[QUOTE=Metalmank;1505943781]Getting ready to end my long caloric deficit.
I've gone from 240ish roughly to 175-180. Probably could of gone a little leaner, but I ready to put on some size .
This was around late 2015 / early 2016
This was between Feb and the beginning of may.
So what do you think im at roughly?[/QUOTE]
Good progress, approx 13%.
[QUOTE=Metalmank;1505943781]I've gone from 240ish roughly to 175-180.
So what do you think im at roughly?[/QUOTE]
Great transformation!
I would have guessed you were around 20-22% in the top pictures and 10-12% in the bottom.
I don't think you could have lost 60lb between photos because you would have had to start at 35%+ body fat, assuming you are 10% in the recent pictures and adding 60lb of fat to make you 240lb.
But not trying to take anything away from you, the results are good.
[QUOTE=Patrickclose09;1505963611]Great transformation!
I would have guessed you around 20-22% in the top pictures and 10-12% in the bottom.
I don't think you could have lost 60lb between photos because you would have had to start at 35%+ body fat, assuming you are 10% in the recent pictures and adding 60lb of fat to make you 240lb.
But not trying to take anything away from you, the results are good.[/QUOTE]
You're not wrong.
I lost my older pictures, But I started F5 and my deficit early 2015 (January roughly). Had a few breaks inbetween due to life / moving etc. As stated the top pics are from Nov-Dec 2016 to early January 2017. Then the bottom is from January to about now. The first group of pictures I was probably around 205-210 I think
I started at about 230-240 in early 2015 when I got serious about my weight.
But thanks! Glad to know I'm around my goal BF %
[QUOTE=Adare1;1505939811]I agree with most of @Tigerzen's estimates and therefore normally do not add to his assessments, however in this specific case I would have put you down at around 14-15% w/ muscle mass. Albeit I agree that it somewhat hard to tell given how lean you look withput quite having ab definition yet. Is this a cut first or a bulk to cut?[/QUOTE]
This was a bulk to cut. I went from about 62kg to about 74kg, now I weigh 67kg. What do you mean with " 14-15% w/ muscle mass"?
Hi, everyone
permission to post here.
Q: what is my body fats?
Q: is my goal doable in my first cycle ?
i just want to be checked my body fats percentage. its been 3mos right now since i was started. but i been lifting for few years last 2010. i gained maybe i think 35% bf /165lbs bw, then right now about 153lbs bw.
my first goal right now is to be lean as possible, and have a good foundation before i start to bulk.
im 29 years old, 153lbs / 5"7-5"8
here's are my pics
not relax
first goal to obtain this jacket man physique
thank you in advance.
15% bf will look different cutting first w/o added muscle mass than around 15% from cutting after a bulk w/ added muscle mass.
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Hello friends,
11 weeks ago I uploaded a photo (named 20170307) when I started to lose weight. I was at 76,1 kg (168 lb). The estimation of this forum was that I was at 22%BF (home scale said 24.9% and gym scale said 23.9%)
8 weeks later I took a photo of me (named 20170502), I was 71.8 kg (158 lb) and home scale said 22.8%BF.
Yesterday I took a new pic (name 20170524), my weight is now 70.3kg (155 lb). Scale at home says I am at 20.5%BF but gym scale said 17.8%.
I thank you all if you can estimate my BF% of my last picture.
I don't trust home scale because I have seen changes of 1% of BF% in two measurements of 1 minute apart.
I don't know if I can trust gym scale, it seems much more professional.. but, who knows?.
I know I can trust BBforum wisdom lol!!!!
Thank you all
(can anyone recommend me a good scale for tracking BF%, preferable if it is sold in Amazon, thanks).
@skullbreaker 18-20%
Doable within a couple months
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5'9 203ish lb. pant size is 34-36. I have a light history of lifting. my best 5 rep max ever for bench/squat/deadlift was 230/305/410. These numbers have gone down considerable since I have been cutting for over 20 weeks.
Can multiple ppl give me an estimate. I will take the avg of those numbers.
[QUOTE=scerpi;1505782701]Ok... Attaching images.
Thanks again for any input. I'd like to guess somewhere below 20%, it's hard to judge since it's me.[/QUOTE]
Bump for reply.
Hgt 5' 8"
Wgt 195lbs
Thanks again
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Estimate on body fat in the 5/25 picture? Would also like to hear the 8/2016 picture
8/2016 i was 198-200, 5/25 weight is 185.5 I am 5-10" Goal is 15%
Any guesses on 15% weight?
34" waist now
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208lbs here, 6'4.
Any ideas?
Thanks brah we will gonna make it
[QUOTE=Adare1;1506024531]@skullbreaker 18-20%
Doable within a couple months[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=scerpi;1506053471]Bump for reply.
