Males for online interviews - 50$ incentive provided!
Hi everyone,
Sorry for posting something unrelated to current discussion, but I could really use your help!
I am a PhD candidate at Western Sydney University. For my PhD project, I am developing a new body image questionnaire. For this purpose I am conducting online interviews via Zoom teleconferencing with males who currently have OR previously had either:
a) eating/body image concerns;
b) disordered eating;
c) eating disorder or muscle dysmorphia diagnosis
The topic of the interview is body image and participants will be asked questions about experience with their own body, thoughts, emotions, and beliefs about one's weight and shape. During the interview, participants do not have to use the Zoom video. The interview will last no more than one hour and you will be reimbursed with $50 AUD giftcard.
This study has been approved by the University's ethics committee board. If you are under the age of 18, you will be given a parental information sheet and parental informed consent (in addition to participant information sheet and participant informed consent) which must be signed on-screen before participation.
If you find yourself in the participant description and are interested in helping me out with research, contact me on my email address:19957210(at) If you have any questions or doubts, also don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you in advance!