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Forum: Post Your Own Articles!

Here you can write an original, detailed article on any fitness subject and share it with the world!

Question Sticky Thread Sticky: MUST READ - Rules for the "Post Your OWN Articles" section

The rest of the message boards are a great place for short questions and answers. This section is for you to write a long, detailed article on any subject and get it posted in a prominent place for people to read. WANT TO WRITE AN ARTICLE? To post an article, simply write it...

admin‎, 04-06-2002 12:28 PM
12-21-2012, 04:33 AM Go to last post
3 95,172

“How Your Mind-Set is preventing you from have the Body you want!”

On the road to building Your Perfect Body… “How Your Mind-Set is preventing you from have the Body you want!” Before we get into the “How To” of building a great body. Ask yourself “Do you deserve a great body?” What if I told you ANYONE can build an amazing body. It’s true! The number one...

Tank3870‎, 05-12-2010 10:46 PM
3 3,265

Your key to building a bigger chest (guaranteed)

Hello all, I am new to and wanted to give a big hello to everyone. Now onto the points of this article and who is it for. Currently I hopefully will attain my degree in kinesiology in 2 more years (been going for about 3 years), and there are some things I would like to address...

pumplikeeecummings‎, 11-28-2009 02:25 AM
5 Pages
1 2 3 4 5
10-17-2016, 06:57 AM Go to last post
129 675,870

You want 18 1/2 " Arms? Well TRAIN YOUR TRICEPS

I was reading allot of these articles. For anyone starting out listen, you're not going to get 18 & half inch arms doing bicep exercises alone. After 5 years of training I have mangaed to achieve 18 and half " upper arms. (And when you get to that you'll still want more) But I gained 2.5" ...

Andrewwhite‎, 06-02-2003 07:16 PM
2 Pages
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05-14-2011, 07:16 PM Go to last post
51 17,254

You Don't Need to Put on Body Fat to Gain Muscle

Bulk, cut, repeat. This is the age old recipe for packing on some mass to your frame. It has to be done. We accept that we have to say goodbye to our six packs and hello to a caloric surplus for half of the year, in order to pack on some lean muscle. False. What?! Building muscle without...

BeamJ‎, 02-11-2016 09:36 AM
10-16-2016, 10:13 AM Go to last post
9 60,509

You Don't Have Shoulders.

I've noticed alot of beginners posting their workouts with "shoulders" included, as if you had a "shoulder" muscle. Shoulders are actually made up of three muscles, not one. The front (anterior) deltoids, the middle (lateral) deltoids, and the rear (posterior) deltoids. This is important to know...

T-Bar‎, 03-08-2003 03:12 PM
06-08-2003, 12:50 AM Go to last post
11 5,870

You Do Have the Unlimited Potential for Muscle Growth

There have been many individuals who have realized that they have unlimited potential for muscle growth. Did a little bird tell them about it? Did they find it in a bottle? Where did they get this type of information? How can an individual have unlimited potential for muscle growth? These are...

brutallyhuge‎, 11-13-2008 08:50 PM
11-21-2008, 06:05 PM Go to last post
3 3,252

Workout Tips for People with Traditional 9 to 5 Jobs

We've heard the routine and we know the story: if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle you have to train consistently. These pearls of wisdom often come from those who have the liberty of job flexibility. They are often self-employed, personal trainers, professional athletes, or are able to...

jumper11‎, 10-14-2008 11:26 PM
2 Pages
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02-12-2010, 12:35 AM Go to last post
34 42,385

Workout rules, My 10 workout Commandments!

1. TRAIN HARD! This goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway, Train Hard! Yes there will be your days when you work light, but the majority of the time you should be giving it your all. Try to squeeze everything you can out of your muscles in a safe manner. Also your workout should revolve...

zealot_paul‎, 10-14-2010 09:34 PM
2 Pages
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04-14-2011, 08:21 AM Go to last post
31 15,603

Working out from home, for teens.

Working out from home, teens. Getting to the gym may be hard for a teenager for several reasons, school takes up a lot of time, maybe a sport, club or even a after school job and some may not have a gym near by or have money or a way of getting there. Some teenagers aren't fortunae enough to...

chigdon92‎, 05-03-2009 10:09 AM
05-03-2009, 10:09 AM Go to last post
0 2,782

Will essential fatty acids interefere with CLA?

Does arachidonic acid interefere with CLA? Here I provide some comments on CLA, such as: -how it may work -how n-6 fatty acids (e.g., linoleic and arachidonic) may get in its way I provide the following comments concerning CLA in the hope that they may be of some use to you. (At the...

robertthoburn‎, 04-25-2003 08:15 PM
0 3,071

Why YOU should be eating more frequently

Pretty much everyone on this forum knows, that if you're planning on building a physique like that of a greek god, you'd be best off eating 5-6 smaller meals per day than the ever so popular 3 meals....The problem is that very few people actually know why such eating habits are better. Here are...

Icex999‎, 06-09-2002 04:14 PM
3 Pages
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09-01-2014, 02:36 AM Go to last post
81 36,916

Why You Aren't Reaching Your Goals?

Why you aren’t reaching your goals! If you set a goal worth reaching, you will find that it is hard to achieve. There are lots of reasons why you may find yourself having trouble; I can’t possibly capture every potential problem, but I keep seeing the same problems propping up over and over...

