[QUOTE=ThomasCL8298;1606725891]Height - 6'0
Weight - 203 lbs
Think I'm currently around 22% and have a solid base to cut down to but looking for opinions from people much more experienced than me.
Want to get shredded before our first child is born in October.
I would agree around 22-23% would be my estimate as well
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Body fat
I’m currently at 19.7% body fat. Want to get to 17%.
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Estimate my body fat % please :)
5'9 169lb
[QUOTE=ThirdGentlemen;1606953901]Estimate my body fat % please :)
5'9 169lb[/QUOTE]14%. looking good.
[QUOTE=JAszczur1;1606848631]6ft1 160 lbs[/QUOTE]15%.
[QUOTE=chapz;1606954061]14%. looking good.[/QUOTE] Thanks!
Looking for an update - lost 6kg since my last photos, where the suggestion was 19-20%
86kg / 189.5lbs
195cm / 6ft 4 3/4
Plan is to start a 12 week bulk from the 29th June.
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Body fat estimate
I think my body fat is about 22%, what do you think?
I'm 28, 5ft8 and 166lbs.
I've just recently started to cut down and hoping to go down to about 155lbs with a lower body fat. Planning on cutting for 8 weeks to start with and see how I progress. Let me know any advice you have.
I've posted some non flexing pictures below.
Thank you
[QUOTE=MT1991;1607259241]I think my body fat is about 22%, what do you think?
I'm 28, 5ft8 and 166lbs.
I've just recently started to cut down and hoping to go down to about 155lbs with a lower body fat. Planning on cutting for 8 weeks to start with and see how I progress. Let me know any advice you have.
I've posted some non flexing pictures below.
Thank you[/QUOTE]
Around that maybe a bit less at 20-21%
You need to follow a progressive overloading balanced training program so ensuring your weight train will be essential I advise this one:-
[QUOTE=CBRIT89;1607244541]Looking for an update - lost 6kg since my last photos, where the suggestion was 19-20%
86kg / 189.5lbs
195cm / 6ft 4 3/4
Plan is to start a 12 week bulk from the 29th June.[/QUOTE]
13-14% would be my estimate
Thanks, repped again.
Edit: On spread ..
19 years old
142 pounds 5'8"
I think I'm around 13-14% so 18-19% according to Greg
Been cutting (1 pound per week) for about 10 weeks now probably gonna go to maintenance when the gyms open up on Friday but idk might just keep cutting cause I got some fat love handles, thoughts?
Photos in my gallery, it doesn't let me post links
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Estimate Please!
Pics are posted on my bodyspace as well. I weigh 137 pounds, 5'7".
Estimates are appreciated. thanks.
Pics are posted on my bodyspace as well. I weigh 137 pounds, 5'7".
Estimates are appreciated. thanks.[/QUOTE]
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21 years old, I'm 6'3, 174 lbs-ish I used to be about 195 before military training and back then I used to do 5x5 so my lifts were high and stuff but looking back I used to be chubby just slightly around the stomach, im getting a six pack first then I want to start bulking clean while keeping my abs visible, thats why i wanna start from ground up clean then start putting on size. Man just cant wait till abs lol I been doing 100 burpee pushups then next days 2-3 mile runs for cardio, and rotating with some abs workout too, it feels like im close like only place i seem to have a small bit of fat left is my lower belly just very slightly.
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66Kg/176cm - 145lbs/5'9''
any thought on bf% ?
[QUOTE=KingZD1;1607477901]21 years old, I'm 6'3, 174 lbs-ish I used to be about 195 before military training and back then I used to do 5x5 so my lifts were high and stuff but looking back I used to be chubby just slightly around the stomach, im getting a six pack first then I want to start bulking clean while keeping my abs visible, thats why i wanna start from ground up clean then start putting on size. Man just cant wait till abs lol I been doing 100 burpee pushups then next days 2-3 mile runs for cardio, and rotating with some abs workout too, it feels like im close like only place i seem to have a small bit of fat left is my lower belly just very slightly.[/QUOTE]
13% about
66Kg/176cm - 145lbs/5'9''
any thought on bf% ?[/QUOTE]
5 ft 6
5 ft 6
About 20%
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Checking in on bf% after a couple of weeks. Ty in advance for your estimate(s)/help!
5'7 169
[QUOTE=howene;1607775691]Checking in on bf% after a couple of weeks. Ty in advance for your estimate(s)/help!
5'7 169[/QUOTE]
Around 16-17%
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1607782921]Around 16-17%[/QUOTE]
Thank you very much!
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I'm thinking that I am around 13%-14% but would like some other opinions as well.
Picture was taken in the morning, unflexed, with no pump or weight training since two days prior.
don't want to create my own thread so i'll ask a quick low effort question here: 5'7, 160 lbs @ around 18-19% bf... do you guys think it's fine to cut down to 145-150 lbs?
just want to make sure that i have enough muscle (based on those numbers) to warrant cutting down to 13-14% bf
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Please critique my diet and bf%
should I keep cutting or bulk/lean bulk?
