Around 12% fantastic groin V shape. Can't change your ribs and it doesn't matter it will make your chest look even bigger. Simple gain more muscle and you will be glad you have a large rib cage. It also will draw your back muscles out therefore make your lats look bigger.
Thanks I appreciate it. I've never really seen it as a good thing but that makes me feel a lot better. Do you recommend about 2-3 lbs per month or should I try to push 5?
[QUOTE=jav017;1572628541]Thanks I appreciate it. I've never really seen it as a good thing but that makes me feel a lot better. Do you recommend about 2-3 lbs per month or should I try to push 5?[/QUOTE]
I would highly recommend on 2-3lbs max if possible (I know it is tempting to eat more I have the same problem). It is the time generally that can be achieved naturally and with perfect conditions see link for more info:-
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1572636461]I would highly recommend on 2-3lbs max if possible (I know it is tempting to eat more I have the same problem). It is the time generally that can be achieved naturally and with perfect conditions see link for more info:-
What role does muscle memory play if, for instance, one has built solid muscle years ago but stopped training for a year or more, lost weight then started a bulk following good nutrition and a good novice program such as Fierce 5. Can this individual regain monthly mass for a certain amount of time at an accelerated rate of more than the 2-3 lb monthly max until he is back to where he was when he stopped?
What role does muscle memory play if, for instance, one has built solid muscle years ago but stopped training for a year or more, lost weight then started a bulk following good nutrition and a good novice program such as Fierce 5. Can this individual regain monthly mass for a certain amount of time at an accelerated rate of more than the 2-3 lb monthly max until he is back to where he was when he stopped?[/QUOTE]
Yes if an individual has weight training experience and built muscle before then it is likely they will gain muscle more rapid then someone starting new. Generally they will achieve the same size as the previous lost muscle from muscle memory however very unlikely to exceed beyond it at a fast rate and will only hit the same building amount (2-3lbs a month) after meeting previous amount of muscle.
How fast they will build this muscle is generally down to the individual but most likely will pass the 2-3lb amount per month. Here are some info about muscle memory:-
hello, firstly greetings and appreciate amazing work that people are doing at this website
now, coming to my questions,
-> can i please know a estimate of my body fat percentage (am guessing 22% ?) (now am at 5feet8inches, 70kg)..unfortunately i dont know how to post a direct link of photos in this post as i am a newbie on this site and am still trying to figure it out, but side and front photos are there on my bodyspace account details.
-> also can i please know, considering my supertight work schedules, if its possible to get to and maintain 15% body fat at my current weight itself by
~ probably gain 7 kg muscle and shed 7 kg fat ?
~ would 6 months be a reasonable target ?
~ is it necessary to travel to gym for resistance training or can i just do it at home using resistance bands and dumbells for a typical fullbody workout of about 30 minutes 4 times a week at home ?
~ does a clean diet of about 1850kcal a day with macros 160g protein/70g fat/160g good carbs meeting daily requirements of all other micronutrients suffice ?
thanks for the help and patience as am not a native speaker of english
[QUOTE=phdbody;1572687061]hello, firstly greetings and appreciate amazing work that people are doing at this website
now, coming to my questions,
-> can i please know a estimate of my body fat percentage (am guessing 22% ?) (now am at 5feet8inches, 70kg)..unfortunately i dont know how to post a direct link of photos in this post as i am a newbie on this site and am still trying to figure it out, but side and front photos are there on my bodyspace account details.
-> also can i please know, considering my supertight work schedules, if its possible to get to and maintain 15% body fat at my current weight itself by
~ probably gain 7 kg muscle and shed 7 kg fat ?
~ would 6 months be a reasonable target ?
~ is it necessary to travel to gym for resistance training or can i just do it at home using resistance bands and dumbells for a typical fullbody workout of about 30 minutes 4 times a week at home ?
~ does a clean diet of about 1850kcal a day with macros 160g protein/70g fat/160g good carbs meeting daily requirements of all other micronutrients suffice ?
thanks for the help and patience as am not a native speaker of english[/QUOTE]
19% more like you just lack muscle.
As for you questions:-
- No you wont gain 7kg of muscle in 6 months and probably struggle to lose 7kg of fat in 6 month as for both no chance.
- No you will be thinking a good year if not longer.
- You could if your dumbells are heavier enough but I doubt it as most programs require barbells (I know nothing about cathletics (body weight evercises so cant help there)) I recommend this workout:-
- 'Clean diet' means nothing it is all about calories in vs calories, your macros are fine if you are cutting if bulking you dont require that much protein 110g would be fine technically.
down to 188 @6'.
[QUOTE=KCMann;1572704361]down to 188 @6'.
Around 14-15% you can start seeing your core when relaxed. Although the tapering of the waist is yet to occur which usually happens about 12%
6ft2 219 lbs, 24
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1572701051]19% more like you just lack muscle.
As for you questions:-
- No you wont gain 7kg of muscle in 6 months and probably struggle to lose 7kg of fat in 6 month as for both no chance.
- No you will be thinking a good year if not longer.
