Monday 13th March 2017: Back workout @ 4.45pm in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Medium / Heavy - medium / high reps.
Deadlift x 3 sets x 100kg x 12,12,12 reps....Increase weight next week.
Bent-over Row (Olympic Bar end) x 3 sets x 85kg x 20 reps.
Kneeling Machine Pull-down: 3 sets x 67kg x 20,18,15 reps.
Seated Machine ROWS: 3 sets x 85kg x 15 reps.
One arm D.B. Row: x 3 sets x 30kg D.B. X 12,12,12 reps each arm.
Tough but Good Stuff!...........approx. 45 mins.
Wednesday 15th March 2017: Chest Workout @ 4.45pm in my Home Gym.
Workout A - Heavy weight - more reps....Perfect form.
Smith Machine Flat Bench Press x 3 sets x 120kg x 12,9,7 reps.
Flat D.B. Press x 3 sets 41kg D.Bells x 12,12,12 reps.
30 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets 36kg D.Bells x 12,9,12 reps.
45 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets x 30kg D.Bells x 12,12, reps.
Super-set: Machine Pek-Dek x 3 sets x 59kg x 12 reps.
The workout lasted approx. 55 min.
Sunday 19th March 2017: Arm workout @ 10.15am in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Medium / light Weight & High / Medium Reps.
Standing EZ Bar Curl x 3 sets x 40kg x 15 reps.
Two-hand standing Tricep push-down x 3 sets x 33kg x 15 reps.
Two-hand standing cable hammer curl (low to high) x 3 sets x 33kg x 15 reps.
One-hand standing Tricep pull down x 3 sets x 16kg x 15 reps per arm.
One-arm standing (full-stretch) concentration-curl x 16kg x 15reps per arm x 3 sets.
Tricep Dip-station x body weight x 3 sets x 12 reps.
Standing D.B. Curl x 15kg D.Bells x 3 sets x 20 reps....without rest....Hammer curls x 15kg x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Forearm curl x 15 kg d.bell in each hand x 3 sets x 12 reps.
Wrist curl x 2.5kg plates per hand x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Enjoyed that!........approx. 45 mins.
Monday 20th March 2017: Leg Workout @ 4.15pm in my Home Gym.
Workout A - Medium Weight / Reps....Perfect form.
5 Mins of Leg Stretches.
Super-set: Machine Leg Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 100kg - Machine Calf Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 100kg.
Super-set: Leg Extension on smith-bench x 3 sets x 12 reps x 50kg - Standing bodyweight + 2No. 20kg D.Bell Calf Raise x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Super-set: Smith Leg curl x 3 sets x 12,12,12 reps x 27.5kg - Machine Calf Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 80kg.
Free Squats (Olympic Bar) x 3 sets x 12 reps x 65kg.
The workout lasted approx. 45 mins.
Wednesday 22nd March 2017: Chest Workout @ 4.15pm in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Lighter weight - more reps....Perfect form.
Smith Machine Flat Bench Press x 3 sets x 85kg x 20,20,15 reps.
Flat D.B. Press x 3 sets 36kg D.Bells x 15,16,15 reps.
30 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets 30kg D.Bells x 15 reps.
45 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets x 23kg D.Bells x 18,16,16 reps.
Super-set: Machine Pek-Dek x 3 sets x 50kg x 15 reps....no rest...Press-ups x 12 reps.
The workout lasted approx. 50 min.
Thursday 23rd March 2017: Back workout @ 3.45pm in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Heavy - medium reps.
Deadlift x 3 sets x 110kg x 12,12,12 reps.
Bent-over Row (Olympic Bar end) x 3 sets x 100kg x 12 reps.
Kneeling Machine Pull-down: 3 sets x 85kg x 12 reps.
Seated Machine ROWS: 3 sets x 100kg x 12 reps.
One arm D.B. Row: x 3 sets x 32kg D.B. X 12,12,12 reps each arm.
Tough but Good Stuff!...........approx. 50 mins.
I have been computer`less over the last 2 weeks or so....still been training hard but not been able to log my workouts.....back to business now though.
Thursday 13th April 2017: Leg Workout @ 4.45pm in my Home Gym.
Workout A - Medium Weight / Reps....Perfect form.
