jf rugby log
I am a rugby newb at age 32. I recently started a backyard workout program. Mondays and Fridays are my offseason lift days, started program last October.
Two Weeks ago I hit a PR dl @400. Then started a deload week and started over this week on a Coan/Philipi variation with deficit deads here and there.
5 x 3 x 1 power cleans with 175, 185, 195 and push press.
8 x 3 deficit deads @ 315
Front squat 3 x 5 @ 175
First post was kind of disjointed as I was posting from mobile and distracted. Today's workout was windy and cold (about 20 degrees, I guesstimate). Power clean/press is still developing as I'm trying to coordinate myself. Seems like I do better with some weight on the bar but catching is still a work in progress.
Power cleans 5 x 3 starting at 135 working up to 185.
Deads, working on Coan/Philippi 10 week program from 400 1RM shooting for 450 by week 10. Working on week 3.
1 x 5 @ 300 lbs warmup
1 x 3 @ 325
1 x 2 @ 385
6 x 3 @ 315 speed DLs
For added fun I did the speed pulls from a slight deficit, maybe about 2".
Normally I'll work front squat next, but I only managed 2 x 5 @ 175 since I don't have a rack and clean the bar to my shoulders and was a little spent from the deads. I probably could've worked another set but I didn't want to push it.
Next I did a couple sets single leg SDLs and bent over rows at 145. I don't bench but worked in a few sets of 10 plyo pushups. Still feel like I'm getting a routine down, but I think the Coan/Philippi is helping with that.
Conditioning/calisthenics day with some of the team. Pullups, jump lunges, air squats, pushups, and a few more. I added a couple sets of dips on the dip bars as well.
Condtioning day. Did about 1.3 miles of sprinting in ten sets of one lap.
5 x 3, 3, 3, 1, 1 power cleans, form check day. Catching became a little easier today, but still a work in progress.
3 x 3 sets of deadlifts @ 325 with a 300 warmup. I want to have a dead structure for my light day to compliment Coan/Phillipi but still working that out too.
3 x 5 front squats@ 175
3 x 5 bent over rows @ 155
Also warned up with 4 x 3 snatches @ 95. Still in form check mode but they are starting to feel more comfortable. I don't get too l low on the squat portion yet, though.
Lifting outside in the winter time sucks.
100 burpees in 14:30 minutes
3 x 5 dips
Rainy day so I started with 3 x 5 DB shoulder press @ 60 lbs each.
Power clean 5, 3, 1 on the covered patio @ 155, 175, 200 with the last set a miss. Concentrated mostly on form.
Coan/Phillipi week 4. Worked up to 1 x 2 @ 405, new pr. Felt like I could go 415. 5 x 3 speed dl @340.
Lighter front squats 3 x 5 @155.
3 x 5 bent over rows @ 155.
Plyo pushups.
Did some conditioning again Tuesday and Thursday followed by workout yesterday. Warmed up with snatches 5 x 3 @ 105.
Power clean and press 5 x 3 @ 165.
One set of deadlifts @ 300
My system was still pretty taxed from Mondays pull so I quit there. And it was damn cold and windy out.
This morning 100 burpees in 14:30 followed by dips and pullups 3 x 5 each.
Congrats on finding the game they play in heaven. Keep up the hard work. I like your program. Simple and hard.
[QUOTE=krakkerz;1020088763]Congrats on finding the game they play in heaven. Keep up the hard work. I like your program. Simple and hard.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the words. I only wish I found this game ten years ago. However, I think it is only growing in popularity here in the States.
Today's workout:
Power snatch 5 x 3 up to 105.
Power clean and push press up to 175
Coan/Phillipi week 5 deadlifts 3 x 3 @ 360
Speed deadlifts 3 x 3 @ 300 with the final 4 sets from a two inch deficit.
Front squats 3 x 5 @ 175
Ended with some plyo pushups and a little dumbbell work.
Conditioning yesterday involving sprinting, pull UPS, and I added dips.
I wanted to do a few sets of snatches and cleans but with a little knee soreness I think I may just walk the dogs.
Thursday was conditioning day with sprinting and jump lunges. That really took a toll!
Friday started off with usual snatches and cleans. Form felt much better. I started a set of deads and ended there. Legs were a bit toasted. I think I might work on a better split in terms of lifting. Monday will be clean and dead lift day while Friday will be snatch and front squat day with respective accessory work.
