Stonie beasting it again, brain freeze is the worst though.
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Stonie beasting it again, brain freeze is the worst though.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1347193311]Stonie beasting it again, brain freeze is the worst though.[/QUOTE]I'll be seeing him soon enough!
[QUOTE=ErikTheElectric;1347193771]I'll be seeing him soon enough![/QUOTE]Won't lie, think Stonie is my favorite Comp. eater, like his challenges/contests and personality; he live not too far from me (no stalker) maybe 2 hours or so.
Lotta respect for Randy too though, the amount of challenges he can blow through is just not normal, even for a pro eater. Also mad respect for only dunking when absolutely needed.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1347194111]Won't lie, think Stonie is my favorite Comp. eater, like his challenges/contests and personality; he live not too far from me (no stalker) maybe 2 hours or so.
Lotta respect for Randy too though, the amount of challenges he can blow through is just not normal, even for a pro eater.[B] Also mad respect for only dunking when absolutely needed[/B].[/QUOTE]
Just so you're aware, there are other "methods" that some use as well. ;)
But definitely agree @Randy and Matt!
[QUOTE=ErikTheElectric;1347194651]Just so you're aware, there are other "methods" that some use as well. ;)
But definitely agree @Randy and Matt![/QUOTE]I know, but he has a... cleaner, method of eating which is more preferable to watch IMO, rather than soggy and soaked buns ect dripping all over.
So.. nothing like this? lol
^Honestly do not like his videos, and Molly too; I like her but she has one messy style.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1347206731]^Honestly do not like his videos, and Molly too; I like her but she has one messy style.[/QUOTE]
I have to wholeheartedly agree here granted the bigeatersclub guy is good, but its absolutely disgusting to watch. Maybe thats why I like randy so much you can tell he legitimately just enjoys eating, even mentions it in his training videos. On a side note the molly girl (big eaters club) I'd probably watch more of her videos if she lost weight, there's a pretty girl in there somewhere.
[QUOTE=jubjubrsx;1347212751]I have to wholeheartedly agree here granted the bigeatersclub guy is good, but its absolutely disgusting to watch. Maybe thats why I like randy so much you can tell he legitimately just enjoys eating, even mentions it in his training videos. On a side note the molly girl (big eaters club) I'd probably watch more of her videos if she lost weight, there's a pretty girl in there somewhere.[/QUOTE]
100% agree with you about bigeatersclub and eaters of the type. props for their ability to put down like no other buts its kinda gross to watch most(not all) the time. Randy and Bear, Naader and Stonie(accept for his MLE events) have a more laid back and entertaining approach to eating challenges. This is the kind I partook in during my stint as well as I want to enjoy the food as much as I want to beat the challenge. Just my two cents is all.
^ not going to express my personal opinion on the matter. I will say though that when you want to BEAT a record time, things are bound to get messy/gross and SLOPPY. But there's an entirely different level sometimes, lol.
[QUOTE=ErikTheElectric;1347328091]^ not going to express my personal opinion on the matter. I will say though that when you want to BEAT a record time, things are bound to get messy/gross and SLOPPY. But there's an entirely different level sometimes, lol.[/QUOTE]Will agree here, when a record/title/prize is there... no holding back.
But when it is more of a 'for fun' type of thing than it just gets excessive at times, more food on them than in their mouths.
Naader video- 8 pounds of frozen yogurt. Looked pretty good too but doubt I would finish...
^ Definitely going to need a lactaid after that.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1347432081]Will agree here, when a record/title/prize is there... no holding back.
But when it is more of a 'for fun' type of thing than it just gets excessive at times, more food on them than in their mouths.[/QUOTE]Yeah, I agree, gotta make a living somehow if you can't otherwise. I mean, there's other industries where people degrade themselves at work, such as fetish porn or circus freak acts, so I guess this is just part of society and it always has been.
[QUOTE=EmperorRyker;1347504921]Yeah, I agree, gotta make a living somehow if you can't otherwise. I mean, there's other industries where people degrade themselves at work, such as fetish porn or circus freak acts, so I guess this is just part of society and it always has been.[/QUOTE]
True. However, Maxx just does this as a part time thing/hobby (not a career). Pretty sure this isn't even a source of income for him, rather just a way to spice up his channel and differentiate himself from typical guys that film themselves doing eating challenges.
[size=+2]First Ever Eating Challenge[/size]
[center][color=blue][B]"Prime Burger Challenge"[/color] [/B]- @ Prime Burger Bar, Nepean, Canada
[B][B]the Challenge:[/B] [/B]1 lb Angus beef (2 patties), cheddar cheese, double smoked bacon (4 slices), lettuce, pickle, tomato, house sauce (ranch mixture), [I]served with fries[/I]
[B][U]impression:[/U][/B] Going in I was quite confident I could finish it, i usually eat ~2lbs potatoes + meat, and veggies every night for dinner, but was expecting 1 large patty (IMO would have been harder). The burger was amazing, juicy, tender filled with flavour. The fries were the hard part, I typically don't eat fried food because it upsets my stomach, but these were good, just tough on the system. The fries tasted like "Harvey's" fries (canadian fast food chain)
[B][U]Time:[/U][/B] Burger: 5:30 ; total 11:25 --> i didn't "rush" to eat it, enjoyed the first bits but also wanted to get it down. My roommates completed it with me, but the took ~30mins, ~45mins, and ~+1hour
[B][U]Price/ Reward[/U][/B] I did have to pay $25 (after tax) for the burger, but if you completed it, you receive your next burger free! so essentially 2 burgers for that price (and the burgers are 13-20$ each). Definitely going back (to claim my prize) as well as possibly do the challenge again lol[/center]
^ nice work! Looks like a delicious challenge.
