Yeah buddy, ****ing awesome workout this morning
[B]26th February [U]Legs Workout[/U] 89.1kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 10
60kg 5
80kg 3
100kg 1
120kg 1
130kg 1 - wew, that felt heavy, took it back a notch
120kg 2
110kg 3,3
65kg 10,10,10
Barbell Front Squat 40kg 7,7,7
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 30kg 5,5,5
Cable Leg Extension 16kg 10,10,10
I thought I'd be able to cruise into a 140kg squat but given how heavy the 130kg felt I think it's going to be a bit of a grind, but that's all good I love a bit of a grind. Gonna churn out volume at 120kg before I look at trying a 1RM test again..
[B]27th February [U]Pull Workout[/U] 89.5kg[/B]
Pullups 10,6,5
Barbell Row 80kg 6,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 120kg 10,10,10
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 35kg 8,6,6
Dumbbell Rows 35kg each 12,10,10
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 15kg 7,6,6
Cable Rows 68kg 10,8,8
Underhand Grip Cable Pull Downs 44kg 10,10,10
[B]1st March [U]Push Workout[/U] 90.0kg[/B]
Barbell Press
20kg 10
40kg 2
45kg 1
50kg 1
55kg 1,3,1
45kg 4,4
Dips 8,8,8
Barbell Bench Press 70kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Kickbacks 10kg 11,11,11
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10kg each 9,8,8
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 30kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press 15kg each 6,6,6
Cable Lateral Raise 14kg 3 9kg 7,6
Finished with a 2km run on the treadmill
2km treadmill run in 12:00 (pace 6:00 p/km)
Could not get into top gear this morning, everything felt heavy. I only got about 4 hours sleep cause my kid was up most of the night carrying on like a pork chop.
Still pretty happy with the workout considering how hard I had to grind out the lifts.
[B]2nd March [U]Legs Workout[/U] 89.7kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 10
60kg 6
80kg 3
100kg 1
120kg 2,2,1
65kg 10,10,10
Barbell Front Squat 40kg 7,7,7
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 30kg 5,5,5
Leg Press 120kg 8,8,8
Cable Leg Extension 16kg 11,11,11
Took it easy today, still recovering from a cold
[B]5th March [U]Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift 100kg 6,6,6
Pullups 6,6,6
Cable Rows 50kg 10,10,10
Lever Shrugs 100kg 10,10,10
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 25kg 7,7,7
Underhand Grip Cable Pull Downs 50kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 10kg 10,10,10
[B]6th March [U]Push Workout[/U] 87.8kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 10
40kg 10
60kg 4
80kg 1
90kg 1
100kg 1
80kg 4,4,4
Incline Barbell Bench Press 50kg 8,8,8
Barbell Upright Row 40kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Kickbacks 10kg 11,11,11
Dumbbell Bench Press 20kg each 10,10,10
Dumbbell Pec Fly 12kg each 9,9,9
Dips 5,4,4
Still not feeling 100% but felt good to get back to the gym. Spent the weekend waterskiing which was fun
[B]10th March [U]Legs Workout[/U] 88.6kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 10
60kg 5
80kg 3
100kg 1
120kg 2
100kg 2,2
65kg 10,10,10
Barbell Front Squat 40kg 7,5,5
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 30kg 5,5,5
Leg Press 120kg 8,8,8
Well I've been sick, my kid got sick, I've been sleep deprived and I've been super busy at work but today I felt a surge of energy as I left the house to go to the gym.
It's as if the stars aligned and every neuron in my body allowed me to absolutely give it my all, twas a beautiful thing.
[B]13th March [U]Pull Workout[/U] 87.7kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
60kg 10
100kg 3
140kg 1
160kg 1
180kg 1
190kg 1
140kg 3,3,3
Pullups 8,7,7
Barbell Row 80kg 5,5,5
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 140kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 37kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Rows 40kg each 8,8,8
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 15kg 8,8,7
Underhand Grip Cable Pull Downs 56kg 8,8,8
Absolutely glorious workout.
