[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 169.4
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ========7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 8
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 55
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Front Squat[/B]
45 x 6 / 65 x 3 (Warmups)
80 x 5
90 x 5
105 x 5
115 x 5 (3+ Set)
I was stronger than I expected on this lift today. I've previously used a cross arm lift when doing front squats. I decided to change over to a clean grip. It's awkward for me. I had a little bit of wrist pain, and shoulders were quite sore by the time I was done. I certainly didn't expect it to be perfect though. I'll keep working on it. Felt pretty good overall though. Here's the final set (final rep was probably around RPE 7-8):
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Shoulder Press[/B]
35 x 12
35 x 12
35 x 11
Was planning to go for 15 set reps with 30 pound DB's, but there were none available. Couldn't squeeze out the final rep with 35's.
[B]Face Pull[/B]
37.5 x 15
37.5 x 15
37.5 x 15
[B]Single Leg Press[/B]
180 x 8
140 x 12
140 x 12
I started out with way too much weight on the first set after my warmup at 90 pounds felt really easy.
[B]Farmers Walk[/B]
120 pounds x 90 Steps
120 x 90
120 x 90
It was really nice to do some different lifts. Today's template is what the rest of the week is going to look like. My primary lift will be Training Max test, to try to get a good idea of what my training max should be on the lifts that will be my Supplemental lifts in my upcoming cycle. After that, I'm doing Assistance work, which consists of a Push, Pull, Single Leg, and Core lift. Tomorrow will be Bench day, where I'll be trying a Spoto Press for the first time.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 167.6
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 6.5
[B]Energy[/B] (1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 40
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Spoto Press[/B]
45 x 7 / 70 x 4 (Warmups)
90 x 5
100 x 5
115 x 5
125 x 6 (3+ Set)
See video below for reference (shows the last two sets). This was my first time ever doing this lift, and after watching back the video, I still haven't done it, lol. I stopped the bar about an inch short of my chest, but it appears as if I didn't pause at all. For some reason I have an issue with that. Anytime I try to do a paused movement, I feel like I pausing for much longer than I actually am. Oh well.
Played around with foot placement a little bit more. In the video, you can see a pretty distinct difference between my foot placement on those two sets. I think I need to go to more of a flat footed position, because I felt and looked more stable, and also felt like I had more leg drive from that position. Also, the bar is sitting too far back into my hand. It feels super uncomfortable to keep my wrist any straighter than this, but I suppose I'll just need to force myself to do it anyway. Finally, my elbow/forearm positioning is inconsistent, and always looks wrong to me. I think I may be flaring my elbows too much. Next time I bench I'm going to narrow my grip slightly and try tucking my elbows a bit more.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]Tricep Rope Pushdown[/B]
47.5 x 14
47.5 x 15
[B]Kroc Row[/B]
60 x 14
60 x 12
Changed my technique slightly, and it made the lift a little more difficult. I may reduce the weight next time.
[B]Single Leg Curl[/B]
50 x 15
50 x 15
I was short on time, so ended up eliminating one of my accessory lifts, and reducing the others to two sets.
Had a pot luck at work today. Lots of good food. I had a lot more calories than I needed. Not even mad about it. I'll be on point with my diet the rest of the week.
I'll be working long days for the next month or so. Also have some other things going on that are going to probably leave me lacking time for both exercise and sleep. We'll see how this goes... My posts here may be much more concise for a while.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 168.4
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 6.5
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 40
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Sumo Deadlift[/B]
115 x 6 (WU)
175 x 5
200 x 5
225 x 5
250 x 5 (3+ Set)
I strained my right quad a bit on the final set. I stretched it for a few minutes immediately after, and it feels fine now. I don't think I could've done another set though. Aside from that, everything felt pretty good today. This is my first time taking video of Sumo Deadlifts. I watched it back once and didn't notice anything too catastrophic. I'll check it out more closely when I get a chance. I'll probably lower my training max slightly for this lift so I can focus on some form related issues.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
BW x 5
BW x 5
Planning to incorporate these into my next cycle. I tried a wider grip on the first set and a narrower grip on the second. The wider grip felt better. It seemed to put less pressure on my shoulders, which is exactly the opposite of what I was expecting.
[B]Face Pull[/B]
42.5 x 12
42.5 x 12
Had to cut it short today since I was short on time. I mostly wanted to get through the Sumo Deadlift and the Dips, since those will both be new lifts in my next cycle. So I guess it was a successful workout.
My cut is off to a horrible start, lol. Pot Luck at work on Tuesday. Was pretty much forced to go out for dinner on Wednesday night, an hour after I'd eaten what was supposed to be my last meal for the day. Today all was good on the diet front. I'm not really concerned. Just an odd week for food.
Press Day tomorrow. I'll be trying out the Z Press. Never tried it before, so it should be interesting.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 167.6
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 6.5
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 6
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 45
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Overhead Press[/B]
45 x 8 (WU)
55 x 5
65 x 5
70 x 5
80 x 7 (3+ Set)
This was a little easier than I expected it to be. It's gives immediate feedback on core tightness, which is awesome. I was really solid throughout until the final set, where I had 2 reps that got unbalanced because I lost my focus. Final rep was about a 7.5 RPE. The video below shows the final two sets (@70 & 80 pounds). They're taken from different views because I wanted to see a couple different angles.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Incline Press[/B]
40 x 12
40 x 12
40 x 12
[B]T-Bar Row[/B]
70 x 14
70 x 14
70 x 14
30 x 12
30 x 12
Added 1 rep to each set. Completed easier than last time, even with the additional reps.
[B]Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 20
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 10
I have a lot of work to do on these. I'm only able to get my feet slightly above parallel right now.
Successful deload week. I accomplished exactly what I was hoping for. I made pretty good guesses on the TM's (Training Max's) for the Supplemental Lifts I'll be adding into my next cycle. I think I was pretty much dead on for Front Squats. I may adjust the other 3 by 5-10 pounds. I also made pretty good estimates on the accessory lifts I'll be adding. I'm really happy with the lift selection too. Now that I've performed all of the exercises, I'm confident that they're good choices to address some weak points.
I pumped for the next couple of cycles. I should be able to put together a good plan for the next couple of months now (2 Leader cycles).
As I already mentioned, this week was kind of a disaster when it comes to diet. I'll keep it in check this weekend, and should be able to string together some good weeks moving forward.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== ?? No weigh in today
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 9
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 8
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 60
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
45 x 10 / 85 x 5 / 115 x 3 (Warmups)
125 x 3
140 x 3
160 x 7 (3+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
175 x 1 (Joker)
185 x 1 (Joker) [B]PR[/B]
Last rep on the 3+ set was about an 8 RPE. Still easily a REP PR at that weight. Did two joker sets since I was still feeling fresh, with the second being a PR. I thought I may have hit 185 once before, but went back to check and saw that 180 was my previous best (with terrible form). I had a very slight forward lean on the PR, but the rep was pretty clean and easy. I'm thinking I'd have a good chance at hitting 200 right now. I'm happy to continue on with the steady progress though, trying to keep the bar speed up and form tight.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Sumo Deadlift[/B]
170 x 5
170 x 5
170 x 5
170 x 5
170 x 5
This weight felt heavy today. It didn't feel much different than the mid 200's weight I did last week. I did the first four sets with my squat shoes on. Did the final set without them. What a huge difference. I think I need to just remove my shoes whenever I deadlift. The squat shoes make it really hard for me to keep my weight back. The final set felt much easier than the earlier sets had. Here's video of the fourth set (with squat shoes) and the fifth set (shoeless):
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Shoulder Press[/B]
30 x 15
30 x 15
30 x 15
Moving up to 35's next time.
[B]Face Pull[/B]
42.5 x 12
42.5 x 12
42.5 x 12
[B]Farmers Walk[/B]
120 pounds x 100 Steps
120 x 100
120 x 40
120 x 40
It's 100% my grip that's my limiting factor right now, which is fine because I need to build up my grip strength. It gave out completely on the final set. I had to drop the weight, rest for 30 second, and walk back to the start. Total of 80 steps on the final set, with a break halfway through. I'll try to improve on that next time.
A very rare Sunday workout for me. GF went out of town for work for a few days, and the 8 year old went to Grandma's, so I was home alone. Figured I better get in my workout while I could. Energy level was high since I wasn't short of sleep. The gym was basically empty. I wasn't on any time schedule. These things made for a very enjoyable workout.
I got a minor strain in my groin on the right side doing sumo deads, since I was playing around with a wider food placement, which apparently didn't agree with me. Shouldn't be a big deal though. I was able to complete the remaining sets pain free after narrowing my feet slightly. I'm sure it'll be fine after a few days.
