Forgot to post this workout...
[B]20th November [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 81.8kgs[/B]
Weighted Wide Grip Pullups 30kg 5,3,3
Weighted Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 30kg 7,5,5
Dumbbell Row 50kg each 7,5,5
Cable Tricep Pushdown 45kg 5,4,3
Barbell Shrugs 100kg 8,8,6
[B]26th November [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs and Delts Workout[/U] 80.9kg[/B]
Squats 120kg 3,2,3
Barbell Press 60kg 3 55kg 5,4
Mixed Grip Deadlift 150kg 3,3,3
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 16kg each 9,6,5
Can't believe after a week off and a wedding birthday combo over the weekend I didn't put on any weight.
Definitely felt my strength was curtailed by a massive Legs and Delts session yesterday. Validates my decision to have a 6 day split with weights sessions broken up between light and heavy days. Looking forward to getting back into my groove :)
[B]27th November [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U] 81.3kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 100kg 2 95kg 4,3
Barbell Bicep Curl 45kg 4,3,3
Incline Barbell Bench Press 75kg 6,4,4
Hammer Dumbbell Curls 22kg each 6,4,4
Cable Cross Overs 30kg 12,8,5
Decided to mix things up a little bit this evening. Tried to hit maximum hypertrophy rep range on all three sets of my exercises, considering my glycogen stores would be chockablock thanks to my wedding (my GFs brother's not my own :)) feasting and wanted to try and put it to use. Weighed in at 84.1kg too which is the heaviest I've been in a while, a couple of super low carb days should have me back in my ideal weight range though.
[B]1st December [U]Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 84.1kgs[/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 10,10,9
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 12,12,11
Mixed Grip Cable Row 70kg 10,10,10
Cable Tricep Pushdown 30kg 10,10,10
Barbell Shrug 80kg 10,10,10
A later than usual workout last night (finsihed at 9:30pm) and a sub standard night's sleep may have conspired against me this morning. Felt a little bit average while squatting so I dialed back my Press and Deadlift a little, still a decent session.
[B]2nd December [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs and Delts Workout[/U] 83kg[/B]
Squats 120kg 4,3,2
Barbell Press 55kg 6,5,4
Mixed Grip Deadlift 140kg 5,3,3
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 16kg each 9,6,5
Some HIIT swim sprints this morning and a long fast until this evening with a some keto scrambled eggs and bacon for dinner.
[B]4th December [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U] 81.4kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 8,8,6
Barbell Bicep Curl 35kg 8,8,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 8,8,7
Hammer Dumbbell Curls 18kg each 8,8,4
Cable Cross Overs 25kg 10,10,9
[QUOTE=NickelArse;1317957651]Some HIIT swim sprints this morning and a long fast until this evening with a some keto scrambled eggs and bacon for dinner.[/QUOTE]
Dinner last night
1500 cals of creamy scrambled eggs and bacon
140g fat 60g protein
PBs on Pullups and Dips this morning :cool:
[B]6th December [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 82.1kgs[/B]
Weighted Wide Grip Pullups 30kg 6,4,4 *Personal Best
Weighted Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 30kg 8,6,5 *Personal Best
Dumbbell Row 50kg each 8,6,5
Cable Tricep Pushdown 45kg 5,4,3
Barbell Shrugs 100kg 10,8,6
Grip strength was a bit iffy on Shrugs but I'm not too worried about it.
Carb refeed day today too :)
Pre workout Bullet Proof Coffee today (normally have it post workout), worked well good session. About to try the paleo bun at Grilld
[B]7th December [U]Light Weight/High Rep Legs and Delts Workout[/U] 80.7kg[/B]
Barbell Squats 60kgs 10,10,8
Barbell Press 40kg 10,10,7
Barbell Deadlift 100kg 10,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 8,6,5
[B]8th December [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U] 82kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 100kg 4,3,3
Barbell Bicep Curl 50kg 3 45kg 4,4
Incline Barbell Bench Press 80kg 3 75kg 4,4
Seated Incline Hammer Dumbbell Curls 22kg each 6,3,3
Cable Cross Overs 42kg 6,3,3
[B]10th December [U]Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 80.9kgs[/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 12,12,8
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 13,13,10
Mixed Grip Cable Row 75kg 10,10,8
Dumbbell One Arm Triceps Extension 12kg each 8,8,6
Barbell Shrug 80kg 10,10,10
Been doing some super long hours at work so took a week off and now I'm easing my way back into it.
