[B][U]Macro #4 / Press #2 / Supplemental Scheme #2[/U][/B]
Ended up getting to the gym about 10 minutes late. I'm pretty much never get upset, but this morning I was pretty angry due to the incident that caused me to be late. I was short on sleep again, but my frustration really seemed to fuel my workout. My energy level was higher than normal.
[U]Core (70% of 1RM)[/U]
[B]Incline Bench Press[/B] = 105 x 6/6/6/6/6/6/6/5
The Incline Press was feeling really good today. I felt strong. My form felt like it was on point. This is the best I've felt on this lift in several weeks. My previous best for an AMRAP set at this weight was 11 reps. I don't have any doubt that I would've beat that today if I had done an AMRAP in one of my first three sets. I'm really happy with the performance.
[U]Supplementals (3-4 Sets/8-10 Reps)[/U]
[B]Push Press[/B] = 60 x 10/10/10
I'm still struggling to find a grip width that I'm comfortable with. Today, a closer grip (about half a hand outside of my shoulders) was feeling the best. Up to 65lbs next time.
[B]DB Bench Press[/B] = 45's x 10/6/6/6
My shoulders were feeling fatigued from the first two exercises, and it affected this lift more than expected. Not a bad result though. I'll stay at 45's next time.
[B]Tricep Rope Pushdown[/B] = 125 X 10/10/10
Working out at a different location today, I had no idea what weight to use for this. I made my best guess and went for it, and hit all my reps. I don't really know how this weight compares to my regular gym, so I'll have to experiment again next time.
[B]Front Lateral DB Raise[/B] = 10 X 10/10/10
This weight felt about right. I was feeling a good challenge on the last few reps. I'll be bumping it up to 12.5's.
[B]Decline Crunch[/B] = 110 X 10/10/10
I didn't have the equipment to do this. Ended up using an Ab machine which I'd best describe as a pullover bar. Again, I don't have any idea how this will translate to a decline crunch, so I'll need to experiment with the weight next time.
One more note, I was able to grab the trainer I worked with for a few months and have him check my form on Sumo Deadlifts. I needed another set of eyes on me after the troubles I had with it the other day. He gave me some REALLY good cue's to focus on. He pointed out that I was starting out the lift by elevating my hips, and then extending by back afterward. He had me focus on keeping my chest elevated, and trying to feel like the first movement with my hips is to sink them downward instead of lifting them up. I immediately felt the difference, and it felt MUCH better. I'm sure part of the problem is that I'm working with too much weight. I really should've started out lighter since it's a new lift for me. With the weights set to increase over the next two weeks, I'll really have to prioritize getting the form correct, even if that means using less weight than the program says I should be using based upon the 1RM I started with. The 1RM will sort itself out over the next couple of weeks.
Tuesday again. Taking measurements again.
[B]Measure: Old Scale Result - New Scale Result[/B]
Weight: 164.8 (+1.0) - 165.8 -2.2)
Body Fat%: 26.8 (+1.3) - 28.9 (+0.1)
Muscle Mass%: 41.2 (-1.0) - 33.6 (-0.2)
Everything is clearly trending the wrong way over the last two weeks. I mentioned in my last post that I was eating more to compensate for my lack of energy. After this week, the volume in my workouts will go back to a level that I'm more accustomed to, so that should resolve one part of the equation for me. I'll really be focusing on keeping a strict diet over the next couple of months. My goal is to get down near 155 by the end of November, which should totally be realistic.
[B][U]Macro #4 / Squat #2 / Supplemental Scheme #2[/U][/B]
I started the day off on the wrong foot. I had to be at work an hour early today, so that meant that if I wanted to lift I'd needed to wake up an hour earlier than normal. I didn't wake up as early as I needed to. I considered skipping my workout, but decided to try to fit it in. This meant I needed to work quickly (and drive fast, lol).
[U]Core (70% of 1RM)[/U]
[B]Back Squat[/B] = 95 x 6/6/6/6 - 135 x 6/6/6
I was in such a hurry that I forgot to add weight to the bar after completing my warmup sets. :facepalm:
I only got in 3 sets at the correct weight. My form was getting bad at the end, so I just ended up just stopping where I was. I could've pushed it much further today (probably could've done 3 or 4 more full sets), but I would've been performing a lot of those reps with poor form.
I've been primarily focused on increasing weight to this point, since I'm started out so low. On Squats and Deadlifts I've been able to increase the amount of weight I'm lifting because my back and hamstrings are a strong point. I've been able to adjust my form so that those muscles do the majority of the work, and as a result my numbers have gone up. I'm getting to a point now though where the weights are getting just heavy enough to make me uneasy about lifting it with the form I've been using to this point. The breakdown in form is becoming more obvious and more concerning to me. It's probably in my best interest to take a step back and make sure I'm performing the lifts correctly, even if that means lifting lighter weights until I build up sufficient strength in my Quads and other lagging muscles.
[U]Supplementals (3-4 Sets/8-10 Reps)[/U]
[B]Reverse Lunge[/B] = 25's x 6 - 20's x 4/10/10
I changed weights halfway through the first set, since it was obvious that the 25's were too heavy. Even the 20's were a struggle, but I made it through. I'll increase to 22.5's.
[B]Front Squat [/B]= 75 x 8/8/8
Much like the Back Squat, my form started to slide here. I did as many reps as I could without sacrificing form. One of the reasons I like the Front Squat is that it's much harder for me to lead with my hips and force my lower back and Hamstrings to do the brunt of the work. My tendency is still to try to do that, but it's harder to pull off, and easier for me to notice when I'm starting to do that. I'll use the same weight again next time and try to hit 10 reps on every set.
[B]Leg Extension [/B]= 95 x 10/10/10
This was a good test. Legs were shaking like crazy on the final reps of sets 2 and 3, but I was able to get all the reps in. I'll up it to 100lbs.
[B]Calf Press on Leg Press[/B] = 110 x 10 - 180 x 10/10
I increased the weight significantly after the first set, since 110 felt pretty easy. I did the next two sets with 180, and definitely could've handled even more weight. I'll jump it up to 200 next time.
[B]Shrug [/B]= 105 x 10/10/10
I wouldn't say this was easy, but it wasn't particularly hard either. I'll increase 10lbs to 115.
Despite the fact that everything felt off today, my results were decent (aside from the Back Squats). It's going to take me a while to get the new Supplemental lifts dialed in to the correct weights, but it's all good.
I'm planning to do Pull Day tomorrow.
[B][U]Macro #4 / Pull #2 / Supplemental Scheme #2[/U][/B]
Rushed through this one. Getting ready to head out of town. I'll be typing this up quickly for the same reason. My next workout won't be until Tuesday.
[U]Core (70% of 1RM)[/U]
[B]BB Bent Row[/B] = 110 x 6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6
Could've done a few more, but I'm headed out of town today so I was on a really tight schedule. I was supposed to do this with 125 (which is obviously why I was able to pump out this many reps without any problem). There weren't any open barbells though, so I had to use the shorter one pieces bars (I have no idea what they're called). 110 was the heaviest one available. In hindsight, I probably should've just bumped it up to 7 or 8 rep sets instead of sticking with 6.
[U]Supplementals (3-4 Sets/8-10 Reps)[/U]
[B]Pull Ups[/B] = BW-55 x 10/10/10
Will increase to BW-40.
[B]Cable Row[/B] = 170 x 6 : 155 x 9/7/6
170 was too heavy, so I dropped it down to 155 after the first set. I'll stay at 155 next time.
[B]Hammer Curl[/B] = 15's x 10/10/10
Will increase to 17.5's.
[B]Reverse Fly[/B] = 12.5's x 10/10/10
Will increase to 15's
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B] = 10lbs x 10/10/10
Holding a DB between my feet wasn't as awkward as I expected. This seemed to put more strain on my quads then my abs, but I was feeling it both places. I bump it up to 12.5 next time.
[B][U]Macro #4 / Lift #3 / Supplemental Scheme #3[/U][/B]
After a weekend off I was feeling fresh. Got to the gym early, so I didn't need to worry about rushing too much.
[U]Core (80% of 1RM)[/U]
Sumo Deadlift: 225 X 6/3/3
According to my starting 1RM, I should've been lifting 235 today. Based upon the fact that I think I estimated my 1RM too high, that I was struggling mightily with my form last time, and that I'm still fighting a mild muscle strain in my mid back, I dropped it down to 225lbs.