I'm 40yrs, was almost at 200 in July last 2019, at the moment at 166.7
I've been changing my macros as I went along my fat loss,
my current macros: pro: 189, Carb: 198: Fat 37
it's my guess that my bf % is at 25% so I'm assuming my lean mass at 126 x 15cal --goal 1890
three time 250 cal cardio per week,
current workout:
barbell bench press 5x5
barbell bent over row 5x5
overhead shoulder press 5x5
t-bar row 4x8
pull ups 4x8
barbell close bench press 4x8
barbell curl 4x8
squat 5x5
deadlift 5x5
bar hip thrust 3x8
lunges 3x10
leg extensions 4x12
hamstring curl 4x12
calf raises 4x10
Wednesday rest
bar bent over row 4x8
pull ups. 4x8
t-bar row 3x10
dumbbell one arm row 3x12
bar curl 4x8
dumbbell seated hammer curl 4x10
bar shrug 3x10
bench press 4x8
shoulder press 4x8
dumbbell incline bench press 3x10
cable triceps pushdown 4x10
cable rope face pull 4x15
squat 4x8
bar romanian deadlift 2x10
bar hip thrust 3x10
lunges 5x10
leg extensions 3x15
hamstring curl 3x15
calf raises 3x12
Sunday --rest
my ideal body/weight would be 175lbs visible abs :)
Thanks in advance
[QUOTE=Luclin999;1607812551]I'm thinking that I am around 13%-14% but would like some other opinions as well.
Picture was taken in the morning, unflexed, with no pump or weight training since two days prior.[/QUOTE]
I would agree 13% would have been my estimate
[QUOTE=faithbrah;1607915471]don't want to create my own thread so i'll ask a quick low effort question here: 5'7, 160 lbs @ around 18-19% bf... do you guys think it's fine to cut down to 145-150 lbs?
just want to make sure that i have enough muscle (based on those numbers) to warrant cutting down to 13-14% bf[/QUOTE]
Its a bit difficult to tell based on just numbers I am afraid a pic would be required. At 5ft 7 I wouldn't say its too low being 150lbs I personally would review once I got down to 150lb before considering any further.
[QUOTE=yoyojazzy;1607946911]Please critique my diet and bf%
should I keep cutting or bulk/lean bulk?
I'm 40yrs, was almost at 200 in July last 2019, at the moment at 166.7
I've been changing my macros as I went along my fat loss,
my current macros: pro: 189, Carb: 198: Fat 37
it's my guess that my bf % is at 25% so I'm assuming my lean mass at 126 x 15cal --goal 1890
three time 250 cal cardio per week,
Thanks in advance[/QUOTE]
I have you lower at around 19-20%. As for the rest of info required best to post that on the workout section.
As for your diet. Your fats are too low for the minimum requirements it should be 0.4 X body weight (so for you) = 66+ fats
So cut down on either or both the protein and carbs to compensate.
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1607987861]I would agree 13% would have been my estimate
Its a bit difficult to tell based on just numbers I am afraid a pic would be required. At 5ft 7 I wouldn't say its too low being 150lbs I personally would review once I got down to 150lb before considering any further.
I have you lower at around 19-20%. As for the rest of info required best to post that on the workout section.
As for your diet. Your fats are too low for the minimum requirements it should be 0.4 X body weight (so for you) = 66+ fats
So cut down on either or both the protein and carbs to compensate.[/QUOTE]i would say higher than 13 tbh I’m 14% ish maybe lower and I have no jiggle or do you think it’s just skin
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[QUOTE=snailsrus;1607990021]i would say higher than 13 tbh I’m 14% ish maybe lower and I have no jiggle or do you think it’s just skin[/QUOTE]
If you are answering in regards to me...
Six years ago I was carrying about 100 more pounds of fat than I am now and because of that the lower back/abdomen skin is fairly loose and sags down a bit as well.
Right now that "jiggly" skin definitely still has some fat to it but is also very loose so it makes for a sloppy mess below my waistline. Which is why I am still planning to lose another 5-6 pounds to attempt to deflate that area even more.
For comparison, this is what I was like when I was just 40 pounds heavier back in March 2019 versus last week. (I don't have any pictures from back when I was up close to 250 pounds).
[QUOTE=Luclin999;1608002441]If you are answering in regards to me...
Six years ago I was carrying about 100 more pounds of fat than I am now and because of that the lower back/abdomen skin is fairly loose and sags down a bit as well.
Right now that "jiggly" skin definitely still has some fat to it but is also very loose so it makes for a sloppy mess below my waistline. Which is why I am still planning to lose another 5-6 pounds to attempt to deflate that area even more.
For comparison, this is what I was like when I was just 40 pounds heavier back in March 2019 versus last week. (I don't have any pictures from back when I was up close to 250 pounds).[/QUOTE]damn that’s crazy ya pretty sure that’s what would happen to my husband if he actually lost the weight he’s always talking about but he’ll never give up beer, 200ish at 5’8 he’s stocky and has muscle but he’s at 30% right now he loves trump and they have the same BMI lol ������
Do you think the skin will tighten up and really that’s god damn impressive
And speaking of bf my new gym (my 24 hour closed forever) does free dexa scans with my membership level and avatars that show you what you would look like with more muscle or less bf or both
I’m 6’2 and weigh 178 lb. I have no clue what my body fat percentage is. Ideally, I’d like to lose a little more body fat, but don’t want to drop too many lbs. My profile picture is old, so here’s a newer picture: