My schedule is still forcing me to AM sessions but I kind of enjoy it once I get passed that initial first waking stage.
1X5 @95, 115, 135, 140
1X0 @155
1X8 @135
Running out of ideas for OHP stalling. I might have been beat from six sets of btn snatch grip presses on Wed. Might try to hit 10rm to help get my OHP to budge.
1X5 @135, 225, 255, 275
1X3 @305
1X8 @255 paused atg
Not sure I was completely satisfied with depth on the last set. I've been emphasizing atg and certain I didn't. But my ramping sets were, and last set of 8 I tried for 1-2 second pause at the bottom.
Paused dips
Did a light Oly session today just to get the blood pumping. Again, the benefits of having weights at home! I worked up a sweat despite temps hovering around freezing. It is a weird feeling being hot but feet and hands bone chillingly cold.
2X8 @45, 65
1X5 @75
Power snatch
1X5 @95
5X3 @115
1X2 @125
Full clean and press
1X5 @135
5X3 @155
Front squat paused ATG
2X5 @155
1X8 @155
Mobility is pretty crappy with the OHS. Otherwise I would be doing full snatches by now.
Got rolling again this morning and hit a wall. I wake up with a stiff back about 50% of the time, I realized this right away but couldn't get back to sleep after the alarm went off early. Figured I'd give it a go anyway.
1x8 @95, 115, 135
1X2 @145 going for 8
1X5 @135, 225, 265, 225, 265
Missed 285 on the first rep, did a couple back off sets to salvage the session.
Feel like my stiff back was responsible for crappy OHP and cerainly my squat. Looks like back to evening workouts til further blips in the schedule. Shame because I do like lifting in the morning now...
When I get a bug up my ass about something, I keep doing it til it's (almost) too late. Got in another morning workout with plans on conditioning later tonite...hopefully I come out alive.
1x5 @135, 135, 225, 265, 265 last two paused atg
1X5 @225, 315, 345, 345, 345
1X4 @345
Couldn't budge 365 (let alone 395), and remembered reading a few threads from a miscer who is much lighter but deads much more. His program was 5x5...I kind of have the feeling that I could benefit from something similar to work on form and volume. But I missed the 4th set.
Klokov press
1X5 @95, 115, 115
So, I think I overdid it slightly last week. After my AM/PM session Wednesday, I still went out for conditioning Thursday and was gassed Friday. Got in some OHP and failed on squat. Worked in my squat session on Saturday but failed my heavy set. That's ok because 305x5 might have been a tall order today.
The wife gave me my Xmas present early today, a pair of squat stands. This was much appreciated today!
1X5 @95, 115, 135, 155
Focused on keeping elbows in on the initial push. And since OHP is inherently tougher than, and since I don't bench, I am doing the prescribed 4 sets of OHP as Bill Starr suggests but moving up in weight like you would on bench.
1X5 @135, 225, 255, 275, 295
Focus was on bouncing out of the hole, I think that's holding me up a bit. Still trying for atg on each rep.
I was able to do these on my new stands with the bar. The bar is thicker than my pullup bar that fits in the door. This might take a week or two to get used to but think it will benefit my grip.
Front squat
1X5 @135, 185
1x5 @135, 225, 255, 255 practiced atg with bounce
1X5 @225, 315, 365, 365, 365
Klokov press
1X5 @95, 100, 105, 105
Tried for some Oly lifts but Klokov press before hindered my snatches and grip/wrist was too worn to clean properly.
Pendlay rows
1X5 @135, 185, 185, 185
Might try a max dead next week for kicks. Weight training will be limited Xmas week.
1X5 @95, 115, 135
1X3 @160
1X8 @135
1X5 @135, 225, 255,275, 305
Was supposed to do 305x3 according to programming, but because of vacation in a week and a half and the fact that I spent two and a half Weeks at 305 I went for 5 reps. Last one was ugly. Hope to rep 315 next Friday.
Paused dips
1X5 @95, 115, 135, 160 (new 5 rm?)
1X5 @135, 225, 265, 285
1X3 @315 (new atg 3rm)
1X8 @265 first five paused
30 still getting used to using barbell grip
1X5 @225, 275, 275, 275
1X5 @135, 225, 265, 265 last set paused, low as possible
1X5 @225, 315
1X1 @365, 390
1X0 @425 maybe if I had a belt...
