[B]12th September [U]Push Workout[/U] 75.7kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 20
40kg 10
67.5kg 20
Barbell Incline Bench Press 65kg 4,4,4
Barbell Press 40kg 6,6,6
Dips 10,10,10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12.5kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Pec Fly 15kg 6,6,6
Printable View
[B]12th September [U]Push Workout[/U] 75.7kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 20
40kg 10
67.5kg 20
Barbell Incline Bench Press 65kg 4,4,4
Barbell Press 40kg 6,6,6
Dips 10,10,10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12.5kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Pec Fly 15kg 6,6,6
moar 20 rep squats
[B]13th September [U]Legs Workout[/U] 76.3kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 20
40kg 10
77.5kg 20
Stiff Legged Deadlift 140kg 3,3,3
Barbell Front Squat 60kg 3,3,3
Calf Press 160kg 15,12,12
Cable Crunch 32kg 18,13,11
Leg Extension 45kg 10,10,10
Weighted Exercise Ball Crunch +10kg 10,10,10
[B]14th September [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 75.4kg[/B]
700m Swim
15:27 Duration
140 calories burnt
Heart rate average - 114
Heart rate max - 144
Pace - 2:09 min/100m
[B]16th September [U]Pull Workout[/U] 74.3kg[/B]
Tried some post activation potentiation for pullups this morning, unfortuantely only managed 19 reps. Was hoping for 22 :( ah well, all a work in progress
Lat Pulldown (warm up)
20kg 20
40kg 8
+20kg 1
Bodyweight only 19,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 100kg 3,3,3
Trap Bar Shrugs 140kg 10,10,10
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 53kg 3,2,2
Cable Row 68kg 12,10,10
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 20kg 10,7,6
Weighted Chinups +20kg 5,5,5
[B]18th September [U]Legs Workout[/U] 74.4kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 10
60kg 6
80kg 2
100kg 4,4,4
Barbell Front Squat 75kg 3,3,3
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 60kg 3,3,3
Cable Crunch 37kg 13,9,7
Leg Press 160kg 4,4,4
Calf Press 160kg 15,12,12
[B]19th September [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 74.4kg[/B]
40.3 km Bike Ride
248m Elevation Gain
961 calories burnt
2:26:29 duration
Heart rate average - 113
Heart rate max - 146
Speed - 16.5 km/h
Nice session
[B]20th September [U]Pull Workout[/U] 73.7kg[/B]
Pullups 15,8,8
Barbell Row 60kg 12,10,10
Barbell Shrugs 100kg 15,15,15
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 40.5kg 7,6,6
Cable Row 77kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 20kg 10 15kg 5 10kg 8 (drop set)
Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown 59kg 8,8,8
pretty lean
annoyingly still got lower abdomen fat
once I hit 72.8kg though, diet is over, I'm not going to look quite as shredded as I'd hoped but the time has come for a bit of lean bulking
[B]21st September [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 73.2kg[/B]
Distance - 5.05km run
Pace - 5:25 min/km
Elevation gain - 41m
344 calories burnt
27:20 duration
Heart rate average - 148
Heart rate max - 183
[B]22nd September [U]Push Workout[/U] 73.9kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 20
40kg 10
70kg 19 (didn't have a spotter so didn't feel confident going for the 20th rep)
Dips 12,10,10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 6,6,6
Barbell Incline Bench Press 70kg 3,3,3
Barbell Press 40kg 6,6,6
Barbell Upright Row 40kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Kickbacks 17.5kg 8,8,7
Cable Chest Press 60kg 12 45kg 5 30kg 5 20kg 8 (drop set)
lol I was meant to do 80kg squats as a part of my progressive overload 20 rep training but got my wires crossed and only did 77.5kg (same as last time). Ah well, 80kg sesh