I'm pretty happy with how the lift went today. My form stayed pretty solid throughout. I left at least 1 rep in the tank on each set since I didn't feel comfortable pushing it to the limit today.
[U]Supplementals (4-5 Sets/4-6 Reps)[/U]
[B]Romanian Deadlift[/B] = 180 x 6/6/6/6
Up to 185lbs next time
[B]Reverse Hyper[/B] = 80 x 6 : 70 x 6/6/6
Didn't have the equipment to do hyperextensions, so I used a reverse hyper machine. Made a guess at the weight, starting out at 80lbs. I made it through 6 reps, but I probably had 1 or 0 reps in the tank after that, so I knocked it down to 70 for the remaining sets. I'll start out at 45lbs (which is what I was supposed to be doing today) next time I do Hyperextensions with this supplemental scheme, and gauge where I'm at. I'll bump it up if it feels too easy.
[B]Leg Curl [/B]= 115 x 6/6/6/6
I was supposed to do 120lbs, but I didn't have a machine that allowed it, so I stayed at the same weight as last time. If I would have been thinking, I would've added another set. Too late now. I had some reps in the tank, so I'll try jumping up to 125 next time.
[B]Seated Calf Raise[/B] = 80 x 6/6/6/6
I'll try 100lbs next time.
[B]Face Pull[/B] = 200 x 6/6/6/6
The machine said 200lbs, but it was definitely less than that because it was less than my bodyweight. I don't have any idea what the actual weight was though. According to my notes, I was supposed to do this with 37.5lbs... Once I'm back on the machine I typically use, I'll probably start out with whatever the next step is beyond 37.5, and see how it feels.
[U]Closing Comments[/U]
I'm working on a huge remodeling job right now, and the only time I can work with the guy that's helping me is during my workout time. :(
So...I'm not sure if I'll be able to work out at all for the rest of this week. I may be able to fit one in some evening, but it's very iffy. I'll pick up where I left off whenever I can next make it.
Tuesday again. Taking measurements again.
I'm abandoning my plan to transition to the new scale. It's too inconsistent to be reliable. I'll be taking measurements with the old scale for maybe one more week. After that I'll be using an entirely different scale that has been pretty reliable as far as the weight measurement. I'm just not going to worry about Bodyfat and Muscle Mass measurements. I'll need to rely upon my eyes and my clothes to tell me whether or not I'm making progress.
Here are today's measurements (using the old scale):
[B]Weight[/B]: 163.1 (-1.7)
[B]Body Fat%[/B]: 25.7 (-1.1)
[B]Muscle Mass%[/B]: 41.9 (+0.7)
Back on track here. I'm happy to see everything heading back in the right direction. Like I've said previously, I'm planning to continue cutting for a few months with my initial goal being to get down to 155lbs, at which point I'll re-assess whether I want to continue cutting, or do a short recomp/bulk phase (this will mostly depend upon my level of mental/physical fatigue).
I'm nearly done with the work sponsored fitness program I've been participating in. The initial period ran for about 3.5 months, and the maintenance for another 3.5 months. The 'maintenance' period comes to an end this next week. I asked my trainer to send me the spreadsheet they'd kept for me during the initial period, and he was kind enough to do so. So, now is as good a time as any to post up the results I suppose.
I should note that these starting numbers don't reflect my 'true' starting point. I started working out a couple months prior to the beginning of the program, with my beginning weight being about [B]202 pounds[/B]. With that said, here's the info they sent me:
[B][U]Date : Weight / Bodyfat% / Lean Muscle Mass[/U][/B]
Feb 16, 2016 : 187 / 35.9 / 67.7
June 2, 2016: 164.6 / 26.7 / 68.3
Current: 163.1 / 25.7 / 68.3
[B]Difference: -23.9 lbs / -10.2% / +0.6 lbs[/B]
Being at around 25-26% bodyfat, I obviously still have a good deal of fat to lose. After a short break, I'm back in full cut mode now, and hoping to be down to 155 lbs by the end of November. That would put me near a 50 lbs weight loss for the year. :)
[B][U]Macro #4 / Press #3 / Supplemental Scheme #3[/U][/B]
I had a reprieve from the remodeling project this morning, so I was able to fit in a workout. The hard work and waking up early over the last few day meant I woke up feeling pretty tired still.
[U]Core (80% of 1RM)[/U]
[B]Incline Bench Press[/B] = 155 x 7/3/3
Not much to say here. I was hoping to make it to 8 reps, but it just didn't happen.
[U]Supplementals (4-5 Sets/4-6 Reps)[/U]
[B]Push Press[/B] = 75 x 6/6/6/6
I tried a wider grip for a couple of the sets, and really struggled to get the weight started. The closer grip felt much better, and I was able to complete the reps easier. I'll increase to 80lbs.
[B]DB Bench Press[/B] = 50's x 6 : 45's x 6/6/6
I barely eeked out the 6th rep with 50's, so I dropped it down to 45's for the rest of the sets. The adjustments I made to my program for this macro have me doing this particular exercise in a more fatigued state than I was previously. The 45's were still pretty challenging, but I was able to get through all the reps. I'll do 50's next time.
[B]Tricep Rope Pushdown[/B] = 42.5 X 6/6/6/6
Still struggling to dial in the weight. I was using another different cable machine with different weights today. Hopefully I'll be able to use this same one from now on so I can get the weight set right. This weight felt pretty good. I probably could've handled a little bit more. I'll increase this to 47.5.
[B]Front Lateral DB Raise[/B] = 15's X 6/6/6/6
These were borderline too heavy, and I was on the verge of losing my form. I managed to hold it together pretty well though. I don't think I'm ready to do this with a heavier weight, but since I hit all my reps I'll be giving it a whirl with 17.5's next time.
[B]Decline Crunch[/B] = 25 x 6/6/6/6
I don't think I've ever done these while holding a weight, so it was a bit awkward and was definitely putting more stress on my lower back than I'm accustomed to. I felt the burn in the abs too. I'll increase to 30.
Not a bad result given how I was feeling today. I know for sure that I'll be working out next Tuesday, but I'm not sure if I'll make it again before then, since I'm going to be back working on the remodel.
[U][B][/U]Macro #4 / Squat #3 / Supplemental Scheme #3[/B]
Squat day today. I felt okay headed into the workout. Energy wasn't super high or low, just feeling okay.
[U]Core (80% of 1RM)[/U]
[B]Back Squat [/B]= 150 x 5(AMRAP)/3/3
Not happy with this at all, but I gave it everything I had today, which is all I can ask I guess. My legs just felt dead.
[U]Supplementals (4-5 Sets/4-6 Reps)[/U]
[B]Reverse Lunge[/B] = 25's x 6/6/6/6
I never noticed it much doing regular squats, but my right leg is weak af compared to my left. The reverse lunges seem to help me isolate the muscles a little more for some reason, and the strength imbalance is pretty obvious. I'll trying bumping the weight up to 35's.
Front Squat[/B] = 95 x 6/6/6/6
It took everything I had to get through these reps. The thing I like most about front squats is that it absolutely requires a tight core, and I was really feeling it today. I felt like I worked my abs almost as much as my legs. I'll try 100 next time through.
[B]Leg Extension [/B]= 110 x 6/6/6/6
No problem here. Will increase to 115 next time.
[B]Calf Press on Leg Press[/B] = 180 x 6 - 270 x 6/6 - 360 x 6
Kept bumping up the weight because it felt way too light. I'll try doing all sets at 360lbs next time.
[B]Shrug [/B]= 115 x 6/6/6/6
This weight felt about right. Not too light and not too heavy. I'll bump it up to 120 next time through this supplemental scheme.
[B]Weight[/B]: 162.7 (-0.4)
[B]Body Fat%[/B]: 26.4 (+0.7)
[B]Muscle Mass%[/B]: 41.5 (-0.5)
This will probably be my last time weighing in with this scale for quite a while. I'll be tracking my weight pretty much daily, but not going to take Body Fat or Muscle Mass measurements again anytime soon.
[B][U]Macro #4 / Pull #3 / Supplemental Scheme #3[/U][/B]
[U]Core (80% of 1RM)[/U]
[B]BB Bent Row[/B] = 140 x 11/3/3
Not bad. This is a 2 rep increase from the last time I did an AMRAP set at this weight.
