[QUOTE=Nate118;1552350781]Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 159lbs
I did a little cut throughout April and May. I'm thinking that I might end it there. Lighting might be a little bit flattering. For reference, I [url=https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=173620211&p=1548776851&viewfull=1#post1548776851previous post]made a post[/url] at the beginning of my cut where I was estimated at about 16%.
Thank you in advance to Partyrocking. You are a legend![/QUOTE]
About 13% I would lean bulk.
[QUOTE=jennytals;1552364121]May I get a quick estimate? Thanks in advance!
Age: 27
Weight: 150lb
Height: 5’10”[/QUOTE]
About 12%
[QUOTE=WizzyL;1552376801]Finished my bulk possible to get decently cut for summer (12-14%)? I seem to carry a lot more fat in my hips compared to legs :s
6'0 18 196lbs 35.5" at navel. My lifts (better indicates muscle mass?)
210kg DL, 175kg squat, 95kg Bench, 70kg Strict Press.
Id probably estimate myself between 17-23% but can't really tell cause of slightly stretched skin and awful storage proportions. If anyone can help me I'd be grateful. (Sry for sh**ty pics took after a night of binge drinking so v. depleted I shall upload better pics in the next week or two when my body recovers xd)[/QUOTE]
About 18%
[QUOTE=Bchads5;1552400541]Currently 5'9, 158 lbs, 22 years old.
What do you think my body fat % is?
Im kinda stuck on whether to bulk or cut, do you have a recommendation on which one I do?[/QUOTE]
About 12% Lean bulk for at least 6 months. You'll just be scrawny if you cut now.