[B]19th December [U]Light Weight/High Rep Legs and Delts Workout[/U] 82.4kg[/B]
Barbell Squats 60kgs 10,10,8
Barbell Press 40kg 10,10,7
Barbell Deadlift 100kg 5,5,5
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 8,6,5
Works been crazy and had a death in the family so training's taken a back seat. I think it's best if I lay off the heavy weights for a while until life's a bit more settled.
[B]21st December [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U] 82kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 8,8,6
Barbell Bicep Curl 35kg 8,6,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 8,8,4
Hammer Dumbbell Curls 18kg each 8,7,4
[B]31st December [U]Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 83.4kgs[/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 12,8,6
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 12,10,9
Mixed Grip Cable Row 75kg 10,6,6
Cable Tricep Pushdown 30kg 10,10,8
Getting back into the gym which is good. I'm back to my unfit weight which is ~90kgs. I'm leaving for London in a month so I'm going to spend my last 4 weeks here training the house down to try and drop some fat before I leave.
Bulk update of May's workouts, wasn't sure I was gonna share these to be honest. Some of the stats are a bit embarrassing but watcha gun do?
[B]14th May [U]Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 89.2kgs[/B]
Lat Pulldown 60Kg 8,6,6
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 4,4,4
Mixed Grip Cable Row 50kg 10,10,10
Cable Tricep Pushdown 30kg 8,6,6
[B]16th May [U]Light Weight/High Rep Legs and Delts Workout[/U] 90.3kg[/B]
Barbell Squats 40kgs 5,5,5
Barbell Press 40kg 5,5,5
Knee Raise 10,10,10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 5,5,5
[B]20th May [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U] 89.9kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 60kg 10,10,10
Barbell Bicep Curl 20kg 10,10,10
Incline Barbell Bench Press 40kg 10,10,8
Hammer Dumbbell Curls 12kg each 10,10,8
[B]21st May [U]Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 88.9kgs[/B]
Lat Pulldown 60Kg 10,10,10
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 6,5,6
Mixed Grip Cable Row 60kg 10,10,10
Cable Tricep Pushdown 30kg 10,10,8
[B]23rd May [U]Light Weight/High Rep Legs and Delts Workout[/U] 87.8kg[/B]
Barbell Squats 60kgs 6,6,6
Barbell Press 40kg 8,7,5
Barbell Deadlift 80kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 8,6,5
[B]24th May [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U] 88.1kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 70kg 8,6,5
Barbell Bicep Curl 25kg 10,9,8
Incline Barbell Bench Press 50kg 8,7,6
Hammer Dumbbell Curls 14kg each 10,8,6
[B]25th May [U]Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 88.9kgs[/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 6,5,5
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 8,6,5
Mixed Grip Cable Row 70kg 10,10,8
Cable Tricep Pushdown 35kg 8,6,6
Here's today's macros 1,720 calories
>Pre workout Bullet Proof Coffee for breakfast
>Keto Pudding for lunch
>Steak with Broccoli and Aioli for dinner
Recipe for Keto Choc Pudding too
50g Dark Choc (I use 85% Lindt)
90g or ~100ml Double Cream
2 scoops Choc WPC
>In a small bowl add your chocolate but it's a good idea to break up as much of it as possible this will allow it to melt easier/faster
>Once chocolate is broken up add the cream
>Microwave on high for 30 sec
>By this stage chocolate should be partially melted and cream should be softer so give it a stir
>Microwave for another 30 sec
>Chocolate should be completely melted so stir it in completely to make a smooth ganache (microwave for longer if you can't)
>Add 2 scoops protein powder and combine together. It should absorb the melted choc and cream
959 cals 83g Fat (77%) 40g Protein (17%) and 16g Carbs (6%)
Awesome workout today
[B]26th May [U]Light Weight/High Rep Legs and Delts Workout[/U] 87.9kg[/B]
Barbell Squats 60kgs 8,8,6
Barbell Press 40kg 10,6,6
Barbell Deadlift 80kg 8,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 8,6,5
Here's the info from my heart rate monitor too
Macros and Meals 26/05
>Scoop of preworkout
>post workout BP coffee with 10g extra coconut oil
>lunch was a BBQ bacon burger patty
>dinner was duck salad
Mexican beef chill with melted Cracker Barrel and chunky guacamole
Yesterday I cooked off 500g of high fat beef mince with 2 brown onions. Seasoned the mince with chilli flakes, cayenne pepper, oregano, ground cumin, ground coriander seeds, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder with salt and pepper. I also added a bit of tomato paste for a hint of sweetness.
