[B]25th August [U]Push Workout[/U][/B]
Narrow Grip Dip 7,6,6
Barbell Bench Press 60kg 8,7,6
Barbell Press 40kg 5,5,5
Cable Push Down 35kg 8,7,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10kg each 12,10,8
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 35kg 4,3,3
Printable View
[B]25th August [U]Push Workout[/U][/B]
Narrow Grip Dip 7,6,6
Barbell Bench Press 60kg 8,7,6
Barbell Press 40kg 5,5,5
Cable Push Down 35kg 8,7,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10kg each 12,10,8
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 35kg 4,3,3
[B]30th August [U]Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 10,6
60kg 3,1
70kg 1
80kg 1
90kg 1
80kg 3,3,3,3
Barbell Lunge 30kg 3,3,3
Barbell Good Mornings 40kg 6,6,6
Barbell Mixed Grip Deadlift 100kg 3,3,3
[B]31st August [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Wide Grip Weighted Pullups +20kg 5,4,3 (on a straight bar)
Barbell Row 60kg 8,8,8
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 33kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Shrug 40kg each 6,6,6
Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curl 12kg each 9,7,7
Double Underhand Grip Chinups 8,8,8
My best workout in ages
[B]1st September [U]Push Workout[/U][/b]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 10
60kg 3,2
80kg 1
90kg 1
95kg 1
100kg 1
90kg 3,3,3
Seated Barbell Press 40kg 8,7,7
Dips 4,4,4
Incline Barbell Bench Press 50kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 10kg each 10,10,10
Dumbbell Bench Press 20kg each 8,7,7
Epic workout, very happy with my work on the Bench Press singles, couldn't believe I was able to push out an easy 100kg
My first ever attempt at Sumo Deadlift
[B]4th September [U]Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Sumo Deadlift
100kg 1,3
140kg 1
160kg 1
180kg 1
190kg 1 (had to grind this out a bit but got there fairly easily in the end)
Switched to conventional because my hammies were cooked
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
160kg 3,3,3
Barbell Good Mornings 40kg 6,6,6
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat 40kg 10,10,10
Barbell Lunge 20kg 6,6,6
Awesome workout, I love deadlifts. Happy with my first trial of sumo deadlifts
[B]5th September [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 10,6,6
Barbell Row 60kg 8,8,4
Definitely had 8 reps in me for that last set but felt some tightness in my right hip area, I think it’s one of my glute insertions, inflammation probably caused by yesterday’s heavy deads
EZ Bar Curl 23kg 12,10,10
Underhand Grip Chins 5,4,4
Barbell Shrugs 80kg 10,10,10
Dialled the weight back a bit on shrugs because of the hip tightness but got through the 3 sets no probs
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 14kg each 8,7,7
[B]6th September [U]Push Workout[/U][/B]
Seated Barbell Press 55kg 4,4,3 (My new gym has a shoulder press cage, ****ing love it, don't want to neglect standing press though)
Barbell Bench Press 60kg 10,10,10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg 8,7,7
Incline Barbell Bench Press 50kg 8,8,8
Narrow Grip Dip 5,5,5
[B]8th September [U]Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 4,6
60kg 3
90kg 1
100kg 1
110kg 1
120kg 2
110kg 3
100kg 3,3
Barbell Good Mornings 40kg 6,6,6
Barbell Mixed Grip Sumo Deadlift 100kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 30kg 4,4,4
Amazing workout, I’ve got a feeling my squat and dead numbers are about to go through the roof.
[B]9th September [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Wide Grip Weighted Pullups
+30kg 2
+20kg 3,3
Body Weight Pullups 5,5,5
Cable Row 60kg 8,8,8
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 33kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Shrug 40kg each 8,8,8
Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curl 14kg each 10,8,8
Dumbbell Row 50kg each 4,4,4
[B]10th September [U]Push Workout[/U][/B]
Weighted Dips +20kg 5,4,4
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 8,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 8,8,8
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 33kg 5,5,5
Barbell Incline Bench Press 50kg 8,7,6
Cable Push Down 35kg 6,5,4
Strange workout today, will elaborate
[B]12th September [U]Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Sumo Deadlift
60kg 5
100kg 3
140kg 1,1 (felt a bit weak here but didn’t pay much attention to it)
200kg X
failed this at sumo, couldn’t budge it at all but decided to have a crack at conventional
200kg 1
got it up and down okay but didn’t lock it out because my grip gave way, switched back to sumo to see if I could find my grove
180kg 1
Failed this at the first attempt then changed my setup slightly to what it was last week and got it up. Based on internet advice I’d brought the bar closer to my shins but this obviously wasn’t working whereas having the bar even with my pinky toe seemed to yield the best results.