Today I ended up doing 100 burpees in 11:50. The key this weekend was I want hungover, I think. I kept going and totaled 120 in 14:45, tried to max on what my old time was.
Yesterday's workout was simple and effective. Started with power clean and push press 5 x 3 up to 185.
I was supposed to be on week 7 of Coan phillipi and do 385 x 2 as my working set. I was feeling a little good so I decided to modify slightly and hit 390 x 1 and 415 x 1, essentially skipping ahead a week. Did 3 x 3 speed dead lifts at 340 from a deficit.
I decided to skip ahead on my dl schedule for two main reasons. One, week 10 is putting me right up against the first match and two, I was feeling up to the challenge. My only worry is that I will be pulling up for PRs three Weeks in a row (dang auto correct always captalizes w in Weeks). I will be treading warily for sure.
Tues and Thurs were conditioning days including sprints, burpees, jump lunges, pullups, and dips. I add the dips in and probably will be adding a weight pack, too.
Today's "split" was:
5x3 snatches up to 110
3x5 front squats @ 185
2x5 DB shoulder press @ 60 each
2x4 DB single/stiff leg deadlifts @ 60 each (4 reps each leg) concentric only
I picked up some glucosamine/chondroitin for my achy knees and shoulder as well as some L-glutamine. My shoulder soreness has gone down noticeably and the little twinge in my back has almost vanished (from the max deadlift earlier this week).
My Coan/Phillipi routine calls for 430x2 starting next week, 440x1 the week after, and 450x1 for the final week. Since practice and the season is starting soon, I'm tempted to try 435x1 (possibly twice) and going for the 450 max pull the week after next, and I think I might have a little more of an edge after picking up the L-glutamine. After that I'm definitely rolling back on the DL's.
I moved up a day to better accommodate my schedule and had a rough go as a result. I don't think I had enough sleep last night, either. But I pressed on.
Power clean and push press
4x3 up to 185
2 x1 195
Dead lifts
2 x 1 @390
My previous plan to jump up didn't pan out a planned. I think my original goal to hit 450 was too big of a jump. No way 430 was coming off the ground. I recalculated to reach a max of 430 at the end of 10 Weeks and I think that will be attainable.
Yesterday was conditioning involving running, pushups, burpee pullups, and situps. I think I went an hour straight.
Today I worked in:
snatches 5x3 @ 110
power cleans only 5x3 @ 175
Weighted dips 3x5 w/30 lb backpack.
I tried a wider grip on the cleans today. My snatches feel a lot more natural despite only starting doing them last month. That seemed to help my coordination on the cleans.
Yesterday was the first day of practice. More or less conditioning with some passing. I was prettt gassed after ladder drills and felt a little twinge I'm my calves. Not sure if it was just a cramp or over training, but I took it easy after.
Resumed lifting today with plans to take the weekend off.
Snatches 5x3 up to 115
Front squats
1X5 185
2X5 175
Was a little tired from the snatches and couldn't clean 185 up more than once.
2X5 singleleg stiff deads w/dumbbells 60 each
2X5 DB shoulder press 60 each
Worked in 100 burpees in 13:20.
3X3 (real) pullups...a new PR
3X5 weighted dips @245 bw +25 plate
Kind of a crappy session today. I think I might have been a little fatigued from yesterdays (mostly) bodyweight workout.
Power clean and PP:
1x5 135
1x2 165
1x2 185
1x1 195
Missed 205
1x5 300 warmup
1x3 365
Missed 425
Missed 420
1x1 390 deficit dead
Missed everything else (couldn't even get 370 normal)
Didn't row today since I hit pullups yesterday.
Seems like I hit a PR once every 4-5 weeks. From now on, I think I'll focus on Coan/Phillipi weeks 3-8 and restart and most non-pr lifts from a deficit. The last 2 weeks were frustrating for sure!
Tues and Thurs were practice and still felt a little this or that in my calf. Thurs was first real contact day and felt pretty beat up Friday. Yesterday's workout:
Power snatch (more ir less a bunch of singles) @115
Front squat
3X5 @185
Pullups 3x3
Dips 3x5 +25lbs
Single leg sdl 2x4 each with 60 lb dbs
DB shoulder press 2x5 @60
Being as im from wales where rugby is a religion and not a sport I enjoy reading these, Its quite similer to what I do and I play semi pro!
