Wrapped up the testing of competition lifts today with Deadlift. It went very well.
[B]Conventional Deadlift:[/B] 375 x 1 rep [PR]
Previous PR was 365. I hit that this time with ease, and thought I had a good shot at 385. Tried it, but gave up about 2 inches off the floor, as I could tell it just wasn't going to happen. Dropped down to 375, took about a 2 minute rest, and let it rip. It was one of the slowest reps I've ever completed on deads. Felt good to be able to grind through a rep without worrying about my back giving out. Gives me the confidence that I can keep pushing on the hard reps.
Been continuing to focus on widening my grip on bench, and it's going very well. I'm progressing steadily on all of my bench variations. Despite failing to hit the 8x8 last time at 135, I increased to 140 this week and hit all reps. Knew I had it in me - it was just a bad day the last time.
Congrats on the DL PR!!!!
Very awesome you have been crushing it consistently
[QUOTE=Raigs;1642933723]Congrats on the DL PR!!!!
Very awesome you have been crushing it consistently[/QUOTE]
Thank you sir! Been slacking over the last couple months, but doing what I can.
I just started a little different programming after some feedback/suggestions from the guys in this thread: [url]https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=179930763[/url]
Changing to a Bulgarian/Conjugate Method hybrid of sorts. I'll be working up to a 1 or 3 rep max each day - cycling through 12 different exercises initially (3 squat, 3 dead, 6 bench). Then do some back off work. Just 2 days into it so far, and loving it. It makes for super quick workouts (today's was only about 25 minutes, with not being very strict on rest times).
Yesterday I did [B]16 inch Box Squats:[/B]
275 x 1
220 - 3 sets of 3
Today I did [B]Floor Press:[/B]
185 x 1 [PR]
145 - 6 sets of 3
[B]Todays session:[/B]
[U]Sumo Deadlift[/U]
365 pounds x 1 rep [[B]PR[/B]]
295 - 1 set of 3 reps
Did everything unbelted. I tried with the belt on for the top set and couldn't even break the floor. Knew it was there based on the ramp up, so I took the belt off and it went up easily. Must be impacting my ability to either get enough air to brace properly, and/or get into position (most likely the latter). 365 was a 10 pound PR for Sumo.
Welcome back to logging
Congrats on the PR
[QUOTE=Filmbuff81;1643275193]Welcome back to logging
Congrats on the PR[/QUOTE]
I will still be pretty sporadic on the posting. Just had a couple days off work, so I had some time to get online. Gonna be a super busy summer for me though. Just bought a house. I close on it at the end of August. Planning to rent out the house I'm in now, but it's absolutely not ready for that right now. So gonna be a busy man.
[U]Today's workout:[/U]
[B]Bench Press - 3 count paused:[/B]
175 pounds x 1 rep
140 pounds - 1 set x 3 reps
Was my first time doing a 3 count pause. It totally eliminates the rebound effect, so you have to rely on brute force off the chest. I was very happy to hit 175 pounds and have it go up smoothly.
[u]High Bar Squat[/u]
185 - 1x3
It’s a PR’s I guess, since I’ve never done it for Max Effort work before. I’ve never been comfortable with high bar. But I’m relatively happy with how it went. Gives me a solid starting point to build from.
Loving that these workouts only take me about only about 20 minutes. Much easier for me to fit that in daily than it is to do 70-80 minutes 4 times per week.
Nice PR and yeah fitting a quick workout in is so much easier then a long one with family duties and what not.
Congrats on the new house.
I know the feeling.
We’re planning to rent our house out in the burbs and rent back in the city.
So trying to time things is interesting lol
[QUOTE=Raigs;1643448633]Nice PR and yeah fitting a quick workout in is so much easier then a long one with family duties and what not.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I was dreading workout, knowing they'd probably take several hours to get through. I'm looking forward to them again now. ;)
[QUOTE=Filmbuff81;1643454763]Congrats on the new house.
I know the feeling.
We’re planning to rent our house out in the burbs and rent back in the city.
So trying to time things is interesting lol[/QUOTE]
For sure. Will try to time it as best I can and cross my fingers. Good luck to you. Hope it all works out well. :)
[U]Close Grip Bench Press[/U]
175 pounds x 1 rep
140 pounds - 1 set x 3 reps
Bench is gradually improving. I'm maintaining stability better throughout the lift, and better control of the bar at the bottom of the lift. Bar path is getting more consistent as well.
