[QUOTE=Lvisaa2;759984783][B][U]50 oz Burger Challenge[/U][/B]
50 oz meat + buns + cheese + lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and pickles.
1 pound of fries
Ungodly amount of grease.
Finished in 22 minutes. The burger wasn't bad... took 4 minutes to finish off the meat. The fries were the hardest, they seemed neverending. Finished off the buns + toppings last.
For dessert, 1 pound of pb and chocolate frozen yogurt with PB cups, oreos, and bits of milk chocolate
Nap time![/QUOTE]
Very impressive! Reps.
Was there a time limit to finish the meal? Clearly capacity was not an issue for you.
In on this.
Only one challenge in my area "the pounder challenge" 8lb pizza, 100$ and a t-shirt if i finish in under an hour alone. Ive been wanting to do it but the owner keeps telling me he doesnt have enough ingredients to make it.....ok? Then why is it on the menu.
Lvisaa2 nice eats! looks like im gunna have to make a trip up to lex-town soon.
[QUOTE=The Solution;759673753]
I got you later tonight, lol at your text messages.[/QUOTE]
da fukc?
[QUOTE=HunterCML;760017713]Because all my calories were gone in an hour. Nutrient density (fat) isn't good for people with a black hole appetite like myself.[/QUOTE]
I do this pretty much daily. Blackhole gets momentarily filled. After that I don't have to worry about eating. Makes it easy, especially on a tighter schedule.
[QUOTE=PerpetualMotion;760030223]Nice work, dude. I think the most impressive part is that you ate a 1lb dessert after that. That all comes out to a little bit over 5lbs.[/QUOTE]
Yeah a friend of mine said he'd buy me dessert if I was upto it after. I don't turn down free dessert ;)
[QUOTE=PlasticJanus;760050443]Very impressive! Reps.
Was there a time limit to finish the meal? Clearly capacity was not an issue for you.[/QUOTE]
There was a 25 minute time limit. The record was 19 minutes 30 seconds so I was 2 1/2 off that. After I honestly felt fine, during there were definitely some hairy moments. The fries were seriously neverending. I got like 5 minutes into the fries and they were still pilled up like a mountain in front of me. Just put my head down and kept chowing.
Lvisaa2 nice eats! looks like im gunna have to make a trip up to lex-town soon.[/QUOTE]
If you do it then let me know. I have some suggestions on how to go about it, but it was definitely a good time. I'd do another one, but this one has been marked off the bucket list and I doubt there will be a repeat ;)
[QUOTE=Cumulonimbus;760059833]da fukc?[/QUOTE]
NutMisc sexting. You must've missed the bandwagon
After doing a bit of digging, I managed to find four eating challenges in my area. I present the NutMisc the opportunity to decide my fate:
[list][*][B][U]Lone Star Texas Grill's 72 oz. Steak Challenge[/U][/B]
72 oz. steak free if eaten with trimmings (crispy onion rings, seasonal vegetables and choice of side) in under an hour. If you can't, it runs you $55.
[*][B][U]Best Grill and Bar's Laffananza Challenge[/U][/B]
A 2 foot shawarma wrap in laffa bread, soda and fries in 30 minutes or less. Meal is free if done in time and picture goes up on a wall of fame. If you fail, you have to pay $20 and your picture goes up on a wall of shame.
[*][B][U]Philthy McNasty's Showdown Burger[/U][/B]
A 1.5 lb burger and fries. If finished in under 7 minutes, it's free. If not, $14. Before Pete came along, the record was 6 minutes and 20 seconds, it says.
[*][B][U]Real Sports Bar & Grill: The Hail Mary [/U][/B]
A 67 oz. steak, a pound of fries, and a pound of coleslaw (yuck). If eaten under an hour, it's free and picture goes on the wall of fame. If botched, runs for $75.[/list]
All prices are before taxes.
Poor university student here, so please be gentle. That said, I'm preparing my angus.
