TGreggors' Second Training Log
Well everyone, I figured that I would just go ahead and make a new training journal since yesterday was such a monumental occasion for me. My name is Taylor Gregory, I am 22 years old and recently graduated with a BS in Nutrition from the University of Tennessee. I shall be attending UT Pharmacy School in the fall and have been training since December 24th, 2011. Yesterday, after nearly 4.5 years of training, I officially earned the title of "bodybuilder". I competed at the OCB Sunshine State Natural in Jacksonville, Florida, where I took fourth out of six competitors in the Men's Open Bodybuilding division. I prepped for 40 weeks and lost a tad over 30 pounds, going from 181 lbs. at the beginning of prep on August 23rd to my absolute lowest of 150.2 lbs. as of two weeks ago.
Here are photos from my contest yesterday.