Despite this I felt like I’d overtrained myself a bit with the sumo setup so moved back to conventional to great effect
180kg 2
170kg 3,3,3
Barbell Good Mornings 50kg 5,5,5
Barbell Lunge 30kg 4,4,4
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat 50kg 6,6,6
So based of the overtraining feeling in my sumo setup gonna take a couple of deloading workouts on legs to allow full recovery. Will do a lightweight barbell day (basically same as above just very light weight) and will do a machine day (leg press, leg extension, etc.) which will be nice for a bit of variation.
I’ve also realised my current sumo setup has me grabbing the bar inside the knurling which might present some grip difficulties as I move up in weight but I’ll deal with that when and if it causes drama
[B]13th September [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 10,7,6
Barbell Curl 40kg 4,4,4
Dumbbell Shrugs 40kg 10,10,10
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 18kg each 6,6,6
Cable Row 80kg 10,8,8
Underhand Grip Chins 5,4,4
Was gonna do a final set of light ez bar curls to fry off my biceps but decided to keep some fuel in the tank for heavy bench press tomorrow
[B]14th September [U]Push Workout[/U][/b]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 10,5
60kg 3
80kg 1,1
100kg 5,4,4
80kg 6,6,6
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 26kg each 8,8,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg 10,7,6
Cable Cross Overs 30lbs 10,8,6
Dumbbell Bench Press 30kg each 6,4,4
Can’t remember the last time I put that much volume into my chest
[B]16th September [U]Deloading Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat 40kg 8,8,8
Barbell Sumo Deadlift 60kg 10,10,10
Barbell Front Squat 20kg 6,6,6
Barbell Good Mornings 20kg 10,10,10
Leg Press 80kg 10,10,10
Hips still feeling a bit tight, so I'm glad I elected to do a couple of deloading sessions to facilitate some active recovery.
[B]17th September [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Wide Grip Weighted Pullups
+30kg 3
+20kg 3,3
Body Weight Pullups 5,5,5
Barbell Row 80kg 8,6,6
Barbell Shrug 120kg 8,8,8
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 40kg 5,4,4
Dumbbell Row 50kg each 4,4,4
Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curl 14kg each 10,8,8
Big workout
[B]18th September [U]Push Workout[/U][/B]
Weighted Dips +30kg 4,3,3 Bodyweight 5
Barbell Bench Press 60kg 10,10,10
Barbell Seated Shoulder Press 40kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 25kg 8,8,8
Cable Push Down 35kg 8,4
Was using an angled attachment which starting causing my wrist some discomfort after these 4 reps so I moved to a rope attachment
Cable Push Down 35kg 5,3
Bit flat this morning but still pulled off a decent workout, very happy with those weighted dips :)
[B]20th September [U]Deloading Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Leg Press 100kg 10,10,10
Leg Extension 40kg 10,10,10
Leg Curl 57.5kg 10,10,10
Standing Calf Raise 50kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 20kg 5,5,5
Nice workout
[B]21st September [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 12,7,6
Barbell Row 60kg 10,10,10
EZ Bar Curl 30kg 10,8,8
Dumbbell Shrugs 50kg each 8,8,8
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 16kg each 8,8,8
Underhand Grip Chins 4,4,4
Awesome workout, my forearms were so pumped I couldn't even shave properly afterwards :D
[B]22nd September [U]Push Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Press 40kg 8,8,8,
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 6,6,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 14kg 8,6,6
Dips 6,6,6
Plate Front Raise 20kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 12kg each 10,10,10
Was meant to do a heavy squats session today but after going to the gym I weant and climbed the 1000 steps with the missus and it cooked my glutes
Gonna go for a walk today and do my heavy squats session tomorrow instead
[B]24th September [U]Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 6
60kg 3,3
80kg 1
100kg 1
130kg 1,2,1,1
120kg 1,1
100kg 2,2
60kg 5,5,5
Barbell Mixed Grip Deadlift 100kg 6,6,6
Great squats session, the 3 plate squat is at my finger tips
[B]25th September [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 9,7,6
EZ Bar Curl 40kg 5,4,4
Cable Row 45kg 10,10,10
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 18kg each 7,6,6
Lat Pull Down 50kg 10,10,10
Cable Bar Curl 27.5kg 6,5,5
Cable One Armed Curl 25kg 10,8,8
Barbell Row 60kg 6,6,6
Massive volume with alternating low intensity for compound lifts and high intensity for isolation bicep exercises, no real reason why just went with the flow.