[QUOTE=PlasticJanus;760188803]After doing a bit of digging, I managed to find four eating challenges in my area. I present the NutMisc the opportunity to decide my fate:
[list][*][B][U]Lone Star Texas Grill's 72 oz. Steak Challenge[/U][/B]
72 oz. steak free if eaten with trimmings (crispy onion rings, seasonal vegetables and choice of side) in under an hour. If you can't, it runs you $55.[/list][/QUOTE]
go for it :)
[QUOTE=Geoloop;760190193]go for it :)[/QUOTE]
^ This was the one that sounded most appealing to me. Although, it would depend on the amount of veggies - 1 pound of broccoli... no thanks! ;)
Anyone got tips for tackling a 6# burrito? I think I get to choose the meat but it comes with lettuce, sourcream and guac, steak or chicken, rice, and black beans then covered with cheese sauce.
Game plan:
Pull it all apart and attack the veggies, tortilla and meat. Then devour as much fat as possible. I can handle high pro and high cho meals but fat will get me full as hell quicker.
[QUOTE=NCepeeist;760200913]Anyone got tips for tackling a 6# burrito? I think I get to choose the meat but it comes with lettuce, sourcream and guac, steak or chicken, rice, and black beans then covered with cheese sauce.
Game plan:
Pull it all apart and attack the veggies, tortilla and meat. Then devour as much fat as possible. I can handle high pro and high cho meals but fat will get me full as hell quicker.[/QUOTE]
Others may have more experience, but I'd go with the less voluminous stuff first. Hit the meat/fatty stuff then move onto carbs. Carbs seemed to fill me up quick
[QUOTE=Lvisaa2;760208453]Others may have more experience, but I'd go with the less voluminous stuff first. Hit the meat/fatty stuff then move onto carbs. Carbs seemed to fill me up quick[/QUOTE]
This, and a thousand times this.
It's hard to say exactly what the composition of the burrito will be, but breaking through the meat sweats barrier is the toughest part. If you can finish the meat, getting the carbs down becomes doable. But if you've already eaten the carbs, they very well could keep you from finishing the meat.
Then again, depending on how gracious your time limit is, you might just want to enjoy the burrito.
Poor university student here, so please be gentle. That said, I'm preparing my angus.[/QUOTE]
I'll make this easy for you:
Those are all the feats in Canada. ;)
[QUOTE=PerpetualMotion;760226883]I'll make this easy for you:
Those are all the feats in Canada. ;)[/QUOTE]
Hah, that's exactly where I found the challenges. Of the four I listed, which would you cast your vote for?
[QUOTE=PlasticJanus;760233163]Hah, that's exactly where I found the challenges. Of the four I listed, which would you cast your vote for?[/QUOTE]
The one I'd do first, for sure, is the Lone Star Texas challenge. Biggest steak and you get to choose your side, so you're not forced into coleslaw.
The McNasty is 7 minutes long but it sounds pretty doable. Sounds good if you want a decent-sized meal in under 7 minutes and for free.
[QUOTE=NCepeeist;760200913]Anyone got tips for tackling a 6# burrito? I think I get to choose the meat but it comes with lettuce, sourcream and guac, steak or chicken, rice, and black beans then covered with cheese sauce.
Game plan:
Pull it all apart and attack the veggies, tortilla and meat. Then devour as much fat as possible. I can handle high pro and high cho meals but fat will get me full as hell quicker.[/QUOTE]
Also, I just found out that the 2-foot long shawarma that I'll eventually be tackling weighs 6 lbs as well, and so would likely be very similar to this burrito. The only thing is that it also comes with a sizable serving of fries. After you tackle it, please report back to let us know how you found it.
[QUOTE=PerpetualMotion;760246333]The one I'd do first, for sure, is the Lone Star Texas challenge. Biggest steak and you get to choose your side, so you're not forced into coleslaw.
The McNasty is 7 minutes long but it sounds pretty doable. Sounds good if you want a decent-sized meal in under 7 minutes and for free.[/QUOTE]
The steak seems to be the general consensus.
Also, I've just found one more that I initially missed. It's a 40 oz. beef brisket sandwich that has to be eaten in an hour or less, along with a pickle. Notsureifsrs.jpg. Once I've done damage control for the 72. oz steak, I will demolish that sandwich in the interest of a free meal.