[QUOTE=LJB1;1033858353]Being as im from wales where rugby is a religion and not a sport I enjoy reading these, Its quite similer to what I do and I play semi pro![/QUOTE]
As a relative novice, that is awesome to hear. I play with a few guys from rugby hotspots around the globe. Seems as we/they are all cut from the same cloth, rugby is definitely something certain folks are destined for, no matter the level. Cheers mate!
Alot of the rugby players I know are cops but then on the other hand it makes sense the training makes you strong enough to deal with most people and it also makes you fast enough to run after most suspects for a length of time.
That's interesting. A bunch of my teammates are engineers or business owners but a lot of our opponents are military men.
Today's workout:
Power clean and push press
1x5 @ 135
1X3 @ 165
1X2 @ 185
1X2@ 195
1 @ 205
The last one was kind of ugly but I count it.
Working set 1x2 @395
6X3 deficit deeds @ 325
2X3 @95
3X2 @115
Front squats
2X5 @185
3X5 +35lbs
Game Saturday lost a relatively close game and I played over a half at prop for only the second time ever. Sunday I started softball practice and boy, were my forearms knackered after bp.
That, plus being site from the game left me a little weary for today's workout.
Power clean and push press
1X5 @ 135
1X3 @ 165
1X2 @ 185
1X2 @ 195
1X0 @ 205 miss
Deads (scheduled to pull 1x2 @ 420 but missed off the floor)
1X3 @ 300
1X1 @ 365
1X1 @ 390
After the miss I worked 3x3 @ 365. THAT was rough. Thinking of devoting one day for deads...possibly Sundays. I haven't come close to pulling over 400 since about a month ago. Dunno if I am hitting a wall after power cleans or if it is just simply a case of not doing many multiple sets over 350. I felt a little weak in my low back, so I may even consider a belt sooner rather than later.
Future plans are to build a rack to better accommodate front squats, as well.
Nice program dude, will pop in and see progress :)
[QUOTE=m1sio;1038999063]Nice program dude, will pop in and see progress :)[/QUOTE]
Thanks man!
Didn't get to workout yesterday...had to work on brake hoses on the car. So after practice today I squeezed in a few sets of snatches @115 and 3x3 chins.
Moved my workout up a day because I wouldn't have much time tomorrow and I felt it for sure.
Power cleans and push press
1x3 @135
1X3 @165
1X3 @ 185
1X2 @ 365
1X1 @ 375
Front squat
1X5 @155
1X5 @ 175
1X3 @185
1X3 @205
1X2 @215
3X5 +35
I also picked up some NO Explode, uncaffeineated to experiment with. I am not sure it helped me lift better, but I felt less groggy. Weekends stink because I get less sleep than during the week. I think it might have made my stomach a little sour, too.
My rudimentary squat rack, made from 2 4' 4x4s helped as well.
No practice today, conditioning instead.
Interval sprinting totaling close to a mile, 5x10 burpees, 8 burpee pullups, 8x5 situps, 8x5 jump lunges, 8x5 plyo pushups, and I added 3x3 pullups and 3x5 dips.
In on your log! Our season is just getting started here (opener in a month) and its good to see a rugby log. Nice work playing over a half at prop - forwards represent!
Thanks, dude. I have definitely noticed a transformation in play this spring vs last fall.
1X3 @95
2x2 @115
3X1 @125
Front squats
1x3 @185
1X3 @195
1X3 @215
Stiff legged DLs
1X8 @185
2X5 @205
I really wish I built my rack last fall. I have been feeling the heavier front squat in my hamstrings. This is where I think my dead lift weakness is. Thus, the sdls. Before I started working out again, I WAS having hammy issues, after all.
Power clean and push press:
1X5 @135
1X3 @175
1X2 @185
1X4 @300
1X2 @360
8X3 @300 from 2.5" deficit
Front squats:
1X3 @185
1X3 @215
1X1 @225
Might turn front squats into a 5/3/1 variation.
Stiff leg deads:
1X8 @185
3X2 chins
1x3 +50 lbs
1X1 +50
Restarting CP from 415-450, no cheating this time.
Shoveled heavy snow and walked the dogs.
It counts when you are over thirty.
Jammed my right middle finger in practice yesterday, todays workout felt a bit limited.
3X3 @115
3X1 @125 (wanted to try 1 @135 but backed off due to grip)
Front squats
1X5 @135
2X4 @205
2X1 @225
1X10 @135
Stiff leg DLs
1X8 @125
2X5 @205
2X3 +50
Only hit one warmup set of power cleans due to grip. I think it was more psychological then anything.
