143 lb
BF estimate? and how many more lbs to drop in order to get to 10%?
143 lb
BF estimate? and how many more lbs to drop in order to get to 10%?
[QUOTE=newbie234;1566939081]I’m 6,1 180 pounds I have lost around 70-80 pounds can u please estimate my body fat lifting for a year pictures are in my body space (flexed)[/QUOTE]
Near 13/14%
143 lb
BF estimate? and how many more lbs to drop in order to get to 10%?
Around 15/16% however picture is pretty poor. As for 10% I wouldn't go that low you need to add lean body mass before trying to go that low or you will look too small and skinny .
Bf% please?
Height 5'9 weight 153lbs
And yes I'm flexing under good lighting lol[/QUOTE]
Around 10-11% I would say.
Thanks, so would you recommend to lean bulk?
If yes, for how long?
I heard gaining muscle can lower my body fat percentage... Not sure if thats true..
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1566997091]Near 13/14%
Around 15/16% however picture is pretty poor. As for 10% I wouldn't go that low you need to add lean body mass before trying to go that low or you will look too small and skinny .
Around 10-11% I would say.[/QUOTE]
Thanks. Can it really be that low with the little lower belly fat I have? If I went to 8% do you think it'll be gone by then?
[QUOTE=akhan328;1567005711]Thanks. Can it really be that low with the little lower belly fat I have? If I went to 8% do you think it'll be gone by then?[/QUOTE]
From what I have found is you generally need to be in single digit fat to lose the last bit of fat around your lower abs (especially in men), or you need to have a higher level of lbm to compensate by having bigger abs. Being at 8% good possibility but that is level which generally isn't maintainable if you plan to gain a good amount of muscle after your cut.
Building your abs including lower abs would help them become more noticeable at higher levels bf% (10-11%)
[QUOTE=hiimfuud;1566998761]Thanks, so would you recommend to lean bulk?
If yes, for how long?
I heard gaining muscle can lower my body fat percentage... Not sure if thats true..[/QUOTE]
Your profile says you are 19 so yes you should do a lean bulk. Work out your maintenance calories then add 250-400 calories and aim to gain 1-2lbs a month whilst doing a proven weight training program (see workout stickies for advice). How long is difficult to say but 6 months is usually a minimum and if you gain weight slowly you should gain mainly muscle. As for the bf% lowering on a lean bulk it is difficult to do as any bulk will add some fat, however you certainly can look more built and better whilst maintaining your bf% near enough the same throughout your lean bulk.
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1567012721]From what I have found is you generally need to be in single digit fat to lose the last bit of fat around your lower abs (especially in men), or you need to have a higher level of lbm to compensate by having bigger abs. Being at 8% good possibility but that is level which generally isn't maintainable if you plan to gain a good amount of muscle after your cut.
Building your abs including lower abs would help them become more noticeable at higher levels bf% (10-11%)[/QUOTE]
Yeah I just want to get there to see how I look and take a few pics for social media haha. But will bulk after that of course. Thank you for the replies and advice
Thank you for the replies :)
I’m 5’11” 240lbs 29 years old. 3 months back in the gym after too many years off. Would like to hear body fat estimates as a starting point. Big gut, plenty of fat. Would like to think I still have a good amount of muscle mass from my younger days. Pics in bio, any help is appreciated.
[QUOTE=conman29;1567044131]I’m 5’11” 240lbs 29 years old. 3 months back in the gym after too many years off. Would like to hear body fat estimates as a starting point. Big gut, plenty of fat. Would like to think I still have a good amount of muscle mass from my younger days. Pics in bio, any help is appreciated.[/QUOTE]
You are in the bracket of about 27% bf. Although you do seem to have a decent amount of lbm.
That was around my guess as well. Thank you
Ok I am now 170.5 lbs, 6'2", and 32. What is my bf% now and how far am I to 10%?[ATTACH=CONFIG]9021111[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]9021121[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]9021131[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]9021141[/ATTACH]
[QUOTE=lasttiger;1567098311]Ok I am now 170.5 lbs, 6'2", and 32. What is my bf% now and how far am I to 10%?[ATTACH=CONFIG]9021111[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]9021121[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]9021131[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]9021141[/ATTACH][/QUOTE]
You're probably pretty much there. Why do you want to be such low BF% anyway? You should definitely focus on adding muscle.
[QUOTE=lasttiger;1567098311]Ok I am now 170.5 lbs, 6'2", and 32. What is my bf% now and how far am I to 10%?[ATTACH=CONFIG]9021111[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]9021121[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]9021131[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]9021141[/ATTACH][/QUOTE]
I have you around 11-12% you are very close although I would say you need to build some more muscle if aesthetics is your goal.
Lost 50 lbs twice in my life currently; I have been cutting for 8 months (BF from around %25 to %16 - lost 22 LBS), I think I am around %16, what do you think ?