[B]23rd September [U]Legs Workout[/U] 74.4kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 20
40kg 10
77.5kg 20
Stiff Legged Deadlift 150kg 3,3,3
Barbell Front Squat 60kg 3,3,3
Barbell Lunge 60kg 3,3,3
Cable Crunch 37kg 13,6,4 28kg 8 (drop set)
Calf Press 170kg 15,10,10
Weighted Exercise Ball Crunch +10kg 10,10,10
getting close to a triple body weight deadlift, 210kg @ 74kg puts me only 12kg away
[B]25th September [U]Pull Workout[/U] 74.3kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
60kg 10
100kg 6
140kg 2
180kg 1
200kg 1
210kg 1
180kg 3,3,3
Weighted Pullups +20kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Row 50kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 53kg 1 43kg 6,6,6
Neutral Grip Chinups 10,10,10
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 25kg 3,3,3
[B]27th September [U]Push Workout[/U] 74.6kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press (touch and go belted)
20kg 10
60kg 5
80kg 2
100kg 1
110kg 1
115kg 1
100kg 3,3,3
Barbell Incline Bench Press 70kg 4,4,4
Barbell Press 50kg 4,3,4 (didn't arch my back enough on the 2nd set so failed at 3 reps)
Dips 20,12,10
Cable Cross Overs 27kg 5,4,4
Cable Lateral Raise 9kg 9,7,6
Cable Tricep Pushdown 32kg 9,7,7
[B]28th September [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 73.3kg[/B]
600m Swim
13:51 Duration
132 calories burnt
Heart rate average - 134
Heart rate max - 159
Pace - 2:17 min/100m
Was hoping for a top single of 145kg, only managed 130kg. Bit annoying.
[B]29th September 74.0kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 10
60kg 5
100kg 2
120kg 2 (in retrospect I should've only done 1 rep at 120kg)
130kg 1
117.5kg 2x5
Barbell Bench Press (touch and go belted)
60kg 2
80kg 2
90kg 2
100kg 2,2,2
Seated Calf Raise 40kg 20,15,15
Chinups 6,6,6
Barbell Press
50kg 1
60kg X (failed attempt)
50kg 2,2,2
Calf Press 140kg 15,12,12
[B]1st October 74.2kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
60kg 10
100kg 3
140kg 2
160kg 1
192.5kg 3
172.5kg 2,2,2,2,2
Barbell Bench Press
2 second pause
85kg 2,2,2,2
1 second pause
70kg 4,4
Trap Bar Shrug 100kg 8,8,8
Cable Row 68kg 6,6,6
[B]3rd October [U]Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat (belt and sleeves)
20kg 10
60kg 6
80kg 2
100kg 1
120kg 1
130kg 1
100kg 5,5,5
Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlift 140kg 3,3,3
Barbell Front Squat 70kg 3,3,3
Barbell Lunge 60kg 3,3,3
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 5,5,5
Leg Extension 45kg 14,12,12
[B]4th October [U]Push Workout[/U] 74.3kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press (touch and go belted)
20kg 10
60kg 5
80kg 2
100kg 1
110kg 1
92.5kg 3,3,3,3,3,3
Barbell Press 55kg 2,2,1
Dips 15,10,10
Barbell Squat 100kg 2,2 (these moved nicely, testing out my wraps)
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift 140kg 3,3,3 (working on taking the slack out of the bar with Chris Duffin's wedging technique)
Barbell Incline Bench Press 60kg 7,7,7
Dumbbell Bench Press 22.5kg 10,8,8,
good session
[B]6th October 74.1kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat (belt and sleeves) - these weren't great, legs are pretty fatigued, need to give them a wee rest I think
20kg 10
60kg 6
80kg 2
100kg 1
110kg 1
120kg 1
110kg 3,3,3
Barbell Front Squat (belt and sleeves) - never tested my 1RM on front squat before, decided to give it a crack
60kg 1
70kg 1
80kg 1
90kg 1
95kg 1
Mixed Grip Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlift (belt) - the front squat 1RM was so much fun decided to try it out on stiffies too
160kg 1
170kg 1
175kg 1
Barbell Bench Press (belted 1s pause) - these were a bit of a grind too, have been benching a lot, will give my chest a break too
60kg 1
90kg 1
95kg 2,2,2
Leg Press
140kg 2
160kg 2