Hang power snatch
2X3 @95
3X2 @115
Clean and press
1X3 @135, 155, 155, 155
Klokov press
3X5 @95
1X5 @105, 125, 145
1X3 @165
1X8 @145
1X5 @135, 135, 225, 265, 285, 315 (5rm!)
Front squat
1X3 @135, 225, 225
2X8 paused
1X5 1x4
1X5 @225, 295, 295
Pendlay rows
3X5 @135
Going out of town for Xmas, trying to do my MF routine at a gym where I am staying. Probably will end up doing s lot of assistance (like rdl, etc) since I will have had a free day. Hoping to rep out 325 by next Fri.
Went to a gym near my in-laws. Still a bit tired from odd travel times.
1X5 @135, 135, 225, 275, 295
1X0 @325
1X5 @105, 125, 145
1X1 @ 165
1X4 @145
1X5 @225, 315
1X3 @365
2x5 @315
Dips 1x10, 9, 4
This was my first time lifting at a normal gym. It was pretty well equipped, but saw all of the stereotypes in a little over an hour. There was a 50yo miscer half repping BP, dude curling in squat rack, a PT instructing clients 1/3 ROM on leg press, another miscer half squatting on his toes...all kinds of preacher curls. I will go back t Thurs and report back.
1X5 @105, 125, 145
1X1 @165
1X4 @145
Front squat
2x5 @135
1X3 @225
1X1 @255
Back squat
1X5 @225
2X3 @275
1X5 @225, 315, 315, 315, 315
Clean and jerk(ish)-press(ish)
1X3 @115
3x3 @165
DB rows
1X5 @45, 55, 65
KB swings
25X4 @45 (I think)
Might get one for the home gym and work these in on off days.
Saw plenty of gym idiots/miscers. The only other people squatting was an hbb doing front squats and some miscers that looked like they were going to get stapled to the floor. Probably nothing new to the few readers of here, I fine it astounding...
Hopefully I can get in the proper swing of things again Monday.
1x5 @105, 135
1X4 @165
1X5 @145
1X5 @135, 135, 225, 275, 295
1X0 @325 295 came up easy thought I'd try for 325 again...
3x3 negatives
3X5 @225
3X5 @155, 135
1X10, 7, 5
KB style swings
2 plates x 100 (over couple sets)
Also worked in a double overhand hold @315 (no hook). Basically the equivalent of one deadlift rep.
Another crappy workout
Front squat
1X5 @135, 135, 185
1X0 @245 Missed at the bottom. I was a little too far from the safety catches but not far away enough from the stands. I dropped the bar on plate holders and damaged one. Fark! A big washer should fix it though.
1X5 @225, 315, 365, 365, 365
Felt a little twinge in my back and called it a day. Don't think it's serious though. Probably overdid it (did 200 lighter plate swings yesterday.)
Still on deload
Switched it up a little with rep schemes, back was still a little sore, not in a spasm-y way, kind of in between low back and left oblique. Couldn't do one plate on back squat so I did 5x5 fronts.
1X5 @135,155,155,155
Front squat
1X5 @135
5X5 @185
1X10, 10, 5, 5
3x5 @155
Plate swings, Kb style
4X20 all with two plates
Experimented with lighter weight first, this wasn't the source of back pain. Might try a 5x5 on back squats next Mon and Fri if back feels better.
Did 230 plate swings (210 with two plates) in 23 mins. Averaged ten per minute. Might try to make some tbar kettlebells tomorrow with my standard plates.
Had a nice bath with eau de toillette soap today hnnngg
forearm curls
2x5 @135
5x5 @190
Pushing my mom down the stairs lol:
1x5 @135
1x5 @160
1x3 @160 (missed the 4th rep she was trying to phone police, went back at it)
4x5 @160
This is good practice for racking the bar on my shoulders. Resetting (the catch) seems to be the hard part.
I think my biceps caught up with my back strength, felt my lats activating for the first time in a while.
Romanian Deads
1x5 @160
1x5 @205
1x5 @245
press ups
1x5 +25#
1x3 +50#
Wednesdays will be my "B" workout, and will consist of power snatches, power cleans (minus press), deads, and whatever accessory work I can squeeze in.