Age: 27
Waist : 33.5
Arm: 15.5
Hip: 39
Height : 6'
Weight : 180
Hey guys,
I would like a bf estimation. Weight is 75 kg and height 173 cm.
Thank you very much!
[QUOTE=emrdnz;1567144311]Lost 50 lbs twice in my life currently; I have been cutting for 8 months (BF from around %25 to %16 - lost 22 LBS), I think I am around %16, what do you think ?
Age: 27
Waist : 33.5
Arm: 15.5
Hip: 39
Height : 6'
Weight : 180[/QUOTE]
Yep 16% looks right.
[QUOTE=Galiron;1567154691]Hey guys,
I would like a bf estimation. Weight is 75 kg and height 173 cm.
Thank you very much![/QUOTE]
I would say near 17% some veins on arm however limit core visibility. Good level of lbm coming along.
168 lbs
76.2 kg
https: //imgur. com/a/mPVBdXV
[QUOTE=19dulla;1567213891]168 lbs
76.2 kg
https: //imgur. com/a/mPVBdXV[/QUOTE]
Around 20%
20 Years old 6’0”
Currently at 180 lbs after dropping from 265.
Can I please get an estimate and should I cut more or bulk up?
[QUOTE=Nickthaugen;1567226831]20 Years old 6’0”
Currently at 180 lbs after dropping from 265.
Can I please get an estimate and should I cut more or bulk up?[/QUOTE]
Around 13%. Certainly bulk.
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1567236681]Around 13%. Certainly bulk.[/QUOTE]
No visible abs and I still have a decent bit of fat I can grab. Are you sure I should bulk? I feel like I will just get fatter
[QUOTE=Nickthaugen;1567240991]No visible abs and I still have a decent bit of fat I can grab. Are you sure I should bulk? I feel like I will just get fatter[/QUOTE]
That is because you lbm is too low for visible abs to worth your while. You would need to go into single figure body fat to see them and even then you will just seem very skinny. If you lean bulk with a small surplus of 200-300 calories over your maintenance then you will add very little fat as long as you follow a progressive proven weight training program (see workout stickies for advice). You will look a lot better then getting really skinny for abs.
Remember abs are only one part of the whole picture anyone can starve to get abs, not everyone can build abs to appear along with a good overall physique I would focus on that more IMHO.
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1567241911]That is because you lbm is too low for visible abs to worth your while. You would need to go into single figure body fat to see them and even then you will just seem very skinny. If you lean bulk with a small surplus of 200-300 calories over your maintenance then you will add very little fat as long as you follow a progressive proven weight training program (see workout stickies for advice). You will look a lot better then getting really skinny for abs.
Remember abs are only one part of the whole picture anyone can starve to get abs, not everyone can build abs to appear along with a good overall physique I would focus on that more IMHO.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the advice! Guess I will be doing a slow bulk and busting my ass in the gym
Hi guys, i would appreciate if anyone can tell me whats my bodyfat% is? Thanks for ur time sir. I’m 28, 5”10, 200lbs
[QUOTE=Mervyn7;1567289731]Hi guys, i would appreciate if anyone can tell me whats my bodyfat% is? Thanks for ur time sir. I’m 28, 5”10, 200lbs
I would say around 21-22%
What would be my body fat percentage??
Age 35
Working out since 3 months
height: 5 feet 4 1/2 inches (165 cms)
Weight: 71.5 kgs (157 pounds)
chest: 38
belly :38
arms: 12
Its only three months that I have started working out and I feel my muscles have gained but my belly isn't reducing.Since beginning, I have been eating around my maintenance calories and have been focusing on heavy lifting.Since 1 week, I tried bulking with 500 calories surplus and by belly shot up even more than before. In this scenario I am confused if I Should bulk/cut/recompose
How about my bf % now? I've cut a fair bit, now 118lbs at 171cm. Lifts have gone up during the cut, but only by a couple of kg in most cases.
https: //imgur.com/a/ORPlikm
Do you all think cutting 4lbs more should see me at 10%?
[QUOTE=azx26;1567304021]How about my bf % now? I've cut a fair bit, now 118lbs at 171cm. Lifts have gone up during the cut, but only by a couple of kg in most cases.
https: //imgur.com/a/ORPlikm
Do you all think cutting 4lbs more should see me at 10%?[/QUOTE]
Stop cutting. You are about 10% just bulk now. Your BMI is unhealthy.
Age : 41
Height : 169cm
Currently : 165lbs
so I did my cut from 216 down to 142, I have a month or so left of my bulk, tried really hard to stick to 2lbs but averaged just under 3lbs. This was last month at around 163lbs.
After my cut my lower belly was sagging quite a bit, now not as much but I think it could be because I have filled up with a bit more fat/water stores !!
Can I get a % BF estimate. I think when I get to 168lbs I will cut. What do you think ?
For some reason the picture appears sideways !