Been a while since I shared a video. Here's one that shows the rep at 175, along with a cameo from the baby, who's getting way too quick and agile to be hanging around me when I'm lifting (he was sitting about 10 feet away when I sat down on the bench):
[U]July 24, 2021 - Deadlift[/U]
[B]Deficit Deadlift - 2.5 inches[/B]
335 pounds x 1 rep
265 - 1 set x 3 reps
Harder than I expected, as just a few weeks back I did this at a 3 inch deficit for 345. It was most likely a setup issue. In retrospect, I really didn't get my butt down, and was relying on my lower back to do most of the work. I'll correct it next time around.
[U]July 25, 2021 - Bench[/U]
[B]Bench Press w/Chains x2[/B]
165 pounds + 2 Chains x 1 rep
130 + 2 Chains - 1 set x 3 reps
This turned into a grinder. 155 moved easily, so I thought 165 would be leaving a rep in the tank still. It turned out to be a true max for the day, and I almost didn't finish the rep. The back off work was harder than expected as well.
This was the end of my first run through on this program. Took a couple of things away from it that will result in some changes. First thing is that I really need to take at least 1 or 2 days off per week. I didn't feel any fatigue initially, but for sure started to feel it near the end. I'm also rearranging the exercises to have the hardest work take place in the middle and lighten the load near the end of each cycle. This should help me be fresh for the primary lifts (competition squat, bench, and dead) which happen right at the beginning of the cycle. Other than that everything went very well. At some point I will most likely need to ramp up the back off work a little bit, but I'll keep it where it's at as long as I'm making progress.
Nice workout today. The deficit deads are strong.
I agree on taking rest days. Like you take advantage of the chances you can with kids but then you are fried at the end.
[QUOTE=Raigs;1643629463]Nice workout today. The deficit deads are strong.
I agree on taking rest days. Like you take advantage of the chances you can with kids but then you are fried at the end.[/QUOTE]
Took a rest day on Monday. I'm sure in the long run the days off will be productive, but it didn't help at all for Tuesday's workout, lol.
[U][B]July 27, 2021 - Squat[/B][/U]
265 pounds x 1 rep
215 pounds x 3 reps
Here's one of those days where I should've taken a 3 rep max instead a 1RM. Started out feeling bad and thinking it would get better as I went along, but it never did. Even the back off reps were a grind. I'm sure I was still fatigued from the previous workouts.
[U][B]July 28, 2021 - Bench Press[/B][/U]
185 pounds x 1 rep
145 pounds x 3 reps
The final warmup at 175 was pretty easy. Thought I had a new PR in me today so I jumped right up to 190 and failed - made it almost half way up and then stopped dead. It may have been a poor decision, but I ended up dropping to 185 and was able to grind it out, matching my previous PR.
I'll deadlift tomorrow if I'm feeling okay.
It’s tough to deadlift then squat even a day or two after if sleep or the diet is off. At least for me. You still got the work in. A workout is better then giving up
[QUOTE=Raigs;1643843653]It’s tough to deadlift then squat even a day or two after if sleep or the diet is off. At least for me. You still got the work in. A workout is better then giving up[/QUOTE]
Thank you man. It's easy to get frustrated when a session doesn't go the way you want it to, and it's good to keep it all in perspective. As you said, even a 'bad' day can yield results in the long term.
[B][U]July 29, 2021 - Deadlift[/U][/B]
365 pounds x 1 rep
300 pounds x 3 reps
Felt decent today. I notice the progress more on the back off work than on the 1RM/near 1RM work. I still remember not being able to make 300 pounds budge at all, and the set of 3 today was quite easy.
[B][U]July 30, 2021 - Bench[/U][/B]
[B]Close Grip Bench Press:[/B]
175 pounds x 1 rep
140 pounds x 3 reps
Feels like progress is being made on bench. This was the same weight I did the last time, but was easier this time around.
[B][U]August 1, 2021 - Squat[/U][/B]
[B]High Bar Squat:[/B]
245 pounds x 1 rep [[B]PR[/B]]
195 pounds x 3 reps
I've mentioned before that High Bar squatting is pretty uncomfortable for me (probably due to my natural leverages). I wore flat soles instead of heeled shoes, widened the stance a little, and moved the bar just a little lower, and it was a better this time around. My balance is still a struggle though - had to really fight the tendency to lean forward out of the hole. Nowhere near perfect (and I'm sure never will be), but I'll take it.
Congrats on the PR.
Even if it’s never perfect just having a different stimulus is all you’re really after anyway so way to keep grinding at it.
Workouts looking really solid overall.
[QUOTE=Filmbuff81;1644046853]Congrats on the PR.
Even if it’s never perfect just having a different stimulus is all you’re really after anyway so way to keep grinding at it.
