[QUOTE=gbullock32;1345147821]^INB4 nonstop jokes involving the phallic nature of the food.
Going to use the 'pro' strategy of bun dunking, and eating the dog separately, or just going at it for fun?[/QUOTE]
Depends. If I see any serious contenders, I'll likely go in with a strategy.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1344760221]Also new video from Randy-
[YOUTUBE]/Gfstk_vbmeQ[/YOUTUBE][/QUOTE]Dayumn, looks so good with all that cheese.
[QUOTE=EmperorRyker;1345391861]Dayumn, looks so good with all that cheese.[/QUOTE]Agreed, love cheese, any type haha; even love me that fake 'cheese product' most places use (Taco Bell nacho sauce all the way).
Makes everything just a bit better.... usually.
Still can't get the taste of the hot dogs out of my mouth, lmao
[size=+3][color=blue][B]Escondido 2015 Hot Dog Eating Contest! [/B] [/size] [/color]
[color=red][B]The Video[/B][/color]
[color=red][B]The Location:[/B][/color]
Escondido, CA
[color=red][B]The Challenge:[/B][/color]
All contestants get 5 minutes to eat as many hot dogs as possible.
NO dunking.
NO puking.
NO condiments.
They were traditional dogs, normal size.
After the initial plate of 5 are consumed, they have to be eaten “like a dog”.
[B] [/B].
[color=red][B]The prize: [/B]
50$ Cash Prize (first place)
Experience/Training/Eternal Glory!
[color=red][B]Final Thoughts:[/B][/color]
[size=+2][b]Well.. that was interesting.. [/size][/b]
Alright, so my very first ever Eating Contest (and first ever hot dog challenge) was done today! Really wasn’t expecting much out of this one to be honest, I knew it would be an amateur event.. so I was just looking for some fun and the experience of doing an actual head to head eating contest (which again.. I had never done before). I did this challenged [u] on my lunch break [/u] so it was a bit hectic to ride down there and back, but I ended up getting it done.
To be quite honest, the hot dogs were absolutely disgusting. (But then again, I HATE hot dogs in general) but the even WORSE part was having to eat them “as a dog would” after the initial plate of them was consumed. The promoter and the whole event were completely unorganized and were all over the place. [b][u]He placed my plate of FIVE hot dogs with buns down in front of me before the start and I looked at him and asked him “is that it? What if we want more?”. [/b][/u] But again, like I said it was mainly for the experience and for some pocket change!
[b]I ended up taking down 17 hot dogs (yes, 17) In 5 minutes! (which was my overall goal [/b]. The “runner up” ended up at 14 hot dogs (along with putting all of his hair in my plate/face as I was doing the contest (smh). But I won the money and had fun, and that’s all that matters!
[color=red][size=+3][b] Next stop! NATHANS HOT DOG EATING CONTEST! (Hopefully) [/size][/b][/color]
[b] The spread[/b]
[b] The winnings! [/b]
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1345547561]Mouth skills eh?^[/QUOTE]Meh, I was waiting for it..
[QUOTE=ErikTheElectric;1345552411]Meh, I was waiting for it..[/QUOTE]Figured I'd just get it done and out of the way; looked like a good time there though, and hey $50 isn't half bad for 5 minutes. Free food too.
New Naader too- 50 Jack In The Box Tacos (actually a fan of those tacos... greasy as hell but tasty).
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1345556531]Figured I'd just get it done and out of the way; looked like a good time there though, and hey $50 isn't half bad for 5 minutes. Free food too.[/QUOTE]
Well, that's the way I had to look at it. Granted it was gross as hell having to stuff my face into the plate. (I woke up with a cold/sore throat today)
Das it... new job tomorrow... 2 hours commuting and hem 10-14 hour work days.... wont be able to post much with that schedule but will always be lurking.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1345604651]Das it... new job tomorrow... 2 hours commuting and hem 10-14 hour work days.... wont be able to post much with that schedule but will always be lurking.[/QUOTE]
Stay Safe.
Gunning for a 20k day but not till the summer (birthday). This thread will just keep me motivated for thst sweet sweet day.
[QUOTE=Van4stan91;1346070731]Gunning for a 20k day but not till the summer (birthday). This thread will just keep me motivated for thst sweet sweet day.[/QUOTE]
Why wait? ;)
Just popping on to check all my subbed threads/YTers; 16 hour day today, another tomorrow; wheee!!
New Randy though, so that is always cool!
Well.. I'm IN!
[QUOTE=ErikTheElectric;1346086781]Well.. I'm IN!
[url]http://www.majorleagueeating.com/contests.php?action=detail&eventID=642[/url][/QUOTE]Congrats man, doing good!
I sense a red..
Going to try and egg stonie to do that challenge with you for the pie eating contest
How sick would that be to go head to head vs Stonie?
[QUOTE=The Solution;1346392961]Going to try and egg stonie to do that challenge with you for the pie eating contest
How sick would that be to go head to head vs Stonie?[/QUOTE]
I loled. I'll talk to him about it, should be fun! (Hopefully he can make it out)
New Randy, wont lie, never heard of 'Chicken Lips'; would eat!
I seem to be losing my appetite with all this cutting. I think I'm going to stop eating these small meals and have a big lunch from now on. I was never ashamed of my appetite.
[QUOTE=jdrush;1346745971]I seem to be losing my appetite with all this cutting. I think I'm going to stop eating these small meals and have a big lunch from now on. I was never ashamed of my appetite.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=jdrush;1346745971]I seem to be losing my appetite with all this cutting. I think I'm going to stop eating these small meals and have a big lunch from now on. I was never ashamed of my appetite.[/QUOTE]
Embarrassment over an appetite is a real thing? SMH
And so it begins!
7 Shamrock Shakes by Stonie:
5,740 Calories
805g Sugar
161g Fat