[B]14th October [U]Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 84.9kg[/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 12,6,6
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 12,8,8
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Rows 70kg 9,8,6
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Shrug 100kg 9,6,6
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 27.5kg 10,8,7
[B]17th October [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs and Delts Workout[/U] 84.8kg[/B]
Barbell Squats 110kg 3 100kg 3,3
Mixed Grip Deadlift 140kg 4,3,3
Seated Barbell Press 55kg 4,3,3
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 16kg each 8,6,5
Dumbbell Front Raise 12kg each 6,5,4
Really enjoying eating a few more calories and carbs, feel like I'm progressing really well.
Think I might switch to a PPL program for a few weeks before I start 5/3/1
[B]18th October [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U] 84.7kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 9 ,7,6
Barbell Bicep Curl 35kg 8,7,6
Incline (28 degrees) Barbell Bench Press 60kg 10,9,7
Hammer Curls 16kg each 10,7,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 14kg each 10,6,5
[B]20th October [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 85.7kg[/B]
Wide Grip Weighted Pullups +20kg 5,4,3
Weighted Narrow Grip Tricep Dips +20kg 6,5,5
Mixed Grip Barbell Rows 100kg 3,3,3
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrug 120kg 8,6,6
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 35kg 5,3,3
Strength continues to build, great workout :)
[B]21st October [U]Light Weight/High Rep Legs and Delts Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Squats 80kg 8,7,6
Standing Barbell Press 50kg 8,5,4
Double Overhand Grip Deadlift 100kg 10,8,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 14kg each 7,6,5
Barbell Lunge 20kg 7,5,5
[B]22nd October [U]Cardio Workout[/U] 85.2kg[/B]
Total time: 34:42
Calories Burnt: 379
Distance: 2km
Incline: 1.5
Time: 10:44 minutes
Pace: 5:15 p/km
Did a cycle and slow jog warm up, really wanted to be able to push through this 2km with maximum intensity.
First time I've been able to maintain the 1.5 incline for the 2 whole kilometres, was also great to sit at the 5:15 p/km pace for the full 2km too
Decided to do some leisurely rowing as a cool down, considering I did a bit of damage to my ankle on 10/10 after an intense tabata row I thought I'd take it easy on the rower and see how my body responds
[B]23rd October [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U] 84.5kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 100kg 3,2,2
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 45kg 4,3,3
Incline (28 degrees) Barbell Bench Press 80kg 4,3,3
Hammer Curls 22kg each 4,3,3
Dumbbell Pec Fly 16kg each 7,4,4
[B]24th October [U]Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 85.1kg[/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 13,6,5
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 13,8,8
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Rows 70kg 10,8,6
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Shrug 100kg 9,6,6
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 30kg 9,7,6
Gonna switch up my routine a bit and go for Push Pull Legs starting tomorrow, going to give it at least a month and then maybe move on to 5/3/1
[B]25th October [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Squats 110kg 3 100kg 3,3
Mixed Grip Deadlift 140kg 5,4,4
Leg Press 150kg (100kg in plates and 50kg "starting weight") 5,5,5
Barbell Good Mornings 20kg 10,10,10
Barbell Lunge 20kg 7,5,5
Still feeling a bit wobbly under the 110kg Squat but 100kg feels great. Deadlifts were super strong.
[B]26th October [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 14,6,4
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Rows 70kg 8,7,6
Barbell Bicep Curls 35kg 6 30kg 8,7
Barbell Shrug 100kg 9,7,6
Dumbbell Incline Hammer Curl 16kg each 9,6,6
Hanging Leg-Hip Raise (toes to hands) 6,5,5
[B]27th October [U]Cardio Workout[/U][/B]
Total time: 33:44
Calories Burnt: 324
Distance: 2km
Incline: (mostly zero)
Time: 13:00 minutes
Pace: variable
Legs still stiff and sore from heavy squats and deads a couple of days ago. Felt like I was running with lead boots.