Once the meat was pretty much cooked I added 200ml of water to soften up the onions a bit more. Once the water had completely simmered down I took it off the heat and then stored it in the fridge.
Here's the pre-oven shot
Here it is fresh out of the oven before I added the guac
1954 cals 128g Fat (59%) 24g carbs (5%) and 173g protein (36%)
[B]28th May [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U] 88.3kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 5,4,4
Barbell Bicep Curl 30kg 8,6,6
Incline Barbell Bench Press 50kg 10,8,7
Hammer Dumbbell Curls 16kg each 8,7,6
Cable Cross Overs 25Kg 12,6,6
[B]29th May [U]Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 87.7kgs[/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 10,5,4
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10,7,6
Dumbbell Row 40kg each 8,6,5
Cable Tricep Pushdown 35kg 9,6,5
Double Banh Mi after workout carb refeed
~1330 cals 120g Carbs 56g Fat 87g Protein
[B]31st May [U]Light Weight/High Rep Legs and Delts Workout[/U] 87.9kg[/B]
Barbell Squats 80kgs 10,8,6
Barbell Press 45kg 7,5,5
Barbell Deadlift 100kg 5,5,5
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 9,6,5
[B]1st June [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U] 87.1kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 6,4,4
Barbell Bicep Curl 35kg 8,5,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 55kg 9,7,5
Hammer Dumbbell Curls 18kg each 8,6,5
Cable Cross Overs 30Kg 8,5,4
[QUOTE=showdownhero;459552]Got my nerd on and extracted all my data out of myfitnesspal and with a little bit of tweaking turned it into some graphs
Myfitnesspal copied my idea :p
Only thing missing is they need an "other" category for calculating calories from alcohol.
[B]3rd June [U]Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 86.8kgs[/B]
Weighted Wide Grip Pullups 10kg 7,4,4
Weighted Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10kg 6,4,4
Dumbbell Row 50kg each 4,3,3
Cable Tricep Pushdown 40kg 6,4,4
3.5kg weight loss in 3 weeks :D
[B]5th June [U]Delts and Abs Workout[/U] 87.8kg[/B]
Barbell Press 50kg 5,4,4
Knee Raise 14,12,8
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 9,6,6
Hanging Knee Raise 8,5,4
[B]18th June [U]Full Body Workout[/U] 90kg[/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 10,6,4
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 9,6,5
Hammer Dumbbell Curls 18kg each 8,5,4
Dumbbell Bench Press 32kg each 5,4,3
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 7,5,5
[B]27th June [U]Full Body Workout[/U] 88.8kg[/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 10,6,4
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10,6,5
Hammer Dumbbell Curls 18kg each 8,5,4
Dumbbell Bench Press 32kg each 5,4,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 7,5,5
Diet is pretty well on point at the moment and I've been running heaps so aesthetics aren't far away.