180kg 2
200kg 2,2,2
[B]8th October [U]Pull Workout[/U] 75.0kg[/B]
Pullups 12,12,10
Dumbbell Row 50kg 6,6,6
Babrell Shrugs 100kg 10,10,10
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 43kg 4,4,4
Neutral Grip Chinups 8,8,8
Chest Supported Plate Loaded Row Machine 80kg 6,5,5
[B]9th October [U]Push Workout[/U] 74.3kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press (touch and go belted)
20kg 10
60kg 5
80kg 2
90kg 1
100kg 1
105kg 1
110kg 1
95kg 3,3,3,3,3
1 second pause
60kg 11
Barbell Press 50kg 3,3,3
Dips 10,10,10
Dumbbell Bench Press 22.5kg 12,10,8,
Went to franks gym at Noosa, $24 bucks for a casual visit and they don’t event have a proper flat barbell bench press station and no incline bar bell bench press station either. How are these Sunshine Coast posers meant to get barrel chested with this lack of equipment
[B]10th October [u]Legs Workout[/u] 75.6kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 10
60kg 6
80kg 2
100kg 1 (put the wraps on here)
110kg 1
120kg 1
130kg 1
135kg 1 (heaviest I’ve squatted in 3 months)
130kg 1
115kg 3,3,3,3 (did these in sleeves)
Barbell Front Squat (belt and sleeves)
80kg 1
90kg 1
Mixed Grip Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlift (belt)
170kg 1
180kg 1
185kg 1
Workout took a bit over an hour, constantly rewrapping my knees took it out of me and took up a fair bit of time. Wrapped squats felt good though.
[B]13th October [u]Pull Workout[/u] 77.2kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
60kg 10
100kg 5
140kg 2
160kg 1
180kg 1
200kg 1
220kg fail, about 5cm off the ground
210kg fail, about halfway up
180kg 3,3,3
Barbell Bench Press
2 second pause
85kg 2,2,2,2
1 second pause
70kg 7,7
Barbell Rows 80kg 4,4,4
Barbell Shrugs 100kg 8,8,8
[B]14th October [U]Push Workout[/U] 75.5kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press (touch and go belted)
20kg 10
60kg 3,3
80kg 2
90kg 1
100kg 1
105kg 1
110kg 1
112.5kg 1
115kg 1
105kg 2,2,2,2
Barbell Press 50kg 5,5,4
EZ Bar Skullcrushers 32.5kg 5,4,4
Dumbbell Bench Press 30kg 10,8,8
Dumbbell Pec Fly 17.5kg 5,5,5
[B]16th October [u]Legs Workout[/u] 76.1kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat (belt and sleeves)
20kg 20
40kg 10
60kg 3,3 (8 second eccentric)
80kg 2
100kg 1
110kg 1
120kg 1
130kg 1
110kg 3,3,3
Barbell Front Squat (belt and sleeves)
85kg 1
95kg 1
97.5kg 1 (veeerrrrrryyyyy close to a triple digit front squat, might do these as my first exercise next leg day)
Barbell Lunge 65kg 3,3,3
Barbell Good Mornings 70kg 4,4,4
Leg Extensions 50kg 18 36kg 10 22kg 15 14kg 10 (drop set)
My legs are still cooked after this :)
[B]15th October [U]Pull Workout[/U] 75.5kg[/B]
Pullups 10,10,10
Dumbbell Row 50kg 5,5,5
Babrell Shrugs 100kg 10,10,10
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 37.5kg 8,7,6
Neutral Grip Chinups 7,7,7
Hammer Curl 25kg 3,3,3 17.5kg 3 (final set was a drop set)
Didn't quite bring my a-game this morning
[B]18th October [U]Push Workout[/U] 76.1kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press (touch and go, no belt)
20kg 10
60kg 3,3 (8 second eccentric)
80kg 2
90kg 1
100kg 1
110kg 1
100kg 2
80kg 6,6,6
Barbell Incline Bench Press 70kg 3,3,3
Dips 20,15,12 (need to try an AMRAP on body weight dips to see what I've got :))
Barbell Press 50kg 2,3,3 (not sure what happened on this first set but could only manage 2 reps, second and third set were fine though)
EZ Bar Skullcrushers 33kg 5,4,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 6,6,6
Machine Chest Press 60kg 15 45kg 6 30kg 8 20kg 10 (drop set)
[B]19th October [u]Legs Workout[/u] 75.9kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat (belt and wraps)
20kg 20
40kg 10
60kg 3,3 (8 second eccentric)
80kg 2
100kg 1 (put the wraps on here)