[U]Supplementals (4-5 Sets/4-6 Reps)[/U]
[B]Pull Ups[/B] = BW x 6/5/5/3/3
4 Reps better than last time. I'll stay at BW next time again.
[B]Cable Row[/B] = 185 x 5 : 170 x 5/5/6/5
185 Wasn't happening, so I dropped back to 170 after the first set. Doing this immediately after Pullups is definitely reducing the amount of weight I can handle. That one set of 6 looks really odd, but I felt like my muscles had finally fully recovered from the Pullups at that point.
[B]Hammer Curl[/B] = 20's x 6/6/6/6
Will increase to 22.5's.
[B]Reverse Fly[/B] = 15's x 6/6/6/6
Will increase to 17.5's
[B]Decline Crunch[/B] = 30lbs x 6/6/6/4
I was supposed to do Hanging Leg Raises, but I didn't have access to the equipment so I did Decline Crunches again. I had nothing left after the last rep. Tried another and could only make it about half way up before my muscles gave out. I still made the 90% threshold, so I'll try doing 35lbs next time.
I have no idea when I'll make it back for my next workout. Maybe Sunday...hopefully Sunday. Possibly Saturday evening, if I have any energy remaining after working on my remodeling job all day. I'm really trying to make it as often as I can right now, because the DOMS are killing me with these longish breaks between working each body part.
I'm strongly considering changing to a different program after I complete this Macro (about 90% sure I'm going to). GST has been great when I can workout consistently, but it's not working so well now that my availability has dropped down to 2-3 days per week. I feel like I'll be better off going to an upper/lower, a PPL, a full body workout, or some combination the three. That way even if I can only make it 3 days per week I'll be hitting each body part at least once a week, whereas I'm currently sometimes having 1.5-2 weeks between workouts on a body part. With one Micro remaining now, I have another week or so to figure out what I'm going to do.
[B][U]Macro #4 / Lift #3 / Supplemental Scheme #3[/U][/B]
Did an afternoon workout for the first time in a very long time. I was feeling well rested and energetic.
[U]Core (90% of 1RM)[/U]
[B]Sumo Deadlift[/B]: 245 X 5/2/2
This was 20lbs lighter than what I should've been lifting according to my starting 1RM. It because obvious after the first 2 micros that my 1RM was too high though, so I dropped it for micros 3 and 4. This was my first time ever doing Sumo Deadlifts, so I was somewhat guessing at my 1RM.
I felt strong today. The 245lbs felt lighter that the 225 did in micro 3. I would've had a couple of more reps, but my grip didn't hold up. I ended up having to completely reset before I'd truly maxed out. It's all good though. I was happy with how I felt. The extended breaks between workouts paid off, in the sense that the strained muscle in my back I've been dealing with for about the last month seems to be completely healed. This was the first time I've been able to do Deadlifts without any ill effects since I first strained it. I just need to get my grip figured out. The mixed grip feels a bit awkward with my hand in that close, so I tried doing a traditional grip initially. This was more weight than I could handle with a traditional grip though. After resetting, I went to a mixed grip for the rest of the reps. I still felt like I was out of balance a bit, so I'll need to get that sorted out.
[U]Supplementals (2-3 Sets/15-20 Reps)[/U]
[B]Romanian Deadlift[/B] = 125 x 20/20
The weight felt pretty light actually. The only reason I struggled here was because my grip was pretty worn out. My fingertips somehow managed to keep the bar from dropping to the floor. I'll increase the weight to 130.
[B]Hyperextension[/B] = 30 x 20/19
This sucked! My lower back and hamstrings were burning. I wasn't able to really lock out the last rep, but I made it over 90% so I'll increase to 35lbs next time.
[B]Leg Curl[/B] = 85 x 20/12/13
This was a different machine than I was used to using. I didn't feel like I had all of the settings correct, and I think it had a pretty large impact. I finally got everything setup right for the final set, which I why I was able to do one more rep than I had the previous step. If I would've had that setup from the beginning, I may have made it close to 20 reps on each of my first two sets. Oh well. I'll keep it at 85lbs.
[B]Seated Calf Raise[/B] = 50 x 20/20
I really struggled to complete all of the reps. There were probably one or two in there that shouldn't be counted. Regardless of that, I would've made the necessary number of reps to increase the weight. It'll move up to 55lbs next time.
[B]Face Pull[/B] = 20 x 20 : 25 x 20
It seems like I've used a different machine every single time I've done this exercise. I had to guess at a starting weight. It felt okay, but a little too light, so I increased the weight for the second set. I'll try bumping it up to 30 next time through.
I'm satisfied with the workout overall. I definitely won't be able to lift tomorrow. Hopefully I'll make it on Tuesday.
[B][U]Macro #4 / Press #4 / Supplemental Scheme #1[/U][/B]
Weighed in prior to my workout today. Previous weight was 162.7. Today's weight was 162.4, so I'm still on track for my goal of cutting down to about 155 by the end of November.
[U]Core (90% of 1RM)[/U]
[B]Incline Bench Press[/B] = 130 x 3/1/1
I just realized that in the post I made for my last Press Day, I listed the weight as 155lbs. It was actually 115. I ended up about where I expected to today. On my last Micro 4 Press Day I hit only 1 rep at 135lbs, so this was a small improvement on that. On the final set I closed my grip slightly and it felt much easier than the previous reps. I think I would've gotten 4 or 5 reps on my AMRAP set with that grip. It's strange...sometimes I feel stronger with a wider grip, and other times the closer grip feels better.
[U]Supplementals (2-3 Sets/15-20 Reps)[/U]
[B]Push Press[/B] = 45 x 20/20
I thought the weight was going to be too light after the first 10 reps, but then the fatigue started setting in. My shoulders were really burning by the last rep. I'll move up to 50lbs next time.
[B]DB Bench Press[/B] = 30's x 20/19
So close to making all 40 reps. I'll move it up to 35's.
[B]Tricep Rope Pushdown[/B] = 25 x 20/20
I was using another different cable machine with different weights AGAIN today. I should have some more stability as far as where I go to workout and what machines I use from now on. I'll increase the weight on this next time.
[B]Front Lateral DB Raise[/B] = 7.5's X 20/20
This felt good. I shouldn't have any problem doing this with more weight next time. I'll bump it up to 10's.
[B]Decline Crunch[/B] = 5 x 13/13 : BW x 8
Well damn, this sucked. Last time I was able to do 20 reps on each set with just bodyweight. I started out with 5lbs today, and it took every ounce of energy I had to get up to 13 for the first two sets. I just did bodyweight on the last set, and could only manage 8 reps before my abs totally gave out. I'm not really sure what happened here, but I'll try it with the same weight again next time.
[B][U]Macro #4 / Squat #4 / Supplemental Scheme #1[/U][/B]
I've been waking up about 3 hours earlier than normal for the last week. Today was an early day also. I had been awake for about 5 hours, with only a couple cups of coffee and a piece of cake in my stomach. I had no energy at all, but had to take advantage of the opportunity to lift, because they've been hard to come by lately.
[U]Core (90% of 1RM)[/U]
[B]Back Squat[/B] = 170 x 3(AMRAP)/1/1
The third rep on my AMRAP set was done with poor form, and probably shouldn't even be counted.
[U]Supplementals (2-3 Sets/15-20 Reps)[/U]
[B]Reverse Lunge[/B] = 15's x 20/20
I didn't think I was going to make it through these. My legs were shaking pretty noticeably by the time I was done.
[B]Front Squat[/B] = 55 x 20/20
As if I wasn't already worn out... These destroyed me. I have no idea how I managed all the reps. It wasn't even that the weight was too heavy. I was just extremely fatigued. I was feeling light headed near the end, and after racking the bar I had to hold on to something to prevent my legs from giving out.
[B]Leg Extension[/B] = 75 x 10/9/8
After the front squats I took a few minutes rest to recuperate. I was feeling much better when I started the extensions, and then I started... My legs felt like jello after a couple of reps. This is the second time in a row I've failed to hit the reps at this weight. I'll be lowering it to 70lbs next time.
