225kg that’s an equal lifetime PR, I’ve only deadlifted 225kg once before in my life and I was 20kg heavier than I am now
[B]11th November [U]Lower Workout[/U] 77.7kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
60kg 20
100kg 3,3 (10 second eccentric)
140kg 2
180kg 1
225kg 1
180kg 2,2,2
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat 80kg 3,3,3,3
Barbell Front Squat 60kg 3,3,3
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 4,4,4
Weighted Exercise Ball Crunch +20kg 15,15,8
Calf Press 200kg 14,12,,12
[B]13th November [U]Pull Workout[/U] 78.6kg[/B]
Weighted Chin Ups +25kg 11,4,4
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 80kg 6,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 160kg 10,8,8
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 43kg 5,5,5
Mixed Grip Cable Row 86kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 20kg 8,7,6
Pullups 8,8,8
[B]14th November [U]Push Workout[/U] 78.1kg[/B]
Weighted Dips +50kg 4,2,2
Incline Barbell Bench Press 80kg 3,3,3
Seated Barbell Press 60kg 1 55kg 3,3,3
Dumbbell Bench Press 37.5kg 7,6,5
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 10,10,10 7.5kg 8 (drop set)
EZ Bar Skullcrushers 35kg 5,4,4
Cable Chest Press 70kg 11 50kg 8 30kg 10 (drop set)
No belt or sleeves today, keeping it au naturel
[B]16th November [U]Legs Workout[/U] 78.9kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat 100kg 5,5,5
Barbell Front Squat 70kg 3,3,3
Barbell Good Mornings 70kg 4,4,4
Barbell Lunge 60kg 2 40kg 3,3
Cable Crunch 42kg 10,10,10
Calf Press 200kg 15,15,15
Weighted Exercise Ball Crunch +22.5kg 10,8,8
Leg Extensions 55kg 10,10,10
[B]17th November [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 77.6kg[/B]
Distance - 5.06km run
Pace - 5:28 min/km
Elevation gain - 38m
362 calories burnt
27:39 duration
Heart rate average - 147
Heart rate max - 180
[B]18th November [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 78.2kg[/B]
700m Swim
15:39 Duration
154 calories burnt
Heart rate average - 130
Heart rate max - 153
Pace - 2:12 min/100m
[B]19th November [U]Pull Workout[/U] 77.2kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
60kg 6
100kg 3
140kg 2
180kg 1
Pullups 10,10,10
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 80kg 6,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 160kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 22.5kg 6,5,5
Mixed Grip Cable Row 86kg 8,8,8
[B]20th November [U]Push Workout[/U] 76.8kg[/B]
Seated Barbell Press 60kg 2,1,2
Dumbbell Bench Press 42.5kg 4,4,2
Dumbbell Kickbacks 20kg 6,6,6
Barbell Incline Bench Press 60kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 17.5kg 6,6,6
Cable Tricep Pushdown 34kg 8,8,8
Cable Cross Overs 29kg 8,7,6
Seated Dumbbell Press 22.5kg 5,5,5
Gonna work on incorporating more Leg Press and Leg Extension work in (at the expense of some Squat volume) just for a bit of variety.
[B]21st November [U]Legs Workout[/U] 77.3kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 10
60kg 3,3 (10 second eccentric)
80kg 2
100kg 1
110kg 1
130kg 1 (this felt like crap, not sure why I elected to go with a 20kg jump but it was too much)
Barbell Front Squat
80kg 1
90kg 1
Barbell Good Mornings 70kg 3,3,3
Leg Press 160kg 6,6,6
Calf Press 200kg 15,15,15
Leg Extensions 60kg 8,8,8
Cable Crunch 42kg 10,10,10
Weighted Exercise Ball Crunch +22.5kg 8,8,10
[B]22nd November [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 77.5kg[/B]
24.71 km Bike Ride
142m Elevation Gain
893 calories burnt
1:25:12 duration
Heart rate average - 130
Heart rate max - 156
Speed - 17.4 km/h
I've lost a couple of kilos since my last attempt so had to stack on a few extra kilos on the belt to keep things at 107kg. I only managed 10 reps this time.