5 Mins of Leg Stretches.
Super-set: Machine Leg Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 100kg - Calf Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 100kg.
Super-set: Leg Extension on smith-bench x 3 sets x 12 reps x 50kg - Standing bodyweight + 2No. 25kg D.Bell Calf Raise x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Super-set: Smith Leg curl x 3 sets x 12,10,10 reps x 27.5kg - Machine Calf Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 80kg.
Free Squats (Olympic Bar) x 3 sets x 10 reps x 70kg.
The workout lasted approx. 45 mins.
Friday 14th April 2017: Chest & Shoulder Workout @ 11.30am in my Home Gym.
Workout A - Heavy`ish weight - medium reps....Perfect form.
Smith Machine Flat Bench Press x 3 sets x 100kg x 15,12,10 reps.
Flat D.B. Press x 3 sets 36kg D.Bells x 15,12,10 reps.
30 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets 30kg D.Bells x 15 reps.
45 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets x 23kg D.Bells x 18,16,16 reps.
Super-set - STANDING FRONT PLATE RAISE: 3 sets x 20kg x 15 reps - after each set - ONE-ARM SIDE LATERALS: 3 sets x 11kg D.B. X 12 reps - each arm.
The workout lasted approx. 60 min.
Sunday 16th April 2017: Back & Trap workout @ 11.45am in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Heavy - medium reps.
Deadlift x 3 sets x 110kg x 12,10,10 reps.
Bent-over Row (Olympic Bar end) x 3 sets x 100kg x 12 reps.
Kneeling Machine Pull-down: 3 sets x 85kg x 12 reps.
Seated Machine ROWS: 3 sets x 100kg x 12 reps.
SMITH MACHINE UPRIGHT ROW: 3 sets x 30kg x 12 reps.
SMITH MACHINE SHRUG: 3 sets x 100kg x 12 reps.
Tough but Good Stuff!...........approx. 50 mins.
Tuesday 18th April 2017: Arm workout @ 4.00pm in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Medium / light Weight & High / Medium Reps.
Standing EZ Bar Curl x 3 sets x 40kg x 15 reps.
Two-hand standing Tricep push-down x 3 sets x 42kg x 12 reps.
Two-hand standing cable hammer curl (low to high) x 3 sets x 33kg x 15 reps.
One-hand standing Tricep pull down x 3 sets x 16kg x 15 reps per arm.
One-arm standing (full-stretch) concentration-curl x 16kg x 15 reps per arm x 3 sets.
Tricep Dip-station x body weight x 3 sets x 12 reps.
Standing D.B. Curl x 15kg D.Bells x 3 sets x 20 reps....without rest....Hammer curls x 14kg x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Forearm curl x 15 kg d.bell in each hand x 3 sets x 12 reps.
Wrist curl x 2.5kg plates per hand x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Enjoyed that!........approx. 45 mins.
Thursday 20th April 2017: Chest & Shoulder Workout @4.30pm in my Home Gym.
Workout A - Heavy`ish weight - medium reps....Perfect form.
Smith Machine Flat Bench Press x 3 sets x 100kg x 16,12,10 reps.
Flat D.B. Press x 3 sets 41kg D.Bells x 12,10,8 reps.
30 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets 32kg D.Bells x 15,12,12 reps.
45 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets x 25kg D.Bells x 15 reps.
(MILITARY) SEATED FREE OLYMPIC BARBELL SHOULDER PRESS: 3 sets x 60kg x 12,9,8 reps (Full Range).
Super-set - STANDING FRONT PLATE RAISE: 3 sets x 20kg x 15 reps - after each set - ONE-ARM SIDE LATERALS: 3 sets x 11kg D.B. X 12 reps - each arm.
The workout lasted approx. 60 min.
Sunday 23rd April 2017: Back & Trap workout @ 11.45am in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Heavy - medium reps.
Deadlift x 3 sets x 115kg x 12,10,8 reps.
Bent-over Row (Olympic Bar end) x 3 sets x 105kg x 12 reps.
Kneeling Machine Pull-down: 3 sets x 85kg x 12 reps.
Seated Machine ROWS: 3 sets x 100kg x 12 reps.
SMITH MACHINE UPRIGHT ROW: 3 sets x 30kg x 12 reps.
SMITH MACHINE SHRUG: 3 sets x 100kg x 12 reps.