[B]15th March [U]Legs Workout[/U] 87.1kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 10
60kg 5
80kg 3
100kg 1
120kg 2,2,2
70g 10,10,10 (+5kg compared to last workout)
Barbell Front Squat 45kg 6,6,6 (+5kg compared to last workout)
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 7,7,7
Barbell Lunge 30kg 6,6,6
Cable Leg Extension 16kg 10,10,10
Leg Press 120kg 6,6,6
I was absolutely cooked after this, great workout
Forgot to post this one
[B]14th March [U]Push Workout[/U] 87.5kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 10
60kg 6
80kg 3
90kg 1
100kg 3,2,2
50kg 12,12,12
Barbell Press 50kg 4,3,3
Incline Barbell Bench Press 50kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Kickbacks 12.5kg 10,8,8
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10kg each 10,8,8
Dumbbell Bench Press 30kg each 5,4,4
EZ Bar Skullcrushers 30kg 4,4,3
Dumbbell Pec Fly 12kg each 6,6,5
Been running a hefty calorie deficit the past week so decided to take it easy for the next few day. I've found low intensity lifting to be extremely beneficial to weight loss.
[B]16th March [U]Deloading Pull Workout[/U] 86.8kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift 100kg 3,3,3
Pullups 5,5,5
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 40kg 8,8,8
Barbell Shrugs 80kg 8,8,8
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 23kg 8,8,8
Cable Row 49kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 10kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly 7.5kg 8,8,8
Underhand Grip Cable Pull Downs 40kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Rows 20kg each 8,8,8
Finished it off with a 2km treadmill run
2km treadmill run in 12:00 (pace 6:00 p/km)
[B]17th March [U]Deloading Push Workout[/U] 86.6kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Press 35kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 20kg 6,6,6
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 17.5kg each 6,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 7.5kg each 7,7,7
Dumbbell Kickbacks 7.5kg each 7,7,7
Cable Cross Overs 18kg 8,8,8
Front Plate Raise 10kg 8,8,8
Cable Tricep Pushdown 23kg 10,10,10
Dumbbell Bench Press 22.5kg each 6,6,6
Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press 12.5 kg each 5,5,5
[B]18th March [U]Deloading Legs Workout[/U] 86.9kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat 60kg 5,5,5
Barbell Front Squat 30kg 6,6,6
Barbell Standing Calf Raise 40kg 10,10,10
Barbell Good Mornings 40kg 7,7,7
Leg Press 100kg 6,6,6
Calf Press 80kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Lunge 10kg each 5,5,5
Cable Leg Extension 30kg 7,7,7
Cable Leg Curl 25kg 6,6,6
Sled Calf Raise 80kg 6,6,6
9 sets of calf raises... kind weird but just felt compelled to do it lol
[B]19th March [U]Pull Workout[/U] 86.6kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
60kg 10
100kg 3
140kg 1
160kg 1
180kg 1
200kg 1 (pound for pound this is close to my peak deadlift strength)
Weighted Pullups +20kg 4,4,4
Barbell Row 80kg 6,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 140kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 38kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Rows 45kg each 5,5,5
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 15kg 8,8,7
Underhand Grip Cable Pull Downs 56kg 8,8,8
Great to come back from 3 deloding sessions really strong
[B]19th March [U]Pull Workout[/U] 86.6kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
60kg 10
100kg 3
140kg 1
160kg 1
180kg 1
200kg 1 (pound for pound this is close to my peak deadlift strength)
Weighted Pullups +20kg 4,4,4
Barbell Row 80kg 6,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 140kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 38kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Rows 45kg each 5,5,5
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 15kg 8,8,7
Underhand Grip Cable Pull Downs 56kg 8,8,8
Great to come back from 3 deloding sessions really strong
[B]20th March [U]Push Workout[/U] 86.0kg[/B]
Weighted Dip +20kg 5,5,4
Barbell Bench Press 60kg 10,10,10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10kg each 10,10,10
Dumbbell Kickbacks 12.5kg 10,10,10
Incline Barbell Bench Press 50kg 8,8,8
Front Plate Raise 20kg 5,5,5
EZ Bar Skullcrushers 25kg 8,5,5
Dumbbell Pec Fly 12kg each 6,6,6
Definitely a good idea to do more raw lifting. There’s some definite weaknesses in my core and posterior chain that I hadn’t noticed due to my reliance on the belt. All my squatting and deadlifting will be completed beltless until I’m confident I’ve got those imbalances rectified.