[B]Calf Press on Leg Press[/B] = 100 x 20/20
My biggest challenge on the 20 rep sets isn't the weight, it's the conditioning. I struggled to keep my legs extended enough to actually do the calf presses. Hit all the reps, so I'll increase the weight to 110 next time.
[B]Shrug[/B] = 115 x 20/20
The last 2 or 3 reps weren't great. I still hit the threshold that allows me to increase the weight next time though. I'll go up to 120lbs.
I completed my workout over 2 hours ago. I've got a good meal in me now, but I'm still totally wiped out. I have tomorrow free, so if I can stand I'll be at the gym for Pull Day.
[B][U]Macro #4 / Pull #4 / Supplemental Scheme #1[/U][/B]
[U]Core (90% of 1RM)[/U]
[B]BB Bent Row[/B] = 160 x 6/3/3
I tried to focus on being a little more strict on the form for this exercise. I felt good, and was pretty satisfied with this result.
[U]Supplementals (2-3 Sets/15-20 Reps)[/U]
[B]Pull Ups[/B] = BW-55 x 20/16/11
This was a 7 rep improvement from my last time at this weight. Good progress.
[B]Cable Row[/B] = 125 x 17/14/14
Also a 7 rep improvement on this exercise compared to last time with the same weight.
[B]Hammer Curl[/B] = 12.5's x 20/18
This was a huge jump. Last time doing this exercise at this weight, I only completed 36 reps over 3 sets. This time I did 38 over 2 sets.
[B]Reverse Fly[/B] = 10's x 20/20
It was a struggle near the end of each set. I'll move up to 12.5's next time.
[B]Decline Crunch[/B] = 5lbs x 20/15/11
I'll try this with the same weight again next time.
I won't be able to make it to the gym again until at least Thursday. Today marked the last workout I'm doing on the GST program (at least for now). I'll be changing over to TheVikings Bare Bones Upper/Lower program. It'll be a better fit for now, given my inability to lift 4x/week lately. The decreased frequency has resulted in me stalling or regressing on most of my core lifts. It's pretty understandable since it's sometimes been almost 2 weeks between doing each core exercise. I'm hoping I'll be able to get back to a 4x/week schedule sometime soon, but in the meantime I think I'll benefit from TheVikings program.
[B][U]Upper #1[/U][/B]
Today was my first day on the new program. As mentioned in my last post, I'm doing TheVikings Bare Bones Upper/Lower program. After 4 days where I was unable to lift, it felt great to be back at it today.
If you're curious about the programs layout, progression system, etc., I recommend checking out the thread, because I'm not going to explain it all here.
My formatting will look like this:
[B]Exercise[/B]: Weight(lbs) x Reps/Reps/Reps/Reps (Total # of Reps)
[B]Bench Press[/B]: 105 x 10/9/9/7 (35)
This is actually the first time I've bench pressed in several months. I was expecting to do more reps at this weight, but I hit my goal at least. I'll increase to 110.
[B]Barbell Row[/B]: 125 x 10/8/6/7 (31)
I'm trying to be really strict on form. I did two additional reps, but didn't count them because I wasn't satisfied with how I did those reps. Weight will stay the same next time.
[B]Military Press[/B]: 45 x 14/11/9 (34)
This was basically the first time I've ever done a military press. I wanted to start out as light as possible. I'll bump it up to 55 next time.
[B]Pullup[/B]: BW-55 x 12/12/11 (35)
Felt good. I'll increase to BW-50.
[B]Incline DB Press[/B]: 25's x 14/12/11 (37)
No problem here. I'll increase to 30's.
[B]DB Row[/B]: 35 x 15/11/10 (36)
Weight will go up to 40 next time.
[B]Straight Arm Pulldown[/B]: 30 x 15/15/15 (45)
Not sure on the weight. It was a 6 on the machine. I tried comparing it to a different machine that listed the weight in pounds, and it felt comparable to 30lbs.
[B]Face Pull[/B]: 20 x 15/15/15 (45)
Not sure on the weight. It was a 4 on the machine. I tried comparing it to a different machine that listed the weight in pounds, and it felt comparable to 20lbs.
I'm pretty satisfied. My goal was to pick weights that I was pretty sure I could hit the rep goals with, and I succeeded on all but one of them.
I should be able to lift both of the next two days. Tomorrow will be Lower Day #1. I'm looking forward to it. ;)
I'm not sure what my schedule is going to look like moving forward. I'll be working different hours beginning next week. I think it should make it a little bit easier for me to find time to lift, but it's hard to say for sure. My goal is 3-4 days per week. I'm really hoping for 4, so I hope I can make that happen.
[B][U]Lower #1[/U][/B]
Had a rare evening workout today. Energy level was about a 5 out of 10, so not great or terrible.
[B]Back Squat[/B]: 125 x 10/10/7/8 (35)
Going for 32 reps here. This was a good starting weight. I still have a tendency to shift the weight forward too much, so sitting back a bit will be focus point for me. I'll increase to 130.
[B]Deadlift[/B]: 185 x 11/10/10 (31)
This was my first time doing conventional deadlifts in a couple of months. It felt good. Just barely made the 30 rep goal because my lower back was getting fatigued. Weight will go to 190.
[B]Hack Squat[/B]: 95 x 10/10/10 (30)
I've never done hack squats before. They felt really awkward, which is to be expected I guess. I was surprised how much I was feeling it in my quads and calves. Gonna try 100lbs next time.
[B]Lying Leg Curl[/B]: 80 x 13/10/10 (33)
I'll go up to 85lbs next time.
[B]Single Leg Press[/B]: 0 x 14/13/11 (38)
My legs were pretty much shot by this point. My right leg actually gave out on me when I was just standing not doing anything between sets. I loaded up 90lbs initially, but realized right away it was more than I could handle. I ended up doing it without any weight added.
[B]Decline Crunch[/B]: BW x 15/15/15 (45)
These felt good. I probably could've even squeezed out a few more. I'll do it with 5lbs next time.
[B]Seated Calf Raise[/B]: 60 x 13 : 45 x 15/15 (43)
Started out at 60, which probably would be a good weight for me if my legs weren't already exhausted. My left calf cramped up during the 13th rep. I lowered the weight to 45 for the remaining sets. My right calf cramped up during the second set, lol. Managed to make it through set number three without any cramps. ;) I'll increase to 50lbs.
I hit the rep goal for every exercise today, so I'm pretty happy with that. It's probably going to take a couple of weeks for my body to get used to this program. I was pretty fatigued and low on energy during todays workout. I should be able to get to the gym again on Tuesday for Upper Day #2. I'm still a bit sore from the last upper day, but I should be pretty much back to 100% for the next workout.
[B][U]Upper #2[/U][/B]
I only got about 6 hours of sleep, so my energy level was a little low today.
[B]Bench Press[/B]: 110 x 10/10/8/6 (34)
No problems here. Will increase to 115.
[B]Barbell Row[/B]: 125 x 8/7/8/7 (30)
Focusing on doing perfect reps. I still had a couple of reps where I used momentum to get the weight up more than I'd like. I'll try this weight one more time, and then drop it down if I don't make it to 32 reps.
[B]Military Press[/B]: 55 x 11/9/7 (27)
Will increase to 60.
[B]Pullup[/B]: BW-50 x 18/12/13 (43)
I have no idea what happened here. I was lifting 5 more pounds than last time, and somehow managed to do 8 more reps than I did at the lower weight. I'll chalk it up as an anomaly and only increase the weight by 5lbs again next time.
[B]Lateral Raise[/B]: 10's x 12/12/10 (34)
I need to do some more research on this exercise, because I'm not sure i'm doing it exactly right. I've never done it before. I hit my rep goal, so I'll increase to 12.5lbs DB's next time.
[B]Barbell Shrug[/B]: 90 x 11/12/12 (35)
Strange that i did the fewest amount of reps on my first set. Must've taken me a set to get the muscles warmed up. Will increase to 95.
[B]Barbell Curl[/B]: 45 x 12/10/9 (31)
Will increase to 50.
[B]Skullcrusher[/B]: 25 x 15/13/15 (43)
Started with a really light weight since I've never done these before. I'll increase to 30 next time.
[B]Overhead Cable Extension[/B]: 25 x 15/15/14 (44)
This weight was pretty easy, but I've never done this exercise before either, so I wanted a weight I knew I could handle. I'll increase to 30 next time.
