[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1565630301]Around 22% I would think.
First off well done on the weight lose any weight lose is an improvement. As for the picture difference I see a significant change first of the most noticeable change is your stomach it seems a lot flatter as well as this your chest seems a lot more defined, so yes a clear improvement.
I believe this choice is down to you really, you could lose weight and aim for more defined stomach (obviously not sure how your op may effect your abdominal though) you have a strong core so you could aim for this. However as you are expecting to have surgery I would maintain for now have the OP and then recover, yes you may add a little bit of fat as you probably will be more stationary then usual but you have a great amount lbm so you should be fine. Good work.[/QUOTE]
Thanks! What do you think my current BF% is today? If I was not having surgery and based on my 11-7-18 pic, how long do you think it should take me to get to 10%?
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1565630301]Around 22% I would think.
Hey, thanks a lot for your opinion.
I am currently cutting, and I'm wondering how far I can go.
Since I don't weigh that much, but my body fat is pretty damn high, I don't think I could actually cut to 12-13% (well in theory I could, but I'm gonna be too skinny), so I'm planning to cut to 15%, and then lean bulk. Do you think that's a good idea?
[QUOTE=adimeco;1565631061]Thanks! What do you think my current BF% is today? If I was not having surgery and based on my 11-7-18 pic, how long do you think it should take me to get to 10%?[/QUOTE]
Your current bf% is around 13 maybe a little lower you only have some fat around your waist which I can see (normal spot for men). As always guessing a time frame is always difficult it depends how much you are losing and the proportion of fat vs lbm (and glycogen, water weight loss). You lost 6 pound last month so maybe you could lose 4-5 in a month (gets harder the leaner you are) and as a complete guess/ estimate your weight at 10% would be around 170-175lbs ish so lose 7-10lbs about two months (of course many things can effect this water lose instead of fat, stalls in fat lose through water retention).
[QUOTE=yonsandaime;1565636801]Hey, thanks a lot for your opinion.
I am currently cutting, and I'm wondering how far I can go.
Since I don't weigh that much, but my body fat is pretty damn high, I don't think I could actually cut to 12-13% (well in theory I could, but I'm gonna be too skinny), so I'm planning to cut to 15%, and then lean bulk. Do you think that's a good idea?[/QUOTE]
Sounds good 15% is a solid number and is regarded as lean in most bf estimates so go for it.
Hey guys, im on my way from obesity to a little less fat. I’ve been steadily losing weight for two years, and im down from 300lbs to 225. I have a holiday trip coming up in start of March, i was wondering that could i get even close to having abs at 4 months? I think that im about 25-30% bf. Could i get to 13-15% in 4 months? Pics are in my profile.
6’1 225lbs
[QUOTE=hesperiii;1565686021]Hey guys, im on my way from obesity to a little less fat. I’ve been steadily losing weight for two years, and im down from 300lbs to 225. I have a holiday trip coming up in start of March, i was wondering that could i get even close to having abs at 4 months? I think that im about 25-30% bf. Could i get to 13-15% in 4 months? Pics are in my profile.
6’1 225lbs[/QUOTE]
Based on your pictures I think you are around the 25-27% bracket you do have a good amount of lbm seeing you have a strong V shape even at the higher bf% which is good. As for getting abs that is near on impossible to tell you look like you have enough lbm to look good at lower bf so if your core is strong then around 15% you start to see some.
In 16 weeks you could lose 2lbs a week on average (this is a estimate) so 32lbs (this won't be all fat though) or near. So in theory and you keep to your diet without going too overindulgence during the festive period, yes you could get to the start of a defined core (around 15%). Only one flaw generally and that is if your core is not very strong, then dropping to 12-13% is needed to see some abs which may cause you to lose too much lbm. Go for it consistently and it is achievable and at the least you will look much more defined and with your V shape will look good.
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1565626021]It is suggested that you try and lose between 1-2lb of weight per week this maintain muscles and is generally best health wise for anyone who isn't overweight which you clearly aren't. I know you aren't concerned with losing lbm but remember it takes about 4x longer (if not longer) to build muscle then lose fat and it gets slower building muscle as you progress, so keeping as much as possible is the best course.