[B]21st March [U]Legs Workout[/U] 86.7kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 10
60kg 5
80kg 3
100kg 1
110kg 1,1,1
80kg 5,5,5
Barbell Front Squat 40kg 6,6,6
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 5,5,5
Barbell Standing Calf Raise 60kg 10,10,10
Barbell Lunge 30kg 5,5,5
Leg Press 120kg 6,6,6
Calf Press 100kg 10,10,10
Woke up with a very stiff and sore neck yesterday, just decided to go for a bit of a run this morning instead of anything too strenuous. Hopefully the neck is on the mend soon.
[B]23rd March [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 87.8kg[/B]
259 calories burnt
18:37 duration
Heart rate average - 155
Heart rate max - 177
2.82km run (pace 6:34 p/km)
My neck is still a little bit tweaked, so I didn't go too heavy on some of the lifts
[B]24th March [U]Pull Workout[/U] 87.2kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift 100kg 10,10,10
Weighted Pullups 6,6,6
Barbell Row 60kg 8,8,8
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 100kg 10,10,10
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 38kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Rows 40kg each 6,6,6
Rear Delt Fly 10kg each 10,10,10
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 15kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Shrug 30kg each 10,10,10
Underhand Grip Cable Pull Downs 56kg 8,8,8
Took a while to get into it this morning but ended up being a decent session
[B]26th March [U]Push Workout[/U] 86.6kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 10
60kg 6
80kg 3
90kg 1
100kg 3,3,3
Incline Barbell Bench Press 55kg 9,8,8
Dips 7,6,6
Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press 20kg each 5,5,5
Dumbbell Kickbacks 12.5kg 10,9,9
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10kg each 10,10,10 (did one final superset of 4kg raises, managed to pump out 8 reps)
Dumbbell Bench Press 25kg each 10,8,7
[B]29th March [U]Pull Workout[/U] 85.9kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift (beltless)
60kg 10
100kg 6
140kg 1
180kg 1
190kg 1 (probably one of the heaviest beltless deadlifts I've ever done)
Weighted Pullups +20kg 5,4,4
Barbell Row 80kg 6,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 140kg 8,8,8
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 40.5kg 5,4,4
Dumbbell Rows 40kg each 8,8,8
Dumbbell Shrugs 40kg each 10,10,10
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 15kg 8,8,8
Underhand Grip Cable Pull Downs 56kg 10,10,10
Forgot to post this workout
Loving the beltless sleeveless lifting at the moment, I mean I don't like being so far away form my heaviest squat numbers but I feel like it's for the greater good.
[B]27th March [U]Legs Workout[/U] 86.0kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 10
60kg 6
80kg 3
100kg 1
110kg 2,1,1 (this was maxed effort on all 3 sets)
80kg 6,6,6
Barbell Front Squat 40kg 7,7,7
Barbell Standing Calf Raise 80kg 10,10,10
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 30kg 5,5,5
Leg Press 120kg 9,9,9
Calf Press 120kg 10,10,10
Good session
[B]30th March [U]Push Workout[/U] 86.4kg[/B]
Barbell Press
20kg 8
40kg 3
50kg 1
55kg 3,3,3
Dips 6,6,6
Barbell Bench Press 70kg 9,9,9
Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press 20kg each 6,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 6,6,6
Dumbbell Kickbacks 12.5kg 7,7,7
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press 20kg each 9,8,8
Plate Front Raise 15kg 8,8,8
Cable One Armed Lateral Raise 14kg 6 11kg 6,5
Kept the weight down on Squats (as per physio's instruction) but kept the intensity at 100% completing as many reps as possible.