Tough but Good Stuff!...........approx. 50 mins.
Tuesday 25th April 2017: Leg Workout @ 4.00pm in my Home Gym.
Workout A - Medium Weight / Reps....Perfect form.
5 Mins of Leg Stretches.
Super-set: Machine Leg Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 100kg - Calf Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 100kg.
Super-set: Leg Extension on smith-bench x 3 sets x 12 reps x 50kg - Standing bodyweight + 2No. 20kg D.Bell Calf Raise x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Super-set: Smith Leg curl x 3 sets x 12,12,12 reps x 27.5kg - Machine Calf Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 80kg.
Free Squats (Olympic Bar) x 3 sets x 12,10,8 reps x 70kg.
The workout lasted approx. 45 mins.
Wednesday 26th April 2017: Arm workout @ 4.00pm in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Medium / light Weight & High / Medium Reps.
Standing EZ Bar Curl x 3 sets x 40kg x 15 reps.
Two-hand standing Tricep push-down x 3 sets x 42kg x 12 reps.
Two-hand standing cable hammer curl (low to high) x 3 sets x 33kg x 15 reps.
One-hand standing Tricep pull down x 3 sets x 16kg x 15 reps per arm.
One-arm standing (full-stretch) concentration-curl x 16kg x 15 reps per arm x 3 sets.
Tricep Dip-station x body weight x 3 sets x 12 reps.
Standing D.B. Curl x 15kg D.Bells x 3 sets x 20 reps....without rest....Hammer curls x 15kg x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Forearm curl x 15 kg d.bell in each hand x 3 sets x 12 reps.
Wrist curl x 2.5kg plates per hand x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Enjoyed that!........approx. 45 mins.
Friday 28th April 2017: Chest & Shoulder Workout @ 4.30pm in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Medium weight - medium reps....Perfect form.
Smith Machine Flat Bench Press x 3 sets x 90kg x 20,15,12 reps.
Flat D.B. Press x 3 sets 34kg D.Bells x 15,12,12 reps.
30 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets 30kg D.Bells x 15,15,15 reps.
45 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets x 26kg D.Bells x 15 reps.
Super-set - STANDING FRONT PLATE RAISE: 3 sets x 20kg x 15 reps - after each set - ONE-ARM SIDE LATERALS: 3 sets x 11kg D.B. X 12 reps - each arm.
The workout lasted approx. 60 min.
Sunday 1st May 2017: Back & Trap workout @ 11.15am in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Heavy - medium reps.
Deadlift x 3 sets x 120kg x 12,10,8 reps.
Bent-over Row (Olympic Bar end) x 3 sets x 110kg x 12,10,10 reps.
Kneeling Machine Pull-down: 3 sets x 85kg x 12,10,10 reps.
Seated Machine ROWS: 3 sets x 100kg x 12 reps.
SMITH MACHINE UPRIGHT ROW: 3 sets x 30kg x 12 reps.
SMITH MACHINE SHRUG: 3 sets x 100kg x 12 reps.
Tough but Good Stuff!...........approx. 55 mins.
Wednesday 3rd May 2017: Leg Workout @ 4.00pm in my Home Gym.
Workout A - Medium Weight / Reps....Perfect form.
5 Mins of Leg Stretches.
Super-set: Machine Leg Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 100kg - Calf Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 100kg.
Super-set: Leg Extension on smith-bench x 3 sets x 12 reps x 50kg - Standing bodyweight + 2No. 20kg D.Bell Calf Raise x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Super-set: Smith Leg curl x 3 sets x 12,12,12 reps x 27.5kg - Machine Calf Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 80kg.
Free Squats (Olympic Bar) x 3 sets x 12,10,8 reps x 70kg.
The workout lasted approx. 45 mins.
Friday 5th May 2017: Arm workout @ 2.00pm in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Medium / light Weight & High / Medium Reps.
Standing EZ Bar Curl x 3 sets x 40kg x 15 reps.
Two-hand standing Tricep push-down x 3 sets x 42kg x 15 reps.
Two-hand standing cable hammer curl (low to high) x 3 sets x 33kg x 15 reps.
One-hand standing Tricep pull down x 3 sets x 16kg x 15 reps per arm.
