[QUOTE=Lolnubiwin;1314907891]I went full beta yesterday, friends were helping me tlk to this girl in fb n we met yesterday n chilled n smoked bud, didnt go too well for me, i didnt rlly say sht i just enjoyed the high, while the girl i was talking to was right next to me talking about how she likes tongue, alot of tongue, n my friend said "did i really just hear that" n i immediately spam texted him to get me out of kissing her(never had a first kiss,dont know how to kiss, had bad cottonmouth, no way in hell im making out with her yet) so i had to leave the room for a few n tlk to my friends brother bout wht to do, then they went into the kitchen where we were so i went into the living room to pretend to get somethin then i went back in the kitchen n sat town n they were playing this whispering game or somethin, but when they were leaving i got a hug from the girls friend but i didnt get it from the girl i was talking to, at the time i was sitting down and i didnt wanna get up n give her a hug cuz i thought she was going to kiss me as i was giving her a hug so i didnt hug her n i just sat down while my friends were telling me to hug her.. Then they left n my friends were like"why didnt u hug her!!!" N im like i didnt wanna kiss her...so...FA by choice...
Will show the txts tht she sent me, hold on
-girl wanted to make out with me
-op never had 1st kiss
-op doesnt know how to kiss
Bruh.... she wants your dink
Just tell her everything, and if she does turn out to like you, you can date her.
It's all good bruh, you gonna make it
Found some new amazing natural guys what do you think ?
[QUOTE=Xaroc;1315061741]Bruh.... she wants your dink
Just tell her everything, and if she does turn out to like you, you can date her.
It's all good bruh, you gonna make it[/QUOTE]
This. You're lucky you didn't turn her the f*ck off with your sheet
If you're that nervous about the kissing thing, just tell her, you're only 15, I wouldn't worry about it, she already likes you so she'll be more than happy to ease you into it lol
So yesterday a girl and went on a date and we started kissing and stuff. After a while things got pretty serious and I think I may have ruined things. Is there a way for me to redeem myself? She's not really talking anymore and she says she needs a break to think about if she wants me.
How do you talk to a chick that you haven't talked to but you know she likes you via text, but you still have a doubt that it might be weird popping up to her?
[QUOTE=liamglinn;1317105291]So yesterday a girl and went on a date and we started kissing and stuff. After a while things got pretty serious and I think I may have ruined things. Is there a way for me to redeem myself? She's not really talking anymore and she says she needs a break to think about if she wants me.[/QUOTE]
Go no contact, dont ask for her, let her come to you. Girls want what they cant have and this is even more true with men; a lesson which my mum told me lol
This chick and I talk on and off. been trying to get with her but I just never see her at all during school or outside of school bcs of different friend groups. Like yesterday during new years we hit it off, but I was to much of a pussy and didn't continue on.
I'm going to start to text her, but Im ****ing horrible at conversation starters over txts. like do I just start with "hi" or some other **** lol
TY tmisc
Be yourself, don't pretend to be more than anybody else, help people and be positive. Thats the kind of guys I like for example :)
[QUOTE=liamglinn;1317105291]So yesterday a girl and went on a date and we started kissing and stuff. After a while things got pretty serious and I think I may have ruined things. Is there a way for me to redeem myself? She's not really talking anymore and she says she needs a break to think about if she wants me.[/QUOTE]
If you both did this its OK. She might be kinda scared. If she doesn't rly respond to you anymore, go for the next.
I go through waves of depression. Like today for example. Feel anxious and like a loser, mainly because everyone I know is in relationships ir hooking up. My anxiety is about as something as lame as losing my virginity. Alot of my friends have and I havent. I have gotten multiple bjs and a few gfs and things of that nature, and I used to not care. But with the sadies dance coming along and my friends getting asked and stuff which I know I wont cause Im quiet, I feel bad. I used to know alot of girls now my old friends that were girls hate me because they girls I dated are all friends with them and its awkward. Ive been thinking about joining clubs in school to meet chicks but then id feel like im just desperate. Whatever I know college will be better.