[QUOTE=hcat300;1187623721]Had a nice bath with eau de toillette soap today hnnngg
forearm curls
2x5 @135
5x5 @190
Pushing my mom down the stairs lol:
1x5 @135
1x5 @160
1x3 @160 (missed the 4th rep she was trying to phone police, went back at it)
4x5 @160
This is good practice for racking the bar on my shoulders. Resetting (the catch) seems to be the hard part.
I think my biceps caught up with my back strength, felt my lats activating for the first time in a while.
Romanian Deads
1x5 @160
1x5 @205
1x5 @245
press ups
1x5 +25#
1x3 +50#
Wednesdays will be my "B" workout, and will consist of power snatches, power cleans (minus press), deads, and whatever accessory work I can squeeze in.[/QUOTE]
Mirin progress, bro!
Did some reps of some things today, but overall didn't amount to much. Still in a funk. Nothing worth reporting today. Looking forward to the next foot post, however.
Front squat
2X5 @125
5X5 @205
Back still a little meh.
1X5 @225, 315 (did a good 3.5 reps double overhand no hook)
1X1 @385
Static hold for 10 seconds double overhand 325
Hang full snatch
1X5 @45, 65, 75 last rep dumped the bar on the edge of my brand new squat stand and dinged it. Dammit! Did these into a full squat snatch though.
2X2 @95 kinda slowly dropped into a squat position.
1X3 @135
2X2 @185
Klokov press
1X5 @95, 105, 105
im going to start my training log in this thread. Hello everone
had pizza for my bulk, i got a workout tommorow i will keep you all posted science and technology, relationship help, and nutrition misc brahs
Stranger things have happened, right mate?
did some standing hip thrusts to improve that hip thrust action :
About time this thread gets wk action!
1X5 @95, 135, 155
1X4 @165
1X5 @135, 135, 225, 255, 275, 295
Pendlay rows
1X5 @135, 165, 165, 165
KB swings with homemade Kb
5X25 @75#
1X5 @95, 135, 145, 165
1X5 @135, 225, 255, 275, 305
Decided in set I could hit 5. Probably will hit 315x3 on Friday though.
Pendlay rows
1X5 @135, 175, 175, 175
KB swings
4X25 @100
I think these help with grip for deads. Back has been feeling better we shall see Wed if it helps with moving bigger weight. I know it made the first pull on cleans last week feel like a breeze.
Front squat
1X5 @135
5X5 @215
1X5 @225, 315
2X2 @285
1x5 @365
Might try working my way up with hook grip since I am emphasizing ramping to a set of 5.
Full snatches
1X3 @45, 65, 75, 85, 95
Finished with an OHS x3 @95
Klokov press
3X8 @95
Tried some cleans but shoulder was kind of tender. I did pullups 2 days I a row and factor in the snatch work, I might have overdone it.
1X5 @95, 135, 150,
1X2 @170
1X5 @150
1X5 @150, 225, 265, 285
1X3 @315
1X8 @265
Last two sets were brutal...form sucked. Didn't have a good night's sleep. But hit it!
3X3 negatives +15#
3X5 +15#
Pendlay rows
1X5 @135, 175, 175, 175
KB swings
5X25 @100
Ordered 2 pairs of bumper plates, hoping these will hold up when I load the bar for deads.
Did 275 Kb swings when I noticed my first torn callus! @100#
Was going for 500. Dayum.
1X5 @95, 135, 150
1X3 @170
1X7 @150
1X5 @150, 225, 265, 285
1x1 @315 missed 2nd rep and 2nd set
6x5 Did 5 sets +15#
Pendlay rows
1X5 @135, 185, 185, 185
Tried a few KB swings and grip was a factor. The kettlebell giveth, and taketh away. Probably had been overdoing it a bit lately, anyway. On Tuesdays and Thursdays have been doing random conditioning which could consist of hiit calisthenics or sprints. Going to take a rest day tomorrow and reevaluate Wednesday. Pulling lifts might be an issue for a few days. Might need to switch to AM workouts to change things up, too. Sucks that I am further behind on squats than one month ago.