[B]23rd November [U]Pull Workout[/U] 75.8kg[/B]
Weighted Chin Ups +28.75kg 10,4,4
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 100kg 5,5,5
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 180kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 43kg 6,5,5 - superset with Mixed Grip Cable Row 95kg 5,5,5
[B]24th November [U]Push Workout[/U] 76.5kg[/B]
Weighted Dips +60kg 2 +50kg 3,3
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 6,6,6
Seated Dumbbell Press 25kg 5,4,4
Dumbbell Kickbacks 20kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 17.5kg 6,6,6
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 17.5kg 8,8,8
[B]25th November [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 76.3kg[/B]
700m Swim
15:57 Duration
152 calories burnt
Heart rate average - 122
Heart rate max - 149
Pace - 2:13 min/100m
[B]26th November [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 76.1kg[/B]
Distance - 10.03km run
Pace - 5:26 min/km
Elevation gain - 46m
741 calories burnt
54:33 duration
Heart rate average - 157
Heart rate max - 179
Legs pretty sore from yesterday's 10km run, just kinda took it easy today.
[B]27th November [U]Legs Workout[/U] 77.1kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 10
60kg 5
80kg 2
100kg 1
120kg 1
125kg 1
Barbell Front Squat
80kg 1
90kg 1
Leg Press 180kg 5,5,5
Calf Press 200kg 15,15,15
Hack Squat 90kg 5,5,5
Cable Crunch 42kg 12,10,8
Leg Extensions 60kg 8,8,8
Weighted Exercise Ball Crunch +22.5kg 8,8,8
[B]28th November [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 77.5kg[/B]
351 calories burnt
30:46 duration
Heart rate average - 139
Heart rate max - 180
500m Concept 2 Row in 1:51.1 (10/10 resistance) - very slow, the handle slipped out of my hand at the 1 minute mark so I couldn’t complete the row properly
2km treadmill run in 10:00 (pace 5:00 p/km)
Tabata HIIT on Cross Trainer 820m in 4:00 (25/25 resistance)
[B]29th November [U]Pull Workout[/U] 76.9kg[/B]
Chin Ups 20,6,6 - not as many as I'd hoped
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift 140kg 2 180kg 1
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 80kg 6,6,6
Trap Bar Shrugs 160kg 8,8,8
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 43kg 5,5,5
Mixed Grip Cable Row 95kg 6,6,5
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 22.5kg 6,6,6
[B]30th November [U]Push Workout[/U] 76.8kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 10
60kg 5
80kg 2
100kg 5,3,3
Incline Bench Press 80kg 3,3,3
Dips 15,15,15
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 17kg 6,6,6
Cable Tricep Pushdown 37.5kg 6,6,5
Cable Cross Overs 32kg 5,4,4
Dumbbell Press 22.5kg 6,6,6
[B]1st December [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 76.5kg[/B]
Distance - 5.04 km run
Pace - 5:09 min/km
Elevation gain - 39m
356 calories burnt
25:59 duration
Heart rate average - 157
Heart rate max - 180
[B]2nd December [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 76.3kg[/B]
800m Swim
17:03 Duration
176 calories burnt
Heart rate average - 130
Heart rate max - 158
Pace - 2:08 min/100m
[B]3rd December [U]Legs Workout[/U] 75.2kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat (no belt no sleeves)
20kg 10
60kg 5
80kg 2
100kg 1
110kg 1
120kg 1
Barbell Front Squat
80kg 1
85kg 1
Hack Squat 90kg 6,6,6 (this **** is serious business, really took it out of me)
Calf Press 200kg 20,15,15
Leg Press 160kg 6,6,6
Cable Crunch 44kg 7,6,6
Leg Extensions 60kg 8,8,8
Leg Curl 30kg 6,6,6
Weighted Exercise Ball Crunch +22.5kg 8,8,8