That's because you're lacking a goal or sense of direction.. Once you find either of those you'll be feeling a lot happier working on your dreams. F#ck depression. Get focused on other things, women are an addition to your life, they shouldn't make it worse.
I'll drink a beer on you
Alright Brahs I need some insight. This girl and I have had crushes on eachother for a while now but never talked apart from text and Twitter several months ago. Last week I just said **** it and walked up to her and started a convo. She was very into the convo and agreed that we should get to know eachother better. I text her the next day and she seems really disinterested and is rather rude. I ask to hangout but later she says she's busy and can't. On Twitter the day I had planned to hang out with her she complains about being bored at home. After this I feel she isn't interested. However the next day she comes up and tries to start a conversation and acts all interested again. She is quite self obsessed and thinks she's better than others.[b]Basically my question is why is she acting interested irl but not on text?[/b]
[QUOTE=Laxbrah34;1333050271][b]Basically my question is why is she acting interested irl but not on text?[/b][/QUOTE]
Some girls are just ****ty texters, don't read into it to much brah
Phone calls > Texting srs
Used to be the average kid(only i am one of the few not-rich teens on my school),now suddendly all the rich girls like me. Have no idea how to handle....
girl got eaten out at a party while we were dealing, lost trust stopped talking, hits me up 8 months later, (few weeks after my breakup with my girl) wants to talk again and claims she's changed
(I've known her since grade 9, almost done grade 10 now, and she is not that type of girl, wondering if i should give her a chance, she really likes me, (solid 7.5/8/10)
so there’s this girl I kinda like, I had class with her last year. however I did not talk much with her at all. I have her number because I was in her class but we only texted twice both times I initiated, one to say happy birthday and the other to ask which party her and her friends were going to. I want to ask her out but that would be out of nowhere. should I try to text with her a bit or just try to smalltalk when I see her at school? last time I texted her was a few days ago about the party, I might sound needy if I text her again especially because we haven’t really talked that much last year. not sure what she thinks about me but she always says hi to me in hallways so i don't think it can be too bad. i've never had a girlfriend or tried to get one before so i have no idea what to do.
Long story short.
I liked this girl a lot and she dated some skinny black douche from my school (I dont think she strictly dates black kids) who was literally the whitest black kid I know. He used to pick on me when I was super fat but for the past two years he's come to fear and respect me after a few events. She's a junior and weve been talking for two years now. We've been talking every night but I don't think she gives signs that she's interested, plus she calls me one of her two "guy friends". She just said that there's no one that likes her but I'm ready to dive in and break the ice. Good idea? How should I approach the topic?
[QUOTE=Troopashd;1341683371]Long story short.
I liked this girl a lot and she dated some skinny black douche from my school (I dont think she strictly dates black kids) who was literally the whitest black kid I know. He used to pick on me when I was super fat but for the past two years he's come to fear and respect me after a few events. She's a junior and weve been talking for two years now. We've been talking every night but I don't think she gives signs that she's interested, plus she calls me one of her two "guy friends". She just said that there's no one that likes her but I'm ready to dive in and break the ice. Good idea? How should I approach the topic?[/QUOTE]
Literally all the background you gave us (especially about the black kid) is entirely irrelevant. My advice though is this. You [b]never[/b] bring up your feelings in this type of situation. Rather, you make your intentions known through your actions. So ask her to hang out, and then kiss her. That simple. Don't overcomplicate things, that's all there is to it
@kraperto, same advice for you
[QUOTE=Csteewart;1334497761]girl got eaten out at a party while we were dealing, lost trust stopped talking, hits me up 8 months later, (few weeks after my breakup with my girl) wants to talk again and claims she's changed
(I've known her since grade 9, almost done grade 10 now, and she is not that type of girl, wondering if i should give her a chance, she really likes me, (solid 7.5/8/10)[/QUOTE]
What do you mean she's not that type of girl? Clearly she has already proven she is, you just want to believe the best in her. My advice is no. Once a cheater always a cheater, and you'll never truly trust her again. More trouble than it's worth, on to the next one.