[QUOTE=Bh44;1347622401][center][color=blue][B]"Prime Burger Challenge"[/color] [/B]- @ Prime Burger Bar, Nepean, Canada[/QUOTE]
Looks great! I wish I had some smaller burger challenges around me to start off instead of 6 total pounds haha..
CONGRATS man!!!!
[QUOTE=ugasar;1347636811]Looks great! I wish I had some smaller burger challenges around me to start off instead of 6 total pounds haha..
You gave it your best effort and learned from it. That's what matters!
[QUOTE=ErikTheElectric;1347643051]You gave it your best effort and learned from it. That's what matters![/QUOTE]
Thanks man! Still keeping my eyes and ears open for another challenge.. Gotta come out on top of one sometime! Can't end in defeat..
[B][U]Price/ Reward[/U][/B] I did have to pay $25 (after tax) for the burger, but if you completed it, you receive your next burger free! so essentially 2 burgers for that price (and the burgers are 13-20$ each). Definitely going back (to claim my prize) as well as possibly do the challenge again [/QUOTE]
wait so does that mean, you go back and dont pay, and if you beat the challenge again, you get another free one
so essentially you could keep eating free there as long as you pound through the burger in time?
[QUOTE=determined4000;1347652511]wait so does that mean, you go back and dont pay, and if you beat the challenge again, you get another free one
so essentially you could keep eating free there as long as you pound through the burger in time?[/QUOTE]
Guess I found my next challenge. Lol.
Brb taking a vacation out there and getting free food the entire time.
^Stomped that burger, looked like a good one too, congrats.
[QUOTE=determined4000;1347652511]wait so does that mean, you go back and dont pay, and if you beat the challenge again, you get another free one
so essentially you could keep eating free there as long as you pound through the burger in time?[/QUOTE]
Good point! If he goes back and keep ordering the challenge burger every time then he essentially would always keep eating for free.. And since he killed it on his first try, now he can just go back and enjoy/eat it much slower every time!
[QUOTE=ugasar;1347720061]Good point! If he goes back and keep ordering the challenge burger every time then he essentially would always keep eating for free.. And since he killed it on his first try, now he can just go back and enjoy/eat it much slower every time![/QUOTE]
We have a pizza place around here with a challenge that works exactly like this. You pay the first time and then [I]theoretically[/I] you could eat for free from that point forward.
[QUOTE=Crucifist;1347743471]We have a pizza place around here with a challenge that works exactly like this. You pay the first time and then [I]theoretically[/I] you could eat for free from that point forward.[/QUOTE]
This is awesome!!! I want to do a pizza challenge so bad, can murder some pizza!!!
thanks guys
[QUOTE=determined4000;1347652511]wait so does that mean, you go back and dont pay, and if you beat the challenge again, you get another free one
so essentially you could keep eating free there as long as you pound through the burger in time?[/QUOTE]
not too sure, I asked the waitress and she said she didn't think so :( .. I will probably do it agin if my brother comes up because he wants to do it. I got tagged in a comment by their instagram page, so I might try to work a deal out where I opt out the fries for a second burger but I doubt it will happen lol. I had been looking to do one for a while, heck even in the summer my brother and I [I]almost[/I] decided to each order 6' subs from subway just to "eat our height in sub" haha.
I do agree with the comments earlier, I personally don't like the "dunking" method and just opt for a quick eat, but enjoy it. granted I don't get paid for it, nor was their a time to beat.
Its funny though, my brothers and I were planning our trip to Vegas for my 21st birthday (coming up this september) when erik did his slider challenge. I said to them "to cut cost on food, I want to do an eating challenge" they laughed at me and thought I was joking. I sent them the pic of this and captioned it "I don't joke when it comes to food" lol
I swear though, all i want to do is another challenge, and I know I have only done the one, but I think burger challenges are one of the best, for example I wouldn't want that huge sushi challenge, that is something I like to savour
[QUOTE=ugasar;1347777491]This is awesome!!! I want to do a pizza challenge so bad, can murder some pizza!!![/QUOTE]
agree, super bowl I crushed a 16" and tried sniping a piece from my roommate who had leftovers lol
Only regret I had about doing that sushi challenge was not using soy sauce.
Randy and Ramsey seem to be in on the pizza love too-
They make a good team, dominate every challenge they hit up together.
So, planning my next challenge; it seems that there are only burger challenges around me (that have a prize of some sort). I have my eye on another; but am going to give my self a "prep challenge" this weekend to see if I could beat it...
Looking at "triple Overtime" from The Works. 3 x 1lb cheeseburgers (just cheese and BBQ sauce) in 20 mins.
but... i got this from instagram
has my eye, but I just don't want to have to pay for it again; but having one named after me would be pretty sweet.