[B]4th December [U]Pull Workout[/U] 74.8kg[/B]
Chin Ups 24,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift 140kg 2 180kg 1
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 100kg 5,5,5
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 180kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 43kg 7,6,6
Mixed Grip Cable Row 95kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Shrugs 50kg 15,15,15
Pull Ups 8,8,8
[B]5th December [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 75.1kg[/B]
Distance - 5.04 km run
Pace - 5:47 min/km
Elevation gain - 43m
351 calories burnt
29:09 duration
Heart rate average - 140
Heart rate max - 156
[B]6th December [U]Push Workout[/U] 78.4kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 10
60kg 5
80kg 2
100kg 4,3,3
Incline Bench Press 80kg 3,3,2
Dumbbell Press 22.5kg 7,6,6
Dips 15,15,15
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 10,8,8
Dumbbell Pec Fly 20kg 6,6,6
[B]7th December [U]Legs Workout[/U] 76.7kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat (belt and sleeves)
20kg 10
60kg 5
80kg 2
100kg 1
110kg 1
120kg 1
125kg 1
Barbell Front Squat
80kg 1
90kg 1
95kg 1
Stiff Legged Deadlift
160kg 1
180kg 1
Hack Squat 90kg 7,7,7
Calf Press 220 12,12,12
Leg Press 160kg 8,8,8
Weighted Exercise Ball Crunch +27.5kg 10,10,10
Leg Extensions 60kg 8,8,8
Cable Crunch 42kg 7,4,4
[B]8th December [U]Pull Workout[/U] 75.9kg[/B]
Chin Ups 26,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift 140kg 2 180kg 1
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 180kg 8,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 100kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 53kg 4,3,3
Mixed Grip Cable Row 95kg 6,6,6
Hammer Curl 22.5kg 7,6,6 10kg 14 (drop set)
Pull Ups 8,8,8
[B]9th December [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 76.6kg[/B]
188 calories burnt
28:31 duration
Heart rate average - 108
Heart rate max - 166
500m Concept 2 Row in 1:35.8 (10/10 resistance) - 3 second PR
Tried to run on the treadmill and couldn't do it, lol was totally gassed after the rower
Tabata HIIT on Cross Trainer 610m in 4:00 (25/25 resistance) - terrible effort on the Cross Trainer too, that rower totally fked me
Decided to put some work into heavy incline bench
[B]10th December [U]Push Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Incline Bench Press
20kg 10
40kg 6
60kg 1
80kg 1
90kg X failed this one, looked like a bit of an idiot getting the barbell off me, safe to safe to say my current 1RM is 85kg
70kg 3
EZ Bar Skullcrushers 35kg 5,4,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 17kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Bench Press 42.5kg 4,4,4
Seated Dumbbell Press 22.5kg 7,6,6
Cable Cross Overs 32kg 6,6,4
Cable Tricep Pushdown 37.5kg 6,6,5
Crushed it, great workout
[B]11th December [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 76.1kg[/B]
350 calories burnt
33:45 duration
Heart rate average - 135
Heart rate max - 174
2km treadmill run in 9:01 (pace 4:30 p/km)
3km bike in 5:50 (7/30 resistance)
Tabata HIIT on Cross Trainer 790m in 4:00 (25/25 resistance)
got absolutely smashed by gastro over the past few days, started on Saturday night and I'm only just sdtarting to feel better again.
My kid's daycare is a farkin petri dish
So turns out I somehow got a bacterial gastro infection. Started anti-biotics yesterday and finally starting to feel better. Did a low intensity push session this morning to ease my way back into it.