[FONT=Arial]Alright so it's been a little while since my last update but things have been tracking along pretty well, I've joined a good gym which I've been getting to 5 times a week and I've built up a pretty good diet routine but I've too regularly succumb to the temptation of alcohol and carbohydrates to see really good fat loss results. I am however very happy with my activity levels and gym work overall so I know improved aesthetics are within easy reach.[/FONT][FONT=Arial]
3rd July [U]Full Body Workout[/U] 88.5kg[/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Wide Grip Pullups 10,6,4[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10,6,5[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Hammer Dumbbell Curls 18kg each 8,5,4[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Dumbbell Bench Press 32kg each 5,4,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 7,5,5[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]7th July [U]Full Body Workout[/U] 86.5kg[/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Wide Grip Pullups 8,6,3[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10,6,5[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Hammer Dumbbell Curls 18kg each 8,5,4[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Dumbbell Bench Press 32kg each 8,5,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 7,5,4[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][B]20th July [U]Delts and Legs Workout[/U][/B][/FONT][/FONT]
[/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial]Was getting tightness in my calves and posterior chain so decided to do some low weight very slow Calf Raises and Lunges to limber them up a bit[/FONT][/FONT]
Barbell Press 40kg 8,6,5
Calf Raise 25kg 8,6,6[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial]
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 7,6,6
Lunge 20kg 6,5,4
[B]21st July [U]Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U][/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Dumbbell Bench Press 32kg each 8,5,4[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Incline Hammer Curls 20kg each 5,4,3[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Dumbbell Incline Bench Press 26kg each 6,4,4[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Cable Bicep Curls 28kg 7,5,4
[B]22nd July [U]Back and Triceps Workout[/U][/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] [FONT=Arial]
[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Wide Grip Pullups 10,6,3[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 8,6,5[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Cable Row 67kg[FONT=Arial] 10,8,8[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Cable Tricep Pushdown 35kg 6,5,4[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]25th July [U]Delts and Abs Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Press 45kg 8,6,5
Knee Raise 10,10,10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 8,6,5
Decline Sit Ups 10,8,8[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]26th July [U]Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U] [/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Barbell Bench Press 90kg 4,3,3[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Barbell Curls 45kg each 4,3,3[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Barbell Incline Bench Press 60kg 8,6,4[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Incline Hammer Curls 20kg each 5,3,3
[B]27th July [U]Back and Triceps Workout[/U][/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] [FONT=Arial]
[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Wide Grip Pullups 11,5,4[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10,7,6[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Dumbbell Rows 50kg each 5,3,3[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Cable Tricep Pushdown 35kg 7,5,5
[B]29th July [U]Delts and Abs Workout[/U][/B][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial]
Barbell Press 50kg 6,5,4
Knee Raise 12,10,10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 8,6,6[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Decline Sit Ups 10,8,8
[B]30th July [U]Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U][/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Barbell Bench Press 90kg 4,3,3[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Barbell Curls 45kg each 4,3,3[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Barbell Incline Bench Press 60kg 8,6,5[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Incline Hammer Curls 20kg each 6,5,4
[/B][/U][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][B]1st August [/B][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial][B] [U]Light Weight/High Rep [/U][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][B][U]Back and Triceps Workout[/U][/B][/FONT]
[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Wide Grip Pullups 11,6,4[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10,8,6[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Cable Rows 77kg 8,6,6[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Cable Tricep Pushdown 35kg 7,5,5
[B]2nd August [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Delts and Abs Workout[/U][/B][/FONT]
Barbell Press 55kg 4,3 50kg 5
Knee Raise 15,12,10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 14kg each 9,6,6[/FONT][/FONT]
Decline Sit Ups 10,10,8
[B]3rd August [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U][/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Dumbbell Bench Press 32kg each 9,6,5[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Incline Hammer Curls 16kg each 10,6,5[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Cable Cross Overs 15kg 9,7,4[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial]Barbell Curls 30kg each 8,6,6[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][B]6th August [/B][/FONT][/FONT][U][B][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial]Heavy Weight/Low Rep [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/B][/U][FONT=Arial][U][B][FONT=Arial]Back and Triceps Workout[/FONT][/B][/U]
[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Lat Pull Down [/FONT]107kg 5,3 97kg 4
[FONT=Arial]Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 15,8,7[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Dumbbell Rows 50kg each 5,4,3[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Rope Cable Tricep Pushdown 35kg 4,3 30kg 5
7th August [U]Light Weight/High Rep Delts and Abs Workout[/U][/B][/FONT]
Dumbbell Press 22kg each 8,5,4
Hanging Leg Raise 6,4,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 10,7,6
Decline Sit Ups 12,10,8[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]9th August [/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial][B][U][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial]Heavy Weight/Low Rep [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U] [/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Barbell Bench Press 90kg 4,3,3[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Barbell Curls 45kg each 4,3,3[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Barbell Incline Bench Press 60kg 8,6,5[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Incline Hammer Curls 20kg each 5,4,4
10th August [U]Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U][/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] [FONT=Arial]
[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Wide Grip Pullups 11,6,4[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10,8,7[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Cable Rows 77kg 8,8,6[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial]Rope Cable Tricep Pushdown 25kg 8,6,6[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]11th August[/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][U][B] Heavy Weight/Low Rep Delts and Abs Workout[/B][/U][B] 85kg[/B]
Barbell Press 55kg 5,4,4[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial]Hanging Leg Raise 8,6,4[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial]Dumbbell Lateral Raise 16kg each 7,5,4
Knee Raises 10,10,10[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial]As you can see from my polar flow screen shots I've also been doing a fair bit of running. Now I have a gym to call home I've been doing less running but I still really enjoy it so I've been going for 1 run per week. My last 3 runs have also been 3 PBs which I've been pretty stoked with, here's some screen shots from Polar Personal Trainer.