My schedule is going to be wonky the next couple of days. I may be able to lift on Monday, but Tuesday is very unlikely.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 168.6
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 6.5
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 8
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 55
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Bench Press[/B]
45 x 6 / 95 x 4 (Warmups)
110 x 3
125 x 3
140 x 5 (3+ Set)
Form felt much improved. I did one less rep than I did at this weight a month ago. I'm happy to be making form improvements right now though.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Spoto Press[/B]
90 x 5
90 x 5
90 x 5
90 x 5
90 x 5
Much better here also. My wrists were flatter. Bar path was better. Maintained tightness much better. Plus, I actually paused the bar, lol.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]Kroc Row[/B] - Supersetted with Spoto Press
55 x 13
55 x 13
55 x 13
[B]Chin Up[/B]
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 9
[B]Single Leg Curl[/B]
50 x 15
50 x 15
50 x 15
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 7
Solid session today. Tomorrow will be a rest day.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 166.2
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 6
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 55
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
95 x 3 / 135 x 3 / 185 x 3 (Warmups)
230 x 3
265 x 3
295 x 6 (3+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
Still erratic form. Small improvements, but I'm really inconsistent right now. I should probably expect that for the next couple of months since I'm trying to correct some bad habits. I may need to reset my TM at some point to work on solidifying the correct movement pattern. We'll see...
The video below is from the final set. I tried a double overhand grip on the first rep, and almost dropped the bar. I had to pause and readjust. Had to do the same again later in the set.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Front Squat[/B] - First Set Last
45 x 5 (WU)
80 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5
This weight was extremely easy. I hardly felt it. Made an adjustment to the bar placement on my shoulders that felt much, much better. I have a feeling I'm going to make some good progress on this lift over the next couple of months. I took video from a couple of different angles again (sets 3 & 5) so I could see what it looks like. Seems solid...
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
BW x 6
BW x 6
BW x 6
Had some wrist pain after the first set, but then I changed my grip slightly and had no problems after that. After I finished, I felt like I had fatigued the right side of my chest much more than the left. I'll need to pay closer attention next time and see if I'm shifting my weight to the right side, or doing something else to cause an imbalance. I'm expecting I'll make some good progress here over the next couple of months too. I probably could've done 8 reps per set, but I'm going to take this slow and work towards steady improvements.
[B]Face Pull[/B]
40 x 12
40 x 12
40 x 12
Tightened up my form so that I wasn't using momentum. Felt it more in the rear delts. All reps were solid.
[B]Farmers Walk[/B]
120 Pounds x 110 Steps
120 x 100
120 x 100
Good improvement. I didn't have to stop to reset my grip at any point today. Ended up with 10 more steps than I wanted on the first set, just because I misjudged how many steps it would take me to get to a spot where I could set the dumbbells down, and there was no point in stopping at 100 and then picking them up again to move them.
I was not feeling good at all yesterday, so I skipped my workout. Today I wasn't feeling the best, but was much better. Had a good workout. Happy with the Front Squat and all of the accessory lifts. Made small improvements on deads, but still have work to do. I implemented some extra quad work and extra upper back work into this cycle to address some weaknesses that may be contributing to my deadlift issues, so I'm eager to see how helpful that is (along with obviously continuing to focus on form while performing the lift).
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 165.4
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 6
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 70
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Overhead Press[/B]
45 x 5 (WU)
75 x 3
90 x 3
100 x 4 (3+ Set)
I'm noticing that the bar isn't going straight up. I tend to favor one side. Working on keeping it centered as I lift. As can be seen in the video below, these were not easy reps. The final rep was a 9-9.5 RPE.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Z Press[/B]
60 x 5
60 x 5
60 x 5
60 x 5
60 x 5
Pretty easy. Watching the first part of the video back, I could see that I didn't ever really lock out some of the reps. I'll worked on getting full extension in the following set (second section of the video).
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]Chin Up[/B]
BW x 9
BW x 9
BW x 9
[B]T-Bar Row[/B]
70 x 15
70 x 15
70 x 15
Increase to 75
30 x 12
30 x 12
30 x 12
Added a full set from last time. I'm starting to figure out foot placement, and feeling more comfortable.
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 6
BW x 7
BW x 8
Each set got better. Weird. Maybe I did a better job of activating the right muscles with each set? Dunno.
I was in no hurry today, so I took my sweet time. I really needed it too. I'm to the point that my bench and press days are more draining than my squat and dead days, just because of the Lunges and Hanging Leg Raises. They just destroy me for some reason. I took longer rests today, and that helped. I'm still exhausted though.
With the long holiday weekend in the US, I'm not sure when I'll lift next. I don't even know if the gym is open on Monday. I may go Sunday if I have a chance. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to a long, relaxing weekend with lots of sleep. :)
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 168.8
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 8
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = ??? Didn't time it today
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
45 x 8 / 85 x 5 (Warmups)
115 x 5
140 x 5 (whoops, was supposed to only be 130)
150 x 9 (5+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
170 x 1 (Joker)
185 x 1 (Joker)
200 x 1 (Joker) [B]PR[/B]
All kinds of mistakes today since I looked at the workout once and then didn't double check until I was done. My second weight was 10 pounds too heavy. I wasn't supposed to do any Jokers at all. Whatever...I finally hit 200 pounds for the first time ever, so who the hell cares, lol. A few shaky reps today where I was favoring my left side again. The rep at 200 could've been smoother. No major breakdowns though. Here's video of the 5+ set and the rep at 200.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Sumo Deadlift[/B]
160 x 5
160 x 5
160 x 5
160 x 5
160 x 5
Tweaked my groin slightly on the right side during the first set. I took video of the second set and could see that my feet were too close together (it looked awkward). In the third set with the wider stance, I could see that I was favoring my left side pretty noticeably on a couple of reps. Took video of the final set from straight on so I could see it better. Still favored my left side a bit on the final two reps, which is definitely putting extra stress on my right side since it's not in a position of strength. Here's that video:
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Shoulder Press[/B]
35 x 12
35 x 12
35 x 12
[B]Face Pull[/B]
40 x 13
40 x 13
40 x 13
[B]Farmers Walk[/B]
140 pounds x 100 Steps
140 x 80
140 x 40
Wasn't able to get my hands of the 65 pound DB's, which is what I wanted to use today. I barely made it through the first walk, and died out quickly after that.
Enjoyed a leisurely pace today. Gave myself plenty of time to rest between sets. My energy level stayed more even than normal through the session. I'm making steady progress on all lifts on this day right now. I'll have an off day tomorrow, and then do Bench day on Tuesday.
Form on squats looks good. Shame about that guy doing 2 inches of ROM then 1 decent rep on OH press. Made me giggle a bit.
[QUOTE=MynameisGregg;1552508391]Form on squats looks good. Shame about that guy doing 2 inches of ROM then 1 decent rep on OH press. Made me giggle a bit.[/QUOTE]
LMAO. That guy is awesome. You probably can't tell it on the video, be he must be in his sixties. Still in great shape. Always shows up in sleeveless shirts to show off his guns. Wears like 3 enormous gold chains around his neck at all times. He's always super pumped up, tons of energy. It's really entertaining. I hope I have his energy and physique at that age (and maybe a 4 inch ROM on OHP, lol).
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 169.4
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 6.5
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 60
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Bench Press[/B]
45 x 6 / 85 x 5 (Warmups)
100 x 5
115 x 5
130 x 10 (5+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
Solid grip/bar placement within my hand.
Bar bath was better, but still inconsistent. Need to keep on grooving that.
Tightness was excellent on some reps (probably the best overall tightness I've had doing this lift yet). On other reps I focused too much on the things mentioned above, and totally forgot about keeping my lower body tight.
No video today. Too many people around, and I didn't like the idea of someone stepping on or kicking my phone.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Spoto Press[/B]
80 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5
Pretty good here. Need to continue working on bar path. Everything else was pretty good. The weight felt extremely light.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]Kroc Row[/B] - Supersetted with Spoto Press
55 x 14
55 x 14
55 x 14
[B]Chin Up[/B]
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 7
[B]Single Leg Curl[/B]
55 x 14
55 x 14
55 x 14
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 8
BW x 7
BW x 7
The bodyweight increase over the weekend was noticeable on Chins and Leg Raises today. It was a struggle to get these reps. The range of motion was much improved on the Hanging Leg Raises today. I'm starting to get the hang of this movement now.