[QUOTE=Brahnouar;1333871791]Used to be the average kid(only i am one of the few not-rich teens on my school),now suddendly all the rich girls like me. Have no idea how to handle....[/QUOTE]
I've been there, it can be an intimidating situation. Just don't let the money difference become a confidence block in your relationship. You're still the man even if you're not rich. You likely won't be able to keep up with her spending habits, and it's not your job to. If she doesn't understand that she's shallow and not worth your time. Just have fun and enjoy the rich girls, they come in handy
[QUOTE=Laxbrah34;1333050271]Alright Brahs I need some insight. This girl and I have had crushes on eachother for a while now but never talked apart from text and Twitter several months ago. Last week I just said **** it and walked up to her and started a convo. She was very into the convo and agreed that we should get to know eachother better. I text her the next day and she seems really disinterested and is rather rude. I ask to hangout but later she says she's busy and can't. On Twitter the day I had planned to hang out with her she complains about being bored at home. After this I feel she isn't interested. However the next day she comes up and tries to start a conversation and acts all interested again. She is quite self obsessed and thinks she's better than others.[b]Basically my question is why is she acting interested irl but not on text?[/b][/QUOTE]
There's no sense reading in to it too much because girls are really temperamental. She may have just had a bad day, or she may be running games. The answer is to just lay your cards on the table and ask her to hang out. Let actions speak - if she isn't down to hang out for whatever reason, on to the next one
[QUOTE=ManbunBrah;1341992911]What do you mean she's not that type of girl? Clearly she has already proven she is, you just want to believe the best in her. My advice is no. Once a cheater always a cheater, and you'll never truly trust her again. More trouble than it's worth, on to the next one.[/QUOTE]
Thanks man
Simple question: what to do (if anything) in time between asking her out and the actual "date"?
Background: met a girl on tinder, good convo, got number, arranged to meet on friday (it's only wednesday). We closed the convo and confirmed for friday. Should I text or msg at all until then or no? Should I be doing anything now?
Edit: I've texted her saying looking forward to it blablabla just so she gets my number ( I said I would text her in a while after I got her number). It's still on but like what do I do now until friday haha
hi everyone. 4 weeks ago I injured my shoulder due to overtraining while doing weights. There was no pain at all and instead just weakness with inability to move my arm up to my head without using my back. After a week, it felt a whole lot better and I was positive it was going to go within the next 5 days or so. I made sure I wasn't going to do any work on that arm so instead of going to the gym I tried to keep my fitness up by going running. I then went to gym the following day to ask if there were any stretches/exercises I could do to speed up the recovery of my shoulder from any personal trainer. One offered to help and brought out a resistance band, then told me to out stretch my arm and rotate it. Without hesitation I got stuck in straight away. It felt good for my shoulder to begin with, then it started to hurt the lower parts of my arm (bicep, forearm). I thought this was a good pain and carried on the stretch without realising what I was doing. I then immediately started to feel pins and needles in my hands and this alarmed me. I was also unable to lift my arm up while I noticed my forearm was starting to hurt. I thought this was just one of the side effects of the workout and that it would go by the time I'd woken up in the morning, so I wasn't that worried. As the issue was still not gone from after a hot bath, I began to panic. Just to add to the worry of the situation, I was only just recently asked to play for a rugby academy and this destroyed me knowing I wouldn't be able to play for another week or two. I then realised I was not able at all to tense my bicep which made me very, very worried. Instantaneously I knew this meant there was something wrong with my arm and especially as I was not able to lift up the lightest of day to day objects like a book, or a bowl of cereal. This carried on for another week and led to me to take the decision of seeing a physio. What she told me was not very reassuring and said I would not be able to lift weights or play rugby for another two weeks, then saying she did not know if I'd be able to play on the third or even after. This made me very angry with myself as I knew this whole problem could of been easily avoidable. She then asked to me go and see a sports medicine doctor in central London to gain a second opinion on the problem. He told me I had nerve dysfunction, possibly coming from my neck all the way down into my arm. Luckily there was nothing wrong with the muscle. I was then asked to see a doctor at a hospital to make some nerve conduction tests at a later date. It didn't really make me feel any better about the situation, and after all the money spent on these people, I didn't see the point as the only medicine I saw was rest. Unluckily, rest hasn't done it's work on me and even after a long weeks rest for half term, I still cannot tense my bicep. I still cannot pass a rugby ball which is vital for rugby and cannot achieve any of the normal daily for a 15 year old like picking up my bag or lifting a cup of tea. This really frustrates me as each morning I wake up, I see no signs in improvement in terms of tensing my bicep although I can feel my forearm getting better. I see my friends playing rugby each day and this only makes me even more distressed. Not only this but I can see myself getting smaller from not doing weight training, while I'm also losing muscle weight. Overall I've just given up and cannot focus on my gcse revision as the injury has put me on the wrong path.