120kg 1
130kg 1
135kg 1 (this didn't feel great but I was confident I had a bit more in the tank)
137.5kg 1 (this moved pretty nicely, move smoothly than 135kg, definitely feel like I've got 140kg just around the corner)
Barbell Front Squat (belt and sleeves)
90kg 1
100kg 1
60kg 8,8
Mixed Grip Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlift (belt)
160kg 2,2,2
Barbell Lunge 65kg 3,3,3
Calf Press 160kg 15,12,12
Really good session
[B]21st October [u]Pull Workout[/u] 76.1kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
60kg 20
100kg 3,3 (10 second eccentric)
140kg 2
180kg 1
220kg 1 (didn’t 100% complete the rep as my grip failed, will be doing more work focused on increasing grip strength including plenty of heavy one handed pulling movements, see rows and shrugs below)
200kg 1
180kg 3,3,3
Dumbbell Rows 50kg 8,6,6
Dumbbell Shrugs 50kg 10,10,10
EZ Bar Curls 53kg 3,2,1
Neutral Grip Chins 10,10,8
Hammer Curls 20kg 6,6,6
[B]22nd October [U]Push Workout[/U] 76.8kg[/B]
Dips 32,11,10
Barbell Incline Bench Press 75kg 3,3,3
Barbell Press 50kg 3,3,3
Cable Tricep Pushdown 32kg 12,11,10
Cable Cross Overs 29kg 8,7,5
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12.5kg 10,10,10
EZ Bar Skullcrushers 35kg 4,4,4
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 6,6,4
Didn’t move quite as much weight on the back squat as I had planned but the 7 reps at 100kg felt good. Completely destroyed my erectors and meant I couldn’t push as hard on the stiffies and front squat as I would normally but a good workout overall
[B]24th October [u]Legs Workout[/u] 76.2kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat (belt and sleeves)
20kg 20
40kg 10
60kg 3,3 (10 second eccentric)
80kg 2
100kg 1
120kg 1 (these felt heavy af, decided to do some higher volume back offs instead of heavier weight)
100kg 7,7,7 (wew, these took it out of me)
Mixed Grip Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlift (belt) 140kg 1,1,1 (as I mentioned above my erectors were torched from the back squats so I didn’t have much left in the tank for stiffies)
Barbell Front Squat (belt and sleeves) 60kg 4,4,4
Cable Crunch 37kg 14,8,7
Calf Press 160kg 15,12,12
Weighted Exercise Ball Crunch +10kg 10,10,10
Leg Extensions 40kg 12,12,12
Good session
[B]25th October [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 76.6kg[/B]
Distance - 5.08km run
Pace - 5:08 min/km
Elevation gain - 43m
356 calories burnt
26:04 duration
Heart rate average - 154
Heart rate max - 193
Heart rate max of 193 🥵 pretty decent run considering I belted out some intense squats yesterday
Haven’t done a 20 Rep set of deadlifts since June, felt pretty good
[B]26th October [U]Pull Workout[/U] 76.6kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift (beltless)
60kg 20
80kg 10
122.5kg 20
Pullups 8,8,8
Dumbbell Row 50kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Shrugs 50kg 12,12,12,12 (4 sets instead of 3, hoping these will help with my grip strength)
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 45.5kg 5,4,4
Neutral Grip Chinups 10,10,10
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 22.5kg 4,4,4
[QUOTE=NickelArse;1649610993]Haven’t done a 20 Rep set of deadlifts since June, felt pretty good
[B]26th October [U]Pull Workout[/U] 76.6kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift (beltless)
60kg 20
80kg 10
122.5kg 20
Pullups 8,8,8
Dumbbell Row 50kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Shrugs 50kg 12,12,12,12 (4 sets instead of 3, hoping these will help with my grip strength)
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 45.5kg 5,4,4
Neutral Grip Chinups 10,10,10
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 22.5kg 4,4,4[/QUOTE]