Continuing to make incremental progress. Weight and reps are increasing steadily. Form is improving steadily also. I'm going to keep this momentum going for a long time I think.
Rest day tomorrow.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 167.2
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 5
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 70
[u]Primary Lift[/u]
95 x 4 / 135 x 3 / 185 x 3 (Warmups)
215 x 5
250 x 5
280 x 7 (5+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
Thinking I may need to widen my stance. It looks like I'm not getting low enough at the beginning of the reps.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Front Squat[/B] - First Set Last
45 x 5 (WU)
75 x 5
75 x 5
75 x 5
75 x 5
75 x 5
[u]Primary Lift[/u]
[B]Overhead Press[/B]
70 x 5
85 x 5
95 x 6 (5+Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
The bar moved up much straighter this time (rather than favoring one side)
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Z Press[/B] - First Set Last
55 x 5
55 x 5
55 x 5
55 x 5
55 x 5
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
BW x 7
BW x 7
BW x 7
[B]Chin Up[/B]
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 8
I was feeling under the weather for a few days. Skipped my workout yesterday as a result. I was feeling a little better today, but still pretty sluggish. This certainly wasn't one of my better days. I don't think I'll be able to lift this weekend, so I just did the primary and secondary lifts of my final two workouts for the week, and skipped most of the accessory work.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 169.2
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 6
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 60
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
45 x 6 / 95 x 3 (Warmups)
130 x 5
150 x 3
175 x 4 (1+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
Forgot to print off my weights for today, so I guessed on them based upon the last 2 weeks. Got all of them right except the 1+ Set on Squats, which was only supposed to be at 165 pounds.
My right knee was feeling funky today. It didn't loosen up until I was done with my deadlifts. Caused some issues on squats, where I started favoring my left side just slightly. The 3rd rep on the last set was terrible. I got off balance and did a good morning squat. It felt reasonably light, and I think could've done 5-6 reps easily had I not messed up the third. I expended extra energy getting that one up. Didn't feeling like pressing my luck after that, so I stopped at 4. I didn't record squats today because my forms been really good on them lately. Figures, lol.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Sumo Deadlift[/B]
135 x 5 (WU)
185 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
Better balance today. I started out not getting my hips low enough on the earlier sets. I was properly loosened up on the last couple of sets though, and those were pretty solid. Here's the fifth set:
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Shoulder Press[/B]
35 x 13
35 x 13
35 x 13
Added 1 rep per set. The final rep on the final set was a 9+ RPE.
[B]Face Pull[/B]
40 x 14
40 x 14
40 x 14
Added a rep per set here too.
[B]Farmers Walk[/B]
130 pounds x 100 Steps
130 x 100
130 x 80
130 x 20
Couldn't make it all the way on the final walk. I had to drop the weight, rest for about 10 seconds, re-grip, and then go the last 20 steps. I'll repeat at this weight next time.
Started off rough, and then felt better towards the end. Next time this happens, I should probably take an extra 10 minutes to warm up. I'm always in such a hurry, and don't feel like I have the extra time, but I'm sure it would make an enormous difference on the days when I'm have problems with my joints. At the very least I should've added in a few more warmup sets of squats.
The diet was going well last week. And then the weekend came. Had a wedding on Saturday, and then family in town visiting on Sunday. Ate out 3 times over those two days. It killed my progress. I don't regret it, and would do the same thing again, but it's still frustrating to see the scale jump up about 4 pounds over those two days. Back on track for this week. The one good thing is that I'm able to stick to a diet during the week that allows me to enjoy my weekends without gaining weight (I obviously gain weight on those particular days, but not overall). Eventually, I'll have a few weekends where I'm able to stick to a good diet (I hope...).
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 167.2
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 6.5
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 40
[u]Primary Lift[/u]
[B]Bench Press[/B]
45 x 6 / 95 x 3 (Warmups)
115 x 5
130 x 3
145 x 4 (1+ Set)
155 x 1 (Joker)
I was looking forward to watching video of bench this week, but didn't get any for the third week in a row because I forgot my phone. :(
I'm feeling pretty happy with my grip and bar path now. Tightness levels are still pretty inconsistent, though improving. I made sure all reps were with excellent form today, rather than pushing for a rep PR.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Spoto Press[/B]
95 x 5
95 x 5
95 x 5
95 x 5
95 x 5
Good reps most of the way through. Had a few where I lost tension in either my lower or upper body. It's moving the right direction though.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]Kroc Row[/B] - Supersetted with Spoto Press
55 x 15
55 x 15
55 x 15
Some challenging reps today. I'll bump up the weight and reduce reps next time, and see how that goes.
[B]Chin Up[/B]
BW x 7
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 8
Just did one AMRAP set on each of these. I worked about an hour later than planned, so I needed to cut some time out of my workout somewhere. I also skipped the Singe Leg Curls today.
I worked at a fast pace, trying to get through as quickly as possible without having a negative affect on the primary lift. I kicked it up another notch on the Supplementary and Accessory lifts, with very short rest periods, while supersetting. I'm happy with how things went. The only area that was impacted noticeably was the Chins and Leg Raises since I was pretty exhausted by that point.
I've been really strapped for time lately. Haven't even really had a chance to read much on the forums, or follow other people's progress, unfortunately. I've probably got at least another month of this ahead of me before it will start letting up. I'm pretty happy that I've mostly been able to keep to my lifting schedule. It helps keep me fresh both physically and mentally. I'll have a rest day tomorrow. Deadlifts on Thursday.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 166.8
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 6
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 75
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
95 x 5 / 135 x 3 / 185 x 3 / 225 X 1 (Warmups)
250 x 5
280 x 3
315 x 3 (1+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
Widened my stance slightly today, and it felt really good. I did a little better job of moving my shoulders and hips in unison, but there was a noticeable difference on the final set. Definitely seems like a lack of strength in my upper back. I'm seeing slow improvement. I consciously tried to keep the bar speed fairly slow and steady today, making sure I stayed tight. I could've knocked out a few more reps had I just gripped it and ripped it, but at the expense of poor form, and an increased chance of injury. I'm pretty happy with how it moved. Video below shows both the 280 and 315 sets.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Front Squat[/B] - First Set Last
45 x 8 (WU)
85 x 5
85 x 5
85 x 5
85 x 5
85 x 5
This felt a little off today, so I decided to record my final set. I'm thinking I was leaning forward too much. Next time I'll focus on keeping my weight back more.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 8
[B]Face Pull[/B]
40 x 15
40 x 15
40 x 15
First set was super easy. Last set was a grind on the last few reps. I'll repeat at this weight next time.
[B]Farmers Walk[/B]
130 Pounds x 100 Steps
130 x 70 / 30
130 x 50 / 50
My grip gave out part way through the second and third walks. I've been regressing lately. I believe the face pulls are impacting me. I'm generally doing my accessory lifts as giant sets, rotating through all of them in sequence. With doing my walks right after face pulls, my forearms are already fatigued a little bit. I may try doing these before face pulls next time, to see if that helps.
I was sick yesterday, so it was good that I had an off day scheduled. I wasn't 100% today, but was feeling significantly better. I didn't make any attempt to move quickly today. Took as much time as I needed between sets to feel mostly recovered. I had a good session, considering the circumstances. Press day tomorrow.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 165.8
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 65
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Overhead Press[/B]
45 x 5 / 65 x 3 (Warmups)
85 x 5
95 x 3
105 x 3 (1+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
115 x 1 Tied my PR
I did a much better job of completing the movement, getting full extension at the top. After the first two reps at 105, I though for sure I'd get four. Barely got the third. I was happy with my core tightness. It stayed really solid even as I struggled to get up the final rep. I would not have been able to lock this out 3 months ago. The single at 115 tied a PR, but moved much easier than it did the last time. Slow but steady progress. I'll take it.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Z Press[/B]
65 x 5
65 x 5
65 x 5
65 x 5
65 x 5
Piece of cake
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]Chin Up[/B]
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 7
I noticed that I hadn't been getting a full extension at the bottom. I fixed that today. I'm surprised I was able to complete as many reps as I did, to be honest. I was kind of expecting around 5 per set, so I was happy with the result, and really happy that I performed the exercise the way I wanted to.
[B]T-Bar Row[/B]
75 x 12
75 x 12
75 x 12
30 x 13
30 x 13
30 x 13
Added one rep per set. These are still a grind...every set. Doing 26 lunges (13 for each leg) in a set destroys me. I think it's just the fact of keeping my body tight for that long, along with the controlled breathing that wears me down so fully.
[B]Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 30
There were no pullup bars available when it came time to do the Hanging Leg Raises, and I had someone waiting for me to pick them up, so I just did one set of back supported Leg Raises.