A[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial]s you can see from the tables as I'm getting faster my average heart rate is decreasing which must be indicating increases to cardio vascular fitness.[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
[B]15th August [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 86.7kg[/B]
Lat Pull Down 107kg 5,3,3
Close Grip Bench Press 60kg 5 80kg 4,4,4
Dumbbell Rows 50kg each 6,5,4
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10,8,7
[B]16th August [U]Light Weight/High Rep Delts and Abs Workout[/U] 85.7[/B]
Dumbbell Press 24kg each 6,5,4
Hanging Leg Raise 10,6,5
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 10,6,5
Decline Sit Ups 12,12,8
[B]17th August [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U] 86.1kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 90kg 5,4,3
Barbell Curls 45kg each 4,3,3
Barbell Incline Bench Press 70kg 6,4,4
Incline Hammer Curls 20kg each 5,4,4
Think I might've slightly strained my left rotator cuff yesterday doing DB shoulder press, getting some pain in my bicep (only when I'm exercising, not ongoing during the day) that I'm pretty sure is rotator cuff related (i.e referred pain). Gonna keep on training as normal and just make sure I warm up/stretch the crap out of it before and after exercise.
Frustrating thing is I religiously warm up my rotator cuff (by doing Dumbbell External Rotation With Arm Abducted 90°) before any shoulder exercise but forgot yesterday for some reason.
Will obviously cut down my weight training if I don't start seeing some improvement.
Macros and meals for today
Please note the nandos "full chicken" is a half chicken.
[B]18th August [U]Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 85.5kg[/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 13,6,5
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 14,8,8
Cable Rows 77kg 10,8,8
Rope Cable Tricep Pushdown 25kg 10,6,6
I've decided to start incorporating Leg Work back into my routine, I'm just not getting the rewards I anticipated by running at the expense of any leg work. I'll still look to continue some sort of cardio training but might do a bit more HIIT or lower intensity jogging but I'll find a groove once I'm Squatting and Dead Lifting again.
[B]20th August [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Delts and Abs Workout[/U] 86.3kg[/B]
Barbell Press 60kg 3 55kg 5,4
Hanging Leg Raise 10,8,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 18kg each 5,4,4
Knee Raises 15,15,12
Front Raise 20kg Plate 10,8,6
If there's a better way to consume 886 calories I'd sure like to hear about it
100ml double cream, 3 eggs and 4 rashes of streaky bacon
3g Carbs 81g Fat 33g Protein
These 2 articles have been published in the last week in defence of the ABC Catalyst program Heart of the Matter. Seems like a pretty good excuse to repost these videos as they provide an excellent insight into the massive flaws in the current medical dogma on fats, cholesterol and statins.
[B]21st August [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U] 85.5kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 75kg 12,8,5
Incline Hammer Curls 18kg each 9,6,5
Barbell Incline Bench Press 60kg 9,6,5
Barbell Curls 30kg each 12,7,5
[B]22nd August [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 84.6kg[/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 15,7,4
Close Grip Bench Press 60kg 5 80kg 6,5,4
Dumbbell Rows 50kg each 6,6,4
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10,8,7
[B]24th August [U]Light Weight/High Rep Legs and Delts Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Squats 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Press 50kg 6,4,4
Barbell Deadlift 80kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 10,6,5
2074 Calories
[B]25th August [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U] 84.9kg[/B]
Barbell Bench Press 95kg 4,3,3
Barbell Curls 45kg 5,3,3
Barbell Decline Bench Press 70kg 10,80kg 8,90kg 5
Incline Hammer Curls 20kg each 6,4,3
Cable Cross Overs 17.5kg 9,4,4
[B]26th August [U]Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U] 84.9kg[/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 6,6,6
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 16,10,8
Mixed Grip Cable Rows 87kg 8,6,5
Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 8,6,5
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrugs 60kg 10,10,10
Did a "recovery style" workout on my pullups because I'm gunning to increase my reps for the pull up challenge I'm participating in, I thought they could do with a softer workout after the massive session I had a few days ago.