[B]27th October [U]Push Workout[/U] 76.7kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 20
40kg 10
72.5kg 20
Weighted Dips +30kg 6,5,5
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 8,7,7
Barbell Incline Bench Press 70kg 3,3,3
Dumbbell Kickbacks 17.5kg 9,9,9
Dumbbell Press 22.5kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 15kg 10,8,8
Cable Chest Press 60kg 12 45kg 5 30kg 6 20kg 8 (drop set)
[QUOTE=NickelArse;1649671293][B]27th October [U]Push Workout[/U] 76.7kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 20
40kg 10
72.5kg 20
Weighted Dips +30kg 6,5,5
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 8,7,7
Barbell Incline Bench Press 70kg 3,3,3
Dumbbell Kickbacks 17.5kg 9,9,9
Dumbbell Press 22.5kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 15kg 10,8,8
Cable Chest Press 60kg 12 45kg 5 30kg 6 20kg 8 (drop set)[/QUOTE]
A 5kg jump on my last set of 20 rep squats :)
[B]28th October [U]Legs Workout[/U] 76.6kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 20
40kg 10
82.5kg 20
Barbell Front Squat 80kg 3,3,3
Stiff Legged Deadlift 160kg 3,3,3
Barbell Lunge 60kg 3,3,3
Calf Press 160kg 18,15,12
Cable Crunch 40kg 10,8,6
Leg Extension 40kg 15 25kg 15 15kg 15 (drop set)
Weighted Exercise Ball Crunch +15kg 10,10,10
[QUOTE=NickelArse;1649744413]A 5kg jump on my last set of 20 rep squats :)
[B]28th October [U]Legs Workout[/U] 76.6kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 20
40kg 10
82.5kg 20
Barbell Front Squat 80kg 3,3,3
Stiff Legged Deadlift 160kg 3,3,3
Barbell Lunge 60kg 3,3,3
Calf Press 160kg 18,15,12
Cable Crunch 40kg 10,8,6
Leg Extension 40kg 15 25kg 15 15kg 15 (drop set)
Weighted Exercise Ball Crunch +15kg 10,10,10[/QUOTE]
Wowee haven’t gone for a swim in a month and I really felt it, flutes and legs were wrecked from squats and pecs were tight from bench press. Overall I swam like a brick :D
[B]29th October [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 76.5kg[/B]
500m Swim
12:29 Duration
107 calories burnt
Heart rate average - 125
Heart rate max - 147
Pace - 2:19 min/100m
[B]30th October [U]Pull Workout[/U] 76.6kg[/B]
Pullups 23,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift 180kg 3,2,2
Dumbbell Row 50kg 10,7,7
Dumbbell Shrugs 50kg 15,15,15
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 53kg 1 43kg 5,5,5
Neutral Grip Chinups 12,10,10
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 22.5kg 3,4,4
[QUOTE=NickelArse;1649878513][B]30th October [U]Pull Workout[/U] 76.6kg[/B]
Pullups 23,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift 180kg 3,2,2
Dumbbell Row 50kg 10,7,7
Dumbbell Shrugs 50kg 15,15,15
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 53kg 1 43kg 5,5,5
Neutral Grip Chinups 12,10,10
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 22.5kg 3,4,4[/QUOTE]
23 reps, that’s a new PR for pullups, added 2 reps on my previous best effort in early September. Training is really in the zone at the moment :D
Wasn’t even sure I was going to go for a new pullups PR until I woke up and felt how tight my posterior chain was. Decided to just do some lighter deadlifts and throw the kitchen sink at pullups. Paid off handsomely :)
[B]31st October [U]Push Workout[/U] 78.0kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 20
40kg 10
60kg 3,3 (10 second eccentric)
80kg 2
100kg 6,4,4
Barbell Press 60kg 1 50kg 5,5,5
Dips 15,15,15
Dumbbell Bench Press 35kg 8,5,5
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 8,8,8
Cable Pec Fly 25kg 10,8,8
Cable Tricep Pushdown 30kg 14 21kg 12 15kg 12 (drop set)
Didn't squat as much weight today as I'd hoped, gonna drop the workload a little bit for a few days as I think I might be over doing the training frequency and volume a little bit.