- You could if your dumbells are heavier enough but I doubt it as most programs require barbells (I know nothing about cathletics (body weight evercises so cant help there)) I recommend this workout:-
- 'Clean diet' means nothing it is all about calories in vs calories, your macros are fine if you are cutting if bulking you dont require that much protein 110g would be fine technically.[/QUOTE]
thanks for the helpful and meticulous answers
as you seem to indicate, i will join gym now to do more rigorous weight training 3 times a week for an hour, and once a week at home relatively lighter with 2 5kg dumbbells and resistance bands
i just had one more question regarding cutting and bulking and appreciate your answers .. should i recalibrate my target to a more reasonable goal to overall gain 4kg muscle and shed 4 kg fat for now ? and if the proper approach to do it maybe to from now on cut to 65kg (preserving as much muscle as possible by weight training and 160g protein diet) and then bulk to 75kg(with 110g protein diet and weight training again) and basically repeat this cycle of cut-bulk-cut oscillating between 65 to 75kg range till i attain the optimum of 70kg with 15% body fat ?
once again thanks for help and patience as i am not a native english speaker
1 Attachment(s)
About to start lifting for good, will be extremely serious for the first 3-6 months to see where I end up. I'm just unsure what to do.
I'm 5'6 148lbs which is quite heavy without that much muscle, so I'm wondering if I should bulk/cut/maintain? I really don't want to stall (I'll be doing Fierce 5) as it sucks, but I also don't want to become overweight with a lot of visible fat. Advice greatly appreciated.
[QUOTE=phdbody;1572756071]thanks for the helpful and meticulous answers
as you seem to indicate, i will join gym now to do more rigorous weight training 3 times a week for an hour, and once a week at home relatively lighter with 2 5kg dumbbells and resistance bands
i just had one more question regarding cutting and bulking and appreciate your answers .. should i recalibrate my target to a more reasonable goal to overall gain 4kg muscle and shed 4 kg fat for now ? and if the proper approach to do it maybe to from now on cut to 65kg (preserving as much muscle as possible by weight training and 160g protein diet) and then bulk to 75kg(with 110g protein diet and weight training again) and basically repeat this cycle of cut-bulk-cut oscillating between 65 to 75kg range till i attain the optimum of 70kg with 15% body fat ?
once again thanks for help and patience as i am not a native english speaker[/QUOTE]
Generally yes you will need to cycle bulking and cutting until you hit the position you want to be. Of course its not the only way of gaining muscle but for most (me included) it is the safest option to ensure you actually build enough muscle.
Your protein levels are fine. You just need to make sure you are in a deficit for weight loss and a surplus for gaining. That sounds resemble as you should have some newbie gains.
Best to focus on one target first losing fat or gaining muscle. The choice is yours.
6ft2 219 lbs, 24[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Canseca;1572766411]About to start lifting for good, will be extremely serious for the first 3-6 months to see where I end up. I'm just unsure what to do.
I'm 5'6 148lbs which is quite heavy without that much muscle, so I'm wondering if I should bulk/cut/maintain? I really don't want to stall (I'll be doing Fierce 5) as it sucks, but I also don't want to become overweight with a lot of visible fat. Advice greatly appreciated.[/QUOTE]
18% about. I would consider lean bulking very slowly add about 200 calories your maintenance and gain about 2lbs max a month. Make sure you follow Fierce 5 completely and see how far you get by adding such a small amount of calories you wont gain hardly any fat. In order for you to increase calories by 200 you have to gain less then a 1lb a month or you stall on your lifts after a couple deloads.
That way you should build nearly all muscle instead of adding any more fat as I believe more muscle will offer better results.
18 years old, 6 foot 175 lbs. my goal is to not be skinny fat, should I bulk or cut?
[QUOTE=ItsDolph4;1572787101]18 years old, 6 foot 175 lbs. my goal is to not be skinny fat, should I bulk or cut?
16-17% I would lean bulk you are only 18 so perfect to gain muscle aim to add 2-3lbs a month on a calorie surplus 200-300 calories. Being 6ft you can get away with being heavier.
Bump for my post on the previous page - any estimate would be great, thanks!
28yo, 6ft 175lbs
Just curious about my bf %. Just recently in the past year got into fitness and don’t know nearly as much as I probably should. At what point should I stop focusing so much on cutting and start working on building some muscle? Thanks
Pics in bodyspace. Sry don’t have 50 posts for links.
[QUOTE=ImDanny;1572837811]Hi, could you tell me my bf% on my 1,5 month before and after progress photos. Pics in my progression gallery. I’m 20yo (21 in March) 5’8,5/174cm 152lbs/69kg.