[B]27th August [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs and Delts Workout[/U] 85.2kg[/B]
Squats 60kg 3 80kg 3 90kg 6,5,4
Standing Barbell Press 60kg 1
Seated Barbell Press 60kg 3 55kg 5,4
Mixed Grip Deadlift 80kg 3 100kg 3 120kg 3,3,3
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 18kg each 5,4,4
[B][U]Keto Pancakes with Dark Chocolate Ganache[/U][/B]
517 Calories
Fat 37g (64%)
Protein 38g (30%)
Carbs 8g (6%)
Full recipe [URL]http://thefitpublican.blogspot.com/2015/08/keto-pancakes-with-dark-chocolate.html[/URL]
Had a bit of a bender over the weekend, definitely not my best workouts but happy to be straight back into it :)
[B]1st September [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/B][/U]
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 7,5,5
Barbell Curls 35kg each 9,5,4
Barbell Incline Bench Press 60kg 9,6,5
Standing Hammer Curls 18kg each 9,5,3
[B]2nd September [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/B][/U]
Wide Grip Pullups 13,6,5
Close Grip Bench Press 80kg 6,5,4
Dumbbell Rows 50kg each 6,6,5
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10,8,7
[B]3rd September [U]Light Weight/High Rep Legs and Delts Workout[/B][/U]
Barbell Squats 60kg 10,8,8
Barbell Press 50kg 6,5,4
Barbell Deadlift 100kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 10,6,6
[B]5th September [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Bench Press 95kg 4,4,3
Barbell Curls 50kg 2 45kg 4,3
Barbell Decline Bench Press 100kg 4,2 90kg 5
Incline Hammer Curls 22kg each 4,3 20kg each 4
6th September [U]Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U]
[/B]Wide Grip Pullups 6,6,6
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 17,7,8
Mixed Grip Cable Rows 87kg 8,6,5
Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 8,6,5
[B]7th September [U]Mix Up Workout[/B][/U]
Barbell Shrug 100kg 6,6,6
Cable Cross Overs 17.5kg each 10,7,6
Dumbbell Kickbacks 10kg each 6,5,5
Dumbbell Curl 16kg each 9,6,6
[B]8th September [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs and Delts Workout[/U]
[/B]Squats 100kg 8,5,4
Seated Barbell Press 60kg 4,3,2
Mixed Grip Deadlift 130kg 4,3,3
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 18kg each 5,4,5
Alright so at the moment for whatever reason I just [U][B]CAN NOT[/B][/U] stick to an eating plan. As such my "diet" has been all over the place for the past week and a half but my lifting has been absolutely A+ so I've just decided to go with it. About the only thing my current meal plan has in common with the same time last year is a morning bullet proof coffee and Intermittent Fasting, currently eating around 3500 cals per day and IDGAF about smashing carbs.
I'm not going to lie my rig is no where near as polished as it was this time last year but I'm really enjoying a "bulking" diet and just lifting heavy ass weights.
[B]9th September [U]Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 10,7,5
Barbell Curls 35kg each 10,5,4
Barbell Incline Bench Press 60kg 10,8,6
Standing Hammer Curls 18kg each 10,5,4
[B]13th September [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/U][/B]
Wide Grip Pullups 15,6,4
Close Grip Bench Press 80kg 6,5,4
Dumbbell Rows 50kg each 7,6,5
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10,8,6
[B]14th September [U]Light Weight/High Rep Legs and Delts Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Squats 70kg 8,6,6
Barbell Press 45kg 10,6,6
Barbell Deadlift 100kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 10,7,6
[B]17th September [U]Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout[/U][/B]
Barbell Bench Press 100kg 3,2 95kg 3
Barbell Curls 50kg 2 45kg 4,3
Barbell Decline Bench Press 100kg 4,2 90kg 5
Incline Hammer Curls 22kg each 4,3,3
[B]18th September [U]Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout[/B][/U]
Wide Grip Pullups 10,7,6
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10,8,7
Mixed Grip Cable Rows 87kg 8,6,5
Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 8,6,5