February 7, 2023
[U]Floor Press[/U]
170 pounds x 1 rep
155 pounds - 5 sets x 3 reps
Was also supposed do squats but wasn't feeling up to it. I've felt progressively worse over the last 3 days and am not feeling up to doing much of anything. I'm sure I'll start feeling better over the coming days.
March 4, 2023
[U]Bench Press[/U]
145 pounds - 4 sets x 4 reps
[U]SSB Squat[/U]
155 pounds - 5 sets x 4 reps
First workout in nearly a month. I was sick for about a week and then went on a vacation overseas. I got back home on Thursday, but 18 hours on a plane can really do a number on a person so I needed a few days to recover. Still not feeling close to 100%, but wanted to get some work in today. Kept the weight light but it still felt quite hard. It's a start...
March 5, 2023
[U]Bench Press[/U]
115 pounds - 6 sets x 6 reps
[U]Conv Deadlift[/U]
275 pounds - 5 sets x 3 reps
Bench felt much better today. Deads kicked my butt. Both lifts move fast and smooth. Deads in particular felt really good from a technique standpoint.
I'm light headed and have a headache now. I expect it'll take a week or two for my body to reacclimate to lifting. Just going to keep forging ahead...
March 7, 2023
[U]Bench Press[/U]
145 pounds - 4 sets x 4 reps
[U]SSB Box Squat[/U]
205 pounds - 8 sets x 2 reps
Energy level was a bit better today. Both lifts felt much heavier than they should have - especially the squats.
March 8, 2023
[U]Bench Press[/U]
115 pounds - 5 sets x 6 reps / 1 set x 16 reps
[U]Conv Deadlift[/U]
325 pounds - 6 sets x 2 reps
Bench was great today, feeling strong and fresh. AMRAP on the final set was around a 7-8 RPE.
Deads moved like a warmup weight. Muscles felt strong throughout but energy level crashed after about 4 sets.
I'll probably take 1 or 2 rest days now.
March 11, 2023
[U]Bench Press[/U]
155 pounds - 6 sets x 3 reps
[U]SSB Low Box Squat[/U]
155 pounds - 6 sets x 4 reps
I know - weird to squat the same weight that I bench, lol. Squats and deads are still wrecking me though. The weight was light but I still felt like I could vomit after getting done. Just trying to build up some kind of work capacity. I'll likely increase the squat weight next time.
March 12, 2023
[U]Bench Press[/U]
135 pounds - 6 sets x 6 reps
[U]Conv Deadlift[/U]
275 pounds - 6 sets x 3 reps
Got through the workout without feeling nauseous, so that's a win. Both lifts went well. Deads especially felt very easy.
March 14, 2023
[U]Bench Press[/U]
155 pounds - 4 sets x 4 reps
[U]SSB Low Box Squat[/U]
205 pounds - 9 sets x 2 reps
Had a few slow reps but felt good overall.
March 15, 2023
[U]Bench Press[/U]
135 pounds x 11/8/6 - all sets @8 RPE
[U]Conv Deadlift[/U]
325 pounds x 6 reps - @8
275 pounds - 2 sets x 2 reps
Rest times were 2 minutes or less on everything. I'm going to mix in workouts like this somewhat regularly to help with building work capacity.
The weights I'm using are staying basically the same on each lift right now - alternating between a lighter day and a heavier day on each exercise. I have rep goals that will trigger me to increase weight. The goal for deads was 7 reps today and I could have made it but really don't want to go beyond 8 RPE on anything since my frequency is pretty high right now. Improving my work capacity should help and I fully expect I'll hit the goal on my next attempt, though that may be a few weeks off.
Increasing the weight on the bar is NOT my primary goal at this point. I'm really just trying to get in a lot of good clean reps in the 60-80% range. I feel like it's going very well. I feel fresh and can tell that my strength is gradually increasing.
March 18, 2023
[U]Bench Press[/U]
155 pounds - 7 sets x 3 reps
Skipped squats and then added an extra rest day because one of my knees hasn't been feeling right for about a week.
March 20, 2023
[U]Bench Press[/U]
135 pounds - 8 sets x 6 reps
[U]Conv Deadlift[/U]
275 pounds - 5 sets x 4 reps
Was feeling pretty good today so I ended up skipping ahead and doing the sets x reps that were scheduled for the following session instead. I'd guess that the extra rest day helped.
I'm getting better at modifying my plan for the day according to how I'm feeling and performing at that moment. I feel like this should pay dividends in the long run.