[B]1st April [U]Legs Workout[/U] 85.1kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 10
60kg 6
80kg 8,8,8
Barbell Front Squat 40kg 7,7,7
Barbell Standing Calf Raise 80kg 10,10,10
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 30kg 5,5,5
Leg Press 120kg 9,9,9
Calf Press 120kg 10,10,10
[B]2nd April [U]Pull Workout[/U] 85.1kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift (beltless)
60kg 10
100kg 6
140kg 8,6,5 (RPE 10 on all 3 sets)
Barbell Curls 45kg 3 40kg 5,5
Barbell Row 60kg 10,10,10
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 100kg 12,12,12
Pullups 5,5,5
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 30kg 9,7,6
Mixed Grip Cable Row 53kg 12,12,10
Went up to the Murray River for the long weekend so no training but plenty of waterskiing, kayaking and stand up paddle boarding so I definitely stayed active. Given I'm halfway through Stuart McRobert's first book 'Brawn' I will acknowledge the next statement could be a total self fulfilling prophesy or a figment of my imagination but I definitely noticed a much more pronounced pump in my chest muscles during today's workout, I can't help but think that the fact it's been nearly a week since my last [B][U]Push Workout[/U][/B] might have something to do with that.
[B]7th April [U]Push Workout[/U] 86.8kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 10
60kg 6
90kg 6,5,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 50kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10kg each 10,10,10
Dumbbell Kickbacks 12.5kg 10,10,8
Dumbbell Bench Press 20kg each 10,10,10
Dips 7,6,6
Cable Cross Overs 14kg each 15,13,12
Another good workout
[B]9th April [U]Legs Workout[/U] 85.2kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 10
60kg 6
80kg 9,8,8
Barbell Front Squat 40kg 7,6,6
Barbell Standing Calf Raise 80kg 10,10,10
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 40kg 4,4,4
Leg Press 120kg 10,10,10
Calf Press 120kg 10,10,10
Experimented with a 20 rep set of deadlifts. Suffice to say, holy **** that really knocked the wind out of my sails. I normally do around 21 'working' sets in a pull session but today after 13 I was completely gassed.
[B]15th April [U]Pull Workout[/U] 86.0kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift (beltless)
20kg 20
60kg 10
100kg 20
Pullups 6,6,6
Dumbbell Row 42.5kg each 6,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 100kg 15,15,15
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 37.5kg 4 30kg 6,6
Another day, another torturous set of high rep blood and guts lifting
[B]17th April [U]Push Workout[/U] 85.4kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
15kg 20
30kg 10
55kg 24
Was only planning to hit 20 but had a bit left in the tank so kept going
Dips 8,6,6
Seated Barbell Press 30kg 6,5,6 - took a longer break before the last set to do some stretching so had 1 additional rep left in the tank
Incline Barbell Bench Press 40kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 7.5kg each 8,8,8
Gonna do a set of 20 rep Squats tomorrow too.