Tabata Row (8 bouts)
Distance: 799 metres
Resistance: 10/10
Loss of 35 metres vs my last Tabata effort, went too hard to early and cdidn't have anything left towards the end
[B]28th October [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Push Workout[/U] 85.6kg[/B]
Weighted Narrow Grip Tricep Dips +30kg 5,4,3
Seated Barbell Shoulder Press 55kg 4,3,2
Close Grip Barbell Bench Press 80kg 6,4,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 16kg each 8,6,5
Dumbbell Pec Fly 16kg each 7,5,5
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 27.5kg 12,10,7
Such an awesome workout
[B]29th October [U]Light Weight/High Rep Legs Workout[/U] 84.8kg[/B]
Squats 80kg 8,7,6
Mixed Grip Deadlift 110kg 8,7,6
Leg Press 150kg (100kg in plates and 50kg "starting weight") 6,5,5
Barbell Good Mornings 20kg 15,12,12
Barbell Lunge 20kg 8,5,5
[B]31st October [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pull Workout[/U] 84.3kg[/B]
Wide Grip Weighted Pullups +30kg 4,3,3
Mixed Grip Barbell Rows 100kg 5,3,3
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrug 130kg 6,5,5
Barbell Bicep Curl 30kg 10,8,7
Lat Pulldown 79kg 5,4,4
Cable Row 59kg 7,6,5
[B]1st November [U]Light Weight/High Rep Push Workout[/U] 85.2kg[/B]
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 50kg 8,6,5
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 8,5,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 14kg each 7,4,4
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 27.5kg 13,10,7
Plate Front Raise 20kg 6,6,6
[B]3rd November [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Squats 110kg 3,3,3
Mixed Grip Deadlift 150kg 4,4,3
Leg Press 170kg (120kg in plates and 50kg "starting weight") 7,5,5
Barbell Good Mornings 30kg 10,10,10
Barbell Lunge 30kg 5,5,5
So unrelated to my pull workout I posted a video to the misc weekly challenge [url=http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=172765501&p=1469496831&viewfull=1#post1469496831]here[/url]
Challenge was AMRAP 60 second clean and press. My push press game is weak af so only managed 6 reps before I gassed out.
[B]4th November [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pull Workout[/U] 85.2kg[/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 12,6,4
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Rows 70kg 8,7,6
Barbell Shrug 100kg 9,7,6
Narrow Grip Chin Ups 10,5,5
Completely forgot to do any bicep work... oops
[B]5th November [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Push Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Bench Press 100kg 5*,3,2 *New PR
Dips 10,8,8
Incline Barbell Bench Press 80kg 3,2,3
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 20kg each 8,7,6
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 32.5kg 6,4,4
Dumbbell Pec Fly 16kg each 7,5,4
Always feels good to hit a PR, the 5 reps felt very easy too. I have to say I feel effortlessly stronger than I have previously.
Push pull legs and my current diet seem to be agreeing with me
[B]6th November [U]Light Weight/High Rep Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Squats 90kg 5,4,4
Mixed Grip Deadlift 110kg 8,7,6
Leg Press 150kg (100kg in plates and 50kg "starting weight") 6,5,5
Barbell Good Mornings 20kg 15,12,12
Barbell Lunge 20kg 8,5,5
[B]9th November [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Wide Grip Weighted Pullups +30kg 5*,3,3 Equal PR
Mixed Grip Barbell Rows 100kg 5,5,4
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrug 140kg 4,4,4
Chin Ups 8,6,5
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 32.5kg 8,6,5
Going to increase my pullup weight to 40kg next week, I feel so strong right now it's ridiculous. This lifting/eating plan I'm following is delivering amazing results.
I feel like I've unlocked easy mode on a computer game that's how effortless my strength gains are at the moment.
[B]10th November [U]Light Weight/High Rep Push Workout[/U] 85.5kg[/B]
Barbell Push Press 70kg 1
Seated Barbell Press 50kg 6,5,5
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 7,6,6
Barbell Upright Row 40kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 27.5kg 5,5,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 9,8,7
[B]11th November [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs Workout[/U] 86.0kg[/B]
Squats 110kg 5,3,3
Mixed Grip Deadlift 160kg 3,3,3
Leg Press 170kg (120kg in plates and 50kg "starting weight") 7,5,5
Barbell Good Mornings 30kg 10,10,10
Barbell Lunge 30kg 5,5,5
[B]14th November [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pull Workout[/U] 85.1kg[/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 12,6,8
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Rows 70kg 8,8,8
Barbell Shrug 100kg 9,7,6
Narrow Grip Chin Ups 10,7,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 32.5kg 7,6,6
[B]15th November [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Push Workout[/U][/B]
Weighted Narrow Grip Tricep Dips +40kg 3,3,2
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 22kg each 8,6,5
Close Grip Barbell Bench Press 80kg 6,5,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 10,8,6
Dumbbell Kickbacks 12kg each 6,5,5
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 32.5kg 5,4,4
Yesterday's Push workout was huge, massive load on my triceps. They feel ripped to pieces today.
[B]16th November [U]Light Weight/High Rep Legs Workout[/U] 87.1kg[/B]
Squats 80kg 10,8,6
Mixed Grip Deadlift 110kg 8,7,6
Leg Press 150kg (100kg in plates and 50kg "starting weight") 6,5,5
Barbell Good Mornings 20kg 10,10,10
[B]18th November [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pull Workout[/U] 86.4kg[/B]
Wide Grip Weighted Pullups +40kg 3*,2 30kg 4 *PR
Mixed Grip Barbell Rows 110kg 4*,3,3 *PR
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrug 140kg 6,4,4
Chin Ups 10,7,5
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 37.5kg 5,4,3
Dumbbell Row 44kg each 6,6,6
Epic workout
Here's a video I took of my weighted pull ups too, new PR
Wow, nice weighted pull-ups! Personally, I can only get +40kg for 1 rep! Enjoy your weekend, monster!