Forearms were still a bit sore from the hammering the took on the 21st but all good in the hood.
Little bit frustrated today, definitely left some bench press reps on the table because my biceps were still fried from Tuesday evening’s workout (pretty sure biceps are a dynamic stabiliser during the bench press). Not a bit deal as 5 reps at 105kg is still decent lifting and it’s not like it was a comp or anything so I live to fight another day :) will make sure I take it easy on my biceps in the lead up to my next heavy bench day.
[B]27th September [U]Push Workout[/U][/b]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 10
60kg 3,3
80kg 1,1
90kg 1
105kg 5,3,3
60kg 10,10,10,10,10
Barbell Standing Shoulder Press 40kg 5,5,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 45kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Pec Fly 12kg each 10,10,10
Despite the minor frustrations a good lifting session overall, also worth mentioning with “fully functioning” biceps in my next heavy bench session the 110kg I plan on lifting should move with comparative ease. Well here’s hoping anyway haha.
[B]29th September [U]Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Sumo Deadlift
100kg 5,5
140kg 1,1
180kg 1
Was only planning on pulling a single but I got excited and managed a double
200kg 2
Attempted another sumo single at 200kg but failed, I knew I had more in me so I switched to conventional
200kg 1,1
Back to Sumo
160kg 4,4,1
Failed on the third set at Sumo but once again knew I had more in me so switched to convetional for 2 more sets
160kg 3,3
Barbell Good Mornings 20kg 10,10,10
Leg Press 120kg 6,6,6,6
Was gonna finish with some final barbell lunges but my legs were cooked
[B]1st October [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Pullups 10,7,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 80kg 6,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrug 100kg 10,10,10
Lat Pull Down 60kg 10,10,10
Dumbbell Row 50kg each 4,4,4
EZ Bar Curl 20kg 10,10,10
Nice workout overall
[B]2nd October [U]Push Workout[/U][/B]
Weighted Dips +40kg 3,2 +30kg 3 Bodyweight 3
Seated Barbell Press 45kg 6,6,6
Barbell Bench Press 65kg 10,10,10
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 33kg 6,6,6
Cable Push Down 30kg 8,6,5
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 14kg 8,6,6
[B]3rd October [U]Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat 80kg 6,6,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift 100kg 4,4,4
My erectors were torched after these
Leg Press 120kg 6,6,6
Barbell Good Mornings 40kg 5,5,5
[B]5th October [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Weighted Pullups
+40kg 1
+30kg 3,2
+20kg 4,3
Body Weight Pullups 5,5
Barbell Row 100kg 4,3,3
Barbell Shrug 140kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curls
40.5kg 2
38kg 3
33kg 4
Neutral Grip Chin Ups 5,5,5
Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curl 16kg each 6,6,6
That 40kg pullup was a total weight of 140kg, which is a PR
[B]6th October [U]Push Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Press 60kg 3,3,3
Barbell Bench Press 85kg 6,6,6,6
Dips 6,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 16kg 6,5,5
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 14kg each 10,10,10
Plate Front Raise 20kg 6,6,6
Absolutely epic workout, can't believe how well my squat is progressing. I was absolutely ****ting myself before I tried the 140kg, was worried I'd make a **** load of noise failing and dropping the bar on the safetys. I needn't have worried the first 140kg single went up and down so easily I had to double check I was using a 20kg bar
[B]8th October [U]Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 6
60kg 3
80kg 1
100kg 1
110kg 1,1
140kg 1,1,1
70kg 6,6,6
Barbell Mixed Grip Deadlift 100kg 6,6,6
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 3,3,3
Leg Press 100kg 6,6,6
Feel like I had 2 of 140kg in me for the first set but I'll only increase to 145kg next week
[B]9th October [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Pullups 10,8,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 60kg 10,10,0
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrug 100kg 10,10,10
Lat Pull Down 65kg 10,8,8
Dumbbell Row 50kg each 3,3,3
Kept the intensity low because I'm gonna hit a big chest workout on Thursday morning
[B]11th October [U]Push Workout[/U][/b]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 10
60kg 3
80kg 2
90kg 1
110kg 5,3,3
65kg 10,10,10 had to drop the weight by 2.5kg to make sure I hit 10 reps on the next set
62.5kg 10,10 (last set burned like a mofo)
Barbell Seated Shoulder Press 40kg 3,5,4
Incline Barbell Bench Press 50kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 14kg each 10,10,10
Dumbbell Bench Press 30kg each 3,3,3
Amazing workout
So I’ve realised conventional deadlifts are far more conducive to being maxed out at the same time as squats than sumo. I felt weak in my adductors this morning 99% sure it’s due to maxing out my squat with a wide stance only a few days ago. Nevertheless very happy with my workout this morning the 210kg conventional deads went up and down like a dream, gonna focus my energy on conventional deads until next year when I can dedicate some time to sumo.