Decent week this week. My progress is starting to slow on some exercises, but I'm still moving the right direction. Still happy with how things are going. I'll be bumping up the weight on all primary lifts when I begin my second Leader Cycle next week. At the moment, I'm looking forward to a restful weekend.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 168.2
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 65
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
45 x 10 / 95 x 3 (Warmups)
130 x 3
150 x 3
165 x 6 (3+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
Felt a little off again today. Struggled to get loosened up. As a result, my balance was off, and I started leaning forward slightly on some reps. The result was okay, though I felt like I could've done more/better had I been able to get my joints working properly.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Sumo Deadlift[/B]
95 x 5 / 135 x 3 / 155 x 2 (Warmups)
175 x 5
175 x 5
175 x 5
175 x 5
175 x 5
Still working out the kinks here. Small adjustments to back angle, knee angle, etc. don't make the lift appear much different, but they make it [B]feel [/B]much different. These are the things I'm trying to fine tune. Some sets feel great, others feel pretty uncomfortable. I just need some more time and experience with the lift to figure out what works best for me. The weight itself is not a problem at all right now, so long as I get my body in a reasonably decent position.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Shoulder Press[/B]
35 x 14
35 x 13
35 x 13
Failed rep 14 on the second set. Didn't attempt it on the third. I'll try for 14 on all three sets again next time.
[B]Farmers Walk[/B]
120 pounds x 100 Steps
120 x 100
120 x 80
120 x 20
Struggling to make progress on these now, because my grip keeps giving out. I changed my order to do these prior to the Face Pulls today, and the difference was pretty noticeable...for the first walk. After doing my first set of Face Pulls, there was a clear difference in my grip strength. I may need to look at splitting up my accessory lifts differently. We'll see...
[B]Face Pull[/B]
40 x 12
40 x 12
40 x 12
Pretty big drop off, after doing 40x15 on all sets last time. Starting off with the Farmers Walk had me much more fatigued than I've typically been.
I got okay rest this weekend, though not as much as I usually do. I'll try to get to sleep as early as possible during the week, so I have plenty of energy for my workouts. It's always a struggle during the week though. I need a few more hours in my day, lol. Bench day is tomorrow. I'm hoping I'll be able to get some video footage. I feel like I've made some good improvements over the last two weeks, but it's hard to say for sure without seeing what it actually looks like.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 167.8
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7.5
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 50
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Bench Press[/B]
45 x 10 / 95 x 5 (Warmups)
110 x 3
130 x 3
145 x 5 (3+ Set)
No PR's today, but I'm extremely happy with today's bench session. I've gotten a pretty good routine down, that's allowing to me to consistently get into a position that works well. My bracing and overall body tension is greatly improved. I think the difference is noticeable even in the video, compared to what it was a month ago. I had a little hiccup on the second rep, hitting the peg on the right side, but it didn't affect much. I stopped at about an 8-8.5 RPE, not wanting to push myself to the point where my form suffers until I really get the movement grooved in.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Spoto Press[/B]
90 x 5
90 x 5
90 x 5
90 x 5
90 x 5
Really solid reps all the way through. I'm seeing some good benefits from this on my main benching movement. It's really helped me maintain tightness throughout the movement.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]Kroc Row[/B] - Supersetted with Spoto Press
60 x 12
60 x 12
60 x 12
[B]Single Leg Curl[/B]
55 x 15
55 x 15
55 x 15
I'll increase to 60 next time
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 8
The reps aren't increasing, but the reps I'm completing are better quality. Getting fuller movement, and controlling it better throughout rather than being herky jerky.
Super happy with today's results. I'm finally starting to feel like I'm not benching like a beginner anymore. I'll keep plugging away. I'm planning to go out of town Friday evening, which means no workout on Friday or over the weekend. I may skip my rest day tomorrow, and just lift Mon-Thurs this week. I'm feeling really fresh right now, having improved my sleep a bit, but I'll see how I feel tomorrow and decide what to do.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 166.6
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 6.5
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 60
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
135 x 4 / 185 x 3 / 225 X 2 (Warmups)
240 x 3
270 x 3
305 x 4 (1+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
I tried not to think while I was lifting, because I feel like I've been overthinking it lately. It was probably a bad idea, lol. I think I got a little off balance at some point. Probably didn't focus enough on keeping my back tight. I'm not in any pain, but I feel like something slightly out of place at the moment. It may just be some tightness in my back.
[B]Overhead Press[/B]
45 x 5 / 65 x 3 (Warmups)
80 x 3
90 x 3
105 x 2 (3+ Set)
Well, two reps on a three plus rep set isn't exactly what I wanted or expected. The movement felt off today. Had some discomfort in my right shoulder from the very beginning that never went away. I attempted a third rep, but it only made it up to my nose. We'll see how the rest of this leader cycle goes, but I'm expecting I'll probably need to reset the weight on this lift for my next cycle.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Front Squat[/B] - First Set Last
45 x 6 (WU)
85 x 5
85 x 5
85 x 5
85 x 5
85 x 5
[B]Z Press[/B] - First Set Last
65 x 5
65 x 5
65 x 5
65 x 5
65 x 5
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]T Bar Row[/B]
75 x 13
75 x 13
BW x 9
Today was kind of a cluster****. I found out that I have to attend a dinner party tomorrow evening, so I won't be able to lift. As a result, I decided to just do the primary and secondary lifts for my remaining workout scheduled for this week. I had a hard time getting on the equipment I needed, so the workout was a mess. I did the exercises in a totally different order than what they're listed, with Deadlifts being last. I added some accessory work in during times when I was waiting. It was a bad plan. To be honest, I'll probably do it again, even though I realize it's stupid, lol.
I'll be off until next Monday now.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 166.4
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 60
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
45 x 10 / 95 x 3 (Warmups)
120 x 5
140 x 5
155 x 8 (5+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
Third squat session in a row that didn't feel quite right. Felt like I was favoring my left side more than normal, so I took video from almost directly behind, and confirmed that was the case. It can be seen especially on the last rep, when I could feel I didn't have the strength on the right side of my body, and shifted the weight to my left side so I could complete the rep. I need to continue building up strength on my right side.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Sumo Deadlift[/B]
135 x 5 (WU)
165 x 5
165 x 5
165 x 5
165 x 5
165 x 5
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Shoulder Press[/B]
35 x 14
35 x 14
30 x 15
I managed 14 on the second set this time, but it took everything I had. I dropped the weight on the final set because my left shoulder was done. I probably couldn't have done 10 reps with the 35's.
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 9
BW x 8
BW x 8
My shoulders were so fatigued that it was affecting these also. I had to stop at one point for about 10 seconds to let my shoulder rest, and get it set tight in place so I wouldn't injure it.
[B]Face Pull[/B]
42.5 x 12
42.5 x 12
42.5 x 12
I'm starting to struggle with shoulder and leg strength right now. I've definitely gotten stronger in both areas, but I've reached a point where I'm starting to max out (mostly on my shoulders). I'll probably replace the DB Shoulder Press with something else on my next cycle.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 166.0
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 70
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Bench Press[/B]
Incline: 45x5/65x5/85x3/115x5 (Warmups)
105 x 5
120 x 5
135 x 7 (5+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
Wasn't able to get on a bench right away, so I did some incline work. My work sets on Flat Bench went well until the final set, where I setup too high on the bench and got stuck on the pegs on the way up on the first rep. Sheesh. I probably should've just stopped and restarted from scratch, but I decided to continue on. I most definitely had 9 or 10 reps in me, had I not had the issues on the first rep. I still left at least 1 rep in the tank. I'm pretty happy with how this lift is coming along right now. Just a few kinks to work out yet.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Spoto Press[/B]
85 x 5
85 x 5
85 x 5
85 x 6
85 x 5
Lost concentration on a few reps, and lost tightness in my back (did an extra rep on one of the sets because I was annoyed by a poor 5th rep). My left glute cramped up when I was setting up for the final set. That's probably a good indication that I'm keeping my lower half tight. I reset and started again after stretching for a minute.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]Kroc Row[/B] - Supersetted with Spoto Press
60 x 13
60 x 13
60 x 13
[B]Single Leg Curl[/B]
60 x 12
60 x 12
60 x 12
[B]Farmers Walk[/B]
120 pounds x 100 steps
120 x 100
120 x 80/20
Couldn't get the full 100 on the final walk again.
Good energy level throughout. Aside from a couple little hiccups, it was a solid workout.