[QUOTE=JustBulk;1471768721]Wow, nice weighted pull-ups! Personally, I can only get +40kg for 1 rep! Enjoy your weekend, monster![/QUOTE]
Cheers bro :) Only just made the jump up to 40kg after hovering around 30kg for a couple of years, nice to be on the gainz train again
[B]19th November [U]Light Weight/High Rep Push Workout[/U][/B]
Plan was for a high volume shoulder dominant push session
Barbell Bench Press 85kg 11 (was competing in a body weight max reps bench press challenge, winner got 41 :eek:)
Seated Barbell Press 55kg 4 50kg 5,4
Barbell Upright Row 40kg 8,6,6
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 27.5kg 12,10,8
Dumbbell Front Raise 12kg each 9,7,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 9,8,6
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 22kg 4 18kg 5,6
Great workout
Since moving to PPL I felt like my biceps were a bit neglected, wasn't feeling up to doing my heavy legs session I was scheduled for so decided to throw in a bit of variety with an all inclusive arm workout. Monday night though, gym was absolutely packed... yuck.
[B]21st November [U]Arm Workout[/U][/B]
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 8,7,7
Barbell Bicep Curl 45kg 5,3,3
Standing Barbell Press 50kg 6,4,3
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 27.5kg 10,7,7
Dumbbell Seated Hammer Curl 24kg each 4,3,3
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 37.5kg 6,5,5
[B]22nd November [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs Workout[/U] 86.4kg[/B]
Squats 120kg 3 110kg 3,3
Mixed Grip Deadlift 160kg 3,3,3
Leg Press 170kg (120kg in plates and 50kg "starting weight") 7,5,5
Barbell Good Mornings 30kg 10,10,10
Barbell Lunge 30kg 5,5,5
Squats and Deads felt nice and strong, vids incoming. :)
[B]23rd November [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 14,10,5
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Rows 80kg 6 70kg 8,8
Barbell Shrug 100kg 10,7,7
Narrow Grip Chin Ups 10,5,5
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 37.5kg 6 27.5kg 10,7
Dumbbell Row 44kg each 6,6,6
Noticed my posterior deltoids really popping after rows this morning. Kinda strange considering I never do isolation work on them, just goes to show they cop a real beating from my back work.
[B]25th November [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Push Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Bench Press 110kg 1 100kg 2,2
Incline Barbell Bench Press 80kg 4,3,3
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 37.5kg 4,3,3
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 26kg each 5,4,4
Dumbbell Pec Fly 18kg each 6,5,5
Dumbbell Bench Press 34kg each 5,4,5
First "disappointing" day I've had in the gym for a long, long time. Although I'm probably been over critical.
Was a little bit disappointed to only get 1 rep of 110kg bench having got 5 reps of 100kg last time I put in a heavy bench session, I figure I probably over did the weight increase and will dial back to 105kg next week.
Took videos of my first 2 sets of bench press too, so I'll post them up later.
After double checking 1RM calculators I was definitely ambitious with the 10kg weight increase and expecting 3 reps :p
100kg x 5 reps is a 1RM of 115 (which I feel is fairly accurate), so dialling it back to 105kg for reps should be the right move :)
[QUOTE=NickelArse;1472520391][B]25th November [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Push Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Bench Press 110kg 1 100kg 2,2
Incline Barbell Bench Press 80kg 4,3,3
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 37.5kg 4,3,3
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 26kg each 5,4,4
Dumbbell Pec Fly 18kg each 6,5,5
Dumbbell Bench Press 34kg each 5,4,5
First "disappointing" day I've had in the gym for a long, long time. Although I'm probably been over critical.
Was a little bit disappointed to only get 1 rep of 110kg bench having got 5 reps of 100kg last time I put in a heavy bench session, I figure I probably over did the weight increase and will dial back to 105kg next week.
Took videos of my first 2 sets of bench press too, so I'll post them up later.[/QUOTE]
arms shaking life a leaf
[B]26th November [U]Light Weight/High Rep Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Squats 90kg 8,6,5
Mixed Grip Deadlift 120kg 8,6,5
Barbell Front Squat 40kg 4,4,6
Barbell Good Mornings 20kg 15,12,12
Barbell Lunge 20kg 5,5,5
First time I've added Front Squats into leg day, felt good.