[B]1st November [U]Legs Workout[/U] 77.4kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 20
40kg 10
60kg 3,3 (10 second eccentric)
80kg 2
100kg 1
110kg 1
120kg 3,3,3
Stiff Legged Deadlift 160kg 3,3,3
Barbell Front Squat 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 40kg 8,8,8
Cable Crunch 40kg 10,10,10
Calf Press 180kg 15,14,12
[B]2nd November [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 77.1kg[/B]
25.07 km Bike Ride
159m Elevation Gain
842 calories burnt
1:21:43 duration
Heart rate average - 129
Heart rate max - 162
Speed - 18.4 km/h
[B]4th November [U]Pull Workout[/U] 78.0kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
60kg 20
100kg 3,3 (10 second eccentric)
140kg 2
190kg 5,2,2
Pullups 8,8,8
Dumbbell Row 50kg 10,6,6
Dumbbell Shrugs 50kg 12,12,12
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 45.5kg 6,5,5
Neutral Grip Chinups 8,8,8
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 22.5kg 6,6,5
[B]5th November [U]Push Workout[/U] 77.7kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 20
40kg 10
60kg 3,3 (10 second eccentric)
80kg 2
100kg 1
110kg 1
120kg 1
100kg 3,3,3
Incline Barbell Bench Press 80kg 3,3,3
Dips 15,15,15
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 10,8,8
Dumbbell Pec Fly 15kg 10,8,8
Seated Dumbbell Press 22.5kg 6,6,6
Cable Chest Press 70kg 8 50kg 6 30kg 10 (drop set)
Made a bit of a meal of this 140kg single but got there in the end.
Whilst my deadlift and bench seems to be flourishing in this high volume environment I seem to be spinning my wheels with squat progression at the moment.
Probably gonna take a bit of a break from the super high intensity training I’ve been doing to refresh myself a bit. Then when I come back I’m gonna go low volume training for my squat progression as that has worked really well for me in the past
[B]7th November [U]Legs Workout[/U] 78.7kg[/B]
Barbell Low Bar Back Squat
20kg 20
60kg 3,3 (10 second eccentric)
80kg 2
100kg 1
110kg 1
120kg 1
130kg 1
135kg 1
140kg 1
70kg 10,10,10
Barbell Front Squat 80kg 3,3,3
Barbell Good Mornings 70kg 4,4,4
Cable Crunch 42.5kg 10,10,8
Cable Leg Extensions 55kg 10,10,8
Calf Press 180kg 16,15,13
Weighted Exercise Ball Crunch 17.5kg 9,15,15
No deads today, saving myself for a PR attempt this week. 6 sets of shrugs tho, working on my grip strength.
[B]8th November [U]Pull Workout[/U] 78.7kg[/B]
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 100kg 5,5,5
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 160kg 6,6,6
Pullups 12,12,10
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 53kg 3,3,2
Mixed Grip Cable Row 77kg 10,10,10
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 22.5kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Shrugs 50kg 15,15,15
[B]9th November [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 77.6kg[/B]
Distance - 5.07km run
Pace - 5:25 min/km
Elevation gain - 43m
369 calories burnt
27:28 duration
Heart rate average - 150
Heart rate max - 180
Pressing is not my strong suit
[B]10th November [U]Push Workout[/U] 77.5kg[/B]
Barbell Press
20kg 10
40kg 2
65kg X (fail)
60kg 1
57.5kg 5,5,3
Dumbbell Bench Press 40kg 2 37.5kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Skullcrushers 35kg 4,4,3
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15kg 10,10,8
Dips 12,12,12
Dumbbell Pec Fly 17.5kg 8,6,8
Seated Dumbbell Press 22.5kg 4,4,4