[size=+3][color=blue][B] “Fuddruckers Fat Tuesday 4lb Burger/Fry Challenge!” [/B] [/size] [/color]
Congrats man!!! Knew you would kill it.. On spread as usual haha!! About to watch video now..
P.S. - Month of unlimited macros must bee treating you well!!! You are getting straight ripped my man!!! Looking BIG!!!!
[QUOTE=ugasar;1340714421]Congrats man!!! Knew you would kill it.. On spread as usual haha!! About to watch video now..
P.S. - Month of unlimited macros must bee treating you well!!! You are getting straight ripped my man!!! Looking BIG!!!![/QUOTE]
Thanks for the feedback!
Up to ~169-170lbs (new video is uploading now). Zero cares given, lmao
[QUOTE=ErikTheElectric;1340718261]Thanks for the feedback!
Up to ~169-170lbs (new video is uploading now). Zero cares given, lmao[/QUOTE]Going to watch the vid late, bound to be interesting for sure.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1340727591]Going to watch the vid late, bound to be interesting for sure.[/QUOTE]
Let me know how you like it.
Randy takes on another steak challenge-
Now I want to do a steak challenge, lmao.
[QUOTE=ErikTheElectric;1340965871]Now I want to do a steak challenge, lmao.[/QUOTE]They all cost a lot if failed, think all the ones I have seen are $100+. Something to consider, even Randy has failed a few, they seem to be some of the hardest, also one major jaw workout.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1340969811]They all cost a lot if failed, think all the ones I have seen are $100+. Something to consider, even Randy has failed a few, they seem to be some of the hardest, also one major jaw workout.[/QUOTE]
Definitely makes sense, SD had a steak challenge but the place closed down.
Stonie going for the Smithfield Bacon Eating World Record attempt tomorrow
"I'm looking forward to setting the world record for how much bacon is eaten in 5 minutes. I’ll be in Daytona on Feb. 22. How many slices do you think I’ll eat?"
Current WR is 54 pieces in 5 minutes:
check this:
Peter Czerwinski of Mississauga, Ontario hold the records for drinking a bacon shake the fastest: 47.72 seconds. This records gets even more astounding when you consider that the bacon shake filled an entire blender and contained five whole pounds of bacon!
All this talk about bacon has me in the mood for little ceasars.
Next challenge should be coming up this week..
Either going to be empanadas or "soul food".
Never had either, but it should be interesting for sure!
Matt Stonie ate 182 slices of bacon in 5 minutes in his record attempt at the Daytona International Speedway today.
Breaking the record or 54 Pieces in 5 minutes
[QUOTE=The Solution;1341889871]Matt Stonie ate 182 slices of bacon in 5 minutes in his record attempt at the Daytona International Speedway today.
Breaking the record or 54 Pieces in 5 minutes
NOT BAD[/QUOTE]Very impressive, mouth must have felt slimy after so much grease though.
On the bacon theme, Fro Hungry does 20 bacon wrapped Twinkies.
[b]How in dafuq does Matt Stonie stay so thin?[/b]
[QUOTE=sonnydfrizzy;1342017171][b]How in dafuq does Matt Stonie stay so thin?[/b][/QUOTE]He only does 1 or so videos/challenges a week, seems to be a 'healthy' eater otherwise, probably exercises, and is active.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1342021761]He only does 1 or so videos/challenges a week, seems to be a 'healthy' eater otherwise, probably exercises, and is active.[/QUOTE]
How many professional eaters go to extremes to compensate for their bouts of eating? Do they fast, purge, etc? It cannot be psychologically healthy for a [i]majority[/i] of people.
*Disclaimer: I am not saying pro eaters = eating disorder. Just wonder how many go to extremes to do it.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1342021761]He only does 1 or so videos/challenges a week, seems to be a 'healthy' eater otherwise, probably exercises, and is active.[/QUOTE]
^ This according to one of his Q&As. I think it was the first one?
[QUOTE=Crucifist;1342073821]^ This according to one of his Q&As. I think it was the first one?[/QUOTE]Think so, can't recall off-hand but I think he does a lot of high volume/low cal food the day before like broccoli and stuff to stretch his stomach; that would limit calories too I suppose.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1342091141]Think so, can't recall off-hand but I think he does a lot of high volume/low cal food the day before like broccoli and stuff to stretch his stomach; that would limit calories too I suppose.[/QUOTE]Yeah, but in terms of calories, how big are his weekly challenges? 10k? That would mean he'd have to compensate by eating, say, 1000 kcal below his maintenance for the entire week to maintain his weight. I don't know about you, but that is/would be a huge deficit and a terrible state of existence. And I'm not sure whether a lot of high volume and low calorie foods really limit his calories in and of their own. I mean, I eat 4 - 5 lbs of veggies daily, as well, but I still manage to pack in >3000 kcal. So I don't see how that would limit his calories, unless he, of course, wanted it to.
[QUOTE=EmperorRyker;1342095241]Yeah, but in terms of calories, how big are his weekly challenges? 10k? That would mean he'd have to compensate by eating, say, 1000 kcal below his maintenance for the entire week to maintain his weight. I don't know about you, but that is/would be a huge deficit and a terrible state of existence. And I'm not sure whether a lot of high volume and low calorie foods really limit his calories in and of their own. I mean, I eat 4 - 5 lbs of veggies daily, as well, but I still manage to pack in >3000 kcal. So I don't see how that would limit his calories, unless he, of course, wanted it to.[/QUOTE]Can only take him as his word, or speculate; either way I think we can agree his feats are impressive and entertaining.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1342111411]Can only take him as his word, or speculate; either way I think we can agree his feats are impressive and entertaining.[/QUOTE]I can't say I'm impressed by his eating feats, but, yeah, I agree that some of them are pretty entertaining.
Video is up from Stonie, I am impressed haha.
Stonie is a runner (from what I recall)
[QUOTE=EmperorRyker;1342095241]Yeah, but in terms of calories, how big are his weekly challenges? 10k? That would mean he'd have to compensate by eating, say, 1000 kcal below his maintenance for the entire week to maintain his weight. I don't know about you, but that is/would be a huge deficit and a terrible state of existence. And I'm not sure whether a lot of high volume and low calorie foods really limit his calories in and of their own. [b]I mean, I eat 4 - 5 lbs of veggies daily[/b], as well, but I still manage to pack in >3000 kcal. So I don't see how that would limit his calories, unless he, of course, wanted it to.[/QUOTE]
U wot m8?
[QUOTE=ErikTheElectric;1342145211]Stonie is a runner (from what I recall)[/QUOTE]
that would explain alot, but damn I've gone and done some running after some 5-6k days and I typically felt like crap. all of us runners I know are bean-poles, even worse than me.
[QUOTE=jubjubrsx;1342152221]that would explain alot, but damn I've gone and done some running after some 5-6k days and I typically felt like crap. all of us runners I know are bean-poles, even worse than me.[/QUOTE]
Could be completely wrong, but I recall him saying that in a Q&A video.
I'd be lucky to manage 10% of what Stonie pulled off... and I would probably never eat bacon by itself again after that.
The coolest part for me (as a huge NASCAR fan) was seeing Richard Petty there. It must've been an awesome feeling to meet him.