[B]18th April [U]Legs Workout[/U] 86.3kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 20
30kg 10
60kg 24
Stiff Legged Deadlift 80kg 12,12,12
Leg Press 120kg 8,8,8
Calf Press 120kg 15,15,12
[B]19th April [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 85.6kg[/B]
308 calories burnt
22:21 duration
Heart rate average - 153
Heart rate max - 183
Distance - 3.70km
Pace - 6:01 min/km
[B]20th April [U]Pull Workout[/U] 85.1kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift (beltless)
20kg 10
60kg 10
140kg 8,8,6
Pullups 6,6,6
Dumbbell Row 30kg each 10,10,10
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 100kg 10,10,10
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 35.5kg 6,5,5
Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown 50kg 12,12,12
Chest Supported Cable Row 60kg 10,8,8
Left pectoral muscle feeling a bit weak, I think I can put it down to some of the thoracic flexibility stuff I've been doing plus a little bit of overtraining, will take a couple of deloading sessions on my pecs, delts and tris and I think it will heal itself
[B]21st April [U]Push Workout[/U] 84,7kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 10
60kg 6
80kg 3
90kg 1
100kg 3,2,2
Barbell Seated Shoulder Press 30kg 9,9,7
Dips 10,10,7
Incline Barbell Bench Press 40kg 10,9,8
Dumbbell Kickbacks 12.5kg 10,10,10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12.5kg each 3 10kg 9,8
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 25kg 9,6,6
Dumbbell Bench Press 30kg each 4 25kg 4,5
[B]23rd April [U]Legs Workout[/U] 83.9kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat (beltless)
20kg 20
60kg 4
80kg 1
90kg 1
110kg 1
120kg 1,1 (these felt like ****, I need to get some more practice in with beltless squats at this weight)
80kg 8,8,8
Barbell Front Squat 40kg 8,8,8
Still Legged Deadlifts 100kg 10,8,8
Barbell Lunge 40kg 4,4,4
Leg Press 120kg 10,10,10
Calf Press 120kg 16,12,12
Did a low intensity upper body workout on Sunday while I was on holiday
[B]25th April [U]Upper Body Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Bench Press 60kg 8,8,8
Pullups 6,6,6
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 17.5kg 7,7,7
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 7kg 6,6,6
Barbell Row 50kg 8,8,8
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 90kg 10,10,10
Chinups 4,4,4
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 15kg 7,7,7
[B]28th April [U]Pull Workout[/U] 84.5kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift (beltless)
60kg 10
100kg 4
140kg 1,1
160kg 1
180kg 1
200kg 1 (this felt awesome, first time I've done heavy deads sine 29/03 and it went up very nicely, also the heaviest beltless deadlift I've ever done)
Pullups 8,8,8
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 80kg 5 60kg 8,8
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 140kg 8,8,8
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 33kg 6,6,5
Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown 56kg 10,10,8
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 15kg 7,5,5
[B]29th April [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 83.7kg[/B]
298 calories burnt
20:38 duration
Heart rate average - 157
Heart rate max - 187
Distance - 3.69km
Pace - 5:36 min/km
[QUOTE=NickelArse;1636700423]Left pectoral muscle feeling a bit weak, I think I can put it down to some of the thoracic flexibility stuff I've been doing plus a little bit of overtraining, will take a couple of deloading sessions on my pecs, delts and tris and I think it will heal itself
[B]21st April [U]Push Workout[/U] 84,7kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 10
60kg 6
80kg 3
90kg 1
100kg 3,2,2
Barbell Seated Shoulder Press 30kg 9,9,7
Dips 10,10,7
Incline Barbell Bench Press 40kg 10,9,8
Dumbbell Kickbacks 12.5kg 10,10,10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12.5kg each 3 10kg 9,8
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 25kg 9,6,6
Dumbbell Bench Press 30kg each 4 25kg 4,5[/QUOTE]
So I think the left pectoral muscle weakness I'd identified above was actually a minor left medial deltoid strain that I picked on on my session on 17/04 (with the 24 rep 60kg bench press), in any case my after my deloading session on Saturday and again this morning I feel like it's fully healed and I'm ready for another balls to the wall bench session in a few days.