At work and gotta leave to go to formation, didn't get to read thread, but if you are looking for Food Challenges / Eating contests in your area, then go to this website.. eatfeats.com I've been looking into them for when I go back to America. They had a brat eating contest here this past week but it was all the way at the very top of south korea, and I am near the very south so didn't want to make the trip.
SO jelly about everything in this thread.
Haven't heard of anything similar ever being done here in Estonia. Probably at some random bar you'll never stumble in anyway, unless you do some heavy research. Man, I'd love to take a stab at some of those things.
Not much of a bottomless pit myself, my biggest accomplishments have probably been:
4,5lb Chicken in one sitting. (minus the bones), 2,5lb pork roast. In about an hour or two I think, didn't really push myself. But an hour seems doable.
No side dishes though, wonder how fries or veggies would influence all that. Hmmm...
This weekend was a bad one for me. 2 x 90 count boxes of assorted hersheys halloween chocolate bars while sitting in bed trying to sleep lol. Was still hungry but sick to my stomach. Moved to butter tarts the next day.
[QUOTE=Phrak;761397233]This weekend was a bad one for me. 2 x 90 count boxes of assorted hersheys halloween chocolate bars while sitting in bed trying to sleep lol. Was still hungry but sick to my stomach. Moved to butter tarts the next day.[/QUOTE]
Realized i cant do moderation. Plan was to have a couple a day for a couple months. They didnt make it through the night. Anyone ever notice that gas stations have the best danish's and butter tarts?
[QUOTE=Phrak;761398293]Realized i cant do moderation. Plan was to have a couple a day for a couple months. They didnt make it through the night. Anyone ever notice that gas stations have the best danish's and butter tarts?[/QUOTE]
Brah.. That ain't even healthy. Are your serotonin levels alright?
[QUOTE=HunterCML;761402453]Brah.. That ain't even healthy. Are your serotonin levels alright?[/QUOTE]
I dont even know. I should probably get it checked out. Its most likely just my bad relationship with food is all.
Same goes for me. If anyone makes their way into the New Orleans area and wants to kill a collaborative eating comp, I'm down for sure. [/QUOTE]
Wish I would've known. Was just at Tulane last week.
[QUOTE=Phrak;761397233]This weekend was a bad one for me. 2 x 90 count boxes of assorted hersheys halloween chocolate bars while sitting in bed trying to sleep lol. Was still hungry but sick to my stomach. Moved to butter tarts the next day.[/QUOTE]
ahhh. :s does your family know? or do you live alone/with a gf or something?
[QUOTE=trance__dreamer;761447993]ahhh. :s does your family know? or do you live alone/with a gf or something?[/QUOTE]
Oh yah, family knows. Ive started back up my log. Explains all the BS there ahah.
Just get a DA drip. You'll feel better.
Any St. Louis/Midwest bros in on dis?
"28 inch Pointersaurus pizza which weighs ten pounds. Two people are allowed one hour to eat the pizza with either two meat toppings or four vegetable toppings. If contestants finish the pizza they are refunded their money and given a check for $500."
Before the end of the school year I am going to attempt the Vermonster.
To all NMiscers seriously interested in the subject of competitive eating, consider the following: as an interesting measure of your stomach elasticity and capacity, try to see how many litres of water you can ingest on an empty stomach within the course of an hour. Some people will associate this concept with the One Gallon Challenge, which (for the unaware) is a challenge in which an individual attempts to drink 1 US gallon (~3.8 litres) of whole milk in one hour, without vomiting in the following hour.
Many people assume that this is impossible (as they likely have seen or heard of many failures), due to the average person's stomach capacity. In fact, when I first started trying out the above method to measure capacity, I had trouble taking in 2.5 L of water. However, I recently was able to drink ~6 L (note: of water, not whole milk), and I know that quantities much larger than this are possible. It definitely suggests that stomach capacity is not at all static.
Try it out, NMisc: how much can you drink? And if you do attempt to find out, obviously, stop before you feel sick.
[QUOTE=otterakl;761476133]Any St. Louis/Midwest bros in on dis?
"28 inch Pointersaurus pizza which weighs ten pounds. Two people are allowed one hour to eat the pizza with either two meat toppings or four vegetable toppings. If contestants finish the pizza they are refunded their money and given a check for $500."