One-arm standing (full-stretch) concentration-curl x 16kg x 15 reps per arm x 3 sets.
Tricep Dip-station x body weight x 3 sets x 15,15,12 reps.
Standing D.B. Curl x 15kg D.Bells x 3 sets x 20 reps....without rest....Hammer curls x 15kg x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Forearm curl x 15 kg d.bell in each hand x 3 sets x 12 reps.
Wrist curl x 2.5kg plates per hand x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Enjoyed that!........approx. 45 mins.
0Sunday 7th May 2017: Chest & Shoulder Workout @ 10.30pm in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Medium weight - medium reps....Perfect form.
Smith Machine Flat Bench Press x 3 sets x 90kg x 22,15,12 reps.
Flat D.B. Press x 3 sets 34kg D.Bells x 15,12,12 reps.
30 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets 30kg D.Bells x 15,15,15 reps.
45 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets x 26kg D.Bells x 15 reps.
Super-set - STANDING FRONT PLATE RAISE: 3 sets x 20kg x 15 reps - after each set - ONE-ARM SIDE LATERALS: 3 sets x 11kg D.B. X 12 reps - each arm.
The workout lasted approx. 60 min.
Wednesday 9th May 2017: Back & Trap workout @ 12.15pm in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Heavy - medium reps.
Deadlift x 3 sets x 120kg x 12,10,10 reps.
Bent-over Row (Olympic Bar end) x 3 sets x 110kg x 12,12,10 reps.
Kneeling Machine Pull-down: 3 sets x 85kg x 12,12,12 reps.
Seated Machine ROWS: 3 sets x 100kg x 12 reps.
SMITH MACHINE UPRIGHT ROW: 3 sets x 30kg x 15 reps.
SMITH MACHINE SHRUG: 3 sets x 100kg x 12 reps.
Tough but Good Stuff!...........approx. 55 mins.
Thursday 11th May 2017: Chest Workout @ 2.45pm in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Medium weight - medium reps....Perfect form.
Smith Machine Flat Bench Press x 3 sets x 100kg x 16,12,12 reps.
Flat D.B. Press x 3 sets 34kg D.Bells x 12 reps.
30 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets 30kg D.Bells x 12 reps.
45 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets x 26kg D.Bells x 15 reps.
Chest Machine Fly`s x 12 reps x 50kg x 3 set....no rest........press-ups x 12 x 3 sets.
The workout lasted approx. 50 min.
Friday 12th May 2017: Bicep workout @ 1.45pm in my Home Gym.
Workout C - Light Weight & High / More Reps.
Standing EZ Bar Curl x 3 sets x 35kg x 20 reps.
Two-hand standing Tricep push-down x 3 sets x 33kg x 15 reps.
Two-hand standing cable hammer curl (low to high) x 3 sets x 25kg x 20 reps.
One-hand standing Tricep pull down x 3 sets x 16kg x 15 reps per arm.
One-arm standing (full-stretch) concentration-curl x 16kg x 15 reps per arm x 3 sets.
Tricep Dip-station x body weight x 3 sets x 12 reps.
Standing D.B. Curl x 15kg D.Bells x 3 sets x 20 reps....without rest....Hammer curls x 15kg x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Forearm curl x 15 kg d.bell in each hand x 3 sets x 12 reps.
Wrist curl x 2.5kg plates per hand x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Enjoyed that!........approx. 45 mins.
Monday 15th May 2017: Back & Trap workout @ 4.00pm in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Heavy - medium reps.
Deadlift x 3 sets x 120kg x 12,12,10 reps.
Bent-over Row (Olympic Bar end) x 3 sets x 110kg x 12,10,8 reps. (next week: lower weight a little for better form).
Kneeling Machine Pull-down: 3 sets x 85kg x 12,12,10 reps.
Seated Machine ROWS: 3 sets x 100kg x 12 reps.
SMITH MACHINE UPRIGHT ROW: 3 sets x 30kg x 15 reps.
SMITH MACHINE SHRUG: 3 sets x 100kg x 12 reps.
Tough but Good Stuff!...........approx. 50 mins.
Tuesday 16th May 2017: Leg Workout @ 1.00pm in my Home Gym.
Workout A - Medium Weight / Reps....Perfect form.
5 Mins of Leg Stretches.
Super-set: Machine Leg Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 100kg - Calf Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 100kg.