[B]22nd December [U]Push Workout[/U] 78.5kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 60kg 8,8,8
Dips 8,8,8
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12.5kg 8,8,8
Incline Bench Press 50kg 6,6,6
Ez Bar Skullcrushers 25kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Arnold Press 17.5kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 15kg 6,6,6
Still easing my way back into things
[B]23rd December [U]Legs Workout[/U] 78.3kg[/B]
Hack Squat 90kg 4,4,4
Leg Press 140kg 10,10,10
Calf Press 160kg 15,15,15
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat (no belt no sleeves) 60kg 6,6,6 - felt weird doing squats after hack squat and leg press
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 5,5,5
Weighted Exercise Ball Crunch +20kg 10,10,10
Leg Extensions 40kg 10,10,10
Cable Crunch 30kg 15,15,15
[B]24th December [U]Pull Workout[/U] 79.7kg[/B]
Pull Ups 10,8,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 60kg 8,8,8
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 140kg 8,8,8
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 33kg 8,8,8
Mixed Grip Cable Row 68kg 10,10,10
Hammer Curl 17.5kg 8,8,8
Chin Ups 8,8,8
[B]28th December [U]Push Workout[/U] 79.7kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 5,5,5
Dips 10,10,10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 6,6,6
Incline Bench Press 40kg 8,10,10
Ez Bar Skullcrushers 25kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Press 17.5kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Pec Fly 15kg 8,8,8
[B]29th December [U]Legs Workout[/U] 77.7kg[/B]
Hack Squat 90kg 5,5,5
Leg Press 160kg 5,5,5
Calf Press 180kg 15,12,12
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat 60kg 8,8,8
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 5,5,5
Cable Crunch 35kg 12,12,12
Leg Extensions 45kg 8,8,8
Finally starting to get back in the zone
[B]30th December [U]Push Workout[/U] 77.8kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 100kg 2,2,2
Incline Bench Press 60kg 5,5,5
Barbell Press 50kg 3,3,3
Dips 8,8,8
Dumbbell Bench Press 32.5kg 5,5,5
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 8,8,8
Ez Bar Skullcrushers 30kg 4,4,4
Dumbbell Pec Fly 15kg 8,8,8
My body is pretty torched from a big few days of water skiing but good to get this session under the belt
[B]3rd January [U]Legs Workout[/U] 79.0kg[/B]
Hack Squat 90kg 3,3,3
Leg Press 160kg 6,6,6
Calf Press 200kg 12,12,12
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat 60kg 8,8,8
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 5,5,5
Cable Crunch 35kg 12,12,12
Finally free from covid jail
[B]17th January [U]Legs Workout[/U] 80.8kg[/B]
Hack Squat 70kg 5,5,5
Leg Press 140kg 8,8,8
Calf Press 180kg 15,15,15
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat 60kg 8,8,8
Barbell Good Mornings 40kg 8,8,8
Leg Extension 45kg 8,8,8
[B]18th January [U]Pull Workout[/U] 79.6kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
60kg 10
100kg 2
140kg 2
160kg 1
180kg 1
Pull Ups 6,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 60kg 8,8,8
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 140kg 8,8,8
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 33kg 8,8,8
Chin Ups 6,6,6
Hammer Curl 17.5kg 8,8,8
[B]19th January [U]Push Workout[/U] 79.1kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 90kg 5,5,5
Dips 10,10,10
Barbell Press 40kg 6,6,6
Barbell Incline Bench Press 60kg 4,4,4
Ez Bar Skullcrushers 30kg 5,5,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 15kg 8,8,8
Great workout, my best leg session since the beginning of December
[B]20th January [U]Legs Workout[/U] 78.7kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat (belt and sleeves)
20kg 10
60kg 5
80kg 2
100kg 1
110kg 1
120kg 1
100kg 4,4,4
Hack Squat 70kg 6,6,6
Calf Press 200kg 15,15,15
Leg Press 160kg 6,6,6
Cable Crunch 39kg 10,10,8
Leg Extensions 50kg 6,6,6
Another good workout, really feel like I'm getting back in the zone
[B]21st January [U]Pull Workout[/U] 78.6kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
60kg 10
100kg 1
140kg 1
190kg 1
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 80kg 6,6,6
Pull Ups 8,8,8
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 160kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 38kg 6,6,6
Hammer Curl 17.5kg 8,8,8
Chin Ups 6,6,6
[B]26th January [U]Push Workout[/U] 81.0kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 100kg 2,2,2
Barbell Incline Bench Press 60kg 5,5,5
Dips 10,10,10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Pec Fly 15kg 10,10,10
Ez Bar Skullcrushers 30kg 6,6,6
[B]27th January [U]Legs Workout[/U] 80.4kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat (belt and sleeves)
20kg 10
60kg 5
80kg 2
100kg 1
120kg 1
125kg 1
100kg 4,4,4
Hack Squat 70kg 8,8,8
Calf Press 220kg 12,12,12
Leg Press 160kg 6,6,6
Leg Extensions 50kg 6 40kg 6,6
This was a grind, everything felt a bit heavy. Went to the gym in the afternoon after a big day in the garden. Still a decent session.