March 23, 2023
[U]SSB Low Box Squat[/U]
165 pounds - 5 sets x 4 reps
[U]Bench Press[/U]
155 pounds - 8 sets x 3 reps
I switched the lift order so that I'm freshest when doing squats. It worked well. Good energy level was good through the squats and I didn't notice any real impact on bench. I'll probably do the same thing on deadlift days as well.
March 25, 2023
[U]Conv Deadlift[/U]
325 pounds - 5 sets x 3 reps
[U]Bench Press[/U]
115 pounds - 6 sets x 6 reps
I've still been having a slightly tender knee. It seems like it's bench press that's bothering it more than squats or deads so I went lighter on those today and used pretty much no legs during the lift. It was pretty easy, as expected.
Deads on the other hand were harder than expected even though I was never super close to failure - probably nothing over an 8 RPE.
March 27, 2023
[U]SSB Squat[/U]
205 pounds - 6 sets x 2 reps
[U]Bench Press[/U]
155 pounds - 6 sets x 4 reps
I'm removing the box on squats for now to try to get a bit closer to a standard squat. Would love to do some regular low bar squats but I'm not going anywhere near that until I feel my elbow has healed up fully.
Bench went well. Got near an RPE 9 on the last rep of the last set. Next time should be 7 sets of 4 and I'm sure that will be a real challenge.
March 29, 2023
[U]Bench Press[/U]
125 pounds - 3 sets x 8 reps
[U]Conv Deadlift[/U]
275 pounds - 3 sets x 6 reps
After 3 weeks being unable to lift, I've now been back at it for a month. I'm going to transition to programming that's a little different. I've mostly been doing many sets of lower rep work. I'm going to reduce sets and increase reps. Also planning to start adding in some accessory stuff sometime soon.
Both Bench and Deadlift were pretty easy - nothing higher than about a 6 RPE.
March 31, 2023
[U]SSB Squat[/U]
205 pounds - 3 sets x 3 reps
[U]Supinated Triceps Pushdown[/U]
10 pounds - 2 sets x 15 reps
[U]Close Grip Larsen Press[/U]
95 pounds - 3 sets x 10 reps
Squats went well.
Started out trying normal triceps pushdown but felt discomfort in my elbow right away. Decided to try it supinated and there wasn't even a trace of pain or discomfort so I'll likely continue doing them that way.
Doing close grip larsen press because I don't want any pressure on my knees. Close grip is just to add some variation some I'm doing a standard grip for all of my other pressing right now. 95 pounds was meant to be a warm up weight but after doing a few reps with it I decided it was going to be my working weight.
April 1, 2023
[U]Bench Press[/U]
155 pounds x 7 reps
275 pounds - 3 sets x 7 reps
[U]Nordic Hamstring Curls[/U]
3 sets x 8 reps
Hit my rep goal on bench so I'll increase weight next time.
Deadlifts drained me enormously but were nowhere near failure. Next time will be 3x8.
April 3, 2023
[U]SSB Squat[/U]
165 pounds - 3 sets x 6 reps
[U]Leg Extension[/U]
75 pounds - 3 sets x 12 reps
[U]DB Bench Press[/U]
40's - 3 sets x 10 reps
Still struggling to build up work capacity on squats. I was very light headed after each of the 3 sets even though they weren't very close to failure. I'll aim for sets of 7 next time.
Leg Extensions and DB Bench weren't too difficult. Focus was on getting a full range of motion and controlling the weight throughout. Weight will go up next time around.
April 4, 2023
[U]Conventional Deadlift[/U]
325 pounds x 7 reps
[U]Bench Press[/U]
135 pounds - 3 sets x 6 reps
Pretty easily hit 7 reps on deads at about a 7-8 RPE so I'll increase weight next time. First time taking video of myself in a while. I should do it more often... Noticed on deads that my hips were shooting up right away and as a result coming through later than they should be. I believe this is because of the belt limiting me in the setup. Even though I feel like I get extra support from it, I'm likely better off not using it because something like this could likely be the difference between making or missing a lift that's closer to my 1RM. I could also just experiment with loosening it more...but I don't feel like I lose much (if any) strength without the belt.
Not sure what happened on bench today, but something clicked. It felt extremely light and the movement pattern seemed to be more locked in. I probably could've done 3x10 without needing to grind, but I'm content to go slowly, especially since the weight will be increasing on my heavier bench day this week.