Super-set: Leg Extension on smith-bench x 3 sets x 12 reps x 50kg - Standing bodyweight + 2No. 26kg D.Bell Calf Raise x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Super-set: Smith Leg curl x 3 sets x 12,12,12 reps x 27.5kg - Machine Calf Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 80kg.
Free Squats (Olympic Bar) x 3 sets x 12 reps x 70kg.
The workout lasted approx. 45 mins.
Tuesday 16th May 2017: Leg Workout @ 1.00pm in my Home Gym.
Workout A - Medium Weight / Reps....Perfect form.
5 Mins of Leg Stretches.
Super-set: Machine Leg Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 100kg - Calf Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 100kg.
Super-set: Leg Extension on smith-bench x 3 sets x 12 reps x 50kg - Standing bodyweight + 2No. 26kg D.Bell Calf Raise x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Super-set: Smith Leg curl x 3 sets x 12,12,12 reps x 27.5kg - Machine Calf Press x 3 sets x 20 reps x 80kg.
Free Squats (Olympic Bar) x 3 sets x 12 reps x 70kg.
The workout lasted approx. 45 mins.
Thursdayth May 2017: Chest & Shoulder Workout @ 4.30pm in my Home Gym.
Workout A - Heavy weight - low / medium reps....Perfect form.
Smith Machine Flat Bench Press x 3 sets x 110kg x 12,9,8 reps.
Flat D.B. Press x 3 sets 41kg D.Bells x 10,8,6 reps.
30 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets 34kg D.Bells x 12,9,7 reps.
45 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets x 26kg D.Bells x 15,13, reps.
Super-set - STANDING FRONT PLATE RAISE: 3 sets x 20kg x 15 reps - after each set - ONE-ARM SIDE LATERALS: 3 sets x 11kg D.B. X 12 reps - each arm.
The workout lasted approx. 60 min.
Sunday 21st May 2017: Arm workout @ 11.30am in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Medium / light Weight & High / Medium Reps.
Standing EZ Bar Curl x 3 sets x 40kg x 15 reps.
Two-hand standing Tricep push-down x 3 sets x 42kg x 15 reps.
Two-hand standing cable hammer curl (low to high) x 3 sets x 33kg x 15 reps.
One-hand standing Tricep pull down x 3 sets x 16kg x 15 reps per arm.
One-arm standing (full-stretch) concentration-curl x 16kg x 15 reps per arm x 3 sets.
Tricep Dip-station x body weight x 3 sets x 12 reps.
Standing D.B. Curl x 15kg D.Bells x 3 sets x 20 reps....without rest....Hammer curls x 15kg x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Forearm curl x 15 kg d.bell in each hand x 3 sets x 12 reps.
Wrist curl x 2.5kg plates per hand x 3 sets x 20 reps.
Enjoyed that!........approx. 45 mins.
Tuesday 23rd May 2017: Back & Trap workout @ 12.30pm in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Heavy - medium reps.
Deadlift x 3 sets x 120kg x 12,12,12 reps.
Bent-over Row (Olympic Bar end) x 3 sets x 90kg x 15 reps.
Kneeling Machine Pull-down: 3 sets x 85kg x 12,12,12 reps.
Seated Machine ROWS: 3 sets x 100kg x 12 reps.
SMITH MACHINE UPRIGHT ROW: 3 sets x 30kg x 15 reps.
SMITH MACHINE SHRUG: 3 sets x 100kg x 12 reps.
Tough but Good Stuff!...........approx. 50 mins.
Wednesday 24th May 2017: Chest Workout @ 12.15pm in my Home Gym.
Workout B - Medium weight - High / medium reps....Perfect form.
Super-set start: Smith Machine Flat Bench Press x 90kg x 12,10,8 reps....no rest...Smith Machine Incline Bench Press x 3 sets x 80kg x 12,10,8 reps x 3 sets.
Flat D.B. Press x 3 sets 34kg D.Bells x 12,10,10 reps.
30 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets 30kg D.Bells x 12 reps.
45 degree Incline D.B. Press x 3 sets x 26kg D.Bells x 12 reps.
Machine chest-fly: 3 sets x 50 kg x 15,12,12 reps.
The workout lasted approx. 50 min.