[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1590570911]Around 16%
No as you have a V shape which most individuals who are 'undertrained' dont have one. And also your core is noticeable at a higher bf%. You just need to cut some fat to look a little bit leaner. An individual who is 'skinny fat' isn't usually advised to cut they are advised to workout.
You don't have considerable amount of fat you actually look pretty lean IMO.
Bulking would be my advice at a rate of around 2lbs a month and then cutting again in around 6 months (if weight gain is controlled which is key)
Bf% - 16%[/QUOTE]
I like to think Im pretty lean, at least in the mornings before I eat or drink anything but typically in the middle of the day I’ll look like this https ://imgur.com/a/iKzJXTq and it makes me think another 5-10 lbs fat loss wouldnt be terrible