Also I was wondering if you could give me advice how to lose lower belly fat and also if there’s any way to get rid of love handles even tho my hip bone is propably wider than average in my opinion.[/QUOTE]
I would say 14-15% hips are not as wide as you think you just need to train those lats and shoulders more man. either way good work
[QUOTE=jste5108;1572837521]28yo, 6ft 175lbs
Just curious about my bf %. Just recently in the past year got into fitness and don’t know nearly as much as I probably should. At what point should I stop focusing so much on cutting and start working on building some muscle? Thanks
Pics in bodyspace. Sry don’t have 50 posts for links.[/QUOTE]
I would say thats around 16-17% bf
[QUOTE=adc0406;1572793831]Bump for my post on the previous page - any estimate would be great, thanks![/QUOTE] around 15-16% you got a solid base going
Whats my bf%? Bulk or cut?
Just uploaded pics in my profile that I took right now, and btw I haven’t lifted for a week bcuz shoulder injury.
Bulk or cut? Do a small cut? Wait a few months and then cut? Will I lose muscle if I cut now? Am I too small? Around 85kg, 178 cm tall. If I cut now, how will I look after? Like I dont even lift?
1 Attachment(s)
I’m 6foot, 209 lbs, down from 325 from 5 years ago. Been fairly constant at this weight +/- 10 lbs, with fluctuations. I find myself almost constantly trying to cut, while weight training, integrating HIIT, and ultimately being disappointed. I’m starting to question if it’s a body fat issue or if I’ve fallen victim to the ‘leftover skin’ issue. In my mind I feel leaner, until I look down, I have muscle, decent strength, but it’s like I’m wearing a body suit one size too big. Is this possibly the case? Would like a BF% estimate, I’m trying to decide if I need to just accept this and start eating in a surplus to try and fill out more.
1 Attachment(s)
5'9", 175 lbs, 34 years old
Compound lifts, 750-1000 cal deficit
How much more weight should I lose to start maintaining / lean bulking?
Inbody machines are not accurate so I have been told.
Can anyone be kind to Check my body space and comment on my bf%?
I am 5.9 and 158lbs
[QUOTE=Szekan;1572900761]Inbody machines are not accurate so I have been told.
Can anyone be kind to Check my body space and comment on my bf%?
I am 5.9 and 158lbs[/QUOTE]
Dude great work, you put on some nice lean mass, ima say 15% in the jan 19 photo not sure about the others. I cant imagine what progress you will make in the next couple of months brother, keep it going.
5 Attachment(s)
What is my body fat %?
I am a 31 years old 5'9" Tall, 210 pounds, never worked out, but messing around in the gym with a friend I benched 185 for 3 reps *shrug*. I just started to eat healthy maybe tell me what you think my body fat % is, I am guessing around 23-25% I am more muscular than most guys.
P.S. Idk why my pics uploaded sideways....
[QUOTE=JorneBrah;1572878491]Whats my bf%? Bulk or cut?
Just uploaded pics in my profile that I took right now, and btw I haven’t lifted for a week bcuz shoulder injury.
Bulk or cut? Do a small cut? Wait a few months and then cut? Will I lose muscle if I cut now? Am I too small? Around 85kg, 178 cm tall. If I cut now, how will I look after? Like I dont even lift?[/QUOTE]
20-22% - cut I would say.
[QUOTE=Dman1626;1572883991]I’m 6foot, 209 lbs, down from 325 from 5 years ago. Been fairly constant at this weight +/- 10 lbs, with fluctuations. I find myself almost constantly trying to cut, while weight training, integrating HIIT, and ultimately being disappointed. I’m starting to question if it’s a body fat issue or if I’ve fallen victim to the ‘leftover skin’ issue. In my mind I feel leaner, until I look down, I have muscle, decent strength, but it’s like I’m wearing a body suit one size too big. Is this possibly the case? Would like a BF% estimate, I’m trying to decide if I need to just accept this and start eating in a surplus to try and fill out more.[/QUOTE]
19-20% would be my guess although you do look quite lean around your stomach (you can see your outline of your core) you seem to retain fat around your sides.
Choice is yours really if you have been cutting for a long time might be worth eating at maintenance and workout, you can still build muscle this way just can be slower.
[QUOTE=illpinoise;1572897761]5'9", 175 lbs, 34 years old
Compound lifts, 750-1000 cal deficit
How much more weight should I lose to start maintaining / lean bulking?[/QUOTE]
19% around. Always hard to guess weight loss as many factors make up weight (glycogen/ water weight) however go for about 15lbs and you should be lean enough to lean bulk.
[QUOTE=brubash;1572949611]I am a 31 years old 5'9" Tall, 210 pounds, never worked out, but messing around in the gym with a friend I benched 185 for 3 reps *shrug*. I just started to eat healthy maybe tell me what you think my body fat % is, I am guessing around 23-25% I am more muscular than most guys.
P.S. Idk why my pics uploaded sideways....[/QUOTE]
Would agree with your bf estimate around the 23-24% mark would have been my guess.
Hi All,
I’m 21 and from UK.
Here’s some shots - I’ve just put on a few KG over Christmas
Advice on how I should proceed - I wanna get leaner and gain some bigger arms
Please check my gallery for pictures taken recently
Would agree with your bf estimate around the 23-24% mark would have been my guess.[/QUOTE]
Thanks much appreciated!
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1572956541]20-22% - cut I would say.
Does 2500 cal a day for 10 weeks sound good?