[QUOTE=CashmereEsquire;1057754061]320 to 244
still got a long way to go[/QUOTE]
sup brah
Wow! Amazing inspiration here. Congratulations to all!
@ post #5073 AlextheNewbie
NICE start. You'll be a total hottie by the time you reach your early twenties. Awesome job. But I think you're in the wrong thread and need to be in the mass thread.
Damn, so glad I found this and this thread. Been lurking for a while. Started off searching for weight loss and exercise and was very surprised to find a "fat to fit" thread on here. Kudos to the guy who started this and to everyone who has posted here. It is inspiring.
Cheers, John
Oct, 2011
Oct 2013
Believe it or not the weight difference between these pictures is only 35lbs. Body composition, you rock me!
In total I lost 60lbs. But I have no pics from when I was my heaviest.
Fawnl - what a difference 35 lbs made.
2 Attachment(s)
Still much work to be done for me, but this will be a good spot to start I suppose and also will help me keep track of my progress every 3-6 months or so.
A slight backstory - I have always been unfit my entire life, I became the nice fat funny friend on the outside, but internally I was very depressed and had terrible anxiety. Over the years I have been friend zoned by pretty girls more than I care to admit, and used and manipulated by friends and family alike.
Basically started off @ 6'0'' 265 lbs - hated myself and overall felt very unhealthy. I had broke up with my girlfriend in July and decided I would stop feeling sorry to myself. With the help of my roommate/friend decided to make a change starting in July, it started off very slow, at the time I was eating whatever I wanted when I wanted so first I changed up the diet. Didn't start off so well, and it really didn't get more dedicated until the start of this month. The problem I was having is I was getting hammered 2-3 days a week and eating a **** load when I got back to the apartment and also the day after being hungover a lot. Slowly started cutting down on my drinking habits and miraculously my diet became better haha.
I did join a gym in August to try to help speed things along with my struggling diet at the time. I pretty much made every excuse in the book the first two months to my roommate and other buddy who goes to the same gym as to why I couldn't go. I would say I was averaging 1-2x a week actually getting to the gym for August and September. Near the end of September I felt like I was really the same lazy person as to when I wanted to start changing in July. I knew if I really wanted to become healthy for the first time in my life I would need to really start to dedicate myself so I told my roommate and other buddy that for the rest of the year I would be going to the Gym to lift + cardio with them M-F and for every day I skipped I would pay them each 25.00. Wow what a change! The first week was hell and I really wanted to quit, but as the next few weeks went on the idea of the gym turned from a really negative experience to a positive one.
A few weeks back I started to also go in the mornings to do some cardio and some extra lifts for about an hour each day on top of the afternoon lifting + cardio sessions.
I started off back in July weighing the biggest I've ever been at 265 and as of this morning I'm currently 225. I still realize I have a lot of hard work ahead of me but as weird as it sounds to the old me, I'm actually looking forward to it. I don't have a "weight" goal because I don't really see that as a healthy way of goal setting, I'd more say my goal is to become healthy - whether that takes me to 170 or 200 we'll judge and reassess along the path. My original motivation I guess has been a bit selfish in I don't want to be the "nice fat funny friend," and would rather be just a "nice funny guy."
This was taken near the end of June.
Yesterday (mustache is coming in nicely aye? haha)
Anyways that was long enough - hope all is well and everyone keeps up the amazing work. This thread has been such a huge motivation for me on some of those days where I'm trying to find an excuse for a cheat meal (aka a whole pizza).
[QUOTE=AlexTheNewbie;1151126363]Here's my most recent comparison :)
[QUOTE=jlee0013;1153080423]@ post #5073 AlextheNewbie
NICE start. You'll be a total hottie by the time you reach your early twenties. Awesome job. But I think you're in the wrong thread and need to be in the mass thread.[/QUOTE]
Thanks! I can't wait to see what I'll have achieved until I'm in my twenties. I don't think 71KG is enough for the mass thread.
[QUOTE=TheDifference12;1151127383]54kg to 71kg in 6 months, decrease of fat and increase in muscle.
Very good.
Workout info? Exercises you did, lifts, etc.[/QUOTE]
Thanks. And it's 4 months, really. I stopped for 2 months when I met my girlfriend. Sex etc. made it really easy to cut. That's how I shredded down that fast.
As for my workout info, I work out in a shabby school gym where the heaviest dumbbells have become too light. I'm maintaining right now and will be switching to a real gym soon :)
[QUOTE=Fawnl;1153269123]Oct, 2011
Believe it or not the weight difference between these pictures is only 35lbs. Body composition, you rock me!
In total I lost 60lbs. But I have no pics from when I was my heaviest.[/QUOTE]
Awesome transformation. Congrats. Keep up the good work.
