Any estimates welcome (most recent / current progress picture on bodyspace) and advice on whether to continue to cut or start to build.
5"8 / 161 lbs / 73 kgs
I've dropped about 20 lbs so far.
[QUOTE=fourx;1587379601]Any estimates welcome (most recent / current progress picture on bodyspace) and advice on whether to continue to cut or start to build.
5"8 / 161 lbs / 73 kgs
I've dropped about 20 lbs so far.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=bowtourking;1587369741]5 foot 9 185 pounds gonna cut more kinda just wondering where im at
[url]https://imgur.com/a/SBF40up[/url] pics[/QUOTE]
17-18% around about.
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can i get an estimate 6'0 204 lbs. been having a hard time cutting but always in the gym doing fierce 5 novice. and at what weight do you think i need to be in to be at 15% bf? ive bulk for about 6 months but i did over bulk. thanks in advance
5' 10". 166lbs. 18-19% bf?1 rep max estimates.
Bench: 190
Squat: 225
Deadlift: 290
Overhead Press: 115
I'm thinking I should cut for 10 weeks to 10-12% bf and then lean bulk. Thoughts?
Getting back to consistent lifting with the following routine
overhead press
all 3x8
2x per week30-50minutes cardio 3mph max incline on treadmill while I watch netflix.
Appologies for the terrible photo quality in advance, looking for a body fat estimate here.
Currently sitting at around 87.45kg at 5ft 11.5". Going to do a cut soon but was looking to get a body fat estimate first to decide how soon, how much more size I can put on before cutting and perhaps how much weight I would be an optimal amount to lose (tend to hold most of my fat in the abdominal area, so still got definition in my arms,legs and back)
[QUOTE=Abeadrian2220;1587412481]can i get an estimate 6'0 204 lbs. been having a hard time cutting but always in the gym doing fierce 5 novice. and at what weight do you think i need to be in to be at 15% bf? ive bulk for about 6 months but i did over bulk. thanks in advance[/QUOTE]
22-23%. Around 175lbs would be my guess.
5' 10". 166lbs. 18-19% bf?1 rep max estimates.
Bench: 190
Squat: 225
Deadlift: 290
Overhead Press: 115
I'm thinking I should cut for 10 weeks to 10-12% bf and then lean bulk. Thoughts?
Getting back to consistent lifting with the following routine
overhead press
all 3x8
2x per week30-50minutes cardio 3mph max incline on treadmill while I watch netflix.[/QUOTE]
Around 18%. Cut to about 12% and then review.
Appologies for the terrible photo quality in advance, looking for a body fat estimate here.
Currently sitting at around 87.45kg at 5ft 11.5". Going to do a cut soon but was looking to get a body fat estimate first to decide how soon, how much more size I can put on before cutting and perhaps how much weight I would be an optimal amount to lose (tend to hold most of my fat in the abdominal area, so still got definition in my arms,legs and back)[/QUOTE]
19-20%. Good level of mass. You can still bulk if you like you will obviously add some muscle but it will not really be massively noticeable until you cut. Cutting around to 77kg bracket and then review your progress you will be quite lean then.
Looking for a BF% estimate
Finishing up a 2 week cut, will be back on a lean bulk for a couple of months.
https: //imgur.com/a/8nodoly
Looking for a BF% estimate
Finishing up a 2 week cut, will be back on a lean bulk for a couple of months.
https: //imgur.com/a/8nodoly[/QUOTE]
I would say 11%.
19-20%. Good level of mass. You can still bulk if you like you will obviously add some muscle but it will not really be massively noticeable until you cut. Cutting around to 77kg bracket and then review your progress you will be quite lean then.[/QUOTE]
Thanks man, I appreciate all the advice. Would rep but on spread currently.
[QUOTE=puvindran;1587477831]Weight: 143
Height: 5'5"
Wondering what is my bodyfat %
16-17% closer to 16% would be my guess. Decent amount of lean mass looking good.
My body fat percentage
Weight: From 60-61kg ,134lbs
Height: 175cm , 5 Feet 8 Inches
Start: Around 75kg not sure really
Pictures are on my bodyspace,no lightning tricks,no ab flexing,I need to know what was my start BF percentage and current estimate.