DB shoulder press
2X8 @50
Week 2 CP deads (last week work set was 350, not 360, typo)
1x5 @185
1X5 @225
1X5 @300
3X3 @365 (added a couple extra working sets)
8X3 @305 from 2.5" deficit
Front squats
1X5 @135
1X5 @185
1X3 @205
1X1 @ 230
Stiff leg DLs
1X8 @185
Pullups 3x3
Dips 2x5
Hams feel toasted after todays workout and yesterdays match.
[QUOTE=jellypumping;1049697541]good progress brah[/QUOTE]
Thanks man!
Yesterday, u was a little bit crunched for time, and hams were still a little tender, so I modified the workout a bit.
Power snatch
3 x3 @115
3X1 @125
Power clean and push press
1X5 @125
1X3 @135
1X3 @155
1X3 @175
Pullups 3x3
Dips 2x10
Felt pretty beat to hell after yesterdays match. I got two warmup sets of deads in and my body said "no thanks Jeff," and that was pretty much it. I worked in a few glute ham raises, been meaning to try them. Didn't count reps, I did them until I cramped up. Actually, they were more like "glute ham slight-leans." I would be interested to see difference in speed and quickness once I can get a few real reps in.
Hit the weights after my unintended deload week, despite every other joint I'm my upper body feeling sore.
1X3 @ 95
2x2 @ 115
3X1 @125
Full clean and push press
1X3 @135
1X3 @155
1X2 @175
2X1 @185
These seemed more natural than regular power cleans. Three cheers for experimentation!
Front squat
1X5 @205
1X3 @225
1X1 @245
I know this isn't typical 531 but I am feeling good bumping weight up since I haven't squatted regularly in 14 years. And it felt good hitting a body weight squat this quick, too.
Glute ham "leans"
If you haven't done these and have trouble, putting your hands at your sides vs crossing your chest makes a world of difference.
Pullups 2x3 +10# plate
Dips 1x5
Shoulders on fire.
Upper body joints are still pretty sore, even after having some sub help in yesterdays match.
Week 3 CP deads
1X5 @135
1X5 @225
1X3 @315
1X2 @385
6X3 @315 frim 3" deficit
Glute ham raises 3 x 5 leaned over a couple more inches today.
Push press
1X5 @135
2X3 @185
Front squat
1X5 @ 185
Pendlay rows
1X5 @ 135
1X3 @ 155
1X3 @ 165
Power snatch
1X3 @95
1X3 @115
4X1 @135 (I can feel my traps growing as we speak :) )
Full clean and push press
1X3 @135
1X3 @165
2X2 @185
Missed 205 but only because of snatches, I presume.
Front squat
1X5 @205
1X3 @225
Missed 245, should have went for another set if 3 @225.
Glute ham raises 1x10
Pullups 3x4 (warmed up with these instead of doing then at the end of the workout).
Dips 1x10
1X5 +25#
1 x5 +50#
Strong push pressing (& snatch). Your team playing this week?
Thanks man. We played our playoff game today and lost. Our opponents were pretty similar in skill but had us in size and strength. One more match coming up in two Weeks, but I am already thinking of how I can get stronger for fall.
How about your team?
I realized today that I have been slightly of on dead form this whole time. I don't think I have been leaning back into my heels as much as I needed to. Was supposed to run 405 but missed with good form.
Full clean and press
1X5 @135
1X3 @165
1X2 @185
1X3 @225
1X3 @315
2x3 @340
3x2 @340
Glute ham raises 3x5
Pullups 3x4
1X5 +25#
1X5 +50#
Stiff deads
1X5 @225
DB shoulder press
1X8 @ 50
2X5 @60
[QUOTE=jamalfudge;1058919951]Thanks man. We played our playoff game today and lost. Our opponents were pretty similar in skill but had us in size and strength. One more match coming up in two Weeks, but I am already thinking of how I can get stronger for fall.
How about your team?[/QUOTE]
Our season runs from June - October, so we're still having preseason fun. My first year playing league, and I'm pretty excited about the code switch. You playing prop still?
No practice today, worked in a lifting session.
1X3 @95
1X3 @115
4X1 @135
Last couple were ugly.
Full clean and push press
1X3 @135
1X3 @165
1X3 @185
1X1 @ 195 missed the press, might be time for a form check week.
Front squats
1X5 @205
2x2 @225
Pullups 3x4 with a couple slow negatives at the end.
Stiff legged deads
3X5 @205 grip was more of an issue at the end of the workout more than back/hams.
Dips 2x10