April 7, 2023
[U]SSB Squat[/U]
205 pounds - 3 sets x 4 reps
[U]Close Grip Larsen Press[/U]
105 pounds - 3 sets x 10 reps
[U]Supinated Triceps Pushdown[/U]
15 pounds - 2 sets x 15 reps
Squats got a little grindy on the final reps. Video of the second set is below. After watching it back I did a better job of getting to depth and maintaining tightness on the descent on the final set.
April 8, 2023
[U]Bench Press[/U]
165 pounds - 3 sets x 3 reps
[U]Conv Deadlift[/U]
275 pounds - 3 sets x 8 reps
[U]Nordic Hamstring Curl[/U]
3 sets x 8 reps
Not sure I could've done 4 reps on any of the bench sets, so it'll be interesting to see how next week goes when I should be doing 3x4.
Deads were pretty easy. Tried out my smaller belt and I like that much better for deadlifting. It's a 3 inch belt and I think 10mm while my main one is 4 inches and 13mm.
April 9, 2023
[U]SSB Squat[/U]
165 - 3 sets x 7 reps
[U]Leg Extension[/U]
90 pounds - 3 sets x 12 reps
[U]DB Bench Press[/U]
45's - 3 sets x 10 reps
April 10, 2023
[U]Conv Deadlift[/U]
335 pounds - 3 sets x 3 reps
[U]Bench Press[/U]
135 pounds - 3 sets x 7 reps
All smooth. Used the smaller belt when deadlifting again today and it felt great. Will likely stick with using this when I do belted work.
April 12, 2023
[U]SSB Squat[/U]
205 pounds - 3 sets x 5 reps
[U]Close Grip Larsen Press[/U]
115 pounds - 3 sets x 10 reps
[U]Supinated Triceps Pushdown[/U]
20 pounds - 2 sets x 15 reps
Squats felt good. I'll increase weight next time. As you may have noticed watching my vids lately the 2 year old is constantly hovering around me. Half the time I setup and end up not even starting the set because he stands under me or under the weights. At some point I may need to lock him out of the room when I'm lifting, but I pretty much know if I do that the whole workout is over because a tantrum is highly likely.
I can tell something is going right on bench because if was easier than last week even though it was 10 pounds heavier.
April 15, 2023
[U]Bench Press[/U]
165 pounds - 3 sets x 4 reps
[U]Conv Deadlift[/U]
285 pounds - 3 sets x 6 reps
[U]Nordic Hamstring Curl[/U]
3 sets x 8 reps
Last week bench was 3x3 with this weight and I said I didn't think I could've done 4 reps on any of the sets. Did 3x4 this week and felt like I could've done more reps on each set. Interesting how that works sometimes...
Deads was quite easy today as well despite a 10 pound weight increase from last week.
Work capacity has definitely improved. Overall the fatigue in each session is reduced. I never felt fatigued at all today and probably could've done all of the sets with 60 second or less rest between. I'm very happy with how things are going right now.
April 16, 2023
[U]SSB Squat[/U]
165 - 3 sets x 8 reps
[U]Leg Extension[/U]
100 pounds - 3 sets x 12 reps
[U]DB Bench Press[/U]
47.5's - 3 sets x 10 reps
April 17, 2023
[U]Conv Deadlift[/U]
335 pounds - 3 sets x 4 reps
[U]Bench Press[/U]
135 pounds - 3 sets x 8 reps
Did deads beltless. They felt heavy today, but I was never close to failure.
Bench Press was easy sailing. I'll increase to 145 next time.
April 20, 2023
[U]SSB Squat[/U]
215 pounds - 3 sets x 3 reps
[U]Close Grip Larsen Press[/U]
125 pounds - 3 sets x 10 reps
[U]Supinated Triceps Pushdown[/U]
25 pounds - 2 sets x 15 reps
Good workout. Doing 2 days of rest instead of 1 before this workout is making a big difference. I'm feeling much fresher. Also getting pretty comfortable with the SSB bar. Squats are going really well.
April 22, 2023
[U]Bench Press[/U]
165 pounds - 3 sets x 5 reps
[U]Conv Deadlift[/U]
285 pounds - 3 sets x 7 reps
[U]Nordic Hamstring Curl[/U]
3 sets x 8 reps
Continuing to get stronger on bench. Not sure what I'll do next week. I'll either do an AMRAP at 165, do paused bench at 165, or increase to 175 and do a 3x3. I'll see how I feel as I work up.