If you are losing 1-2lbs a week then I would keep going on your deficit (remember weight lose is not linear and you may not drop for two weeks then drop 3lbs). If you aren't losing at about 1lb a week minimum then dropping calories a bit might help and increasing exercise. As for how long its really hard to tell as losing fat of the belly on men is generally the last thing, I would say maybe two months is a safe bet (as some days/ weeks you are likely to over count calories or under exercise everyone does to some degree), although you can't really put a time frame on these kinds of things as you could have a stronger or weaker core so being able to see the muscle varies a lot.[/QUOTE]
Great answer. I will definitely go off this. You got any link to study I can look at based on why this is true?: "remember weight lose is not linear and you may not drop for two weeks then drop 3lbs"
I'd really like to take a look as I'm gathering a lot of research studies right now to science the **** out of my fitness haha.
Thanks for your help
Hey Guys,
My pics are in body space due to my post count.
I’m 21 female 123lbs /55.7kgs and 5’ 1”
I have a holiday coming up in January, how close do you think I could get to seeing a more hour glass figure on my back? As in wider upper body / smaller waist & less lower back fat.
[QUOTE=Josh100x;1565767771]Great answer. I will definitely go off this. You got any link to study I can look at based on why this is true?: "remember weight lose is not linear and you may not drop for two weeks then drop 3lbs"
I'd really like to take a look as I'm gathering a lot of research studies right now to science the **** out of my fitness haha.
Thanks for your help[/QUOTE]
The general idea behind weight loss not being linear comes from the idea that burning fat is actually expelled through carbon dioxide and water and not converted to heat through burning energy, which would go against the laws of conservation. Therefore you need to breath out fat and sweat/ pee it out as water through your body breakdown on the fat cells by removing the carbon inside.
Likewise one key thinkers in human physiology Lyle Mcdonald talks about the 'Whoosh effect' when losing weight.
His thinking is that when the fat cell reduce the water part of them retains within the cell longer keeping its shape then the carbon dioxide, so can take longer time period (weeks possibly) to complete empty the fat cell as fat cells are never actually destroyed just shrunk. I recommend reading a lot of his works they are very interesting.
Hope this helps.
[QUOTE=Fat2Fitterr;1565804281]Hey Guys,
My pics are in body space due to my post count.
I’m 21 female 123lbs /55.7kgs and 5’ 1”
I have a holiday coming up in January, how close do you think I could get to seeing a more hour glass figure on my back? As in wider upper body / smaller waist & less lower back fat.
I will try and offer some help if possible (I'm sure more experienced individuals will know more might be worth posting on the normal part of the forum), however my science backed knowledge on women body structural form is limited. However body proportion is generally genetic, yes you can add muscle and lose fat however the overview part is dictated by your genes (e.g. wider hip bones with broader shoulder structure would offer a better hourglass look).
So taking that in consideration you seem to have a good base for the so called hour glass figure (good hip structure and from your back picture you can see a clear hourglass outline). As for how much can you get by January, the only thing you can do is lose fat in that time frame to aid in your body image, as to build your shoulder area would require a surplus of calories and to gain weight and you won't build enough mass in that short time frame (maybe 1lb of muscle if very lucky). I'm sure you know you can't spot reduce fat so overall weight loss is the only option in such a short time however you can't dictate where the fat will come off.
I would just focus on a little bit more weight lose to aid in appearance if you feel you have too much, as this will be a more noticeable in your time frame (remember it is best to loss weight at a rate between 1-2lbs per week so possible lose of 8-10lbs if very strict but sensible with your diet and exercise). Other then that I believe you already have a good figure its just a case of working on it how you like.
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1565835851]The general idea behind weight loss not being linear comes from the idea that burning fat is actually expelled through carbon dioxide and water and not converted to heat through burning energy, which would go against the laws of conservation. Therefore you need to breath out fat and sweat/ pee it out as water through your body breakdown on the fat cells by removing the carbon inside.
Likewise one key thinkers in human physiology Lyle Mcdonald talks about the 'Whoosh effect' when losing weight.
His thinking is that when the fat cell reduce the water part of them retains within the cell longer keeping its shape then the carbon dioxide, so can take longer time period (weeks possibly) to complete empty the fat cell as fat cells are never actually destroyed just shrunk. I recommend reading a lot of his works they are very interesting.
Hope this helps.[/QUOTE]
Yes, will look into this thanks. Also, considering a maintenance carb re-feed as this is often my stall point and I'm getting very hungry lately on my 1800 kcal deficit (maybe due to decreased Leptin?). I will likely do pasta, banana, potato + protein re-feed and will see how that goes.
I was curious about a update since my last month responses. Have managed to lose a little more. I have updated some pics on my body space. I look forward to some opinions. Thanks in advance.