[QUOTE=beeguy;1587487921]Weight: From 60-61kg ,134lbs
Height: 175cm , 5 Feet 8 Inches
Start: Around 75kg not sure really
Pictures are on my bodyspace,no lightning tricks,no ab flexing,I need to know what was my start BF percentage and current estimate.
Start:- 23-24%
Current:- 13%
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1587488911]Start:- 23-24%
Current:- 13%[/QUOTE]
Do you think I should cut some more and then start a lean bulk or start bulking right now?
[QUOTE=beeguy;1587490011]Do you think I should cut some more and then start a lean bulk or start bulking right now?[/QUOTE]
Depends on your goals really. If it was me I would start a lean bulk now as cutting will not produce much better results I am afraid. If you aimed to get a six pack you would need single digit fat which generally most people seriously struggle to get (me included). Likewise 90% of people who start bulking form very low bf% seem to lose definition quite quickly due to the lack of lean body mass making it pointless.
Therefore I would lean bulk and aim to add around 2lbs a month on a small surplus of calories.
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1587490191]Depends on your goals really. If it was me I would start a lean bulk now as cutting will not produce much better results I am afraid. If you aimed to get a six pack you would need single digit fat which generally most people seriously struggle to get (me included). Likewise 90% of people who start bulking form very low bf% seem to lose definition quite quickly due to the lack of lean body mass making it pointless.
Therefore I would lean bulk and aim to add around 2lbs a month on a small surplus of calories.[/QUOTE]
My goal is by the time passes to be big but defined ,I know it's going to be long time to get there and hard but I'll try my best.
It's going to be hard also because I got used to having around 1700 calories to the point that I don't even need more calories,I feel good,lose weight and most of the time I even go under the 1700 calories.
Should I start increasing my calories by around 200 every week or start with +250 from maintenance and go from there?
Soon I'll be going to be lean bulking,do you maybe have a topic you could suggest me to read and ask if i have any questions with the lean bulking
I’m 78kg and about 182 cm, decent lighting. Thanks in advance.
[QUOTE=beeguy;1587490401]My goal is by the time passes to be big but defined ,I know it's going to be long time to get there and hard but I'll try my best.
It's going to be hard also because I got used to having around 1700 calories to the point that I don't even need more calories,I feel good,lose weight and most of the time I even go under the 1700 calories.
Should I start increasing my calories by around 200 every week or start with +250 from maintenance and go from there?
Soon I'll be going to be lean bulking,do you maybe have a topic you could suggest me to read and ask if i have any questions with the lean bulking[/QUOTE]
This article explains the best way to transition is you really want to get technical:-
If not it is fine to slowly add calories as well as this will help limit water weight gains. Similar to how you suggested.
If you aim to gain weight very slowly once you have transitioned from cutting to bulking this will limit fat gains to the minimal and will ensure your next cut will be short and sweet (hopefully). I would aim just for 2lbs a month max and monitor calories just as religiously as you did on a cut.
A very indepth guide to lean bulking composed by some of the best body composition research in the business. It is quite long:-
For nutrition info read this is shorter version which may help it will help with calories and macros.
After nutrition comes training and that is very much individualised I would focus on progressive overload and effectively get stronger whilst increase total volume. As I am not sure of your current ability I would recommend one of these programs:-
These do depend on your current weight training experience and strength levels but are usually the best place to start after completing a cut.
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1587477971]16-17% closer to 16% would be my guess. Decent amount of lean mass looking good.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the response hardboy. My aim is to have a six pack and could you advise what should i do next? How long would it take from here on?
[QUOTE=puvindran;1587529211]Thanks for the response hardboy. My aim is to have a six pack and could you advise what should i do next? How long would it take from here on?[/QUOTE]
You look like you have enough mass on your upper half to cut if you wish (cant really see legs for balanced physique). If abs are your goal then you will need to cut, a full six pack unflexed is usually between 8-11%. If cutting is your decision personally would aim for around 130lbs and see where you are at. If you seem close to a six pack and don't feel too small then carry on, if not start lean bulking again.
Sometimes aiming for a six pack unflexed can cause more problems then benefits due to the leanness required causing muscle loss.
