTE=OsamaAlk1997;1521012871]20 years old
159 lbs
Should I continue cutting or should I start a Lean Mass phase and thanks in advance
I'd maintain for a couple of months and then start a lean bulk. You don't appear to have much to cut down to.
Hey guys -- I've been hitting the gym regularly and wanted to get a quick estimate of where I'm at body fat % wise and if I should keep on cutting further. I have a progress photo current as of today where I'm at with an estimated body fat %. Does this seem accurate or too low? I'm between 6'1-6'2 and roughly 220. The photo prior to that was about a month back. Any idea how far I am from seeing my abs?
waist 30
i mgur.com/a/2UgYl
waist 30
i mgur.com/a/2UgYl[/QUOTE]
Around 12%.
16 years old, 6'2 and weighing 179 Image link below :) had to put space in-between
ibb. co/gJUm0b
[QUOTE=blueripster;1521061461]Hey guys -- I've been hitting the gym regularly and wanted to get a quick estimate of where I'm at body fat % wise and if I should keep on cutting further. I have a progress photo current as of today where I'm at with an estimated body fat %. Does this seem accurate or too low? I'm between 6'1-6'2 and roughly 220. The photo prior to that was about a month back. Any idea how far I am from seeing my abs?[/QUOTE]
Abotu 17%. About 15lbs a way I'd say.
waist 30
i mgur.com/a/2UgYl[/QUOTE]
About 16%
Can someone please give me an estimate on how much bf i have? imgur . com /a/xf3EG
[QUOTE=felpadubove;1521084091]Can someone please give me an estimate on how much bf i have? imgur . com /a/xf3EG[/QUOTE]
13-14% imo
[QUOTE=Hamo62;1521082421]16 years old, 6'2 and weighing 179 Image link below :) had to put space in-between
ibb. co/gJUm0b[/QUOTE]
3 Attachment(s)
6'2. Started cutting about two weeks ago, went from 215 to 208. What's my BF% look like? What would I have to cut down to to see my abs?
[QUOTE=Dorich;1521078661]Around 12%.[/QUOTE]
seems kinda low to me as i still have some good ass lower bellyfat, seems like u have done big ass fat loss too, im down 66lbs now :) how much more lbs u think ishould lose before im ready to lean bulk? getting kinda frustrated as my weight goes down weeklt but cant really see any difference more than that i see my abs better when flexing or smth...
[QUOTE=kamsadiq36;1521105811]6'2. Started cutting about two weeks ago, went from 215 to 208. What's my BF% look like? What would I have to cut down to to see my abs?[/QUOTE]
Around 20%. I'd cut down to about 185.
[QUOTE=Partyrocking;1521082521]Abotu 17%. About 15lbs a way I'd say.
About 16%[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the estimate. I was right at 220 as of this morning (current progress photo). I was estimating around 16-18%. Do you guys think I should cut to about 15 lbs to see the abs and then start slow bulk or maintain? Want to have the definition in the upper body.
[QUOTE=blueripster;1521151641]Thanks for the estimate. I was right at 220 as of this morning (current progress photo). I was estimating around 16-18%. Do you guys think I should cut to about 15 lbs to see the abs and then start slow bulk or maintain? Want to have the definition in the upper body.[/QUOTE]
Not sure exactly what you're asking. I'd cut 15lbs and if you want more size, lean bulk. If you're happy where you are, then maintaining is fine.
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Age : 19
Weight : 174
Height 6'1
[QUOTE=Patkii;1521158571]Age : 19
Weight : 174
Height 6'1[/QUOTE]
Around 13%
[QUOTE=Partyrocking;1521164161]Around 13%[/QUOTE]
Thank you, exactley what I was hoping for. Do you think the next 4-5 lbs will make a visible difference on my relativley light frame?
[QUOTE=Hamo62;1521082421]16 years old, 6'2 and weighing 179 Image link below :) had to put space in-between
ibb. co/gJUm0b[/QUOTE]
bump. Pics in bodyspace as well.
[QUOTE=Patkii;1521166711]Thank you, exactley what I was hoping for. Do you think the next 4-5 lbs will make a visible difference on my relativley light frame?[/QUOTE]
It should. Just don't rush the cut. The leaner you are, the harder it is to retain LBM while cutting. 1-1.5lbs/week would be perfect.
[QUOTE=Hamo62;1521166841]bump. Pics in bodyspace as well.[/QUOTE]
Around 16%