[B]30th April [U]Deloading Push Workout[/U] 83.5kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 60kg 10,10,10
Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press 15kg 8,8,8
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 20kg 10,10,10
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 15kg 10,10,10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 7.5kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Kickbacks 7.5kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Bench Press 20kg 8,8,8
Front Plate Raise 10kg 10,10,10
These 20 rep sets aren't taking the same heavy toll on me anymore, had quite a bit more zip through the rest of my workout than last time. On 18/04 I managed 24 reps at 60kg so quite a bit of a weight increase this time.
[B]1st May [U]Legs Workout[/U] 83.8kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 20
40kg 10
67.5kg 20
Stiff Legged Deadlift 120kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 50kg 3,3,3
Calf Press 140kg 12,12,12
Awesome workout
I was really keen to get in a lifting session this morning but with yesterday’s big legs session, I had to make sure I kept my erectors out of things as much as possible. Pretty sure the only exercises below with any significant erector spinae activation would be the cable rows
[B]2nd May [U]Pull Workout[/U] 83.5kg[/B]
Weighted Pullups +20kg 4,4,3
Dumbbell Row 50kg 5,5,4
Dumbbell Shrugs 50kg 9,9,8
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 38kg 4,4,3
Mixed Grip Cable Row 56kg 12,12,10
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 12.5kg 10,9,9
Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown 56kg 10,8,7
Good session
EDIT - The weighted pullups were actually 25kg not 20kg
[B]3rd May [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 84.3kg[/B]
414 calories burnt
40:46 duration
Heart rate average - 130
Heart rate max - 171
2km treadmill run in 10:00 (pace 5:00 p/km)
3km bike in 5:57 (7/30 resistance)
Tabata HIIT on Cross Trainer 760m in 4:00 (25/25 resistance)
Way lower average heart rate than last time I did this same routine. Cardio definitely feels like it’s on the improve.
Definitely didn’t feel as powerful on the cross trainer though, quads pretty torched after high rep squats on Saturday and the 3km on the bike.
Making some good weight loss progress
[QUOTE=NickelArse;1637680703]Just hit 10kg/22lbs of weight loss since Feb 1st
Not stopping til shredz have been fully acquired[/QUOTE]
Did an afternoon session for the first time in ages, went well.
[B]4th May [U]Push Workout[/U] 82.8kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 20
60kg 6
80kg 3
90kg 1
100kg 3,2,2
Dips 10,10,10
Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press 20kg each 6,5,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 45kg 9,9,8
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 30kg 6,5,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10kg each 10,10,8
Dumbbell Bench Press 40kg 1 32.5kg 4,4,4
You know I'm slimming down when I start adding ab work into the mix lol
[B]6th May [U]Legs Workout[/U] 83.1kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat (beltless)
20kg 20
60kg 4
80kg 1
90kg 1
110kg 1
125kg 1,1,1 (these felt much better than last time, had to really grind out the third single but definitely feel the improvement, next squat session will be with sleeves and belt to see what I'm capable of now)
80kg 6,6,6
Good Mornings 60kg 6,6,6 (swapped the stiffies for good mornings)
Barbell Lunge 50kg 4,4,4
Leg Press 120kg 10,10,10
Calf Press 140kg 12,12,12
Exercise Ball Crunch 10,10,10 (really focused on abdominal contraction with these, kept hip flexor activation to a minimum)
[QUOTE=NickelArse;1637850973]You know I'm slimming down when I start adding ab work into the mix lol
[B]6th May [U]Legs Workout[/U] 83.1kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat (beltless)
20kg 20
60kg 4
80kg 1
90kg 1
110kg 1
125kg 1,1,1 (these felt much better than last time, had to really grind out the third single but definitely feel the improvement, next squat session will be with sleeves and belt to see what I'm capable of now)
80kg 6,6,6
Good Mornings 60kg 6,6,6 (swapped the stiffies for good mornings)
Barbell Lunge 50kg 4,4,4
Leg Press 120kg 10,10,10
Calf Press 140kg 12,12,12
Exercise Ball Crunch 10,10,10 (really focused on abdominal contraction with these, kept hip flexor activation to a minimum)[/QUOTE]
Phew, I was planning on going for a run this morning but my legs are cooked after this. Will just take it as a rest day :)
Lower body still stiff and sore from Thursday’s legs session, decided to listen to my inner Stuart McRobert and take things easy with a pull session without deadlifts (I mean if I [i]really[/i] listened to him I wouldn’t have gone to the gym at all but I really wanted to lift some heavy things up and down). I wouldn’t have been able to deadlift properly anyway so it wasn’t worth it.