If only I lived in St. Louis...
[QUOTE=Power_Strike92;761477283]Before the end of the school year I am going to attempt the Vermonster.[/QUOTE]
^^^. I want to try it, but there isn't a scoop shop close. feelsbad.
[QUOTE=PlasticJanus;761518203]To all NMiscers seriously interested in the subject of competitive eating, consider the following: as an interesting measure of your stomach elasticity and capacity, try to see how many litres of water you can ingest on an empty stomach within the course of an hour. Some people will associate this concept with the One Gallon Challenge, which (for the unaware) is a challenge in which an individual attempts to drink 1 US gallon (~3.8 litres) of whole milk in one hour, without vomiting in the following hour.
Many people assume that this is impossible (as they likely have seen or heard of many failures), due to the average person's stomach capacity. In fact, when I first started trying out the above method to measure capacity, I had trouble taking in 2.5 L of water. However, I recently was able to drink ~6 L (note: of water, not whole milk), and I know that quantities much larger than this are possible. It definitely suggests that stomach capacity is not at all static.
Try it out, NMisc: how much can you drink? And if you do attempt to find out, obviously, stop before you feel sick.[/QUOTE]
I may try this some morning, but I don't know if I'd want to go to bathroom every 5 minutes for the next 10 hours.
^^^. I want to try it, but there isn't a scoop shop close. feelsbad.[/QUOTE]
Aware me on what this thing entails? I have a Scoop Shop near me.
[QUOTE]I may try this some morning, but I don't know if I'd want to go to bathroom every 5 minutes for the next 10 hours.[/QUOTE]
In my experience, it's more like every 30 minutes, which allows each new trip to the washroom to be as wondrously satisfying as the last.
I was thinking if I did this, I would use eat stop eat and fast the day before and the day after to make up for the [B]15,000[/B] calories. Lulz.
I was thinking if I did this, I would use eat stop eat and fast the day before and the day after to make up for the [B]15,000[/B] calories. Lulz.[/QUOTE]
Free if completed, do you know?
[QUOTE=PlasticJanus;761530363]Free if completed, do you know?[/QUOTE]
I don't think it's an official challenge. Although 15,000 calories is a challenge in my mind ;)
[QUOTE=Lvisaa2;761532683]I don't think it's an official challenge. Although 15,000 calories is a challenge in my mind ;)[/QUOTE]
I suppose, but I don't like the idea of paying to make myself ridiculously uncomfortable in addition to derailing my diet for three or more days.
On another note, I just called to make a reservation for the 72 oz. steak challenge. **** goes down at 5 PM Eastern Time this Sunday. Will report back with pics and possibly video.
[QUOTE=PlasticJanus;761518203]To all NMiscers seriously interested in the subject of competitive eating, consider the following: as an interesting measure of your stomach elasticity and capacity, try to see how many litres of water you can ingest on an empty stomach within the course of an hour. Some people will associate this concept with the One Gallon Challenge, which (for the unaware) is a challenge in which an individual attempts to drink 1 US gallon (~3.8 litres) of whole milk in one hour, without vomiting in the following hour.
Many people assume that this is impossible (as they likely have seen or heard of many failures), due to the average person's stomach capacity. In fact, when I first started trying out the above method to measure capacity, I had trouble taking in 2.5 L of water. However, I recently was able to drink ~6 L (note: of water, not whole milk), and I know that quantities much larger than this are possible. It definitely suggests that stomach capacity is not at all static.
Try it out, NMisc: how much can you drink? And if you do attempt to find out, obviously, stop before you feel sick.[/QUOTE]
I've done two gallons before.
[QUOTE=PlasticJanus;761563493]I suppose, but I don't like the idea of paying to make myself ridiculously uncomfortable in addition to derailing my diet for three or more days.
On another note, I just called to make a reservation for the 72 oz. steak challenge. **** goes down at 5 PM Eastern Time this Sunday. Will report back with pics and possibly video.[/QUOTE]
Good luck. It'll be some good eats
[QUOTE=ErickStevens;761574693]I've done two gallons before.[/QUOTE]
Think of the money you could make betting against friends:
"Wow. I can't believe you actually drank a whole gallon of milk. How do you feel?"