Partyrocking‎, 05-18-2016 07:05 PM
08-23-2016, 07:12 AM Go to last post
3 49,340

Lightbulb Why understanding your diet is so important to successful weight loss

The reason is very simple, the person that controls they nutritional intake and exercises a certain way will burn more fat. Here is an example Mr. Smith is 5’6 tall, 202, male, 31 years old He exercises about an hour a day, 5 days a week weight training and does not do any cardio. The weight...

TIhealthandfitn‎, 08-01-2015 02:32 PM
11-23-2015, 07:34 AM Go to last post
1 3,619

Poll Poll: Why Powerlifters Hold Their Breath and Why Weightlifters Shouldn?t....

Why Powerlifters Hold Their Breath and Why Weightlifters Shouldn?t.... The act of holding ones breath and exerting is called the Valsalva Maneuver. During this state you create an air ball in your abdominal region by forcing air against a closed windpipe. This is actually a survival response...

parsec1982‎, 02-07-2008 12:57 AM
09-27-2015, 05:38 AM Go to last post
23 53,997

Why most people FAIL at weight loss - Don't follow

Hey guys this is a part of my ebook that im working on. Can anyone just give me advice on this aswell as post what they would like to see in the ebook. This is a massive chapter that everyone must not skip over. This chapter may not make you lose weight, but instead it will make you understand...

bballer23‎, 02-09-2009 02:38 PM
02-09-2009, 02:38 PM Go to last post
0 1,824

Why I Joined the $250k Transformation Challenge and How I lost over 50 pounds

The day had finally come. The biggest moment of my life was here. My hands were shaking, I was anxious and excited all at the same time. I had practiced my routine a thousand times, but kept praying that I wouldn’t pass out or choke under pressure. I had worked so so hard and all my efforts for the...

533pmagno‎, 04-20-2016 03:12 PM
07-13-2016, 04:09 AM Go to last post
4 50,264

Why I Don't Believe In Natural Bodybuilding

Why I Don't Believe In Natural Bodybuilding By: Justin Hayward and Charles Simeone My name is Justin Hayward. I compete in the National Physique Committee(NPC), which as many people know is the national bodybuilding organization that is most well known. It is the organization where all the...

sublimejeh‎, 03-02-2009 12:17 AM
07-12-2010, 05:25 PM Go to last post
4 11,846

Why Good Form is so Important. To a Point...

I saw this guy at the gym doing the most ridiculous excuse for a push up I'd ever seen. My client and I wondered, "what the hell does he think he's accomplishing?" He banged out his second set of about 50 of these "push ups" and then strolled out of the gym. I wonder if he went home to his...

changingbodies‎, 12-13-2010 12:15 PM
06-29-2014, 11:40 PM Go to last post
14 10,634

Why do we judge them?

Why Do We Judge Them ? Last night I had a talk with my mom about some cyclists. And I say like : "You know, these guys... despite everything, they're still great athletes." I have no idea how, but we started talking about doping. My Mom just can't understand why athletes would juice. And...

Deejay_Spike‎, 06-17-2002 02:20 PM
3 Pages
1 2 3
63 479,158

Why do people hate others that are able to put more effort on something?

Hello. Im a 16 years old kid (dont let this scare you away!), I live in northern Europe, My parents come from southern Europe. I have been into lifting for almost a year now, and I love it. I have always been a very productive person. In this story, I will tell you how it is for me being such a...

Superman2‎, 12-24-2004 04:50 PM
12-24-2004, 04:50 PM Go to last post
0 2,021

Why did you fail what you initially set out to do?

What's up fellas? I'm not your typical super successful personality, but I do have my share of successes both academically and athletically. I've got a few tips here that I would like to share with you all. Have you ever wondered why you find yourself incredibly motivated to do a particular...

Monyistbitu‎, 06-02-2014 11:32 PM
10-07-2014, 12:28 AM Go to last post
8 4,975

Why Cooling Down in Bodybuilding Workouts is Important

A lot of people eliminate cool down from their bodybuilding or fitness workouts because they consider it unimportant. The truth is that cool down is just as important as warming up and plays a crucial part in staying injury free. Cooling down after a workout is important because it promotes...

craze4muscle‎, 06-02-2008 06:28 PM
09-07-2008, 12:11 PM Go to last post
5 6,244

Why Bodybuilding is Awesome (Besides the Obvious)

Why Bodybuilding is AWESOME (besides the obvious) By Evan Plant - Weir (TheRoadIsLong) Most of us are well aware of the core physical and psychological gains associated with Bodybuilding. Together, weight training and cardio enhance our body’s performance. With heightened muscular and aerobic...

TheRoadIsLong‎, 06-22-2011 07:50 AM
07-18-2011, 08:22 AM Go to last post
12 7,814

Whole Grain Cereals

WHOLE GRAIN CEREALS October 22, 2005 If you`ve been to the grocery store lately you probably have noticed the new trend going on with breakfast cereals. Many of your favorite cereals have switched to whole grain wheat as the main ingredient. Are these cereals good for you or is...

prior22‎, 11-24-2005 03:21 AM
11-24-2005, 03:21 AM Go to last post
0 1,365

Who tamed running?

Take a child to an open space and watch what they do. In fact, do the same with a dog. Dogs and children don’t think about injuries or how sweaty they will get, or how tired, or that they might get a stitch. When let loose in an open space, kids and dogs without fail do the same thing. Run. ...

JuliusJ‎, 03-21-2010 07:04 PM
2 Pages
1 2
35 7,821

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