April 23, 2023
[U]SSB Paused Squat[/U]
165 - 3 sets x 6 reps
[U]Leg Extension[/U]
105 pounds - 3 sets x 12 reps
[U]DB Bench Press[/U]
50's - 3 sets x 10 reps
Changed to paused squats. I'll work up to 3x8 on this before increasing weight because the next weight jump is going to be a big one.
April 24, 2023
[U]Conv Deadlift[/U]
335 pounds - 3 sets x 5 reps
[U]Bench Press[/U]
145 pounds - 3 sets x 6 reps
[U]Single Leg Curl[/U]
40 pounds - 2 sets x 12 reps
Deads will take a big jump up, to 365 next time. Not sure if I'll be able to do sets of 3, but we'll see.
Bench felt not too hard. I should be able to increase reps the next 2 weeks.
Was working out simultaneously with my 13 year old. Did some leg curls with him while I was waiting to bench. It was a good day to add in some hamstring work anyway.
April 27, 2023
[U]SSB Squat[/U]
215 pounds - 3 sets x 4 reps
[U]Close Grip Larsen Press[/U]
130 pounds - 3 sets x 10 reps
[U]Supinated Tricep Pushdown[/U]
27.5 pounds - 2 sets x 15 reps
[U]Band Face Pulls[/U]
Mini Band - 2 sets x 10 reps
Solid workout. Squats pushed me near the limit today.
[u]Bench Press[/u]
175 pounds x 2 reps
155 pounds x 8 reps
[u]Conv Deadlift[/u]
285 pounds - 3 sets x 8 reps
Low energy level today. Cut out carbs for the last 2 days and I'm feeling it. Didn't feel very strong on bench and only managed 2 reps at my working weight. Rather than try to grind out another set or two of doubles I dropped weight and did an AMRAP (I may have been able to do 1 more rep, but the eight rep felt like 9+ RPE).
Sets of 8 on deads are always exhausting, but still pretty easy for me at this weight (probably could do 16+ reps with this weight).
May 1, 2023
[U]SSB Paused Squat[/U]
165 - 3 sets x 7 reps
[U]Leg Extension[/U]
110 pounds - 3 sets x 12 reps
[U]DB Bench Press[/U]
52.5's - 3 sets x 10 reps
Steady progress continues...
May 3, 2023
[U]Conv Deadlift[/U]
335 pounds - 3 sets x 6 reps
[U]Bench Press[/U]
145 pounds - 3 sets x 7 reps
Deads were HARD this time around. Probably wouldn't have felt comfortable doing another rep on the last set because there was some form breakdown happening.
Bench on the other hand was not bad at all.
May 5, 2023
[U]Pin Bench Press[/U]
135 pounds - 3 sets x 6 reps
[U]Wide Grip Cable Row[/U]
40 pounds - 3 sets x 15 reps
[U]Spoon Press[/U]
25 pounds - 3 sets x 15 reps
[U]Hammer Curl[/U]
25 pounds - 3 sets x 12 reps
[U]Leg Raise[/U]
3 sets x 15 reps
I've basically been doing just squats, deads, and bench for the last 2 months. I made really steady progress throughout that time, and now know for sure that that type of programming can work well for me. I'll definitely revisit it. It felt like it was time to move on to something different, so I'm going to shift to a more well rounded upper/lower split. The focus will be on muscle building and capacity building - full, controlled ranges of motion and shorter rest times.
I know a Pin Press would seem to contradict my comment regarding fuller ranges of motion, but I actually set it up so that in order to get the bar to the pin my back needs to be completely flat on the bench. No arch and virtually no leg drive involved here. I picked weights I was confident I could do for my goal rep ranges, and all ended up being pretty good starting points. I've given myself generous set and rep ranges on some exercises, and fully intend on mixing things up from time to time. As an example, on some of the accessory stuff my rep range is 8-30. I'll probably generally stick in the 12-20 range, but this will likely be days where I venture beyond that. The one thing I was slightly concerned about going into this is whether the elbow that's been acting up for several months would hold up. It's finally been consistently getting better over the last month, and I had absolutely no pain or discomfort at any point during this workout, so that was encouraging.
May 6, 2023
[U]SSB Box Squat[/U]
175 pounds - 3 sets x 8 reps
[U]Walking Lunge[/U]
50 pounds - 2 sets x 15 reps
[U]Nordic Curl[/U]
3 sets x 8 reps
[U]SSB Calf Raise[/U]
175 pounds - 2 sets x 15 reps
[U]Dead Bugs[/U]
2 sets x 10 reps
Logging yesterday's workout. Squats were harder than expected. I should have started lighter apparently. Everything else went well. My glutes and abs were sore today for the first time in a long time.