[B]Cable Hammer Curl[/B]: 20 x 15/12/12 (39)
Will increase to 25.
Good workout today. Though I started with a low energy level, I started feeling pretty good once I got the blood pumping. I'm going to need to pick up the pace though. It took me about 90 minutes, with about 3 minute breaks between sets on all the compound lifts, and around 2 minutes on the others. I need to try to get done in less than an hour (I actually ended up late to work because of how long it took me today). I'll try reducing my rest period by 30-60 seconds next time. I'm not sure when I'll be lifting again. I'll fit a workout in whenever I can.
[B][U]Lower #2[/U][/B]
Another evening workout today. I had to wake up much earlier than I'm accustomed to for work today, which meant working out after work instead of before. Energy level was about average. The gym I went to has like 10 power racks. I hopped in one right away, and then about 2 minutes later I got kicked out of it because there was a class going that needed 8 or them. I wasn't in the mood to wait for one of the remaining two racks to open up, so I left and went to a different gym that only had three power racks. I lucked out and one of them was open, so I setup shop and got to work.
[B]Back Squat[/B]: 130 x 5/5/6/5 (21)
Added 5 pounds compared to last time, and I did 14 fewer reps. I'm trying to be really strict on my form, because it's still been pretty sloppy and I need to get it right before I hurt myself. I did a much better job of keeping the barbell over my feet, though I did have 1 rep where I found myself leaning forward too much. Another thing I'm going to focus on is trying to keep my weight balanced between both legs. I'm favoring my left leg big time. I've been using the explanation that it's because my legs are different lengths, and it's forcing me into an awkward stance. I'm wondering if that 'explanation' isn't actually just an excuse though. I'm going to do my best to improve my weight distribution and see if it truly does put too much stress on my right knee. I'm expecting the weight not to increase over the next few sessions as I work on these things.
[B]Romanian Deadlift[/B]: 155 x 11/11/11 (33)
I felt strong on this today. I probably could've nearly made my rep goal with 20 more pounds. Therefore, I'm increased the weight 20lbs to 175 next time.
[B]Leg Press[/B]: 180 x 11/10/10 (31)
I didn't go too near failure since this was probably the first time I done a leg press in like 20 years. I'll bump it up to 200.
[B]Leg Extension[/B]: 110 x 9/9/9 (27)
Eight reps short of my goal. Weight will stay the same.
[B]Leg Curl[/B]: 110 x 12/12/11 (35)
Weight will increase to 115
[B]Decline Crunch[/B]: 5 x 15/15/12 (42)
Increase to 10.
[B]Seated Calf Raise[/B]: 50 x 14/13/13 (40)
Increase to 55
Pretty good session. It still took me too long (nearly 90 minutes) despite being more strict on rest times. It didn't help that I did more sets than I was supposed to on some of the exercises because I wasn't paying attention.
[B][U]Upper #1[/U][/B]
Worked out yesterday, but didn't have time to post it.
[B]Bench Press[/B]: 115 x 10/8/7/5 (30)
I thought I might make it to 32 reps after the first two sets, but ran out of steam. Still, it felt good. The increased frequency has definitely helped. My form/grip positioning is starting to get dialed in pretty well.
[B]Barbell Row[/B]: 115 x 10/10/8/7 (35)
I decided to lower the weight so I can continue to focus on strict form. This felt good. I'll increase to 120.
[B]Military Press[/B]: 60 x 11/8/6 (25)
Just barely made it to 25 reps. I'll move up to 65lbs next time.
[B]Pullup[/B]: BW-45 x 14/11/8 (33)
Noticing a big improvement quickly on Pullups. I'll bump it up another 5lbs to BW-40.
[B]Incline DB Press[/B]: 30's x 16/14/12 (42)
This actually felt easy today. Increase to 35's.
[B]DB Row[/B]: 40 x 15/12/11 (38)
No problem here. Increase to 45.
[B]Straight Arm Pulldown[/B]: 35 x 14/14/12 (40)
Just barely made it to 40. I'll try 37.5 next time.
[B]Face Pull[/B]: 25 x 18/16/16 (50)
Piece of cake. Increasing to 30.
Making good progress all around. I'm really enjoying the program. I finished a bit faster this time (75 minutes), but still need to try to shave off another 15 minutes. I'll try reducing rest time a little bit more between sets.
[B][U]Lower #1[/U][/B]
An early morning workout. I was short on sleep, but my energy level was decent.
[B]Back Squat[/B]: 125 x 7/4/4/4 (19)
Well...decided to stop accepting any poor reps, otherwise I'll just keep compensating to get more reps. I stopped immediately when I had a rep where I was either leaning forward to utilize my lower back more than my legs, or started shifting my weight to my left leg too much. I'm able to do solid reps initially, so I don't think I can use uneven limb lengths as an excuse. It still feels awkward to keep the weight balanced between both legs, but I'll need to get used to it. I'll continue with this approach moving forward. I was nowhere near hitting the rep goal though, so I'm going to drop the weight down to 115 next time and work my way back up with correct form.
[B]Deadlift[/B]: 190 x 10/10/7 (27)
Close, but couldn't quite make it to 30 reps. I have a tendency to shift my weight forward, similar to squats, so I tried to focus on keeping my weight back and chest up. I would've definitely done more than 30 reps if I'd reverted to bad form and relied on my lower back to get the weight up, but I'm sure that's what caused me to strain a muscle in my lower back a couple of months ago, and I have no interest in doing that again. I'll try it again with the same weight next time.
[B]Hack Squat[/B]: 100 x 12/10/10 (32)
These felt about 10x better than they did last time, but still felt awkward as hell. My form feels okay when my muscles are fresh, but I find myself leaning forward (damnit!) when I start getting fatigued, and relying on my lower back strength to force the weight up. I'll need to be careful about increasing the weight too quickly, but I'll increase to 105 and see how that goes.
[B]Lying Leg Curl[/B]: 85 x 16/12/10 (38)
No problem hitting the rep goal of 30 here. I'll increase to 90.
[B]Single Leg Press[/B]: 10 x 15/15/15 (45)
My right leg is definitely lagging behind a little bit. I feel like this will help me out with squats in the long run. I'll be focusing on really pushing myself to get as many reps as possible on my right leg. My legs are jello by the time I get this far into the workout, so the weight is really low right now still. I'll Increase to 20.
[B]Decline Crunch[/B]: 10 x 15/13/12 (40)
Still feeling pretty strong on these. Just barely managed to make it to the 40 rep goal. I'll try 15lbs next time.
[B]Seated Calf Raise[/B]: 55 x 15/15/15 (45)
Really happy with this. Increase to 60.
Good session today. All of the lifts where I failed to reach my rep goal, it was a result of improving form. It's resulting in minor setback as far as the amount of weight I'm lifting, but it's the right thing to do and what I need to do. Right now my primary goal is solid form. The rep goals are secondary.
[B][U]Upper #2[/U][/B]
I had 3 days of rest. I was hoping to get a workout in earlier, but just didn't have an opportunity. I've been sick for most of those 3 days too. Was feeling a bit better today, but still under the weather. Breathing was a challenge, and it definitely affected my rest times today. My energy level was also pretty low as a result.
[B]Bench Press[/B]: 115 x 9/9/7/6 (31)
One more rep than last time, which I'm happy with. I thought for sure I was going to make it to 32 after hitting 9 on the second set, but it wasn't to be. I'll stay at 115.
[B]Barbell Row[/B]: 120 x 8/7/6/6 (27)
I didn't really come close to my rep goal, but I was extremely happy with the form improvement. I managed to isolate my upper back really well, and I'm still feeling now, about 5 hours later. Stay at 120.
[B]Military Press[/B]: 65 x 8/6/6 (20)
Again, not close to my rep goal, but happy with the result nonetheless. I pushed it as far as I could. I'll stay at 65 again next time.
[B]Pullup[/B]: BW-40 x 14/11/9 (34)
Once again, I had no problem reaching my rep goal on pullups. This exercise is increasing easier and more steadily than any other. The increased frequency in helping with form a lot too. Feels good. Increase to BW-35.
[B]Lateral Raise[/B]: 12.5's x 14/11/10 (35)
Even with a weight increase, I managed to do more reps than last time. To be honest, I was kind of bummed though. I was getting sloppy, and several of the reps were questionable. I'll increase to 15's, but really focus on good form next time.