[B]13th October [U]Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Sumo Deadlift
100kg 5,5
140kg 1,1
180kg 1
220kg failed, got about 5cm off the floor
As I explained above, wasn’t feeling the sumos today so switched to conventional
220kg failed this too but completed about 75% of the rep but couldn’t lock it out
210kg 1,1,1
As I explained above the 3 singles at 210kg were piss easy, will concentrate on hitting 220kg for a conventional lift next heavy dead day
140kg 3,3,3
100kg 10,10,10
Barbell Squat 60kg 5,5,5
Calf Raise 60kg 5,5,5
epic workout
[B]15th October [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Pullups 10,8,7
Cable Row 80kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Shrug 50kg each 8,8,8
Barbell Curl 40kg 4,4,4
Chinups 4,4,4
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 16kg each 8,7,6
[B]16th October [U]Push Workout[/U][/B]
Weighted Dips +40kg 3,2 +30kg 3,3
Barbell Bench Press 67.5kg 10,10,10
Seated Barbell Press 45kg 6,6,5
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 33kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Tricep Extension 20kg each 10,8,8
Dumbbell Kick Back 10kg each 6,6,6
**** I hate kick backs, or do I love to hate them 🤔
[B]18th October [U]Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat 80kg 6,6,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift 100kg 6,6,6
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 4,4,4
Standing Calf Raise 65kg 6,6,6
Leg Press 160kg 8,6,6
Good workout, definitely gonna try and smash my calfs as often as possible while I’m bulking. Fingers crossed I can put some size on them.
[B]20th October [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Weighted Pullups
+40kg 1,1
+30kg 3,2
+20kg 4,3
Body Weight Pullups 5,5,5
Barbell Row 100kg 5,4,4
Barbell Shrug 140kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 38kg 8,6,5
Chinups 6,5,5
Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curl 22kg each 3 20kg 4,3
Cable Row 100kg 10,8,6
[B]21st October [U]Push Workout[/U][/B]
Seated Barbell Press 70kg 2,1 60kg 3,3,3
Barbell Bench Press 90kg 6,6,6,6
Dips 5,4,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 16kg 6,5,5
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 16kg each 10,10,10
Plate Front Raise 20kg 6,5,5
Decided to max out my seated press today, ****ed up my breathing for some reason but still got it done
[QUOTE=NickelArse;1564147591][B]20th October [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Weighted Pullups
+40kg 1,1
+30kg 3,2
+20kg 4,3
Body Weight Pullups 5,5,5
Barbell Row 100kg 5,4,4
Barbell Shrug 140kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 38kg 8,6,5
Chinups 6,5,5
Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curl 22kg each 3 20kg 4,3
Cable Row 100kg 10,8,6[/QUOTE]
Weighted pull up vid here
[B]23rd October [U]Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 6
60kg 3
100kg 1
110kg 1
115kg 1
145kg 1,1
Pinged my iliotibial band on my second squat, this has been a bit of a recurring problem for me in the past caused by tight glutes. Will do a deload legs session then get back on the horse next week.