So to ask, if anyone has been through the exact same problem, has expertise in the issues of sport injuries or has any exercises to do to help, it would be greatly appreciated,
btw I know this isn't a thread for injuries but with the amount on people I hopefully should be able to get an answer
[QUOTE=Troopashd;1341683371]Long story short.
I liked this girl a lot and she dated some skinny black douche from my school (I dont think she strictly dates black kids) who was literally the whitest black kid I know. He used to pick on me when I was super fat but for the past two years he's come to fear and respect me after a few events. She's a junior and weve been talking for two years now. We've been talking every night but I don't think she gives signs that she's interested, plus she calls me one of her two "guy friends". She just said that there's no one that likes her but I'm ready to dive in and break the ice. Good idea? How should I approach the topic?[/QUOTE]
Good idea? Nah just sit back, wait 6 months and hope something happens.
Phuck signs and bullchit special cues and crap man just tell her "Yo (name) I'm going to be completey straight up with you, I like you." Await response and take it from there, if she says no. So what, your ego gets a black eye, it's allgood, it heals, move on.
[QUOTE=SilverBackk;1342800241]Good idea? Nah just sit back, wait 6 months and hope something happens.
Phuck signs and bullchit special cues and crap man just tell her "Yo (name) I'm going to be completey straight up with you, I like you." Await response and take it from there, if she says no. So what, your ego gets a black eye, it's allgood, it heals, move on.[/QUOTE]
^imitation silverback?
[QUOTE=jlai928;1342430031]Simple question: what to do (if anything) in time between asking her out and the actual "date"?
Background: met a girl on tinder, good convo, got number, arranged to meet on friday (it's only wednesday). We closed the convo and confirmed for friday. Should I text or msg at all until then or no? Should I be doing anything now?
Edit: I've texted her saying looking forward to it blablabla just so she gets my number ( I said I would text her in a while after I got her number). It's still on but like what do I do now until friday haha[/QUOTE] Just leave it at that Brah leaves more to talk about on the date.
Hi guys,
I am in gr10 right now. I met this girl in my grade when I just started high school. She was in every one of my sem 1 classes so we talked for quite a bit for the first few weeks of school. The convos got pretty deep and we realized that we had a lot in common. I began to have a crush on her and I think she sensed it through my actions, and as the very nice person she is, she refused me very politely - by talking to me of how she really appreciated my friendship. It got quite awkward for me so I just stopped talking to her. Next semester came and we had no classes together, so we basically didn't talk for about a year. The gr9 version of me was quite an arrogant as*hole, to be honest, not to mention very unattractive in appearance. Now due to working out and "puberty" - loss of acne - I would say I am a pretty good looking guy in comparison to the other guys in my school.
Gr.10 came and I realized a certain bus route can take me to my gym in 10 minutes after school. So I began to take that bus to go to my gym on 3 school days every week. She happens to take the exact same bus with a bunch of other mutual school friends. We would talk for a bit, but not much and certainly not as personal as before, most of the content being school-related and the shallow "how are you doing". Then last month, she changed her profile picture on fb. I commented, "I approve of this photo *thumb raise*" - which is what I comment on every girl's profile picture. I am a guy with an "unique" personality, see - on it and she responded immediately with "Thanks. I approve of your face *wink *smiley face". I was like lawl wot, didn't pay much attention and just forgot about it.