[QUOTE=ryanl443;1587492631]I’m 78kg and about 182 cm, decent lighting. Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]
12% I would say.
[QUOTE=renzz7474;1587552721]height:162 cm
20 years old
picture in gallery
im started a diet in 3 month ago and cut before 1 month already lose 8 kg. keep it cut or going for mass because i don't have muscles in my body?[/QUOTE]
I would still cut more but ensure you are weight training and consuming enough protein as you can gain muscle whilst in a caloric deficit especially as a beginner.
Your bf% is around 25-26%
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BF estimate please
BF estimate please. 5' 11'' 171 lbs
Ik I already asked a bit back on this forum, but could I get some more opinions? Rn I’m 18, 5’6 and weighing in at 142 and the pics on my body space are from the last week-month and I’m a little bit leaner rn
[QUOTE=cldftw;1587590761]BF estimate please. 5' 11'' 171 lbs[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=logan101113;1587591571]Ik I already asked a bit back on this forum, but could I get some more opinions? Rn I’m 18, 5’6 and weighing in at 142 and the pics on my body space are from the last week-month and I’m a little bit leaner rn[/QUOTE]
Between 10-11%
What would you guys estimate my BF% to be?
Here are five pictures: imgur.com/a/OYRpouF
By the way, I'm 5'8.5" in height and roughly 150 pounds in weight (though maybe slightly less or more depending on the time of the day).
[QUOTE=Rayndeon25;1587635811]What would you guys estimate my BF% to be?
Here are five pictures: imgur.com/a/OYRpouF
By the way, I'm 5'8.5" in height and roughly 150 pounds in weight (though maybe slightly less or more depending on the time of the day).[/QUOTE]
Around 21%
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What's my bf? 85kg and 181cm.
[QUOTE=brunogouveia58;1587659721]What's my bf? 85kg and 181cm.[/QUOTE]
About 18%
1 Attachment(s)
What is my body fat?
What is my body fat? 17 years old 5'5 112lbs
[QUOTE=Andrew578;1587661831]What is my body fat? 17 years old 5'5 112lbs
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1587358411]Fierce 5 is perfect for maintain and even building some muscle on a cut and I am personally using it now near the end of my cut. By focusing on intensity you will be able to ensure muscle retention is optimal simply because the lower and longer you cut less energy you will have which makes large amounts of volume difficult and most likely cause you to not give it all during your training.
Follow either full body or upper/ lower (I am on full body) and keep progressing as much as possible whilst adhering to your calorie deficit and ensure protein is above minimal and you will maintain most muscle and lose fat [/QUOTE]
Perfect, thanks bro, i run a lean bulk, 300 cals surplus (2700 cals per day), with 25 MG per day of ostarine (for 12 weeks, after pct 50/50/25/25 of clomid), and run a (U/L PPL). 8 RPE progress 5 lbs every two weeks or 1 rep every training.
1 Upper Body
Bench Press 4x3-5
Pendlay row 4x4-6
OH Press 3x5-7
Lat pull downs 3x8-12
Tricep ext 3x8-12
Incline curl 3x8-12
2 Lower Body
Squat 4x6-8
DL Romanian 4x6-8
Unit leg press 45° 3x20
Leg Curl 3x6-8
Calf Raises leg P 5x6-8
3 Push
OH press 3x6-8
Dumbell press 3x6-8
Dips 3x8-12
Flys 3x12-15
4 Pull
T B Row 3x6-8
HyperExt 2x15
Lat-pull Down 3x6-8
Face Pull 2x12-15
5 Lower Body
Glute Bridge 3x6-8
Squat 3x6-8
Leg Extension 3x8-12
Leg Curl 3x8-12
Calf Raises leg P 5x12-15
Looks good for me :3
My stats 1 RP
Bench 150 lbs
Squat 250 lbs (with knee injure)
DL 220 (i recently run this excersice because i had low back pain)
Pull UPS x5 body weight
Pendlay row 175 lbs
I made this decision because I went to buy clothes, and I realized that now I am extra small size and that size already fits me, loose or big, and I still see a little "fat" around the waist and chest, so I have determined that maybe it is not so much fat, but I lack too much muscle, my weight is 160 - 162 lbs, and 5' 11, i had 6 months cutting, i start on 184 lbs , thank you very much, you have helped me a lot. :3
thanks bro. I am currently bulking on around 2500-2700 cals. In the first week gained 1kg. Is that normal or should i reduce calories?