[B]Barbell Shrug[/B]: 95 x 12/10/10 (32)
Meh. Made the rep goal. Wasn't totally happy with the range of motion. I'll increase to 100, but place an emphasis on using the full range of motion next time.
[B]Barbell Curl[/B]: 55 x 15/12/9 (36)
No problems here. Increase to 60.
[B]Skullcrusher[/B]: 35 x 15/11/9 (35)
There was no 30lb EZ bar available, so I tried 35 and hit the rep goal pretty easily. Increase to 40
[B]Overhead Cable Extension[/B]: 6 x 14/13/12 (39)
The gym has 4 separate sets of cable stands. This is good, because I can usually find an open station. Unfortunately, 3 of the 4 have completely different weight markings on them. One goes by numbers (1,2,3, etc.), one by pounds, and the other two seem to go by pounds also, but the listed weights don't really match up to the other set (they also use different weight increments. Keeping track of progress is really frustrating due to these inconsistencies. Today I used the station with the numbers, which I why I listed a '6' above. I haven't figured out yet what those numbers correspond to for weight on the other stations. I'll increase to 6.5 (if I end up at the same station next time).
[B]Cable Hammer Curl[/B]: 3.5 x 12/8/8 (28)
Same story as above. I'll stay at 3.5.
It felt good to be back at it again today. I friggin wore me out, but in the best possible way. I should be able to lift before work on Monday...Lower day. Starting in about another week my work schedule should become much more consistent. If everything goes as planned, I should have the opportunity to lift immediately after work most days. I'm looking forward to getting on a regular lifting schedule, since that's something I've never been able to do up to this point. I imagine it should help a lot.
[U][B][/U]Lower #2[/B]
Feeling average today. Still fighting a cold. Energy level was decent though.
[B]Back Squat[/B]: 115 x 8/7/6/5 (26)
I'm okay with this result. It seems ridiculous that I'm only squatting 115 pounds, but it's necessary right now. My form is still a mess, but it was infinitely better today. I did a good job of not leaning forward. I still can't really keep my weight evenly balanced between my left and right legs (and maybe I won't ever be able to), but it was improved today. I'll continue the focus on form at 115lbs again next time.
[B]Romanian Deadlift[/B]: 175 x 12/10/9 (31)
My grip starting failing on the second set, which I wasn't expecting at all. I had to re-grip after my eighth rep. Struggled with it a lot on the last set too. The bar was in my fingertips on the final rep. Other than that, I didn't have much trouble with the weight. I'll do 180 next time.
[B]Leg Press[/B]: 200 x 15/15/13 (43)
This was pretty easy. I'll increase to 220.
[B]Leg Extension[/B]: 110 x 12/11/10 (33)
I did six more reps than last time, so good progress. Still came short of the 35 rep goal, so the weight will stay the same.
[B]Leg Curl[/B]: 115 x 15/13/12 (40)
No problem here. Increasing to 120.
[B]Decline Crunch[/B]: 15 x 15/12/10 (37)
Close, but didin't quite make it to 40 reps. I'll do the same weight again next time.
[B]Seated Calf Raise[/B]: 60 x 16/14/13 (43)
I did this pretty easily. I'll increase to 65.
I made good progress on all the lifts I did later in the session, which tells me my stamina is probably improving. The compound lifts are starting to annoy me a bit. The more I do them, the more I notice the flaws in how I'm performing them. My form has undoubtedly improved a lot compared to when I first started, but I still have a long way to go. I feel like I'm taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back right now. It is what it is though. I can't progress with the weight without hurting myself, so I need to continue to refine the movements. I don't know when I'll get to the gym next...hopefully tomorrow.
Upper #1
Rough week at work. I changed positions, and have been working really long days. I finally got off work on time today and was able to lift.
[B]Bench Press[/B]: 115 x 10/9/7/6 (32)
Finally made it. I'll increase to 120.
[B]Barbell Row[/B]: 120 x 9/8/8/8 (33)
I didn't expect to make it after the first set, but I didn't lose much on the subsequent sets. Increase to 125.
[B]Military Press[/B]: 65 x 9/7/6 (22)
2 more reps that last time. I'll stay at 65.
[B]Pullup[/B]: BW-35 x 14/10/10 (34)
I've been feeling really strong on pullups. Made the rep goal pretty easily again. I'll increase to BW-30.
[B]Incline DB Press[/B]: 35's x 15/10/9 (34)
Felt super strong on the first set, but wore myself out. I probably should've saved a rep and been fresher for the next sets. Didn't matter much though. I still made my rep goal. Increase to 40's.
[B]One Arm Cable Row[/B]: 45 x 18 - 50 x 18 - 60 x 15 (51)
I decided to change from DB Rows. I way underestimated the weight, and increased after each set. I'll try 70 next time.
[B]Straight Arm Pulldown[/B]: 32.5 x 16/14/14 (44)
Increase to 37.5
[B]Face Pull[/B]: 27.5 x 16/15/15 (46)
Increase to 32.5
After an 8 day break, I was feeling really fresh today. I'll be out of town for the weekend. I should be able to start getting in a good groove next week. I'm getting settled in at the new job, and with the working hours I should be able to lift after work 4 days/week. I'm totally looking forward to getting on a consistent schedule for the first time in quite a while.
[B]Lower #1[/B]
LIfted after work today. I'm still struggled to adjust to my new work/sleep schedule. I haven't been able to fall asleep early, so I've been pretty tired. Aside from that, I was feeling okay.
[B]Back Squat[/B]: 115 x 10/9/8/8 (35)
Finally made it. I narrowed my stance and that helped keep be more balanced between my left and right legs. I'll increase to 120.
[B]Deadlift[/B]: 190 x 11/10/9 (30)
These felt good. Increase to 195.
[B]Hack Squat[/B]: 105 x 12/10/8/ (30)
Doing these after squats and deadlifts if some seriously masochistic ****. Why am I doing this? lol. I hit my rep goal, so I'll increase to 110.
[B]Lying Leg Curl[/B]: 90 x 12/11/11 (34)
Increase to 95.
[B]Single Leg Press[/B]: 30 x 13/13/13 (39)
These were painful. My legs were jello at this point. I was worried they were going to give out, but I somehow managed to hit my goal relatively easily. Increase to 40.
[B]Decline Crunch[/B]: 15 x 16/14/12 (42)
Felt strong here. Increase to 20.
[B]Seated Calf Raise[/B]: 65 x 6/12/10 (28)
The weight wasn't really a problem here. The problem was that my legs were cramping up. I'll stay at 65.
Good session overall. I shouid be back for Upper day tomorrow.
[B][U]Upper #2[/U][/B]
I didn't make it to the gym yesterday. Went today though. It doesn't really matter. Out of Tuesday and Wednesday I was only going to be able to lift one day regardless. Was short of sleep. Still trying to adjust to my new work/sleep schedule.
[B]Bench Press[/B]: 120 x 10/7/5/5 (27)
I felt really good on the first set, but I pretty much exhausted myself and paid for it on the remaining sets. I'll stay at 120.
[B]Barbell Row[/B]: 125 x 8/8/8/7 (31)
I'm satisfied with this. I struggled to maintain solid form, and that was what prevented me from hitting my rep goal. I'm happy with the reps I completed though. I'll stay at 125.
[B]Military Press[/B]: 65 x 10/8/7 (25)
3 More reps than last time. I just barely got rep 25, but I managed to lock it out. I'm pumped to finally be making some progress on this, since I basically didn't make any for the first several months I did OHP and Push Press. Increase to 70.
[B]Pullup[/B]: BW-30 x 12/10/8 (30)
I'm finally to a point where I struggled to hit my rep goal. Just barely got up for that last rep. I'll try BW-25 next time.
[B]Lateral Raise[/B]: 15's x 13/10/8 (31)
I finally felt like I was doing these the right way. Increase to 17.5's.
[B]Barbell Shrug[/B]: 100 x 16/14/12 (42)
Well this is odd. I did 10 more reps than I did at 95 last time. It must be a difference in the weight I was using. I was previously using the shorter barbells that a fixed weight. Today I used a regular barbell with plates. I'm guessing the fixed weight barbells weigh more than what they say... Anyway, I'll increase to 110.