Hgt 5' 8"
Wgt 195lbs
Thanks again[/QUOTE]
I would say 20% is about right, but could be slightly higher or lower depending on your genetics. If you can get below 175-180lb and keep your lean mass you'll be ripped. Good balance of muscle but I think you need a bit more upper chest from an aesthetic point of view. Good luck!
[QUOTE=gentleman4561;1506063561]208lbs here, 6'4.
Any ideas?[/QUOTE]
I think slightly under 20%. You look like you have a lot of potential to get bigger.
[QUOTE=Patrickclose09;1506066111]I think slightly under 20%. You look like you have a lot of potential to get bigger.[/QUOTE]
Thats the plan! Thanks!
[QUOTE=kubotaorange76;1506058211]Estimate on body fat in the 5/25 picture? Would also like to hear the 8/2016 picture
8/2016 i was 198-200, 5/25 weight is 185.5 I am 5-10" Goal is 15%
Any guesses on 15% weight?
34" waist now
I would guess 25%. 170lb is a good goal and more muscle would look good. Focus on the big lifts and don't forget to train legs.
[QUOTE=Patrickclose09;1505962361]5' 9" / 175cm
184-189lb / 83.5-86kg
How much fat weight do you think I need to lose to be competition ready? Without noticeable losses of muscle or strength? I have never been properly shredded because I'm afraid of catabolising muscle.
Thanks in advance for any help or advice.[/QUOTE]
If someone could take a look at my photos and give me an estimate that would be appreciated.
Thank you
170 is my goal
Doing nothing but the 5 big lifts, pull-ups/chins and few random accessjust got serious on deadlift and squats few months ago
265/295/295 right now
Hey everyone! I would really appreciate some help with my bf because I have no idea how to estimate it! Photos are on my bodyspace (the last 3). Stats: 1.71 m / 5' 7", 61 kg / 134,5 lbs
Being on a caloric deficit now in order to loose some fat after a long pause from the gym. Before photos are also on my bodyspace, so I would love to know also my bf when I began.
Thanks a lot :)
bump for another check:
5'9 203ish lb. pant size is 34-36. I have a light history of lifting. my best 5 rep max ever for bench/squat/deadlift was 230/305/410. These numbers have gone down considerable since I have been cutting for over 20 weeks.
Can multiple ppl give me an estimate. I will take the avg of those numbers. THESE pics were taken after a heavy carb meal, so I'm a bit bloated in these pics.
[QUOTE=Patrickclose09;1506071871]If someone could take a look at my photos and give me an estimate that would be appreciated.[/QUOTE]
I couldn't tell which of your pictures is recent. From what I could tell, they were all dated in 2015.
[QUOTE=Patrickclose09;1506071871]If someone could take a look at my photos and give me an estimate that would be appreciated.[/QUOTE]
I would help if i had a clue, look great!
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Body fat estimation
Hello guys!
Im 25years old 183cm and 88kg currently.
Im on a journey to get a better body and stay there forever.
From march I went from 108 kg to 88
First two pics when i started(i had some lifting experience before)
Sorry for the **** pics but my phone's camera broken
I would really appreciate an estimation of my current bf!
[QUOTE=Patrickclose09;1506065811]I would say 20% is about right, but could be slightly higher or lower depending on your genetics. If you can get below 175-180lb and keep your lean mass you'll be ripped. Good balance of muscle but I think you need a bit more upper chest from an aesthetic point of view. Good luck![/QUOTE]
Thanks for the feedback! Very helpful. It's hard to be objective with your own pictures.
I'm getting close to dropping into the 180's, which I haven't seen since '98 or '99.
I've noticed the same about the upper chest and have been doing incline db presses twice a week.
Any other suggestions? I have issues with flys because of mild shoulder pain.
Again, thanks a ton for the input.
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178 cm. Lifting and getting fit with multiple sclerosis. Coming off a two month cut. Weighing in at around 67-68 kg. Only have my combined before and after (Or as close to as I have of a before) picture here to upload. Obviously looking for an estimate on the after one :p
I would really appreciate an estimation of my current bf!
Looks around 15% to me. Good job.
[QUOTE=JotunheimDK;1506116701]178 cm. Lifting and getting fit with multiple sclerosis. Coming off a two month cut. Weighing in at around 67-68 kg. Only have my combined before and after (Or as close to as I have of a before) picture here to upload. Obviously looking for an estimate on the after one :p[/QUOTE]
I'd say around 13%.
Have been on a 3 month cut. Please let me know your thoughts on bf%? there are 4 pictures there if you scroll down.
167# to 155#
[QUOTE=Partyrocking;1506119971]Looks around 15% to me. Good job.
I'd say around 13%.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for your estimation!
Personally I think 15% is a bit too low but really appreciate that.