I’ve added 5g daily creatine to help with recovery and I’m gonna increase my calories to about 2000 too. Will probably add in some starchy carbs well as I think that will aid recovery. Weight loss can go on hold for a little while as I’m really enjoying the high training frequency and need to make sure my body is getting adequate fuel.
[B]8th May [U]Pull Workout[/U] 83.2kg[/B]
Pullups 17,7,6
Dumbbell Row 50kg 5,5,5
Dumbbell Shrugs 50kg 10,9,6,5 (my left hand grip completely gave out here, I tried to do the third set with wrist wraps but that was a total balls up, decided I’d do a final set of mixed grip barbell shrugs to fry off my traps)
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 38kg 6,5,4
Mixed Grip Cable Row 59kg 10,8,8
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 12.5kg 12,7,6
Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown 56kg 9,8,7
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 100kg 15
Good session
[B]9th May [U]Push Workout[/U] 82.8kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 20
30kg 8
65kg 20
Dips 8,8,7
Seated Dumbbell Press 20kg each 6,5,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 40kg 10,8,8
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10kg each 10,8,8
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 30kg 6,5,5
[B]10th May [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 83.1kg[/B]
438 calories burnt
29:28 duration
Heart rate average - 161
Heart rate max - 188
Distance - 5.34km
Pace - 5:31 min/km
Decided to run with a deloading leg session so I've got plenty in the tank for deadlifts
[B]11th May [U]Deloading Legs Workout[/U] 81.9kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat 60kg 7,7,7
Barbell Front Squat 30kg 5,5,5
Barbell Good Mornings 40kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 30kg 3,3,3
Leg Press 80kg 8,8,8
Calf Press 80kg 8,8,8
Exercise Ball Crunch 5,5,5
[B]12th May [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 82.7kg[/B]
410 calories burnt
29:58 duration
Heart rate average - 154
Heart rate max - 187
2km treadmill run in 9:41 (pace 4:50 p/km)
3km bike in 5:59 (7/30 resistance)
Tabata HIIT on Cross Trainer 770m in 4:00 (25/25 resistance)
Definitely feel like the tabata sessions are improving my repeat efforts, hopefully see some carry over to my 20 rep sets on squats, deads and bench :)
[B]13th May [U]Pull Workout[/U] 82.8kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift (beltless)
20kg 20
60kg 10
115kg 20 (my sweet lord these were absolutely BRUTAL)
Dumbbell Row 40kg each 5,5,5
Pullups 5,5,5
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 100kg 10,10,10
I had planned to do 3 sets of bicep curls to finish but I nearly vomited after the barbell shrugs and I thought that was my body telling me it’s time to leave.
Those 20 deadlift reps were such a grind, I think I managed 11 consecutively and then had to do quite a few pauses between reps to get out the final 9. In my 13 years of weight training I’ve never been as close to vomiting as I was this morning. Tells you how hard I pushed myself for those deadlift reps :)
Got viral gastro, been ****ing though the eye of a needle since thursday morning. Starting to feel better.
Easing my way back into it
[B]20th May [U]Push Workout[/U] 81.5kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 5,5,5
Dips 6,6,6
Seated Dumbbell Press 20kg each 5,5,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 50kg 5,5,5
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 7.5kg each 10,10,10
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 20kg 9,9,9
Dumbbell Pec Fly 15kg each 6,6,6