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Forum: Supplements

Supplement info, feedback and reviews!

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  2. If you have used ANY supplements in your life, please post your experience with them here!

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    1. Post your product review logs here and view the trials that others have done!

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    2. For supplement logs that are sponsored by a supplement company. Find out what works!

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    3. For company reps to promote the brands that are carried on

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  3. Which is the better supplement? What is the best creatine?

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    15 56,615

Sticky Thread Sticky: Creatine: (Everything You Need To Know)

Well almost everything. These are the most common Qs I get, and I have done an extensive FAQ on creatine for readers to cut through the often confusing BS on this supplement. Would me a good stickie if mods so inclined: What does creatine do? In a nutshell, creatine works to help...

WillBrink‎, 03-18-2017 12:40 PM
19 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 19
04-15-2024, 05:32 AM Go to last post
550 924,677

Sticky Thread Sticky: Whey (Almost) Everything You Need To Know

Similar to the Creatine: (Everything You Need To Know) thread, I cover some of the most common Qs about whey so y'all can make educated decisions when purchasing whey Whey protein has become a staple nutritional supplement with both athletic populations requiring the highest possible quality...

WillBrink‎, 12-29-2017 07:20 AM
6 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 6
04-15-2024, 05:31 AM Go to last post
179 570,358

Sticky Thread Sticky: Words from the top

We are currently in the process of improving the overall forum experience and making several changes to prepare for bigger system wide modifications. The changes made most recently restricted the Misc section to users that were already active in the Misc and require a login to view/post in an...

ForumNature‎, 06-14-2021 02:00 PM
02-24-2024, 09:27 AM Go to last post
5 58,478

Sticky Thread Sticky: New Flavor Drop!

New flavors from EVL just dropped! Let us know what you think in the thread below. We have EVL with us to answer any questions from the community. Let’s go! Stay tuned to our Supplements section for more exclusive products hot off the press on!

ForumNature‎, 10-21-2021 02:42 PM
03-09-2024, 04:47 AM Go to last post
12 44,718

2020 Part 6: preworkouts & forums

Cases of BANG Crisp Apple ;) I love this new flavor. Another year more L&L Cookies :D this time with Salted Caramel

Rob1882‎, 03-06-2020 12:32 PM
92 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 92
04-15-2024, 05:27 AM Go to last post
2,750 669,247

Need help drinking Creatine HCL, WOW

So I decided to switch from monohydrate to creatine HCL after reading about some of the benefits (better bioavailability, less bloating, etc). So far good, but the taste is just almost too much for me. Currently using Bulk Supplements HCL, great reviews and price/quantity. But I'm guessing this...

xwhitesky‎, 12-14-2016 12:48 PM
04-15-2024, 05:19 AM Go to last post
22 48,011

My pecs look much better with hard nipples-- how do I get rid of the puffiness?

I have puffy nipples, I guess, and it makes my pecs look less defined. When they harden, my chest looks much more muscular. I have read another post about this and the suggestion was surgery. I am not willing to go that far. But i was wondering if there is an alternative. Any way I can keep my...‎, 02-27-2014 10:50 AM
2 Pages
1 2
04-15-2024, 05:21 AM Go to last post
37 44,987

Exclamation Can Woke AF pre-workout cause you to fail drug test?

I have received a conditional offer for a job in law enforcement. All I have to do is pass the drug test and the background check. My friend told me today that he has heard of people taking Woke AF by Das Labs and failing a drug test (UA). My drug test is in 2 to 3 days. Does anyone have...

LumberJaake‎, 11-03-2019 03:26 PM
03-09-2024, 07:03 AM Go to last post
7 16,013

What form of magnesium is best?

I am looking to supplement with extra magnesium for personal reasons as a medication I use depletes it. I read magnesium tuarate is best, but it is also fairly pricey. I no oxide is garbage. Which forms are very effective in terms of absorption and are found for a decent price. Thanks for...

XCriticalBenchX‎, 10-29-2015 11:33 PM
2 Pages
1 2
04-15-2024, 05:22 AM Go to last post
42 15,923

What's the best pre workout?

And before you ask "What do you look for in a pre workout?" The answer is simple, at least simple to me, whatever helps me lift heavy ass weights. So I don't know if that means focus, pump, energy, or whatever, but I need to lift really heavy weight, over and over again.

nikeoneplatinum‎, 12-19-2021 04:52 AM
04-15-2024, 05:17 AM Go to last post
11 12,317

How far in advance can i mix Creatine?

can i mix it with water the night before so its ready in the morning?

Trans damm‎, 04-13-2003 07:03 PM
04-15-2024, 05:18 AM Go to last post
14 12,138

Testosterone levels checked

I got my blood test results back which showed my testosterone level at 320 ng/dl . Dr. said it's normal but I think thats very low. I am only 20 years old and workout regularly. Doing some research I read that physically active 20 year old should be between 800 to 1200 ng/dl. So I guess genetically...