Then on last Wednesday, there was this event thing with kids who take music in my school, and somehow only I and her were at the bus stop after school. It got quite awkward but I put on a brave face and asked her jokingly, "Well, I certainly do miss our companions." To which she responded with a smile, "What, am I not good enough for you?" I crapped my pants when I heard her saying this - not literally, but you can imagine my shock - and I began to stammer some stupid stuff. We got on the bus, talked some more shallow convo about how our day was, and then I had to get off for my gym. She stopped me as I left and handed me a chunk of this clementine that she was peeling, saying how she hoped it can "give me strength to lift heavy weight". I crapped my pants again - not literally - and thanked her before stuffing the clementine in my mouth and getting off. She then presumes to like all my recent ******** statuses.
So I am wondering: do I have a chance? My friends all tell me how these are some good signals, however I am worried that these are instead "you can be my guy bestie" signals instead, given how she has seen some really embarrassing moments of me in the past - just the day after, on Thursday in fact, I DROOLED while talking to her, to which she laughed lightly. What should I do? Right now I don't even have her number, and I do not know how to obtain it D:.
Hi guys forgot my old account on here aha, I just got ****ing friend zoned. Gotta new job, met this new broad, only problem is that she has a ****ing italian boyfriend. Peeerrrfect girl tho god damn. I work with her and we always flirt a little bit and joke around and have a thing going but lately she started talking a little bit about "Jaime" (her boyfriend). She never used to bring him up when we first met except once she told me she was pissed at him for some reason lol she asked me what to do with him and at that moment I thought I had a chanceeee. But now I think I realize I have no ****ing chance with this girl cause she brang his name up a few times when we were talking last...I hate to wanna get in between this relationship but the odds are so slim like I won't get any. Anyone here ever done the impossible? lol
Hey bros any ideas what to do on third date? First date was just coffee, we sat and talked for like 3 hours.
Now we are going to see a movie (tbh I think it' kinda boring but I think the girl wants to hangout more she is kinda shy) and afterwards maybe just go sit and talk somewhere.
[QUOTE=NareClub;1344333071]Hey bros any ideas what to do on third date? First date was just coffee, we sat and talked for like 3 hours.
Now we are going to see a movie (tbh I think it' kinda boring but I think the girl wants to hangout more she is kinda shy) and afterwards maybe just go sit and talk somewhere.[/QUOTE]
FORGET DATES... just have her over watch movies, cuddle and play video games girls love that ****.
[QUOTE=Empiral;1343860831]Hi guys,
I am in gr10 right now. I met this girl in my grade when I just started high school. She was in every one of my sem 1 classes so we talked for quite a bit for the first few weeks of school. The convos got pretty deep and we realized that we had a lot in common. I began to have a crush on her and I think she sensed it through my actions, and as the very nice person she is, she refused me very politely - by talking to me of how she really appreciated my friendship. It got quite awkward for me so I just stopped talking to her. Next semester came and we had no classes together, so we basically didn't talk for about a year. The gr9 version of me was quite an arrogant as*hole, to be honest, not to mention very unattractive in appearance. Now due to working out and "puberty" - loss of acne - I would say I am a pretty good looking guy in comparison to the other guys in my school.
Gr.10 came and I realized a certain bus route can take me to my gym in 10 minutes after school. So I began to take that bus to go to my gym on 3 school days every week. She happens to take the exact same bus with a bunch of other mutual school friends. We would talk for a bit, but not much and certainly not as personal as before, most of the content being school-related and the shallow "how are you doing". Then last month, she changed her profile picture on fb. I commented, "I approve of this photo *thumb raise*" - which is what I comment on every girl's profile picture. I am a guy with an "unique" personality, see - on it and she responded immediately with "Thanks. I approve of your face *wink *smiley face". I was like lawl wot, didn't pay much attention and just forgot about it.