Yesterday's Workout:
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 165.4
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 60
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
95 x 5 / 135 x 4 / 205 X 2 (Warmups)
220 x 5
255 x 5
290 x 5 (5+ Set)
315 x 1
335 x 1
Only hiccup was on the attempted 6th rep of the 5+ set. I had 1 or 2 more reps in me after the 5th, but I rushed myself and got off balance when the bar was about 5 inches off the floor. Had to drop it immediately. I did some heavier singles after, which moved pretty smoothly.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Front Squat[/B] - First Set Last
45 x 10 / 65 x 3 (Warmups)
80 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
BW x 8
BW x 8
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 6
BW x 6
Had to cut the workout a little short, so I limited the accessory work.
Weight (Pounds) ====== 165.0
Sleep (Hours) ======== 6.25
Energy (1-10) ======== 7
Workout Time (Minutes) = 65
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Overhead Press[/B]
45 x 5 / 65 x 3 (Warmups)
75 x 5
90 x 5
100 x 3 (5+ Set)
Definitely going to need a reset on my next cycle. Everything felt and looked fine today. I pushed it as hard as I could, but just didn't have it in me to get any more than 3 reps on the 5+ set.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Z Press[/B]
60 x 5
60 x 5
60 x 5
60 x 5
60 x 5
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]Pull Up[/B] - Supersetted with Z-Press
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5
[B]T-Bar Row[/B]
75 x 13
75 x 13
75 x 13
60 x 14
60 x 14
60 x 14
Added a rep to each set of both these and the rows. I'll trying increasing by 1 again next time.
[B]Farmers Walk[/B]
120 pounds x 70 Steps
120 x 90
120 x 70
These are a little harder to do when they're placed immediately after lunges. 30 pound dumbbells aren't super heavy, but when I'm doing 14 reps of lunges with each leg it certainly has an impact. Still, it feels like a better setup than what I was doing previously for accessories.
I'm down 1.6 pounds compared to last Friday, which is obviously good progress. Hoping I don't have any unexpected parties/dinners this weekend so I can keep it going. I'm down about 3 pounds over the last 5 weeks, which is a much slower rate of weight loss than I want. I can feel the strength difference already though. About 6 weeks ago was my high point for most of my lifts. I've tied a couple of Rep PR's since then, but haven't really progressed, and have regressed on a few lifts. I was hoping I was still at a stage where I could continue to cut weight and gain strength at the same time. That's obviously not happening though. I'm not bothered by it, just surprised.
My postings in this log are going to drop off significantly for a while. I like having a record of my training history, but I just can't afford the time it's taking me right now. Family time needs to take priority over it. My workout schedule will continue as is. I may post updates at the end of each cycle or something...we'll see. I'll probably resume logging full time again at some point in the future. Don't know when that will be though.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 166.8
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7.25
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 6.5
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 65
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
45 x 8 / 95 x 4 / 115 x 2 (Warmups)
140 x 5
155 x 3
175 x 3 (1+ Set)
Best squat session in a while. I didn't push it much on the last set. Trying to just maintain solid form and good bar speed right now, and I accomplished that.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Sumo Deadlift[/B]
135 x 5 / 155 x 2 (Warmups)
190 x 5
190 x 5
190 x 5
190 x 5
190 x 5
I feel like these are helping me enormously right now. They really force me to keep my whole body tight, which I'm noticing is something I don't do well in either squats or deads. I almost think I should do these before squats, so I'm in the mindset/habit of keeping everything tight. I wonder how many times I've typed the word 'tight' in this thread over the last 2 months, lol. Anyway, I'm definitely keeping these in my program for a while.
[u]Accessory Lifts[/u]
[B]DB Shoulder Press[/B]
35 x 14
35 x 11
40 x 6
These are not progressing at all right now. I have two options going into my next cycle. I can either drop this exercise, or I can change the rep range (probably lower it) and try to progress within that range.
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 10
[B]Decline Crunch[/B]
35 x 15
35 x 15
[B]Face Pull[/B]
42.5 x 13
42.5 x 13
42.5 x 13
LMAO. Here I am with the first workout after I said I wouldn't be logging...and I'm logging. Just so happens that I'm home alone this evening with nothing better to do. My postings are definitely going to be much less consistent than they have though.
I was feeling under the weather over the weekend. It carried over into today, but didn't really seem to affect my performance. Felt good to get the blood pumping. As I mentioned above, my focus overall for a while is going to be on bar speed, bar path, form...general technique. I've been putting more of an emphasis on hitting PR's, and I feel like it's hurting me more than helping me. I'll be dropping my training max's on both Deadlifts and Overhead Press in my next cycle. I have Bench day tomorrow. Planning to get in there and have every rep be on point.
June 26
Weight (Pounds) ====== 165.4
Sleep (Hours) ======== 7.5
Energy (1-10) ======== 7.5
Workout Time (Minutes) = 60
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Bench Press[/B]
45 x 5 / 95 x 5 (Warmups)
120 x 5
135 x 3
150 x 3 (1+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Spoto Press[/B]
90 x 5
90 x 5
90 x 5
90 x 5
90 x 5
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]Kroc Row[/B] - Supersetted with Spoto Press
60 x 14
60 x 14
60 x 14
[B]Single Leg Curl[/B]
60 x 13
60 x 13
60 x 13
[B]Farmers Walk[/B]
120 pounds x 110 steps
120 x 110
120 x 70
Good solid workout from beginning to end. I'm making slow but steady progress on all of these lifts except the Farmers Walk. Bench Press has become much more consistent. My positioning on the bench was much better during this session. Legs were cramping during my setup. Good sign, as far as I'm concerned, though it's not too comfortable, lol.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 165.6
Sleep (Hours) ======== 6.5
Energy (1-10) ======== 7.5
Workout Time (Minutes) = 70
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
95 x 4 / 135 x 3 / 205 X 2 (Warmups)
255 x 5
290 x 3
325 x 3 (1+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
Felt slight rounding on the final rep. Aside from that, it felt great today. Improved tightness in my lower body, which helped a lot. My grip strength is nearing it's limit. I nearly dropped the bar on the 3rd rep at 290, then had to reset and re-grip after the 2nd rep at 325. I have straps if I need them though.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Paused Back Squat[/B]
45 x 8 / 45 x 4 / 95 x 3 (Warmups)
115 x 5
115 x 5
115 x 5
115 x 5
115 x 5
Front Squats have not been helping. I feel like my Back Squat has regressed since I started doing them. I was planning to change to paused back squats in my next cycle, and since this is the final week of this cycle I decided to do a test run. This was 20 pounds less than what my 'First Set Last' weight would be if I was doing normal back squats. It felt about right. I'll use this, and another test run on my deload week next week, to determine what Training Max I'll use for this lift.
The lift itself felt great. I feel like it will be helpful as I work on improving my standard back squat. Much like the Spoto Press, this forced me to focus on maintaining full body tightness throughout the movement. It felt great. This was the best I've felt squatting in quite a while.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
BW x 9
BW x 9
BW x 5
BW x 5
[B]Face Pull[/B]
42.5 x 14
42.5 x 14
42.5 x 14
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 9
BW x 5
BW x 5
Meant to do 1 more set of 5, but I forgot.
I feel like I'm back on track on all my lifts now. Technique has improved pretty much across the board. I haven't been taking video because I've been happy with how the lifts are feeling, and because it tends to be a distraction and break up my rhythm sometimes. I'll still do it occasionally, because it's helped a lot when it comes to finding areas for improvement.
Diet has been going reasonably well. Last night was a rough one. Went out to the buffet, then had several drinks since we had some people visiting from out of the country. Still looking pretty good though. Yesterday's weigh in was the first time I've seen 164 on the scale in quite a while. If I don't have any more special occasions pop up, the downward trend should continue.
July 1, 2018
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 165.4
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 10
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 8
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 60
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Overhead Press[/B]
45 x 5 / 65 x 3 (Warmups)
85 x 5
100 x 3
110 x 1 (1+ Set)
[u]Supplementary Lift[/u]
[B]Overhead Press[/B] - First Set Last
85 x 5/5/5/5/5
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]Pull Up[/B] - Supersetted with OHP
BW x 5/5/5/5/5
[B]T-Bar Row[/B]
75 x 14/14/14
80 x 8/8
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 5/5/5/5/5
Sunday evening workouts are nice. I had the whole place to myself. I've definitely hit my limit on OHP, and I'll be dropping by training max next cycle.