Workouts looking really solid overall.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, for sure. That's really all I'm hoping for, and it should get the job done.
I'm loving these workouts. Done in around 20 minutes most days, so it's easy to fit in when baby is napping. And even if he's not I can sit him down nearby and he's okay for most of that time. I'm looking forward to my workouts more than I ever have before.
[B][U]August 4, 2021 - Bench[/U][/B]
[B]Bench Press w/Chains:[/B]
155 pounds + 2 Chains x 1 rep
125 pounds + 2 Chains x 3 reps
Didn't feel like it was a good day to push it, so I stopped at 155 at about an 8-8.5 RPE. I've been slowly widening my grip, and the wider grip today I think played a part in me feeling a little weaker, but no complaints - this was a solid enough workout.
[B][U]August 5, 2021 - Deadlift[/U][/B]
[B]Deficit Deadlift - 2.5 inches:[/B]
355 pounds x 1 rep [[B]PR[/B]]
285 pounds x 3 reps
Night and day difference from last time, where I hit this for only 335. As mentioned last time, I tried to make sure I sat down more. I think I took it a little too far, but it was a positive adjustment. Also figured out a much better setting for my belt when deadlifting, which allowed me to get plenty of air and didn't seem to have any impact on my positioning. The top rep moved extremely smoothly for a 10 pound PR. It didn't feel any more difficult than the previous rep I had done at 335. I will gladly take the 10 pound PR though, and shoot for another next time around (with the form tightened up just a little bit).
Here's video of the 355 deadlift.
Your just crushing PRs all the time.
[QUOTE=Raigs;1644384333]Your just crushing PRs all the time.[/QUOTE]
Thanks man. It's easier when you start out super weak, lmao! I've been on a good steady climb for about the last year though and it feels great.
Not had any time to get on to post lately, so here's a bunch of my recent workouts.
[B][U]August 6, 2021 - Bench[/U][/B]
[U]Paused Bench - 3 count[/U]
175 pounds x 1 rep
135 pounds x 3 reps
175 tied my previous PR, but it was a bit harder this time.
[B][U]August 12, 2021 - Squat[/U][/B]
[U]Box Squat - 16 inch[/U]
285 pounds x 1 rep
225 pounds x 3 reps
Started out with the squats feeling pretty poor, but worked it out as I went along and got within 10 pounds of my PR. These often feel harder for me than regular squats because the box puts me close to the slowest part of the lift, and forces me to start there with no bounce/momentum.
[B][U]August 13, 2021 - Bench[/U][/B]
[U]Floor Press[/U]
185 pounds x 1 rep
145 pounds x 3 reps
Like my previous bench session, this matched my PR but was more difficult than it had been previously.
[B][U]August 14, 2021 - Deadlift[/U][/B]
[U]Sumo Deadlift[/U]
385 pounds x 1 rep [[B]PR[/B]]
305 pounds x 3 reps
20 pound PR for my Sumo, and for the fist time ever my max is higher on Sumo than on conventional. This moved pretty good. I may have had another 5 pounds in me, but this was very close to a true max.
Really happy to see the continued progress, even with the inconsistent schedule right now.
[B][U]August 15, 2021 - Press[/U][/B]
[U]Seated Overhead Press[/U]
115 pounds x 1 rep [[B]PR[/B]]
90 pounds x 3 reps
115 was what I've been considering my PR, but this was done as a standing OHP a couple of years ago. Did it seated today, which I find much more difficult than standing. My overhead pressing has always been terrible, so it feels fantastic to make some progress on it.
Awesome job. I definitely find seated much tougher too so your standing OHP would be quite a bit higher now I’d imagine.
I've missed a lot so I have some catching up to do. From what I can see though you've been hitting some great PRs as that's no surprise given your strong work ethic with training.
[QUOTE=Filmbuff81;1644994773]Awesome job. I definitely find seated much tougher too so your standing OHP would be quite a bit higher now I’d imagine.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Anthony21;1645489513]I've missed a lot so I have some catching up to do. From what I can see though you've been hitting some great PRs as that's no surprise given your strong work ethic with training.[/QUOTE]
Thanks gentlemen. Good seeing you here, as always. I'm in the thick of it right now - closing on my new house in about a week - so It's been impossible for me to even get online regularly to post my own workouts, much less visit your logs. I will for sure check in once things have settled down for me a little more.
[B][U]August 17, 2021: Squat[/U][/B]
275 pounds x 1 rep
225 pounds x 3 reps
After the 275 I made an attempt at 300. Hit a sticking point a little short of halfway up and it wasn't moving any further. Watching the video of it back, I could see that my knees drifted forward significantly at the bottom. Really reinforced for me that I need to maintain control throughout, rather than trying to get a big 'bounce' out of the hole.