Then on last Wednesday, there was this event thing with kids who take music in my school, and somehow only I and her were at the bus stop after school. It got quite awkward but I put on a brave face and asked her jokingly, "Well, I certainly do miss our companions." To which she responded with a smile, "What, am I not good enough for you?" I crapped my pants when I heard her saying this - not literally, but you can imagine my shock - and I began to stammer some stupid stuff. We got on the bus, talked some more shallow convo about how our day was, and then I had to get off for my gym. She stopped me as I left and handed me a chunk of this clementine that she was peeling, saying how she hoped it can "give me strength to lift heavy weight". I crapped my pants again - not literally - and thanked her before stuffing the clementine in my mouth and getting off. She then presumes to like all my recent ******** statuses.
So I am wondering: do I have a chance? My friends all tell me how these are some good signals, however I am worried that these are instead "you can be my guy bestie" signals instead, given how she has seen some really embarrassing moments of me in the past - just the day after, on Thursday in fact, I DROOLED while talking to her, to which she laughed lightly. What should I do? Right now I don't even have her number, and I do not know how to obtain it D:.[/QUOTE]
Sounds good to me. I think she has regained an interest in you. If you like her, you've got to at least give it another shot. The next time you see her, just ask her for her number (if you still haven't yet).
It took me a long time to ask for a girl's number that I worked with and liked, too. But I eventually just put on my game face, walked over to her, and told her to put my number in my phone. I personally like that technique better. I would recommend telling her instead of asking. If you like her as more than a friend, then you don't want to be too friendly or you will get friendzoned.
Say, "Here, put your number in here (as you hand your phone to her with the enter contact screen showing) and we can chill sometime" or something like that.
I was sweating and my heart was racing as I did this to the girl that I liked. Was nervous as hell. She took the phone, gave me a quick look in the eyes, and put in her number. Done.
Just do it, as nervous as you are. Don't worry. Getting her number outweighs the stress you go through getting it.
aint getting uch response
[QUOTE=MrElculver2424;1347627821]Sounds good to me. I think she has regained an interest in you. If you like her, you've got to at least give it another shot. The next time you see her, just ask her for her number (if you still haven't yet).
It took me a long time to ask for a girl's number that I worked with and liked, too. But I eventually just put on my game face, walked over to her, and told her to put my number in my phone. I personally like that technique better. I would recommend telling her instead of asking. If you like her as more than a friend, then you don't want to be too friendly or you will get friendzoned.
Say, "Here, put your number in here (as you hand your phone to her with the enter contact screen showing) and we can chill sometime" or something like that.
I was sweating and my heart was racing as I did this to the girl that I liked. Was nervous as hell. She took the phone, gave me a quick look in the eyes, and put in her number. Done.
Just do it, as nervous as you are. Don't worry. Getting her number outweighs the stress you go through getting it.[/QUOTE]
Hey man, thanks for your response! I ended up alone with her on the bus again a few days after and she gave me her number without me even asking. It was just a random conversation that leads to me saying how a mutual friend of ours is a horrible texter as a joke and she smiled and asked me, "I don't believe I have your number, do I?" And just took my phone and added her number as my contact. She also took a pic of herself on my phone.
Here is the thing: I texted to her for a bit but according to my wingman friend - who gets all the girls - it sounds like our conversation is very boring and she is friendzoning me. I was encouraged by him to man the f**k up and just go ask her out. The thing is we haven't really talked thaat much since gr9. I am also a very different person from the as*hole of a guy I was in gr9. What should I do? Do I slow it down a bit and just keep on talking to her, or man the f**k up and ask her out right now?
[QUOTE=Empiral;1350184281]Hey man, thanks for your response! I ended up alone with her on the bus again a few days after and she gave me her number without me even asking. It was just a random conversation that leads to me saying how a mutual friend of ours is a horrible texter as a joke and she smiled and asked me, "I don't believe I have your number, do I?" And just took my phone and added her number as my contact. She also took a pic of herself on my phone.