4 Attachment(s)
Can you give me an est. the online calculators tell me anything from 21-27%
39 y/o 5'9 270
I do a Upper/Lower/Rest Split with 20-40 min of cardio post upper body workout and on off days.
Macro 2100-2500 Cal per day depending on upper or lower lift plans.
Carbs under 50-75 on upper and off days 125-150 on Leg day
% Est and thoughts on diet, workout, rest would be helpful.
I seem to be stuck and cannot drop fat below current levels.
[QUOTE=Andrew578;1587703631]thanks bro. I am currently bulking on around 2500-2700 cals. In the first week gained 1kg. Is that normal or should i reduce calories?[/QUOTE]
Its very much normal. Your water weight, glycogen stores and general body substance (waste) will be more due to the extra calories. Personally I wouldn't pay much attention to the first 2/3 weeks of a transition to bulking as many hormonal levels change which may cause extra water storage. Just ensure your calories are pretty accurate (not 100% as no-one is) and you wont be gaining to much fat.
After 2/3 weeks then start monitoring more in depth your rolling averages if week by week your weight is creeping up by 0.5lb around about then its fine. If after a month you have gained more then 3-4lbs on average (forget the first 2/3 weeks as stated) then your calories are too high so drop back food consumption or add some cardio to offset the surplus.
If after 2 months of comparing you have gained more then 6-8lbs on average drop calories by 300 per day and ensure you are monitoring correctly. Remember measurements are just as important. If you stomach is increasing in size generally you are gaining fat (after the first few weeks again and after going to the toilet). Monitor gym performance as well.
What is my current bodyfat? 168lbs 5ft 8inches
In a slow cut. 200 below TDEE. Weight same for three months now.
Do you see any difference in before and after? Should I continue cutting or start a slow bulk? It feels like I’m getting too skinny but then I also read that I should get to 12% bodyfat before starting a bulk. So confusing.
Thank you for all your help!!
[QUOTE=mhenkes;1587704501]Can you give me an est. the online calculators tell me anything from 21-27%
39 y/o 5'9 270
I do a Upper/Lower/Rest Split with 20-40 min of cardio post upper body workout and on off days.
Macro 2100-2500 Cal per day depending on upper or lower lift plans.
Carbs under 50-75 on upper and off days 125-150 on Leg day
% Est and thoughts on diet, workout, rest would be helpful.
I seem to be stuck and cannot drop fat below current levels.[/QUOTE]
You are around 27-30% bracket IMO.
Are you weighing your food and using a calorie counting system. How long have you stopped losing weight?
At your weight and at the calorie level you are consuming you should be losing weight quite fast therefore you calorie counting has to be out.
Carbs don't make you fat total calories. My honest advice is double, triple check you are recording correctly and if after 2/3 weeks no weight lose occurs drop calories by 300.
[QUOTE=TryingBB;1587734771]What is my current bodyfat? 168lbs 5ft 8inches
In a slow cut. 200 below TDEE. Weight same for three months now.
Do you see any difference in before and after? Should I continue cutting or start a slow bulk? It feels like I’m getting too skinny but then I also read that I should get to 12% bodyfat before starting a bulk. So confusing.
Thank you for all your help!!
Yes you look difference although the pics could be different lighting you can see the stomach area is tighter in the second image.
Its up to you. You don't have to get to 12% before bulking this advice exists mainly because it allows you see your muscle gains. And more experienced lifters take longer to increase mass so too much increase in weight will just be fat. In more novices there is a lot more scope of body fat% as its less important then a bodybuilders level.
Current body fat% around 20-21%
I personally would cut more. How you do it is up to you either a slow cut or a higher deficit. Just remember it is likely on a higher deficit that muscle growth will be at its minimal.
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1587736991]Yes you look difference although the pics could be different lighting you can see the stomach area is tighter in the second image.