[B][U]August 18, 2021: Bench[/U][/B]
185 pounds x 1 rep
140 pounds x 3 reps
Tried for a PR here, but the 190 only made it up a couple of inches and then stalled out completely.
[B][U]August 20, 2021: Deadlift - Conventional[/U][/B]
385 pounds x 1 rep [[B]PR[/B]]
305 pounds x 3 reps
This was one of the more grindy deads I've ever completed. Upper back seems to be the limiting factor right now, and I struggled to get it fully locked out because my upper back had rounded. Making good progress though.
[B][U]August 22, 2021: Bench - Close Grip[/U][/B]
[U]Close Grip Bench Press[/U]
175 pounds x 1 rep
135 pounds - 3 sets x 3 reps
Top rep moved a little slowly, probably ending up around a 9 RPE. Not bad for being within 5 pounds of my PR.
- Squats and Bench have stalled out. I'm relatively happy that I've mostly maintained my strength on these, but for them to go up my volume is going to need to increase. I'm changing the backoff work from 1 set of 3 to 3 sets of 3 - will try that for a while and see how it goes.
- Deads are progressing very well with the lower volume. No reason to make any changes there.
- I'm trying to reserve the 'all out' attempts for competition Squat, Bench, and Dead each cycle, and max out the others around 8-9 RPE.
[B][U]August 23, 2021: High Bar Squat[/U][/B]
255 pounds x 1 rep [[B]PR[/B]]
205 pounds - 3 sets x 3 reps
Top rep ended up being a little harder than I wanted - probably over a 9 RPE. That in turn made the backoff sets a little more difficult as well. It was another 10 pound PR though. Good solid workout.
[B][U]August 24, 2021 - Wide Grip Bench Press w/chains [/U][/B]
155 pounds + 2 Chains x 1 rep
125 pounds + 2 Chains - 3 sets x 3 reps
Changing this one over to a wide grip. Felt like I was starting to make some progress with more shoulder focused variants, and I've gotten away from that. I'll do my next bench session (3 count pause) with a wide grip as well. And whenever I change out a pressing exercise I'll probably add in Larsen Press as my first replacement. Also noticed today that having been away from Speed focused work on bench for so long I've gotten out of the habit of really exploding up out of the bottom. Got that explosiveness firing again in the second backoff set and it made the reps feel much easier. For sure that focus on explosiveness needs to be there when benching.
[B][U]August 26, 2021 - Deadlift[/U][/B]
315 pounds x 3 reps
335 pounds x 1 rep
Was scheduled to do deficit deadlift today, but I've already packed up a lot of my lifting stuff in preparation for moving, and don't have the platform I've been using for deficit deads. Did some technical work on Conventional Deadlift instead. Focus was on getting in good position in the setup. I've historically felt better on second and third reps than on the first because I'm in better position. It's gotten much, much better, but still has room for improvement. Was originally just planning to do 315 for reps until I was at around a 7-8 RPE. Got the 3 reps very easily, and then decided to do a heavier single. The 335 single was probably around an 8 RPE. I'm really happy with all the reps today.
[QUOTE=Anthony21;1645845183]Nice high bar squat PR.[/QUOTE]
Thank you sir. I'm really happy with it. Have always struggled with High Bar Squats, so I'm pleasantly surprised how close my Max is to my Low Bar. It's probably around 30 pounds below it, but still that's pretty decent for me.
[B][U]August 27, 2021: Wide Grip Bench Press - 3 count pause[/U][/B]
165 pounds x 1 rep
130 pounds - 3 sets x 3 reps
This was 10 pounds less than my PR, but wasn't a true max at around 9 RPE. The PR was with a medium grip. My wide grip has been much weaker than my standard medium grip, so this is fantastic progress. It's starting to feel much stronger and more natural.
[B][U]August 28, 2021: Box Squat - 16 inch[/U][/B]
285 pounds x 1 rep
225 pounds x 3 reps
Have primarily changed over to doing 3x3 backoff work on squats, but I needed to get through this very fast today - around 15 minutes - and didn't want to totally wipe myself out since I'm still working on boxing stuff up and moving it into my garage.
Thankfully I'm in the home stretch on moving. I close on the new house on Monday and move on Wednesday. I'm planning to do Floor Press tomorrow, and then take apart the rack and platform. Sumo Deads are after that, and I can drop some pads and plywood on the floor for those on either Monday or Tuesday depending upon my schedule. I'll end up with at least 2 or 3 days rest while the move takes place. I'll probably need it anyway, lol.