"Not so good, guys."
"He's definitely going to puke any second. No way he's getting that $50."
"You're one ****ing cheeky kunt mate, I swear. Quadruple or nothing says I could drink another gallon."
Will attempt 6+ L tonight. Hoping to make it to 8-10 L before I eat the 72 oz. steak on Sunday.
[QUOTE=PlasticJanus;761594943]Think of the money you could make betting against friends:
"Wow. I can't believe you actually drank a whole gallon of milk. How do you feel?"
"Not so good, guys."
"He's definitely going to puke any second. No way he's getting that $50."
"You're one ****ing cheeky kunt mate, I swear. Quadruple or nothing says I could drink another gallon."
Will attempt 6+ L tonight. Hoping to make it to 8-10 L before I eat the 72 oz. steak on Sunday.[/QUOTE]
inb4 hyponatremia
[QUOTE=otterakl;761599533]inb4 hyponatremia[/QUOTE]
No worries, bro. I'll just add salt.
But no, seriously, some competitive eaters will do 10-15 litres the night before a comp. I'd wager that Kobayashi can and probably does drink more, and he's a tiny fellow.
I drink 2 liters in a couple minutes, then proceed to smash a box of cereal, 1/2 jar of PB&Co and then a pint of icecream.
[QUOTE=Cumulonimbus;761632593]I drink 2 liters in a couple minutes, then proceed to smash a box of cereal, 1/2 jar of PB&Co and then a pint of icecream.[/QUOTE]
Is there a reason you drink 2 liters before eating?
[QUOTE=Lvisaa2;761633333]Is there a reason you drink 2 liters before eating?[/QUOTE]
Well why not? Perhaps I really like my homo milk.
[QUOTE=Cumulonimbus;761639253]Well why not? Perhaps I really like my homo milk.[/QUOTE]
Gotcha, thought you meant you pounded 2 liters of water. I was wondering if you were really thirsty or just thought it somehow benefited digestion
Surprised furious pete isnt on here yet.
Im going out for the 2lb hamburger at bikinis next week. No time limit, just if you actually finish it you'll get a free shirt. Definitely gonna try to finish it around 5mins.
Surprised furious pete isnt on here yet.
Im going out for the 2lb hamburger at bikinis next week. No time limit, just if you actually finish it you'll get a free shirt. Definitely gonna try to finish it around 5mins.[/QUOTE]
let me know how easy that is/if it's worth it. you gonna go to the north one?
[QUOTE=bballbrett5;761645743]let me know how easy that is/if it's worth it. you gonna go to the north one?[/QUOTE]
I hope it is ha, i plan on filming it as well. Yeah I planned on the north location, I haven't been to the one in downtown so I thought id check it out.
Surprised furious pete isnt on here yet.
Im going out for the 2lb hamburger at bikinis next week. No time limit, just if you actually finish it you'll get a free shirt. Definitely gonna try to finish it around 5mins.[/QUOTE]
No side items? That'll be childs play. I finished 50 oz of burger in 4 minutes. It was way easier than I expected. You'll smash it
[QUOTE=Lvisaa2;761649433]No side items? That'll be childs play. I finished 50 oz of burger in 4 minutes. It was way easier than I expected. You'll smash it[/QUOTE]
Damn, nice bro. It comes with fries as well and the burger is loaded with all the veggies if that counts ha.
[QUOTE=agreyam;761651073]Damn, nice bro. It comes with fries as well and the burger is loaded with all the veggies if that counts ha.[/QUOTE]
Do you know how many fries or is it just a regular serving?
Surprised furious pete isnt on here yet.
Im going out for the 2lb hamburger at bikinis next week. No time limit, just if you actually finish it you'll get a free shirt. Definitely gonna try to finish it around 5mins.[/QUOTE]
Light weight son.
Just at a 4lb stirfry with 2lbs of chicken and 2lbs of veggies.
Brb still hungry.
2lb burger = easy
I think I've lined up 2-3 challenges in my area. Some have already been posted about. When I get on my computer I'll link or quote the websites.