Couldn’t do anything that took my femur to parallel so decided to smash some heavy deads, good practice for a powerlifting comp anyway. Had plenty of gas left in me which was good.
Barbell Mixed Grip Deadlift
100kg 1
140kg 1
200kg 1,1,1
140kg 3,3,3
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 4,4,4
Standing Calf Raise 65kg 6,6,6
Got it all on video, will post up later
[B]24th October [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Pullups 10,8,7
Barbell Row 60kg 10,10,10
Barbell Shrug 100kg 10,10,10
Barbell Curl 40kg 6,4,3
Had planned on keeping it fairly quick this morning but my body made that decision for me. Tried to do some chinups after the curls but my elbows were stuffed. I figure it’s just a bit of wear and tear from a big session yesterday backed up with these compounds today.
Taking a rest day tomorrow then heavy bench on Friday.
[QUOTE=NickelArse;1564349941][B]23rd October [U]Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 6
60kg 3
100kg 1
110kg 1
115kg 1
145kg 1,1
Pinged my iliotibial band on my second squat, this has been a bit of a recurring problem for me in the past caused by tight glutes. Will do a deload legs session then get back on the horse next week.
Couldn’t do anything that took my femur to parallel so decided to smash some heavy deads, good practice for a powerlifting comp anyway. Had plenty of gas left in me which was good.
Barbell Mixed Grip Deadlift
100kg 1
140kg 1
200kg 1,1,1
140kg 3,3,3
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 4,4,4
Standing Calf Raise 65kg 6,6,6
Got it all on video, will post up later[/QUOTE]
Wasn't myself today but still managed a decent workout got a video of the bench pressing that I'll send out later
[B]28th October [U]Push Workout[/U][/b]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 10
60kg 4
80kg 2
90kg 1
115kg 5,3,3
65kg 10,10,10
60kg 6,6
Barbell Standing Shoulder Press 40kg 5,5,5
Dip 5,5,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 50kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 14kg each 10,9,7
[B]1st November [U]Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
100kg 5
140kg 3
180kg 1
220kg 1 (new PR)
220kg was easy decided to try 230kg
230kg X
Back to 220kg
220kg X
Failed that too
200kg 1
180kg 1
160kg 2,2
140kg 3,3
Barbell Squat 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 4,4,4
Calf Raise 70kg 8,7,6
Nice workout, will post vids later
[B]2nd November [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Pullups 12,7,6
Barbell Row 60kg 10,8,8
Barbell Shrug 100kg 10,10,10
EZ Bar Curl 33kg 10,7,6
Neutral Grip Chinups 5,5,5
Hammer Curls 20kg each 3 18kg 3,3
[B]4th November [U]Push Workout[/U][/B]
Body weight 2,2,2
+20kg 1,1
+60kg 1
+70kg X
+60kg X
+40kg 1
+20kg 5,4,4
Barbell Bench Press 70kg 10,10,10
Standing Barbell Press 40kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 33kg 10,8,6
Dumbbell Kick Back 10kg each 6,6,6
Dumbbell Tricep Extension 20kg each 8,8,8
[B]8th November [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 96.7kg[/B]
176 calories burnt
12:36 duration
Heart rate average - 155
Heart rate max - 176
Distance - 2.02km
Pace - 6:15 min/km
First bit of cardio in 12 months, I'm very fat and slow
[B]10th November [U]Legs Workout[/U] 95.4kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat 100kg 5,5,5
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift 140kg 5,5,5
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 5,5,5
Standing Calf Raise 70kg 8,5,5
Leg Press 160kg 5,5,5
[B]13th November [U]Pull Workout[/U] 95.7kg[/B]
Pullups 14,10,6
Barbell Row 60kg 8,8,8
Barbell Shrug 100kg 10,10,10
EZ Bar Curl 43kg 5,3,3
Neutral Grip Chinups 5,5,5
Hammer Curls 18kg each 6,5,4
[B]14th November [U]Push Workout[/U][/B]
Standing Barbell Press 60kg 3,3,3
Dips 6,6,6
Decline Barbell Bench Press 70kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 16kg 6,5,5
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 16kg each 10,10,10
Had to use the decline bench because a pair of numpties were hogging the benches, was nice to have a bit of variety though