[B][U]5/3/1 - Deload Week[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 165.8
[B]Sleep[/B] (Hours) ======== 7.5
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7.5
Workout Time (Minutes) = 65
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
45 x 5 / 95 x 3 / 115 x 2 (Warmups)
130 x 5
150 x 5
165 x 5
185 x 3 (1+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
Another solid squat session. I had a moment of doubt and didn't go to full depth on my first rep at 185 (still not really mentally comfortable that my body can handle it). The I got over it, and the next 2 reps were better. For some reason, when I watch video of myself squatting it looks like I could do 2 or 3 more reps when I get to a point where I FEEL like I'd fail my next rep. Not sure if I should trust what I feel or what I see...
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Sumo Deadlift[/B]
115 x 3 / 165 x 2 / 215 x 1 (Warmups)
175 x 5/5/5/5/5
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Incline Press[/B]
40 x 12/12/12
Decided I'm changing from shoulder press to incline press. Hopefully I can progress on this lift for a while.
[B]Face Pull[/B]
42.5 x 15/15/15
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 6/6/6
First workout of my deload week. Everything felt good. I'm going out of town tomorrow and Wednesday, so no workouts. I should be able to go again on Thursday for Bench day.
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 165.4
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 6
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 8
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 70
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Bench Press[/B]
45 x 5 / 85 x 3 (Warmups)
110 x 5
130 x 5
145 x 5
160 x 2 (3+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
Hit a Rep PR, but didn't reach the 3 rep minimum. Last rep was probably over a 9. I was kind of expecting to hit the 3 reps. There were no breakdowns or anything, I just didn't have the strength to do more than 2. Guess it's time to reduce my training max.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Spoto Press[/B]
90 x 5/5/5/5/5
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]Kroc Row[/B] - Supersetted with Spoto Press
60 x 14/14/14
[B]Chin Up[/B]
BW x 6/6/6/6/6/6/6
Mixed in sets in between other stuff, until I hit a set that was basically to failure.
[B]Single Leg Curl[/B]
60 x 14/14/14
[B]Farmers Walk[/B]
120 pounds x 90 steps
120 x 96/60/83
Ended up with 3 days off in a row. Felt fresh today, and had a solid session all the way through. I'll do Deadlift day tomorrow.
[B][U]5/3/1 - Deload[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 165.4
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 10
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 8
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 70
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
95 x 4 / 135 x 3 / 185 X 3 / 225 x 2 (Warmups)
240 x 5
270 x 5
305 x 5
340 x 1 (3+ Set) [B]PR[/B]
My back felt like it was rounding on the last rep at 305, and the rep at 340. Pretty sure I would've been able to do 1 or 2 more reps at 340, but there's no point in doing them with poor form. I'm dropping my training max by about 30 pounds to continue working on form.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Paused Back Squat[/B]
45 x 5 / 95 x 2 (Warmups)
120 x 5/5/5/5/5
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
BW x 5/5/5/5/5
[B]Face Pull[/B]
42.5 x 15/15/15
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 5/5/5/5/5
Wish I could get 10 hours of sleep every night. The impact is enormous. I'll probably be taking a day off tomorrow. Press day will be next.
[B]Weight[/B] = 162.6
[B]Sleep[/B] = Garbage
[B]Energy[/B] = Poor
[B]Diet[/B] = On Point
No time to do full logs right now. Here are the final sets of my primary lifts from the last 3 workouts:
[B]Overhead Press[/B]
105 x 1
Was supposed to do 5 reps at 105 and then a 3+ set at 115. Wasn't happening. I missed on the second rep, rested for a minute and was still unable to do another rep. Was planning to drop my Training Max anyway, and this was the last session before the reset.
[B]Back Squat[/B]
175 x 5 (3+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
Felt great. I'm pretty locked in on my squats right now. I may have been able to do a couple more reps, but I was happy with the PR, and I was in a hurry.
[B]Bench Press[/B]
135 x 7 (3+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
This tied a rep PR, but was completed much easier than the previous time. I had at least 1 more solid rep in the tank. Still working on consistency when it comes to bar path and overall tightness. Making slow and steady progress.
Been working a ton. Not much time for anything else (sleep included), but I've been hitting the gym regularly. Diet has been excellent - I've always had a more consistent diet when I'm working because I pre-pack my meals and eat at specific times. The weight is starting to drop off again. Just need to get back on a good sleep schedule and all will be good. Work is going to continue to be crazy through July.
[B]5/3/1 - Anchor[/B]
July 13:
215 x 3
250 x 3
280 x 6 (3+ Set)
July 16:
65 x 3
75 x 3
85 x 7 (3+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
July 18:
125 x 5
145 x 5
165 x 8 (5+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
July 20:
100 x 5
115 x 5
130 x 7 (5+ Set)
200 x 5
235 x 5
265 x 10
Reset on everything except squats going into this Anchor cycle. Still feeling good and making progress. My weight is essentially unchanged from my previous post. The cut is affecting my bench and press a lot, not seeing much impact on squats and deads for some reason. The 7 reps on bench today was 3 less than my rep pr, which I got about 2 months ago. On the other hand, the 10 reps on deadlift was a pretty easy rep pr, and I think I actually did 11 (lost count part way through). All my supplemental lifts have been really solid, progressing steadily. Accessory lifts are kind of a mixed bag, making progress on some, but not on others. I'll be happy to mostly maintain my current lifts as I continue trying to cut another 10 pounds or so.
[B][U]5/3/1 - Anchor[/U][/B]
July 21:
60 x 5
75 x 5
80 x 8 (5+ Set) [B]Rep PR[/B]
July 23:
145 x 5
165 x 3
185 x 3 (1+ Set)
July 25:
[B]Bench Press[/B]
115 x 5
130 x 3
145 x 6 (1+ Set)
The Squat and Bench Press 1+ sets both tied my previous Rep PR's. All lifts are feeling pretty good right now. Diet and weight are steady. Sleep has been my biggest challenge. I'm struggling to work 12 hour days and go exercise, and then be able to wind down quick enough to fall asleep at a decent hour. Only got 3 hours of sleep one of the nights this week, and I don't function well when I get less than 8. Been drinking more coffee during the day as a result, which is why my weight loss has basically stalled. I'm actually okay with the fact that I've lost any weight at all during this stretch. I was hoping I would, but would've been satisfied just to maintain. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. I have probably two more weeks of this hectic schedule, and then the load should lighten some. Just going to keep grinding in the meantime.
[B][U]5/3/1 - Anchor[/U][/B]
[B]Weight[/B] (Pounds) ====== 163.2
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 70
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
95 x 5 / 135 x 3 / 185 X 3 (Warmups)
235 x 5
265 x 3
295 x 6 (1+ Set)
Tied a Rep PR on the last set. I'm seeing some improvement in my form. Just focusing on putting upward tension on the bar before starting the lift has helped me get into a solid position. From there, the rest mostly takes care of itself.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Sumo Deadlift[/B]
195 x 5
195 x 5
195 x 5
195 x 5
195 x 5
Solid reps aside from 1, where I got off balance slightly. I feel much weaker in the starting position than I do with a conventional stance, but once I get the bar moving, it moves well. Not having any problem moving this weight at all.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
[B]Face Pull[/B]
45 x 13
45 x 13
45 x 13
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
Good day today. I think I like doing all my supplemental lifts on the same day as my primary lifts (Deadlift Supplemental lift done on the same day I do Deadlift as my primary lift). I save some time with fewer warmup sets. Also save some because I don't need to move myself of the equipment. I'm probably going to continue doing this for a while. I'm making slow and steady progress on all of the accessory lifts. Happy with the progress there. I've been a little more lenient on rest times between sets, and overall I think that's been a positive for me. I'm doing fewer sets in a fatigued state, which means my technique is better, and I'm able to lift more weight.
I'll be doing Press Day tomorrow, and then have a day off on Sunday.
[B][U]5/3/1 - Anchor[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 165.0
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 8
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 55
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Overhead Press[/B]
45 x 5 / 65 x 3 (Warmups)
70 x 5
80 x 3
90 x 6 (1+ Set)
I've been using a wider grip. I'm not able to lift as much weight, but I feel like I have much better control of the weight. I'm lifting from a stronger base, and feel much more stable.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Overhead Press[/B]
70 x 5/5/5/5/5
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]Pull Up[/B]
BW x 5/5/5/5/5
[B]T-Bar Row[/B]
80 x 13/13/13
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 10/10/10
Felt a little more energetic today after getting about 7 hours of sleep for the second night in a row. I've increasingly been finding myself gravitating toward a combination of Barbell Work for Primary and Secondary lifts, and bodyweight exercises (Pullups, Dips, Leg Raises) for Accessory lifts. Still working in a few other accessories, but I've stopped doing a few. I feel much fresher doing the barbell work as a result. I'd love to be able to do more, but my body has been telling me to slow down. I'm feeling great right now. I was previously feeling worn down even just doing warmup sets on the primary lifts. Now I'm able to power through the primaries and secondaries without running out of gas. When I get to a place where I'm able to get a little more rest and relaxation on a regular basis I'll increase the work load, but for now I'm planning to stick to doing minimal accessory work.