[B]29th January [U]Pull Workout[/U] 80.3kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
60kg 10
100kg 5
140kg 2
180kg 1
200kg 1
Pull Ups 6,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 80kg 6,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 160kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 38kg 6,6,6
Mixed Grip Cable Row 86kg 6,6,6
Hammer Curl 17.5kg 8,8,8
[B]30th January [U]Push Workout[/U] 80.9kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 100kg 3,3,3
Barbell Incline Bench Press 60kg 7,7,7
Seated Dumbbell Press 22.5kg 6,6,6
Dips 10,10,10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Pec Fly 17.5kg 8,8,8
Ez Bar Skullcrushers 30kg 5,6,6
[B]31st January [U]Legs Workout[/U] 80.2kg[/B]
Hack Squat 90kg 8,8,8
Leg Press 160kg 10,10,10
Calf Press 220kg 15,12,12
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat (belt and sleeves) 80kg 5,5,5
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 4,4,4
Leg Extensions 50kg 6,6,6
Best pullups sets in 2 months
[B]1st February [U]Pull Workout[/U] 79.7kg[/B]
Pull Ups 12,8,8
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 80kg 8,8,8
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 160kg 6,6,6 (my erectors were cooked after squats yesterday and these rows and shrugs today, still ground it out)
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 38kg 7,7,7
Mixed Grip Cable Row 95kg 4,4,4
Hammer Curl 20kg 6,6,6
[B]3rd February [U]Push Workout[/U] 79.9kg[/B]
Weighted Dips +20kg 6,6,6
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 6,6,6
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 7,7,7
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 8,8,8
EZ Bar Skullcrushers 30kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 17.5kg 10,10,10
Dumbbell Seated Press 22.5kg 5,5,5
Good workout this morning
[B]4th February [U]Legs Workout[/U] 79.8kg[/B]
Hack Squat (belt and sleeves) 100kg 8,6,6
Barbell Front Squat (belt and sleeves) 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat (belt and sleeves) 80kg 3,3,3 - wew, glutes were fried by the time I hit back squats
Calf Press 220kg 15,12,12
Leg Press 160kg 6,6,6
Leg Extensions 50kg 8,8,8
Superset with
Standing Calf Raise 40kg 10,10,10
Considering I’m still building back to my pre-covid cardio vascular fitness, this was a good session.
[B]5th February [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 79.7kg[/B]
401 calories burnt
32:07 duration
Heart rate average - 145
Heart rate max - 175
2km treadmill run in 10:00 (pace 5:00 p/km)
3km bike in 5:53 (7/30 resistance)
Tabata HIIT on Cross Trainer 750m in 4:00 (25/25 resistance)
Added 5kg on my deadlift from last week. Was feeling a bit flat at the beginning of this workout but then really got in the zone.
[B]6th February [U]Pull Workout[/U] 80.5kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
60kg 10
100kg 5
140kg 2
180kg 1
205kg 1
Dumbbell Row 50kg 6,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 170kg 6,5,5
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 43kg 6,6,6
Single Arm Lat Pulldown 30kg 8,8,8
Mixed Grip Cable Row 95kg 4,4,4
Hammer Curl 22.5kg 6,6,6
Getting there
[B]7th February [U]Push Workout[/U] 81.2kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 5
60kg 5
80kg 2
100kg 3,3,2
Incline Bench Press 70kg 3,3,3
Dips 12,12,12
Cable Cross Overs 27kg 10,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 8,8,8
EZ Bar Skullcrushers 35kg 4,4,4
Dumbbell Press 22.5kg 5,5,5
Dumbbell Bench Press 30kg 8,6,6