Its up to you. You don't have to get to 12% before bulking this advice exists mainly because it allows you see your muscle gains. And more experienced lifters take longer to increase mass so too much increase in weight will just be fat. In more novices there is a lot more scope of body fat% as its less important then a bodybuilders level.
Current body fat% around 20-21%
I personally would cut more. How you do it is up to you either a slow cut or a higher deficit. Just remember it is likely on a higher deficit that muscle growth will be at its minimal.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for your input. I want to do an aggressive cut and get the cut done with but my lifts really take a hit really bad when I do that. Like if I go to 1800 calories a day, which is 500 below maintenance for me. I’ll try it again and see if I can manage aggressive cut.
Do you think this is good progress for 3 months? I feel this is very slow...body looks a little better but I’m still skinny fat and no muscle gains can be seen. :(
[QUOTE=TryingBB;1587738431]Thanks for your input. I want to do an aggressive cut and get the cut done with but my lifts really take a hit really bad when I do that. Like if I go to 1800 calories a day, which is 500 below maintenance for me. I’ll try it again and see if I can manage aggressive cut.
Do you think this is good progress for 3 months? I feel this is very slow...body looks a little better but I’m still skinny fat and no muscle gains can be seen. :([/QUOTE]
Your strength will take a hit generally on a cut it is best to try and maintain the intensity as much as possible but at a point it will drop for most people. I personally find if I drop volume a bit and focus more on retaining strength through lower reps (around 4-6 reps for major compounds and 6-8 reps for isolation) but higher intensity and less exercises (more major compound then isolation) then I keep my strength longer.
In 3 months for a recomp, yes I think it is pretty good IMO. As your before pic looks more like 23-25% so a drop of 2-3% in 3 months without cutting any weight is pretty good progress. It could be the photo of course but have your measurements changed? Have you got stronger?
The problem with recomps is generally the visual results are a lot slower in the short term. For the long term though science has yet proven if maintenance training/ recomp is actually better then bulking vs cutting for the average gym goer. Its more dependent on more factors.
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1587739501]Your strength will take a hit generally on a cut it is best to try and maintain the intensity as much as possible but at a point it will drop for most people. I personally find if I drop volume a bit and focus more on retaining strength through lower reps (around 4-6 reps for major compounds and 6-8 reps for isolation) but higher intensity and less exercises (more major compound then isolation) then I keep my strength longer.
In 3 months for a recomp, yes I think it is pretty good IMO. As your before pic looks more like 23-25% so a drop of 2-3% in 3 months without cutting any weight is pretty good progress. It could be the photo of course but have your measurements changed? Have you got stronger?
The problem with recomps is generally the visual results are a lot slower in the short term. For the long term though science has yet proven if maintenance training/ recomp is actually better then bulking vs cutting for the average gym goer. Its more dependent on more factors.[/QUOTE]
Makes me feel better about my progress. Yes all my lifts were increasing except my squat. Even deadlift was increasing. About a week ago i started stalling and then I got sick.
My measurements have changed.
Waist is down, bicep size increased, chest has stayed the same but my fat around chest and lats has got down big time (so muscle has increased I think) and shoulders have increased about 1.5 inches actually.
I am going to try and drop a hundred or 150 calories and see how that affects my workouts.
I am recovering from a cold and took a dealod (4 days). Tomorrow I am starting ICF using the Cut version (3x8). What do you think about ICF?
Thank you
3 Attachment(s)
Body fat%
Think it's time for me to start lean bulking or do i need to cut more. Also bodyfat % thanks.
EDIT: some bit over 5"10 and weigh 196lbs
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1587732781]Its very much normal. Your water weight, glycogen stores and general body substance (waste) will be more due to the extra calories. Personally I wouldn't pay much attention to the first 2/3 weeks of a transition to bulking as many hormonal levels change which may cause extra water storage. Just ensure your calories are pretty accurate (not 100% as no-one is) and you wont be gaining to much fat.
After 2/3 weeks then start monitoring more in depth your rolling averages if week by week your weight is creeping up by 0.5lb around about then its fine. If after a month you have gained more then 3-4lbs on average (forget the first 2/3 weeks as stated) then your calories are too high so drop back food consumption or add some cardio to offset the surplus.