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1565837651]I will try and offer some help if possible (I'm sure more experienced individuals will know more might be worth posting on the normal part of the forum), however my science backed knowledge on women body structural form is limited. However body proportion is generally genetic, yes you can add muscle and lose fat however the overview part is dictated by your genes (e.g. wider hip bones with broader shoulder structure would offer a better hourglass look).
So taking that in consideration you seem to have a good base for the so called hour glass figure (good hip structure and from your back picture you can see a clear hourglass outline). As for how much can you get by January, the only thing you can do is lose fat in that time frame to aid in your body image, as to build your shoulder area would require a surplus of calories and to gain weight and you won't build enough mass in that short time frame (maybe 1lb of muscle if very lucky). I'm sure you know you can't spot reduce fat so overall weight loss is the only option in such a short time however you can't dictate where the fat will come off.
I would just focus on a little bit more weight lose to aid in appearance if you feel you have too much, as this will be a more noticeable in your time frame (remember it is best to loss weight at a rate between 1-2lbs per week so possible lose of 8-10lbs if very strict but sensible with your diet and exercise). Other then that I believe you already have a good figure its just a case of working on it how you like.[/QUOTE]
Thank you for your help. I understand the not being able to spot reduce / genetics side of it i'm just looking to improve what i have. I'll go with the weight loss route as i feel i have too much lower back fat. In your opinion what could my current body percentage be? ( just from an outsiders point of view)
[QUOTE=Fat2Fitterr;1565891601]Thank you for your help. I understand the not being able to spot reduce / genetics side of it i'm just looking to improve what i have. I'll go with the weight loss route as i feel i have too much lower back fat. In your opinion what could my current body percentage be? ( just from an outsiders point of view)[/QUOTE]
OK from my viewpoint you are around 25% give or take so it obviously depends how much weight you lose in 8 weeks. If you lose the recommended amount of 1lb a week you will be 8lb lighter (sorry for the stupid maths class just like to explain my thinking) so 115lb (although not all will be fat loss, some lbm will go as will water and glycogen) so that is 6% drop in weight as for fat loss play it safe and say half that so 3%. Higher the loss higher the fat percentage but also more chance of lbm loss which you don't want as that in turn will increase your fat percentage as you will become a smaller version of yourself not a slimmer one.
So about 22% is a realistic marker maybe lower/ higher depends how your body loses weight which noone can tell you. Hope that helps
[QUOTE=pyrohusband;1565863821]I was curious about a update since my last month responses. Have managed to lose a little more. I have updated some pics on my body space. I look forward to some opinions. Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]
You are around the 13% now and look solid. It is only the lower ab area that is not showing which is usual on most men and will most likely only appear around 9-11% and may not be really worth it in the long term. Great arm and shoulder definition you have made fantastic progress.
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1565895881]OK from my viewpoint you are around 25% give or take so it obviously depends how much weight you lose in 8 weeks. If you lose the recommended amount of 1lb a week you will be 8lb lighter (sorry for the stupid maths class just like to explain my thinking) so 115lb (although not all will be fat loss, some lbm will go as will water and glycogen) so that is 6% drop in weight as for fat loss play it safe and say half that so 3%. Higher the loss higher the fat percentage but also more chance of lbm loss which you don't want as that in turn will increase your fat percentage as you will become a smaller version of yourself not a slimmer one.
So about 22% is a realistic marker maybe lower/ higher depends how your body loses weight which noone can tell you. Hope that helps[/QUOTE]
I appreciate your input; that makes sense. I currently use My Fitness Pal to track everything i eat, however, the scales are not decreasing like they used to. In order for me to get them moving again should i look at reducing my calories by around 150 as i will need continue to be in a calorie deficit? (Not sure if that question will need to be in a different forum i'm pretty new to all this)
[QUOTE=Fat2Fitterr;1565962471]I appreciate your input; that makes sense. I currently use My Fitness Pal to track everything i eat, however, the scales are not decreasing like they used to. In order for me to get them moving again should i look at reducing my calories by around 150 as i will need continue to be in a calorie deficit? (Not sure if that question will need to be in a different forum i'm pretty new to all this)[/QUOTE]
No its fine here as its related to your bf% question its just for more diverse advice from a lot of experienced individuals the main 'losing fat' forum will offer a range of views. However as you have lost weight it is a good chance you need to drop calories if you have not lost weight for 2/3 weeks you will need to drop a couple 100 calories. If your calories are getting too low that it impacts your workout you will need to increase your exercise (remember its advised not to add back calories burnt during exercise). Sometimes weight will plateau for a bit (2 weeks max usually) as this is just your body holding water weight.
