[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1595840131]Yes you are plenty lean enough to start bulking. Keep a small surplus aiming gain around 2lbs a month. I would say you are about 16%
[/QUOTE]Cheers! I was expecting the "keep cutting" mantra, so I'm relieved to have an objective opinion backing up my preference to move towards muscle building.
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1595837131]You can build muscle at any given fat percentage really so that shouldn't be your concern if you are planning to cut lean for that reason alone. The idea of cutting within the 10-15% range is very much an arbitrary statement based on theory of testosterone producing is optimal during this phase, that said I have seen no solid science that backs that statement, yes getting overweight seems to have an effect but again this is really only noticeable when obese.
The main reason for the 10-15% range is basically you can see your work and less time needed to cut for the leanness you wish to achieve. If that is not a concern then their is absolute no harm bulking in the 15-23% bracket really you just won't see your work as easily. [/QUOTE]
Funny you should mention that as I was reading about this ideal range before I posted. I'd be under 90kg at 10%. The only other time I got under 90kg everyone thought I was too skinny and/or unwell! So far as optimal hormonal production at 10%. Well, I can't imagine pushing my body down to 90kg with my present LBM would do my testosterone any favors.
I'll look into lean bulking and target 2lbs a month as you suggested. It's funny trying to rewire your brain for a calorie surplus. I'm thinking I'll target 100kg which - if I stay within the 2lbs / month range - I ought to ideally hit mid-2020. Then I can reevaluate my progress / physique.
Thanks again [B]hardyboysare[/B].