May 8, 2023
[U]Seated Overhead Press[/U]
65 pounds - 3 sets x 10 reps
[U]Lat Pulldown - Close Grip[/U]
80 pounds - 3 sets x 12 reps
[U]Triceps Pushdown[/U]
Mini Band - 2 sets x 20 reps
[U]Spider Curl[/U]
25 pounds - 2 sets x 15 reps
[U]Cable Crunch[/U]
40 pounds - 2 sets x 20 reps
Spider Curls didn't really work for me. I have a history of elbow discomfort doing curls (aside from the ongoing elbow issue I'm getting over now), and I felt that discomfort here. I'll likely change this to a different curl variation. Cable Crunch was also a bit awkward, but I believe that was just because of how I did them (tried doing them standing, leaning against a barbell for back support). I'll try them kneeling next time.
Everything else went well. Both overhead press and lat pulldowns were a little more difficult than I anticipated. I'll probably have a struggle on my hands next time I do this workout with a weight increase, but we'll see...
Overall, the level of soreness I'm feeling is much higher than I'm used to. It's taking some time for my body to acclimate to these new movements, but its not unexpected and I know I'll adjust to it soon enough.
May 9, 2023
[U]Stiff Legged Deadlift[/U]
245 pounds - 3 sets x 8 reps
[U]Leg Curl[/U]
90 pounds - 3 sets x 10 reps
[U]Glute Bridge[/U]
Bodyweight - 2 sets x 20 reps
[U]Donkey Calf Raise[/U]
25 pounds - 2 sets x 20 reps
[U]Dead Bugs[/U]
Bodyweight - 2 sets x 10 reps
Posterior chain was really feeling it before the workout was even done. I like the exercise selection here - it all felt like it fit and served a purpose.
Saving this just as a reference for myself since I'm trying to primarily use bands for all of my triceps work right now.
May 13, 2023
[U]Larsen Press[/U]
115 pounds - 3 sets x 12 reps
[U]Inverted Row[/U]
Bodyweight - 3 sets x 10 reps
[U]Spoon Press[/U]
27.5 pounds - 3 sets x 15 reps
[U]Hammer Curl[/U]
27.5 pounds - 3 sets x 12 reps
[U]Hanging Knee Raise[/U]
Bodyweight - 3 sets x 10 reps
Had a cold that was pretty rough for a few days. Feeling good enough to get a workout in today.
One of my shoulders felt wonky when benching, so I went relatively light. It ended up feeling fine by the time I was done. Everything else went well enough...
I'm thinking I'll change my approach for most accessory stuff. Seems like I'm not pushing them hard enough when sticking to predetermined sets/reps, so I'm planning to move away from this approach and leave it fluid. I've felt like I had the best results when pushing closer to failure on these lifts - doing things like drop sets, cluster sets, and AMRAP's.
May 15, 2023
[U]High Bar Squat[/U]
155 pounds - 3 sets x 8 reps
[U]Leg Extension[/U]
65 pounds x 20/12 (drop set)
Also did [B]Nordic Leg Curls[/B], [B]SSB Calf Raise[/B], and [B]Dead Bugs[/B].
I don't think I've squatted with a standard barbell since last year. It definitely hit a little different. I did the Extensions immediately after the squats and my quads were totally fried.
May 16, 2023
[U]40 Degree Incline DB Press[/U]
45 pounds - 3 sets x 10 reps
[U]Rack Pullup[/U]
Bodyweight - 3 sets x 10 reps
[U]Single Arm Cross Body Tricep Extension[/U]
5 pounds - 2 sets x 20 reps
[U]Single Arm Cross Body Bicep Curl[/U]
5 pounds - 2 sets x 20 reps
[U]Cable Crunch[/U]
40 pounds - 2 sets x 20 reps
Tried out some new stuff today. It all felt quite nice. Did the cable crunches differently today and they felt much better.
I plan to push all of the accessories harder next time, now that I have a better idea of what weights to use.
May 17, 2023
[U]Back Raise[/U]
95 pounds - 3 sets x 6 reps
[U]Leg Curl[/U]
100 pounds - 3 sets x 8 reps
[U]Glute Bridge[/U]
Bodyweight - 2 sets x 20 reps
[U]Donkey Calf Raise[/U]
35 pounds - 2 sets x 20 reps
[U]Dead Bugs[/U]
Bodyweight - 2 sets x 10 reps
It's been years since I've done back raises with a barbell. I stopped doing them because I was getting major lower back fatigue buildup, and they seemed to be a main contributor to that. Man...I must have been doing them wrong because they never felt anything like they did today. They torched my hamstrings.