[B][U]Portals 5x5/3/1 - Leader[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 165.2
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 6
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 8
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 55
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Bench Press[/B]
45 x 5 (WU)
95 x 5
110 x 5
120 x 5/5/5/5/5
As I mentioned in my last post, I've been gravitating towards more focus on barbell work and less accessory work. Since I was at a transition point between cycles, I decided to try a different Leader Cycle that aligns with this. I'm using Portal's 5x5/3/1, which can be found in the 5/3/1 Forever book. It uses an 80% Training Max, which is significantly lower than what I've been using. It uses the same week to week and set to set percentage progressions, but does 5 reps on all sets, with the final (heaviest) being a 5x5.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
115 x 5 / 185 x 4 / 255 x 3 (Warmups)
275 x 3
Portal's program combines Deadlift and Bench on the same day, and Overhead Press and Squat on the same day, swapping them between the primary and supplementary positions. The supplementary lift is done at 100% of the Training Max (which equates to 80% of your estimated 1 rep max). The goal is to work up to 3-5 reps at that weight.
My first rep always seems to be off balance, and then I sit back better in the subsequent reps. You can see this in action in the video below. The weight felt light and moved easily. My plan is to add 1 rep each week (3 reps in week 1 of the cycle, 4 reps in week 2, 5 reps in week 3).
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Shoulder Press[/B]
35's x 8/8/8
BW x 8/8/8
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 8/8/8
Only shooting for about 25 reps of pushing, pulling, and single leg/core work on each workout. I've been doing most of my accessories with sets of 15 reps. I want to change that up since I've been doing it for about the last 6 months. Instead of doing 5x5 (I've got enough 5 rep sets planned already, lol), I'm opting for sets of 6-9. I started with 8's today, just because I had a pretty good idea of what weights I should be using. I'll typically ramp these from 6-9, and then increase weight and repeat. It'll be nice working in a different rep range.
This was actually my second workout with the new setup. I messed up the first one because I misunderstood how it was supposed to be setup. Got it all straightened out now though. The downside of using this Leader Template is that there are no PR sets built into it. It's more focused on bar speed. I think it's a really good fit for me right now. Looking forward to running it for the next 3 weeks. After that I'll have 2 weeks off. I'll be out on the other side of the world visiting my girlfriends family. Working out will not even be on my priority list during that time. I'll pick it up again when I return, probably doing a 'deload' week when I return so I can ease back into lifting before going into my next leader cycle.
[B][U]Portals 5x5/3/1 - Leader[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 164.8
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 8
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 55
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
115 x 5 / 185 x 4 (Warmups)
195 x 5
220 x 5
250 x 5/5/5/5/5
The weight moved easily on all reps.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Bench Press[/B]
45 x 5 / 95 x 4 / 115 x 4 (Warmups)
135 x 3
The 135 felt oddly heavy, and didn't go up nearly as easily as it should have.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Incline Press[/B]
50's x 6/6/6
[B]T-Bar Row[/B]
80 x 14
115 x 6/6
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 8/8/8
I ended up lifting 4 days in a row, and I'll probably be taking the next 3 days off. The workouts are feeling pretty easy right now, but that was expected. Just continuing to focus on bar path and bar speed.
[B][U]Portals 5x5/3/1 - Leader[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 164.6
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 6.5
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 8
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 40
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Back Squat[/B]
45 x 10 / 95 x 5 (Warmups)
110 x 5
130 x 5
145 x 5/5/5/5/5
Felt good today. No discomfort in my knees. I was able to get warmed up and loose really quickly, and then powered through the sets quickly without any issues.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Overhead Press[/B]
45 x 5 / 65 x 5 / 75 x 5 (Warmups)
85 x 4
I seem to be losing strength on this lift. The fourth rep of the work set was a 7-8 RPE. Form was excellent though.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
BW x 25/25/25
[B]Face Pull[/B]
45 x 14/14/14
[B]Single Leg Curl[/B]
80 x 6/6/6
I was flying today. I knew I was moving quickly, but was shocked when I looked at the clock at the end and it had only been 40 minutes. The weights are light enough right now that it doesn't take me much time at all to recover between sets. Energy level has been really good over the last couple of weeks. My work schedule is somewhat back to normal now thankfully. Tomorrow I'll be doing Bench and Deadlift.
[B][U]Portals 5x5/3/1 - Leader[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 163.0
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7.5
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7.5
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 50
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Bench Press[/B]
65 x 5 (WU)
90 x 5
100 x 5
115 x 5/5/5/5/5
Bench is feeling the best it's ever felt for me. My grip feels fantastic. Bar path is much improved. Upper body tightness is very good. I'm doing a much better job of maintaining position as a un-rack and re-rack. The biggest opportunity for improvement right now is lower body tightness, which seems to come and go still. But overall I'm really happy with how I've progressed.
Here's video of my 4th set at 115 today:
For comparison, here's a video from about 3 months ago:
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
135 x 4 / 185 x 3 / 225 x 3 (Warmups)
275 x 4
I'm thankful that the weight is relatively light for me right now, because this lift felt off today. I probably didn't put enough time into warming up, and I was struggling to get the muscles to fire in the correct order. Still was able to get the 4 reps without too much struggle.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Shoulder Press[/B]
35's x 8/8/9
BW x 8/8/8
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 10/10/8
Another one in the books. It was a good pressing day. I've been pretty stagnant on the pullups and leg raises for quite a while now. Not too concerned about though. Even though the number of reps hasn't really changed, I've been making steady improvement on my form. I have much better control over the movements now, rather than feeling like I'm just flailing about. I also don't want those lifts to impact my primary and supplemental lifts, so I haven't really pushed myself too hard on them. That will probably change at some point, but not right now. I may lift tomorrow, depending upon how I feel. My next session will be squatting and pressing again. I'm slightly sore from yesterdays squat session, so we'll see how I feel tomorrow. I can afford to push my body a little further than I normally would, because I know that after next week I'm going to have a 2-week break where I won't have any access to a gym. If there was ever a good time to overextend myself, this is it. That said, I've been feeling great, so I don't think lifting 5-6 days each of the next 2 weeks is going to cause any issues at all.
[B][U]Portals 5x5/3/1 - Leader[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 162.8
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 8
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 60
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
[B]Overhead Press[/B]
45 x 5 (WU)
55 x 5
65 x 5
70 x 5/5/5/5/5
Smooth, controlled movement, focused on using the correct muscles. Felt good.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Back Squat[/B]
45 x 7 / 95 x 5 / 125 x 3 / 150 x 4 (Warmups)
170 x 4
Good Squatting session. I made sure I was warmed up really well. That allowed me to get into a good position at the bottom of the squat, which obviously makes the entire squat motion better. It felt really good. Final rep was around a 7.5 RPE.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
BW x 8/8/8/8
Dropped from 10 reps to 8, and added a set. This made it a 2 rep increase from last time. I may try 3 sets of 11 next time
[B]Face Pull[/B]
45 x 15/15/15
[B]Farmers Walk[/B]
120 x 70/90/70
Got plenty of sleep, so my energy level was pretty good. I'll do Deadlift as the primary and Bench Press as the secondary lift tomorrow.
[B][U]Portals 5x5/3/1 - Leader[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 162.8
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7.5
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 50
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
135 x 3 (WU)
185 x 5
205 x 5
235 x 5/5/5/5/5
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
[B]Bench Press[/B]
65 x 8 / 95 x 5 / 115 x 2 (Warmups)
135 x 4
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Incline Press[/B]
50's x 7/7/7
[B]T-Bar Row[/B]
115 x 7/7/7
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 9/9/9
Nothing of note today. All reps on all lifts were solid. I had mentioned last week that 135 felt oddly heavy on Bench. It felt much better today. Still had several reps in the tank. I need to get a workout in this weekend since I'll need an extra day off at the end of next week to pack for my trip. Not sure whether I'll go tomorrow or Sunday, but I'll fit it in somewhere.