If after 2 months of comparing you have gained more then 6-8lbs on average drop calories by 300 per day and ensure you are monitoring correctly. Remember measurements are just as important. If you stomach is increasing in size generally you are gaining fat (after the first few weeks again and after going to the toilet). Monitor gym performance as well.[/QUOTE]
ok, thanks heaps
Can I get another BF estimate please - I’ve had. A little problem with binge eating a little so have maintained weight (and increased lifts a little), should I lean bulk/maintain again or cut?
182cm, 80kg, thanks in advance
Pics in body space
Could I get a body fat guesstimate on my most recent photos in gallery please
Could I get a body fat guesstimate on my most recent photos in gallery please[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=yka1;1587789081]Can I get another BF estimate please - I’ve had. A little problem with binge eating a little so have maintained weight (and increased lifts a little), should I lean bulk/maintain again or cut?
182cm, 80kg, thanks in advance
Pics in body space[/QUOTE]
15-16%. You should follow Tucane advice:-
[QUOTE=tonighter;1587758951]Think it's time for me to start lean bulking or do i need to cut more. Also bodyfat % thanks.
EDIT: some bit over 5"10 and weigh 196lbs[/QUOTE]
10% would be my guess. Cut I would say........ Only kidding you cut anymore and you will end up slicing yourself.
You look great I would personally bulk very slowly as you look ripped and built don't want to lose that.
[QUOTE=cannonclinton1;1587850331]Can someone please tell me what my body fat is? I'm 23, 150 pounds and 6 feet tall. Haven't been to the gym before, but I'll start hitting the gym soon.[/QUOTE]
Around 18-20%
[QUOTE=hardyboysare;1587736571]You are around 27-30% bracket IMO.
Are you weighing your food and using a calorie counting system. How long have you stopped losing weight?
At your weight and at the calorie level you are consuming you should be losing weight quite fast therefore you calorie counting has to be out.
Carbs don't make you fat total calories. My honest advice is double, triple check you are recording correctly and if after 2/3 weeks no weight lose occurs drop calories by 300.[/QUOTE]
I use fit day to track my macros and I weight about 75-80% of what I eat and just try to be a few hundred below target in the calorie counter to provide for anything extra. I have had an Endo Doc just shrug his shoulders and say it's all genetics at your age and you should not be chasing the look of 20 year old fitness youtubers @ 40 LOL. But, thank you for the advice I will do just what you suggest and measure/ meal prep jsut about everything everything.
[QUOTE=mhenkes;1587867091]I use fit day to track my macros and I weight about 75-80% of what I eat and just try to be a few hundred below target in the calorie counter to provide for anything extra. I have had an Endo Doc just shrug his shoulders and say it's all genetics at your age and you should not be chasing the look of 20 year old fitness youtubers @ 40 LOL. But, thank you for the advice I will do just what you suggest and measure/ meal prep jsut about everything everything.[/QUOTE]
Apologies for creating mess in this thread but was the doc overweight himself? That says a lot!! That advice may be true to 75 years old kids. Lol...that doc needs to go back to medical school and re-learn the human body
I’ve been to several docs (ortho/PTs, etc) and they suggest working out specially at your age (I’m similar age). So that’s a bunch of BS.
If you want it, go get it. That’s what I’m doing. I’ve always wanted a good physique but did not have the knowledge I have now. Thanks to this forum!!
It is easier said than done but it’s all about two things:
1: {calories in and calories out with atleast 1g protien per lb of body weight}
2: {progressive overload}
My body is slowly changing. And I’m loving it...
Hey guys I know it hasn't been that long since my last post but I noticed a LOT of progress in the last 6 pounds i'm currently 179 lbs I just wanted to get a second look, my abdomen seems to have gotten a alot tighter in this time. I think with these pictures you can get a clearer estimate my last pictures sucked! Thanks! Ultimate goal is 165 pounds to shred down.
[QUOTE=bowtourking;1587910681]Hey guys I know it hasn't been that long since my last post but I noticed a LOT of progress in the last 6 pounds i'm currently 179 lbs I just wanted to get a second look, my abdomen seems to have gotten a alot tighter in this time. I think with these pictures you can get a clearer estimate my last pictures sucked! Thanks! Ultimate goal is 165 pounds to shred down.
Around 15%