Here is the thing: I texted to her for a bit but according to my wingman friend - who gets all the girls - it sounds like our conversation is very boring and she is friendzoning me. I was encouraged by him to man the f**k up and just go ask her out. The thing is we haven't really talked thaat much since gr9. I am also a very different person from the as*hole of a guy I was in gr9. What should I do? Do I slow it down a bit and just keep on talking to her, or man the f**k up and ask her out right now?[/QUOTE]
ask her out fgt!! u regret the thing u dont do...
[QUOTE=livetoplay396;973489063]yo when should I go for a kiss? 3rd date? I'm thinking a cheek kiss on the third date and a hug ya feel me.
Cause im kinda suspicious/cautious of the girl im currently w/.
inb4 beta male
inb4 *******
inb4 fail date[/QUOTE] If you play your cards right and you know them then you could go in for a kiss on the first date. Us young people are a lot looser than the generations before us. Plus it shows confidence and initiative
[QUOTE=lgnknt;1368514021]If you play your cards right and you know them then you could go in for a kiss on the first date. Us young people are a lot looser than the generations before us. Plus it shows confidence and initiative[/QUOTE]
May you give me some more info on getting these cards right?? Because that would really help. :)
Is it creepy to go back to a store for a girl?
About two weeks ago me and my friends were in a shopping center and one of the workers there was a real cutie. We talked for a bit but I didn't get her number. Would it be considered stalkerish or desperate to go back to the store to attempt to get her number or a date?
[QUOTE=ChipSkylar;1369094471]Is it creepy to go back to a store for a girl?
About two weeks ago me and my friends were in a shopping center and one of the workers there was a real cutie. We talked for a bit but I didn't get her number. Would it be considered stalkerish or desperate to go back to the store to attempt to get her number or a date?[/QUOTE]could always drop by just to get something and talk to her again.
[QUOTE=ChipSkylar;1369094471]Is it creepy to go back to a store for a girl?
About two weeks ago me and my friends were in a shopping center and one of the workers there was a real cutie. We talked for a bit but I didn't get her number. Would it be considered stalkerish or desperate to go back to the store to attempt to get her number or a date?[/QUOTE]
not if you dazzle her with your shiny teeth
[QUOTE=ChipSkylar;1369094471]Is it creepy to go back to a store for a girl?
About two weeks ago me and my friends were in a shopping center and one of the workers there was a real cutie. We talked for a bit but I didn't get her number. Would it be considered stalkerish or desperate to go back to the store to attempt to get her number or a date?[/QUOTE]
Buy an item
Go to her line
Say "hey, you're the girl who had the interesting hair last time i was here"
Begin convo
Get number
My ex recently started Goin to the same gym as me... The other day she came up to me and asked me to start working out with her... Not rlly comfortable doin this but dunno wht to do
What does it mean when a girl stares at you, but no smile?
-Always looking at me
-Made her blush a few times
-She looks at me, I look at her. (Holds eye contact every time)
-Caught her looking at me 3 times in a row once. (I look over to the teacher and saw her looking at me, again I look to that direction and saw her looking, and once more I look again, she's looking.
[QUOTE=q2foou;1368922521]May you give me some more info on getting these cards right?? Because that would really help. :)[/QUOTE] summon your trap card and send that bich to the shadow realm
How do I approach starting a conversation on ******** with a girl that I haven't spoke with for like 7 months?
Also, any good YouTube channels for dating game advice, because I have virtually none.
[QUOTE=BarkerBeef;1383075303]How do I approach starting a conversation on ******** with a girl that I haven't spoke with for like 7 months?
Also, any good YouTube channels for dating game advice, because I have virtually none.[/QUOTE]
"Hey, long time no talk! How have things been with you?"
Anything like that would work I reckon.
[QUOTE=Achieving;1383075643]"Hey, long time no talk! How have things been with you?"
Anything like that would work I reckon.[/QUOTE] Okay, thanks for the quick reply.