[B][U]Portals 5x5/3/1 - Leader[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 163.8
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 8
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 65
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
45 x 8 / 95 x 5 / 115 x 2 (Warmups)
130 x 5
145 x 5
160 x 5/5/5/5/5
I felt okay in the warmup, but then struggled with the first 2 sets at 160. After that, each of the final 3 sets felt easier than the one before. The video below is the final set.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
45 x 7 / 65 x 5 (Warmups)
85 x 4
85 x 2
I was supposed to do 5 reps at 85 pounds, but didn't remember until after I had re-racked and stopped the video. I went back and did 2 more reps right away. All of the reps felt pretty easy today. I still had several left in the tank. This is the strongest I've felt on this lift in about a month. It felt great.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
BW x 27/27/27
[B]Face Pull[/B]
45 x 15/15/15
[B]Single Leg Curl[/B]
80 x 7/7/7
The gym was relatively empty. I was able to get in a rack right away and get to work. It was also easy getting set up to do video's. The session took longer than normal, primarily because it took me a long time to loosen up on squats. I started out taking pretty long breaks between sets, and being pretty methodical on the reps. From there things sped up, and I was able to work quickly. I was kind of sluggish because I had a long day yesterday. Had a friend visiting from out of town. We were hanging out from about 10am to 2am. I woke up feeling relatively rested today, but energy was down just a little. Tomorrow will be Bench Primary and Deadlift Supplementary. I'm expecting to have a good day.
[B][U]Portals 5x5/3/1 - Leader[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 164.2
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 6.5
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 65
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
65 x 5 / 85 x 5 (Warmups)
100 x 5
115 x 5
130 x 5/5/5/5/5
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
135 x 5 / 185 x 5 / 225 x 5 (Warmups)
275 x 5
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Shoulder Press[/B]
35's x 9/9/9
BW x 9/9/9
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 9/9/9
[B][U]Portals 5x5/3/1 - Leader[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 164.4
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 8
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 60
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
45 x 5 (WU)
65 x 5
70 x 5
80 x 5/5/5/5/5
A couple of the reps at 80 pounds approached an 8 RPE.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
80 x 10 / 80 x 5 / 95 x 5 / 135 x 5 / 155 x 2 (Warmups)
170 x 5
I'm starting to figure out what works for me as far as warmup goes. I need to start out slow, with most of my reps at really light weights to get my joints loosened up so I can comfortably use full range of motion. Once I'm loosened up, It seems like I can make pretty large jumps between sets, and get up to my working weight pretty quickly (today wasn't a exactly a great representation of that, I realize. I definitely could've cut out a few of the reps at 135 at the very least, without any negative impact.) I just need to get a little better handle on the warmup process, but I've noticed a very clear trend that this approach tends to work well for me.
All of the rep at 170 were relatively smooth and easy. The Final rep was probably around a 6-7 RPE.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
BW x 11/11/11
As planned, did the 11x3, for a 1 rep increase in total volume from last week. The final rep required everything I had in the tank. I may need to start adding weight soon.
[B]Face Pull[/B]
45 x 15/15/15
[B]Farmers Walk[/B]
120 x 90/100/80
This was 40 steps more than I did last week at the same weight. For some reason my performance on this lift seems to vary enormously from week to week.
I'll be lifting again tomorrow, which will be my fourth consecutive day. Still feeling fresh though. I'll be doing deadlifts and bench. Not sure if I'll get in another workout before leaving town on Sunday. I still have a lot of things to do between now and then, so tomorrow's workout might possibly be my last until after Labor Day.
[B][U]Portals 5x5/3/1 - Leader[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 164.2
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7.5
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 55
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
135 x 5 / 185 x 5 (Warmups)
205 x 5
235 x 5
260 x 5/5/5/5/5
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
45 x 5 / 95 x 5 / 115 x 5 (Warmups)
135 x 5
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Incline Press[/B]
50's x 8/8/8
[B]Cable Row[/B]
185 x 8/8/8
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 10/10/10
My session today was done at the gym at work. I had to change things up slightly to align with the available equipment. I tend to forget how much additional energy is required to let the bar down slowly when deadlifting. At this gym, it's basically deadlifting on concrete. There's just really thin carpet on top of it. I have to control it totally on the way down and set it down softly. It wore me out, lol.
Good session today though. Bench felt really good. As mentioned yesterday, this may be the last time I workout until after labor day. I may do a light session on Saturday, just to get the blood pumping, since I'm going to be sitting on a plane for 20+ hours the following day. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do when I return. I may just jump right into my next cycle and see how I feel. I also may insert a deload week to my body readjusted. We'll see...
[B][U]Portals 5x5/3/1 - Leader[/U][/B]
Weight (Pounds) ====== 163.0
Sleep (Hours) ======== 3
Energy (1-10) ======== 6
Workout Time (Minutes) = 25
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
45 x 8 / 95 x 5 (Warmups)
125 x 5
145 x 5
160 x 3/3/3
I could feel my leg muscles breaking down right away at my working weight. I thought I may be able to do the 5x5, but it became apparent after the first rep that wasn't going to happen. I have a feeling I'm going to be extremely sore tomorrow.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
45 x 5 / 65 x 4 / 85 x 2 (Warmups)
90 x 4
After the 2 reps at 85, I was doubting whether I'd be able to do 3 at 90. I ended up doing 4, with the last rep at about an 8.5 RPE. Not bad considering...
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
BW x 30
[B]Face Pull[/B]
42.5 x 18
[B]Single Leg Curl[/B]
80 x 10
Just did single sets on all of these. I was in a hurry since I had other commitments.
Got back from my vacation late on Sunday evening. Been working on getting my sleep schedule readjusted. I slept for about 14 hours that first night back, but then couldn't sleep last night and only got about 3. I should be mostly back to normal after this evening I think.
After not doing any exercise at all for almost 3 weeks, I wanted to ease back into things. I think I did that pretty well, but we'll see how I feel about that tomorrow, lol. I'll probably take a similar approach on all of my workouts this week, and then I should be able to return to normal next week.
[B][U]Portals 5x5/3/1 - Leader[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 161.8
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 50
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
45 x 5 / 85 x 5 (Warmups)
100 x 5
115 x 5
125 x 5/5/5/5/5
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
135 x 5 / 185 x 5 / 225 x 3 (Warmups)
285 x 5
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Shoulder Press[/B]
25's x 4
35's x 6
BW x 6/6
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 6/6
I was able to do the primary and secondary lifts like normal, without too much difficulty. I still held back on the Accessory work. Press Day tomorrow.
[B][U]Portals 5x5/3/1 - Leader[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 162.4
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 50
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
45 x 5 (WU)
70 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 4/4/4
I pushed it about as far as I could. The final rep on each of the 3 sets was a 9-9.5 RPE. I seemed to get a bit stronger as I went along.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
45 x 10 / 90 x 5 / 135 x 5 / 155 x 3 (Warmups)
175 x 3
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
BW x 6/11
[B]Face Pull[/B]
47.5 x 12/12
[B]Farmers Walk[/B]
120 x 100/100
Trying to gradually increase my accessory work.
I'm feeling a bit better in the gym every day. I should be back to full speed next week. Lifts are feeling good for the most part, and I'm obviously really fresh after 3 weeks off. I'll do deadlift day tomorrow, and then take the weekend off.
[B][U]Portals 5x5/3/1 - Leader[/U][/B]
[B]Weight [/B](Pounds) ====== 162.0
[B]Sleep [/B](Hours) ======== 7
[B]Energy [/B](1-10) ======== 7
[B]Workout Time[/B] (Minutes) = 55
[U]Primary Lift[/U]
135 x 5 / 185 x 5 (Warmups)
200 x 5
230 x 5
255 x 5/5/5/5/5
Good, controlled reps throughout. No problemo.
[U]Supplementary Lift[/U]
45 x 8 / 65 x 5 / 95 x 5 / 120 x 4 (Warmups)
140 x 5
This was easier than the 5 reps at 135 I did last time. Felt good.
[U]Accessory Lifts[/U]
[B]DB Incline Press[/B]
50's x 9/9
[B]T-Bar Row[/B]
115 x 8/8
[B]Hanging Leg Raise[/B]
BW x 8/8
First week back was a success. I accomplished what I wanted to, which is to ease back into it. I struggled with Squats and OHP, while feeling pretty strong on Deads and Bench. I increase my accessory work a little bit each day. Next week I should be able to return to a normal workload. It will be the start of my second Leader cycle. I'll be working out 4 consecutive days on most weeks now (Mon-Thurs). I've done 4 consecutive days in about the last 3 weeks of workouts I've done, and have had any major issues with it, so I don't foresee any problems with running it this way.
I'll enjoy my weekend off, get some rest, and be back at it on Monday.