[B]Barbell Curl[/B]: 60 x 8/7/5 (20)
Another strange one. After increasing the weight 5 pounds, I did 16 fewer reps. I'm going to attribute it to the equipment again. I had been using an EZ bar previously. Today I had to used a fixed weight, straight barbell since that was all that was available. I'll stay at 60.
[B]Skullcrusher[/B]: 30 x 18/16/12 (46)
I was supposed to use a 40lbs EZ bar. The closest I could get was a fixed weight barbell at 30lbs. This weight felt really easy. I've had no problem advancing on this exercise so far, so I'll go ahead an increase to 45lbs next time.
[B]Overhead Cable Extension[/B]: 6.5 x 11/11/11 (33)
I finally managed to get on the same equipment I used last time. I just came up a little bit short here, so I'll stay at a 6.5 setting next time.
[B]Cable Hammer Curl[/B]: 3.5 x 13/10/10 (33)
5 more reps than I did last time. Still didn't hit the 35 rep goal, so I'll stay at a 3.5 setting.
Good day today. The only real downside was that the gym was packed, and I wasn't able to use the equipment I wanted to on a few exercises. Otherwise it was a solid effort. Tomorrow will be an off day. Gonna enjoy some turkey and football, and plan to be back in the gym on Friday.
[B][U]Lower #2[/U][/B]
Man, it feels good to be on a somewhat more consistent schedule. I can definitely tell the difference in my workouts. I'm able to get in the groove more quickly, and recover faster.
I've been fighting a bit of a cold, which I probably picked up due to my lack of sleep lately. I was feeling pretty darn good at the start of today's workout though.
[B]Back Squat[/B]: 120 x 8/8/8/7 (31)
I probably could've fit one more rep in somewhere. I really started to lock in the movement/form on the third set, and probably could've gotten 9 reps. Last set felt good too, and I may have been able to do one more rep. I was going to keep the weight at 120 next time regardless though. I want at least one more good session at this weight before I increase.
[B]Romanian Deadlift[/B]: 185 x 11/9/10 (30)
For the first time ever (I think?) I hit my rep goal, but I'm not going to increase the weight. I made a small adjustment to my form, which seemed to hit my glutes harder than before. I actually did 10 reps in the second set, but I didn't like my form on the last rep, so I didn't count it. The last set felt really good. I'll do one more session at this weight.
[B]Leg Press[/B]: 220 x 15/13/13 (41)
No problem here. I'll increase to 250.
[B]Leg Extension[/B]: 110 x 12/11/11 (34)
One more rep than last time. Not great, but it's still progress. I'll stay at 110.
[B]Leg Curl[/B]: 120 x 13/13/11 (37)
Increase to 125.
[B]Decline Crunch[/B]: 20 x 16/14/12 (42)
I feeling really strong on these now. Increase to 25.
[B]Seated Calf Raise[/B]: 65 x 16/14/12 (42)
My biggest problem with calves is cramping. I'd imagine it's partially due to fatigue after demolishing my legs. I probably need to get more water in me during the day too. I haven't been drinking enough lately. I felt a little bit of a twinge during the first set, but was fine after that. Increase to 70.
I lifted on Tuesday and Wednesday, had Thursday off, and then was back today (Friday). I should be able to lift tomorrow too. That will be 4 out of the last 5 days. This'll be the first time I've lifted 4 days in a week in a couple of months, and it feels fantastic. My energy level is better both inside and out of the gym. I'm feeling stronger during my workouts. I'm hoping I can keep this up for a while, and I don't see any reason why I can't. I need to get my diet back in order though. I've been in the middle of a huge remodeling job, and I've been without a kitchen for about 3 weeks already. It's probably going to be 2 or 3 more weeks before it's usable again. It's killing me. I've put on about 4 or 5 pounds already (I was trying to be on a cut right now, but the food I'm eating isn't filling me up so I'm taking in more calories than I should be.) I can't wait to get everything back to normal. I just need to try to maintain until then. At least one part of the equation is headed the right direction now.
[B][U]Upper #1[/U][/B]
I was sick and tired on the weekend, and didn't end up getting in my fourth workout for the week. I was back at it today.
[B]Bench Press[/B]: 120 x 8/7/6/5 (26)
I wasn't able to get on bench right away, so I ended up doing this after rows and military press. It definitely affected the performance because I wasn't as fresh as I usually am. Weight will stay at 120.
[B]Barbell Row[/B]: 125 x 10/9/9/8 (36)
I feel like I'm getting back in the groove on the rows. Increase to 130.
[B]Military Press[/B]: 70 x 8/7/5 (20)
I'll stay at 70 next time.
[B]Pullup[/B]: BW-25 x 13/9/8 (30)
Still making good progress. I started out at BW-55. I'm increasing to BW-20 next time. That improvement has happened while I've also gained about 5lbs. Not bad.
[B]Incline DB Press[/B]: 40's x 12/9/9 (30)
Just barely made it. I failed my tenth rep in the second set. I actually felt stronger in the third set than I did in the second. I'll increase to 45's.
[B]One-Arm Cable Row[/B]: 70 x 15/15/13 (43)
No problem here. Increase to 80.
[B]Straight Arm Pulldown[/B]: 37.5 x 16/13/12 (41)
I completed more reps than I did last time, even with the weight increase. I'll increase again, to 42.5.
[B]Face Pull[/B]: 32.5 x 16/14/14 (44)
Increase to 37.5.
My progress is slowing, as far as weight increases. This was probably one of my best workouts yet though. Even though I'm completing fewer reps, I feel like I'm getting more out of each rep. I don't know if that makes sense, lol. I'm not leaving as many reps on the table, and I'm not doing as many bad reps. The ones that I'm doing are done right, and I'm pushing my limits as far as I can. I'll be back for Lower day tomorrow.
[B][U]Lower #1[/U][/B]
This workout was completed yesterday. I arrived feeling good, ready to go. From the beginning though, everything felt out of whack once I started lifting. I struggled to balance. I struggled to get loosened up. Most of the workout felt off.
[B]Back Squat[/B]: 120 x 8/8/8/7 (31)
This was a mess. A bunch of the reps looked and felt terrible. I'll do the same weight again next time.
[B]Romanian Deadlift[/B]: 185 x 12/10/9 (31)
I've decided to stop doing two different deadlift variants. I'm just going to do RDL's from now on. I'll increase to 190.
[B]Hack Squat[/B]: 110 x 8/7/7 (22)
Uhg. These sucked. I couldn't get into a position that felt natural. I ended up doing much fewer reps because I felt like I may hurt myself if I pushed it any further. I felt like I had the form kind of figured out after the last two times I've done these, but it just wasn't happening today. I'll stay at 110.
[B]Lying Leg Curl[/B]: 95 x 13/13/12 (38)
Made this easily. Increase to 100.
[B]Single Leg Press[/B]: 40 x 15/13/13 (41)
I'll increase to 50 next time.
[B]Decline Crunch[/B]: 25 x 15/15/13 (43)
Still feeling really good doing these. I completed almost as many reps here as I did when I started with just bodyweight crunches about a month ago. I'll increase to 30 next time.
[B]Seated Calf Raise[/B]: 70 x 12/13/12 (37)
Cramped up again during the first set. I managed to get my calves loosened up afterward, and the last two sets were pretty solid. I'll stay at 70.
Off day today. I should be able to lift again tomorrow.
[B][U]Upper #2[/U][/B]
I lifted much later than normal yesterday evening. I wasn't able to do my exercises in the correct order because there were no benches available. Other than that everything went well. My primary focus was on being more explosive. I've found myself being too controlled since I've been trying to focus on form, and on most of the exercises I feel like I"m at a point where I can stop obsessing about form and just go for it.
[B]Barbell Row[/B]: 130 x 8/8/8/8 (32)
For some reason, on this particular exercise it always takes me at least one working set to get my muscles working right, even though I typically do a couple of warmup sets. The 8th rep on the first set was harder than it was in sets 2 and 3. I want to do 1 more session at this weight, because I had one or two reps I wasn't really happy with, and counting them was questionable.
[B]Military Press[/B]: 70 x 10/7/7 (24)
I used some different cues that seemed to help be generate more force on this lift. I wasn't expecting this many reps after doing only 20 last time. I'll stay at 70.