May 19, 2023
[U]Pin Bench Press[/U]
140 pounds - 3 sets x 7 reps
[U]Wide Grip Cable Row[/U]
50 pounds - 3 sets x 15 reps
[U]Spoon Press[/U]
35 pounds - 2 sets x 15 reps
[U]Hammer Curl[/U]
30 pounds - 2 sets x 12 reps
[U]Knee Raise[/U]
2 sets x 12 reps
Aside from the rows everything was getting somewhat close to failure today, but I managed to get in all my planned sets and reps. I plan to increase weight on everything, so things may get interesting.
May 22, 2023
[U]SSB Box Squat[/U]
185 pounds - 3 sets x 8 reps
[U]Walking Lunge[/U]
60 pounds - 2 sets x 15 reps
[U]Nordic Curl[/U]
1 sets x 8 reps
[U]SSB Calf Raise[/U]
215 pounds - 2 sets x 20 reps
[U]Dead Bugs[/U]
1 sets x 10 reps
Everything was hard today. I expect it's just going to be like that from now on... My recovery has been somewhat poor lately. More volume and more bodypart focused sessions are probably contributing to that. My hamstrings in particular were still not fully recovered today even though it was 5 days since my last lower workout. I would think I'll acclimate to it at some point, but I'll need to monitor it closely.
May 29, 2023
[U]Seated Overhead Press[/U]
70 pounds - 3 sets x 10 reps
[U]Lat Pulldown - Close Grip[/U]
85 pounds - 3 sets x 12 reps
Banded Triceps Pushdown Burnouts x2
Banded Biceps Curl Burnouts x2
Situps - 2 sets x 35 reps
Both of the Banded Burnouts were done starting out with 2 bands and doing as many reps as possible and then continuing on with 1 band doing as many as I can. I think I got close to 80 total reps each time. Arms are still shaking because I'm not used to doing anywhere near that many reps.
May 30, 2023
[U]Stiff Legged Deadlift[/U]
255 pounds - 3 sets x 8 reps
[U]Leg Curl[/U]
100 pounds - 3 sets x 9 reps
[U]Glute Bridge[/U]
Bodyweight - 2 sets x 20 reps
[U]Donkey Calf Raise[/U]
45 pounds - 2 sets x 20 reps
[U]Dead Bugs[/U]
Bodyweight - 2 sets x 10 reps
Deads were great today. All reps were well controlled. Feels like there's still a lot in the tank here, but I'll continue with 10 pound jumps.
I'll likely replace the glute bridges and dead bugs next time through. I don't feel like I'm getting as much out of them as I had hoped.
June 2, 2023
[U]Larsen Press[/U]
120 pounds - 3 sets x 12 reps
[U]Inverted Row[/U]
Bodyweight + Mini Band - 3 sets x 10 reps
[U]Spoon Press[/U]
37.5 pounds - 2 sets x 15 reps
[U]Hammer Curl[/U]
32.5 pounds - 2 sets x 12 reps
[U]Hanging Leg Raise[/U]
Bodyweight - 2 sets x 10 reps
Really good workout. All of these exercises are now in a weight range that's pretty challenging, and everything got fairly close to failure today.
I probably need to recheck proper form for the Spoon Press because I'm finding that it's working my front delts more than anything and I programmed it as a triceps exercise. I suppose just bringing the touch point of the db's up higher should put more emphasis on the triceps...
June 4, 2023
[U]High Bar Squat[/U]
165 pounds x 8/7/7 reps
[U]Leg Extension[/U]
100 pounds - 3 sets x 12 reps
[U]Nordic Curls[/U]
2 sets x 8 reps
[U]SSB Calf Raise[/U]
215 pounds - 2 sets x 20 reps
[U]Face Pull[/U]
5 Pounds - 2 sets x 20 reps
Still not used to straight bar squats and I failed to hit the planned reps for the day. Still happy with how I squatted though. The whole workout went well. I almost fell on the stairs afterward because my leg gave out, lol.
I mentioned recently that I was planning to replace dead bugs. I did Face Pulls in place of them today and plan to continue doing rear delt focused stuff in this spot since it's something I just need to do regularly. I'm almost 100% convinced that rear delt weakness has been the source of the elbow pain I've been dealing with because doing band pull aparts and other rear delt stuff is the only thing that's made it better.