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my first post.. my transformation
I've been a silent member of this forum for a while now.. But after stumbling across this thread I decided to share my story. My journey began with a doctors visit in late 2009. Doc gave me the normal spiel, about how being overweight may increase chances of HBP/diabietes. However my blood test showed that my liver function had been affected.. A specialist visit was scheduled.. That scared me.. Everything lead back to the same thing... I needed to lose weight (I was around 280+ at my largest) .. It still took a little prodding by my wife (she sent me a very unflattering pix of me sitting on the bed. I looked horrible.) So February 2010 I started with P90X and a strict diet of no white carbs. I went one whole year no bread/pasta/sweets. 60lbs fell off quick. I relaxed and stopped working out with the intensity.. I guess all the compliments went to my head. Couple that with my mother dying in Dec 2011 and I picked up 30 lbs. Around April 2012 I snapped out of my funk and began to workout again.. The weight came off easier than the first time.. March 2013 I finally hit the 100lb mark. So my thoughts went to what next.. I'm in the best shape of my life.. Sleep apnea all but gone. But I felt I needed another goal to chase. A few of my Instagram followers are competitive bodybuilders and they suggested I do a show or two. So I agreed! I plan to do two shows in Alabama this summer.. Just to say I did it!
Any advice that anyone can offer a newbie I would surely appreciate! I'm a really good listener. And I'll always use the search function before asking a question to the forum.
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My transformation(still going)
My transformation from freshman year to senior year! (DIDNT LIFT ONCE FRESHMAN YEAR-BEGGING OF SENIOR YEAR) Just starting so basically all that weight lose and lean muscle growth was from joining the wrestling team. last two pictures are me currently. Hoping to make some gains from lifting ! currently bulking