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6 short months from FLUB to Fab!!
Transformation started in December 1, 2011. Finished cutting on July 28. 2012
Start at 277 lbs. 34%BF. Finished at 187lbs, 10.5 percent!!
6 short months of extreme cutting, but I only lost 8 lbs of lean mass while others in the same challenge were shelling 30-40, and even 52 lbs of hard earned muscle!! Wooot!! Now on a bulking program to gain MASS BABY!!
Pics were taken at start. Last pic was July 28. I know there are 9 photos, but I took pictures every week of this change, so many to go through. Just picked the ones with most change!!
I did not do Lean Gains while the cut was happening, but I am now on the program and doing A VERY CLEAN BULK!!
My transformation (Just started to cut again)
After seeing threads like this and lurking for far too long I decided to create an account. Currently 9 days into my cut [B](can't post images yet it seems, putting a space after http)[/B]
This is me on my formal at the end of year 12, fat as anything (middle, blue shirt)
http ://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/155125_1690488350450_2092165_n.jpg
About a year ago~
http ://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/298202_2054464354671_487963_n.jpg
3 months ago~ (sorry for the huge images)
http ://imagecdn.bodybuilding.com/img/user_images/growable/2012/07/15/54707432/progresspic/1abzgsQblhYrcdo8FJoJ4txEwzzi6X223.jpeg
http ://imagecdn.bodybuilding.com/img/user_images/growable/2012/07/15/54707432/progresspic/1Pk1L7erTWgiH3Vgt7KoosOtuKhEIc177.jpeg
1 month ago~ (sorry for the huge images)
http ://imagecdn.bodybuilding.com/img/user_images/growable/2012/07/15/54707432/progresspic/1N8a26UujbBUU4GoSrelnAG8z6UlHy1298.jpeg