[B]Pullup[/B]: BW-20 x 13/11/9 (33)
I'm continuing to crush it on pullups. Increase to BW-15.
[B]Bench Press[/B]: 120 x 9/7/6/5 (27)
Doing these 4th instead of 1st definitely made a difference. I still managed to get one more rep than last time. I'll do 120 again next time.
[B]Lateral Raise[/B]: 17.5's x 10/9/8 (27)
I'll stay at 17.5's.
[B]Barbell Shrug[/B]: 110 x 13/12/12 (37)
Felt good. Increase to 115.
[B]Barbell Curl[/B]: 65 x 7 : 55 x 9/9 (25)
I was supposed to do this with 60lbs, but with the equipment that was available I had to choose between 55 and 65. Used 65 on the first set, and realized it was too heavy. Used 55 for sets 2 and 3. I'll stay at 55lbs next time.
[B]Skullcrusher[/B]: 45 x 11/11/10 (32)
I'm finally getting to a challenging weight. Had to really push myself to get over 30 reps. Increase to 50.
[B]Overhead Cable Extension[/B]: 6.5 x 16/16/15 (47)
I have no idea what the hell happened here... I did 14 more reps than last time at this weight. I may have even left a rep or two in the tank. Increase to 7 (I have no idea what weight that translates to).
[B]Cable Hammer Curl[/B]: 3.5 x 15/14/12 (41)
Another big jump on this one...8 more reps than last time. I'm not sure I should attribute it to a bad day last time, a good day this time, or the focus on explosiveness. Doesn't really matter I guess. Increase to 4.
I felt really satisfied with this session. I'm pretty much continuing to make progress across the board. I hope to get in my Lower #2 workout either Sunday or Monday.
[U][B]Lower #2[/B][/U]
I'm not going to be breaking down the reps per set anymore. I'm already tracking my workouts both on paper and in a spreadsheet, so I'll just be using this thread to give basic updates on my progress, and anything else I feel is noteworthy.
[U]Back Squat[/U]: 120 pounds x 37 reps
Finally had a big breakthrough! Using some of the same cues I mentioned in the last post helped enormously. I had been actually focusing too much on pushing with my legs, and wasn't pushing against the bar with my upper back. Focusing on doing both simultaneously made the movement feel so much better and more natural, and improved my balance tenfold. The 37 reps was a 6 rep increase from last time, and I probably left one or two reps in the tank.
[B]Increase to 125[/B].
[U]Romanian Deadlift[/U]: 190 x 31
One more rep than last time, and it felt easier.
[B]Increase to 195[/B].
[U]Leg Press[/U]: 250 x 37
These felt fantastic today. I finally got my feet placed right, and the movement felt really smooth.
[B]Increase to 260[/B].
[U]Leg Extension[/U]: 110 x 31
I've really stalled out here. I think I can partially attribute it to the fact that I'm lifting heavier weights on the exercises I do prior to these. Could be wishful thinking though.
Anyway, the weight will [B]stay at 110[/B] again next time.
[U]Leg Curl[/U]: 125 x 33
Came up a few reps short.
I'll [B]stay at 125[/B].
[U]Decline Crunch[/U]: 30 x 40
I had to really push on the second and third sets to get to 40. Just barely made it.
I'll [B]increase to 35[/B].
[U]Seated Calf Raise[/U]: 70 x 43
Huge improvement here. I spent a decent amount of time stretching my calves before doing these, and it definitely seemed to help. I felt like I was going to cramp up a couple times, but never did.
[B]Increase to 75[/B].
This was the best workout I've had in a long time. Even though I didn't hit all of my rep goals, I felt like I pretty much crushed it on every exercise. My energy was high throughout, and I was able to work at a good pace.
[B][U]Upper #1[/U][/B]
[U]Bench Press[/U]: 120 pounds x 30 reps
I listed the weight as 120 above, but I accidentally lifted 125 on the first set. I probably would've hit my rep goal if I'd done it at 120, but it would've been close.
I'll [B]stay at 120[/B].
[U]Pullup[/U]: BW-15 x 26
This is the first time I've really struggled with Pullups since starting this program. I didn't even get close to making it.
[B]Stay at BW-15[/B].
[U]Incline DB Press[/U]: 45's x 24
Not even close to my goal of 30 reps.
[B]Stay at 45's[/B].
[U]Barbell Row[/U]: 130 x 32
Hit my rep goal. I had one or two borderline reps again, but since I've hit 32 reps the last two times I'm going to bump up the weight next time.
[B]Increase to 135[/B].
[U]Military Press[/U]: 70 x 19
Wow. I did 5 fewer reps than last time, and 1 fewer rep than the time before that. Disappointing.
[B]Stay at 70[/B].
[U]One-Arm Cable Row[/U]: 80 x 37
Made it easily.
[B]Increase to 80[/B].
[U]Straight Arm Pulldown[/U]: 42.5 x 34
Well short of my 40 rep goal.
[B]Stay at 42.5[/B].
[U]Face Pull[/U]: 37.5 x 41
[B]Increase to 42.5[/B].
My right shoulder was really bothering me today, and definitely affected my performance. I've had shoulder issues for 20 years and never had them checked out by a doctor. It hasn't really limited me noticeably in the gym until today. I'll give it a few days rest, and then if it continues to bother me I'll probably go get it checked out. I also had to shift the order of my exercises because the equipment I needed wasn't available when I needed to use it. It ended up working out already because I was able to alternate between the pressing a pulling motions. Doing Military Press, for example, fifth instead of third certainly made a difference. I don't think it was the difference in me making or not making my rep goals though. I was pretty happy with the workout, aside from the weakness and discomfort in my shoulder. Over the next two day I'll be lifting one day and off on the other. Not sure which day I'll be lifting though. If I get off work at a decent hour tomorrow then I'll lift. Otherwise I'll need to wait until Friday.
A note on my diet and weight... My weight is continuing to creep back up (somewhere around 168-170, up from about 162). I've been without a kitchen for almost 5 weeks now, and that's the primary reason for the weight gain. I've probably been eating less food actually, but the quality of the food is worse, and I'm sure that's what's getting me. I might not have a working kitchen until next year (hopefully it won't take that long). It's really not the end of the world. I was a bit unsure if I wanted to cut or bulk anyway, and I guess it's turned into a bulking phase. I know I won't have any problem cutting weight once I can cook again. In the meantime I'll just try my best to maintain my current weight.
[B][U]Lower #1[/U][/B]
This was yesterdays workout. Just got a chance to post it now.
[U]Back Squat[/U]: 125 pounds x 31 reps
I'm not sure if it was a problem with foot positioning, but the alignment of my feet, knees, and hips felt off. My right knee was cracking on each rep.
[B]Stay at 125[/B]
[U]Romanian Deadlift[/U]: 195 x 24
I really struggled to hold onto the bar today. I had to keep re-gripping. I'll give it one more try before I change to a mixed grip.
[B]Stay at 195[/B]
[U]Hack Squat[/U]: 110 x 31
After feeling like everything was out of whack on the first two exercises, the Hack Squats felt fantastic. Strange... This is the exercise I've had the hardest time learning, and suddenly (amidst a seemingly bad day), it felt great. I had been considering switching to Front Squats instead, but I glad I stuck it out for this session. I'm definitely going to leave this one in for a while, now that I know I can do it smoothly.
[B]Increase to 115[/B]
[U]Single Leg Press[/U]: 50 x 39
These felt great for the second time in a row. I feel like I can focus on just pushing as hard as possible now, and continue increasing the weight.
[B]Increase to 60[/B]
[U]Lying Leg Curl[/U]: 100 x 35
[B]Increase to 105[/B]
[U]Decline Crunch[/U]: 35 x 37
Holding a larger plate meant that the weight had to sit higher up on my torso. The difference in positioning was noticeable, and was probably the main reason I didn't make it to 40 reps. I'm still pretty happy with how close I got though.
[B]Stay at 35[/B]
[U]Seated Calf Raise[/U]: 75 x 42
Got my calves stretched out good, and there was no sign of cramping. This was a relief, since Lower day #1 has by far been the worst for me when it comes to my legs cramping up.
[B]Increase to 80[/B]
This was an odd session. For the first two exercises everything felt like a struggle. Once I got to the Hack Squats, something clicked and then the rest of the workout went relatively smoothly.
I'm still making good progress overall.