5"8 151lbs, photos up on my profile. Caliper says 13% would like an opinion thanks
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whats my bodyfat
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What do you think my BF % is? Been lean bulking for two months while on fierce 5 and gained 6lbs.
4 Attachment(s)
What is my guesstimate of body fat? 5'8 150lbs. Thanks!
Hey guys. Let me know on bodyfat %. Current stats are 6'2, 200. Plan to maintain/slow bulk until mid late spring.
imgur. com /a/ ZnpzlZv
Hey, I'm 5'9" and about 147 lbs.
What body fat percentage am I? I'm fairly new to losing fat, and am trying to have nice abs (10-12% bf) by the end of 2018. Looking at sample pics, I'm guessing I'm anywhere between 13%-15%? Let me know what you guys think! I don't have 50 posts yet, so please check out the gallery pics on my profile! Thanks a lot! One pic is of me without flexing, and the other is me with my abs flexed.
[QUOTE=jc424;1566079341]Hey, I'm 5'9" and about 147 lbs.
What body fat percentage am I? I'm fairly new to losing fat, and am trying to have nice abs (10-12% bf) by the end of 2018. Looking at sample pics, I'm guessing I'm anywhere between 13%-15%? Let me know what you guys think! I don't have 50 posts yet, so please check out the gallery pics on my profile! Thanks a lot! One pic is of me without flexing, and the other is me with my abs flexed.[/QUOTE]
I would say you're probably around 15%, but you have good muscle in the abs so you'll see abs at a higher BF than most people. Good news for you is you'll probably be able to see clear abs around 11-12% instead of 9-10% for most people.
2 Attachment(s)
Hi Guys,
im 5,9, 158 lbs.
Been cutting for 3 months. Before(174 lbs) and after pics. What do you estimate my body fat % to be? My plan is to cut down to 13% before lean bulking.
Thanks in advance!
[QUOTE=swsko;1565966781]5"8 151lbs, photos up on my profile. Caliper says 13% would like an opinion thanks[/QUOTE]
Really need to know I'm tired of cutting and would like to put on some muscle now
[QUOTE=swsko;1566118021]Really need to know I'm tired of cutting and would like to put on some muscle now[/QUOTE]
Then just lift heavy and eat healthier, do a recomp. No reason why you cant try and build strength on a cut.
[QUOTE=FreedomPenguin;1566123281]Then just lift heavy and eat healthier, do a recomp. No reason why you cant try and build strength on a cut.[/QUOTE]
Yea already been doing that for 4 months but I feel like I need to bulk now as my lifts got pretty good on a cut and I cant keep adding weight indefinitely,
Bp: 220
S: 220
DL: 240 (only gripping is not allowing me to lift heavier)
OHP: 120
I'm on a cut and I eat healthy problem is a 550cal deficit is starting to show on my strenght and recomp is just a very slow process
[QUOTE=swsko;1565966781]5"8 151lbs, photos up on my profile. Caliper says 13% would like an opinion thanks[/QUOTE]
For one of the few times I agree with the calipers you are close to 13% give or take a percent. Its completely up to you what you do now, you can cut down to reveal abs when relaxed at around 10-11% for top 4 possibly (full visible abs are probably not worth it at your lbm and it can take a long time). Or lean bulk and build up your lbm then try and cut body fat lower on next cut.
[QUOTE=vinsan20;1565978701]6 ft 1 195 lb[/QUOTE]
Around 18% I would have you at some definition around your shoulder and upper arm and starting around the waist as well.
[QUOTE=needgains1024;1566029671]What do you think my BF % is? Been lean bulking for two months while on fierce 5 and gained 6lbs.[/QUOTE]
Around 21-23%.
[QUOTE=FreedomPenguin;1566049141]What is my guesstimate of body fat? 5'8 150lbs. Thanks![/QUOTE]
Around 12% you seem to only hold your fat around your waist the usual. Good overall muscle size.
[QUOTE=goonergooner;1566094501]Hi Guys,
im 5,9, 158 lbs.
Been cutting for 3 months. Before(174 lbs) and after pics. What do you estimate my body fat % to be? My plan is to cut down to 13% before lean bulking.
Thanks in advance![/QUOTE]
16-17% bf would be my guess.
[QUOTE=FreedomPenguin;1566049141]What is my guesstimate of body fat? 5'8 150lbs. Thanks![/QUOTE]
Wow same height and weight yet we have different structure and fat distribution:)