Took a video of my Squats too
[QUOTE=NickelArse;1472641651][B]26th November [U]Light Weight/High Rep Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Squats 90kg 8,6,5
Mixed Grip Deadlift 120kg 8,6,5
Barbell Front Squat 40kg 4,4,6
Barbell Good Mornings 20kg 15,12,12
Barbell Lunge 20kg 5,5,5
First time I've added Front Squats into leg day, felt good.
Took a video of my Squats too[/QUOTE]
[B]27th November [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Wide Grip Weighted Pullups +40kg 3,3,2
Mixed Grip Barbell Rows 110kg 4,3,3
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrug 140kg 6,5,6
Chin Ups 10,7,5
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 37.5kg 6,4,4
Cable Lat Pulldown 86kg 5,4,4
Slight change in training philosophy as of today. Instead of rotating light and heavy days on push like I do with legs and pull days I've decided due to the 3 muscle groups attached to push days it's more optimal for me to be training some heavy movements on every push day. I think light push days leave too much on the table when done so regularly. Will keep the light/heavy rotation on legs and pull days though.
[B]29th November [U]Deltoid Dominant Push Workout[/U][/B]
Seated Barbell Press 60kg 5,3,2
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 7,6,6
Barbell Upright Row 40kg 6,6,6
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 32.5kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Front Raise 14kg each 9,7,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 16kg each 6,5,4
[B]30th November [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Squats 120kg 3 110kg 4,4
Mixed Grip Deadlift 160kg 1 180kg 3*,2,2 *New PR (video incoming)
Leg Press 170kg (120kg in plates and 50kg "starting weight") 7,5,7
Very low volume today but boy oh boy what a session Squats felts strong as hell and then monstered my 4 sets of dead lifts
[QUOTE=NickelArse;1473151481][B]30th November [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Squats 120kg 3 110kg 4,4
Mixed Grip Deadlift 160kg 1 180kg 3*,2,2 *New PR (video incoming)
Leg Press 170kg (120kg in plates and 50kg "starting weight") 7,5,7
Very low volume today but boy oh boy what a session Squats felts strong as hell and then monstered my 4 sets of dead lifts[/QUOTE]
[B]1st December [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 15,8,6
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Rows 70kg 10,8,8
Barbell Shrug 100kg 10,7,7
Narrow Grip Chin Ups 8,6,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 37.5kg 6,4,4
Dumbbell Row 50kg each 6,5,6
Loved my db rows this morning 50kg :) gonna have to find a way to add plates to my gym's dumbbells cause they only go up to 50
[B]3rd December [U]Pectorial Dominant Push Workout[/U] 88.6 kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 105kg 4,3,2
Incline Barbell Bench Press 80kg 4,4,3
Narrow Grip Tricep Dip 10,8,6
Barbell Upright Row 40kg 8,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 18kg each 6,6,4
Dumbbell Bench Press 34kg each 6,4,3
Weighed myself for the first time in a couple of weeks, a little bit heavier than I might have hoped for but considering my stength gains I don't really care
Patella and lower back were a little bit sore after my heavy legs session on Wednesday so decided to take it very easy this morning
[B]4th December [U]Deloading Legs Workout[/U][/B]
Squats 60kg 6,6,6
Double Overhand Grip Deadlift 120kg 6,6,4
Barbell Front Squat 40kg 4,4,4
Barbell Good Mornings 20kg 10,10,10
[B]6th December [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 18,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Rows 110kg 4,3,3
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrug 140kg 6,6,6
Weighted Chin Ups +10kg 6,5,4
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 37.5kg 6,4,4
Dumbbell Row 50kg each 6,6,5
[QUOTE=NickelArse;1473944611][B]6th December [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pull Workout[/U][/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 18,6,6
Mixed Grip Barbell Rows 110kg 4,3,3
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrug 140kg 6,6,6
Weighted Chin Ups +10kg 6,5,4
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 37.5kg 6,4,4
Dumbbell Row 50kg each 6,6,5[/QUOTE]
Did my pull ups as part of the misc weekly challenge, here's the vid
195 x 18 = 3510
Feel like I've got 20 in me. Will try again later in the week[/QUOTE]
[B]7th December [U]Tricep Dominant Push Workout[/U][/B]
Weighted Narrow Grip Tricep Dips +20kg 9,7,6
Close Grip Barbell Bench Press 90kg 5,3,3
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 12,8,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 16kg each 8,6,5
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 32.5kg 9,7,8
Dumbbell Kickbacks 12kg each 5,4,5
Didn't load up on my weighted dips (had done 40kg weighted on previous heavy tricep workout) shoulders felt a bit tight so didn't want to overload them, still a good workout overall
Got a cold last week so haven't trained since Wednesday, we'll look to ease my way back into it from tomorrow morning.