[QUOTE=AlexTheNewbie;1153555903]Thanks! I can't wait to see what I'll have achieved until I'm in my twenties. I don't think 71KG is enough for the mass thread.
Thanks. And it's 4 months, really. I stopped for 2 months when I met my girlfriend. Sex etc. made it really easy to cut. That's how I shredded down that fast.
As for my workout info, I work out in a shabby school gym where the heaviest dumbbells have become too light. I'm maintaining right now and will be switching to a real gym soon :)[/QUOTE]
Buddy, you have done some real work. Congrats on your progress. Keep the work.By your progress rate you will be a giant in couple of years.
nicely done bro. very impressive gaining
@ ALexthenewbie. that's a really imprssive transformation man. seems like u put a lot work into achieveing that. nice job man
tell me how u been working out?
[QUOTE=Fawnl;1153269123]Believe it or not the weight difference between these pictures is only 35lbs. [/QUOTE]
Looks like it should be way more! Are you fairly short?
Great progress either way, congrats.
Here is my progress now.
[QUOTE=Guydreambody;1153561703]Buddy, you have done some real work. Congrats on your progress. Keep the work.By your progress rate you will be a giant in couple of years.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=HquonQuto;1153574753]@ ALexthenewbie. that's a really imprssive transformation man. seems like u put a lot work into achieveing that. nice job man[/QUOTE]
Thanks guys. And yeah I haven't missed a single workout. Today I forgot my stuff but I went to work out anyways in jeans without a t-shirt lol.
New guys in our schoolgym kept asking me questions on how to get a body like mine.
It felt amazing :3
sick transformations 10/10 to the guys and girls sick
[QUOTE=Rob373;1153633953]Looks like it should be way more! Are you fairly short?
Great progress either way, congrats.[/QUOTE]
No. I'm 5'6-7. Pretty average.
However, I have been building lean mass steadily now for 1.5 yrs. I have actually gained 2 inches in my ass since last December, lol. SQUAT BOOTY FOR THE WIN!!!
hey man how was ur diet like? before ur cut were u lifting before? how did ur routine looks like? do u do cardio?[QUOTE=Jetsetter1;1115224743]This is mine so far. I started taking it very seriously almost 6 moths ago, started at 195lbs around 28%bf, and am now at 165lbs around 14-15%, and thats the progress so far.
Just switched from a cut to a bulk, cleanly, and want to start recomping to put on some mass.
Any tips/tricks/critiques/comments are alway great!
You're all super inspirational![/QUOTE]
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Current progress shots. Still along way to go!
[QUOTE=Steeljaw;1153897903]Current progress shots. Still along way to go![/QUOTE]
Wow, repped!
I've dropped 40 pounds since April. From 196 to 156.
First photo here is April 22.
This is yesterday. 156 pounds.
June: Probably weighed in the mid to high 180s. One month into my journey.
July: Mid 170's
September: 160's, dipped back into the 150's back up to 160.
October: Today, after breaking the plateau down to 156 pounds.
The first pair of pants are the same one in the June pic and are a size 13. The second pair is from the Spetember pic and were purchased in August/September and are a size 9. Shocking that I bout a pair of size 9 pants a month ago that are now gigantic and earlier this year I was wearing 13's. So I'm guessing I'm close to a size 7 now. Crazy that I can fit my whole arm inside a pair of size 9 pants with me, haha! I remember them being really tight when I bought them and thinking dont worry, Im getting smaller, guess that was quick.
Basically during this journey I lost pretty slow and steadily. Hit a plateau in August/September where I went down to 156 but then quickly rebounded to 160. Started a bodyweight circuit routine and got my macros in check, back down to 156 with some noob gains made that month, looking a much slimmer and toned 156 than in september.
I'd love to hear a body fat estimate of the first picture and the most current just so I know where I've been and where I'm going. I have no idea what I started out and no idea what I am at now. Measly reps for anyone who can help me out!
Still a long long way to go.
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Fat to Fit
These are a couple of years apart... but I was pleased with how much lean tissue I was able to maintain. I only really got serious with my nutrition for the last 6 months.
[QUOTE=Fawnl;1153269123]Oct, 2011
Oct 2013
Believe it or not the weight difference between these pictures is only 35lbs. Body composition, you rock me!
In total I lost 60lbs. But I have no pics from when I was my heaviest.[/QUOTE]
Great work!!
nice work did you stay the same weight?
[QUOTE=Fawnl;1153269123]Oct, 2011
Oct 2013
Believe it or not the weight difference between these pictures is only 35lbs. Body composition, you rock me!
In total I lost 60lbs. But I have no pics from when I was my heaviest.[/QUOTE]
Wow, great job!