Mike2110‎, 04-15-2009 05:55 PM
3 Pages
1 2 3
04-15-2024, 05:26 AM Go to last post
76 11,299

Adrenal Fatigue

Does anyone have experience with supplements that would help with this? thanks. -krazy

krazykarl‎, 06-07-2005 10:19 AM
04-15-2024, 05:19 AM Go to last post
15 6,278

Question Psyllium Husk + Bentonite Clay

Hi Im on a cut and Ive been advised to do a month colon cleanse using Psyllium Husk + Bentonite Clay. She said to use 1 teaspoon of each in a glass of water in the morning 30 mins before breakfast and 2 hours after my last meal. I usually get up, drink my breakfast shake and leave. Anyone...

cybertronik‎, 02-15-2011 07:15 AM
02-15-2024, 10:10 AM Go to last post
11 4,652

Discount codes?

Are we allowed to share discount codes? I am looking for a Mahler discount code if able! Thanks!

BamaZ28‎, 08-18-2022 08:26 AM
01-11-2024, 07:06 AM Go to last post
1 4,419

Animal Pak got me sick?

Edit: Let me add this up front: I've never heard a single bad thing about Animal Pak. I'm not out to bad mouth their product. I believe they work great for nearly everybody who tries them out. But, they don't work for me. It's probably just me... and maybe another person or two with a weird...

SirHumpsalot‎, 05-14-2008 11:42 AM
01-21-2024, 10:46 AM Go to last post
7 4,408

Taking whey and creatine at the same time, how to take care of the liver and kidney.

I've been weight training for 4 years and taking whey protein for three. I wanted to step up my game a little bit so I bought some creatine (K-20, Creatine monohydrate with maltodextrine) The guy at the shop told me "Sure,sure,no problem my friend", when I asked him about taking both at the...

OatsMan9000‎, 01-20-2024 08:02 AM
03-05-2024, 06:38 AM Go to last post
3 3,891

Unhappy Looking for a medial epicondylitis treatment

I'm presently suffering from golfers elbow (not tennis elbow, there's a difference) and its so excruciating that I can't do a pull up or even a triceps push down. The pain has cut my gym time in half. I just have a few questions about E-Pharm and Cissus: A) Is the spray a temporary solution to...

Ditermined‎, 08-16-2016 09:11 PM
01-11-2024, 08:03 PM Go to last post
4 3,786

Good supplements for bodybuilding

good supplements to aid bodybuilding

Glewin07‎, 11-13-2023 03:07 PM
02-21-2024, 11:24 PM Go to last post
5 3,597

Need advice with supplements please.

i would like to ask opinion about 3 different supplements. For bulking I started a TRI PHARM K4 120 CAPSULES, and was wondering if any other better creatin i should get? I am planning to start with creatin and looking some good protein, than I want to try the 10.11lbs I****SS XTREME GAINER® by...

AttilaTheCobra‎, 01-09-2024 06:07 PM
01-19-2024, 12:29 PM Go to last post
1 3,457

Amino energy question

Hello. I've never posted here before. I apologize if it wasn't the right place. I just wanted to ask. I had Amino Build Muscletec for energy from amazon as a subscription. I liked it for a bit. But I was also using Amino energy drink from amazon too. So I was using both. The more I used the energy...

greenie01‎, 11-15-2023 12:21 PM
03-05-2024, 06:43 AM Go to last post
3 3,436

Sea Kelp & bulking agent

Hey guys, so I have been trying to bodybuild for 3 years on and off. I am currently 125.6lbs @ 6 foot which is what I was when I first started. To cut a long story short, the heaviest I have ever been was at 146 lbs on 4k calories a day and the scales stopped. So after a while when I realised I...

thankujebus‎, 10-29-2014 04:58 PM
01-25-2024, 02:13 PM Go to last post
6 3,354

Biotin - weight gain?

Anybody put on body fat when supplementing biotin ? Reading some people have weight gain issues with it. Want to take it for the benefits but I am now reading it could cause weight gain. Thoughts

fadetoblack188‎, 01-14-2024 05:15 AM
01-14-2024, 05:15 AM Go to last post
0 2,907

Question Testosterone supplements?

Hi guys, I got some blood work done recently and my doctor and I found that my level of free testosterone is lower than the normal range for my age (38). I lift heavy weights 4 times per week, eat a healthy diet and do not drink alcohol but I am wondering if there are any good testosterone...

tcM_Emperor‎, 01-18-2024 04:49 PM
01-19-2024, 07:30 AM Go to last post
4 2,900

Anybody use Follidrone2.0

Hi all, Was wondering if anybody here has had good luck with Follidrone 2.0? Anybody experience any side effects? Appears to be a super healthy supplement from the ingredients list but was wondering if people here have tried it.

beretta680‎, 11-13-2023 07:00 PM
02-21-2024, 11:26 PM Go to last post
3 2,835

New poster / thead

What is yourstory?

latverian41‎, 01-22-2024 11:25 PM
01-22-2024, 11:25 PM Go to last post
0 2,719

Can't sleep after training...ever!

This is the first time I'm posting here since 2014! I train from around 4-6pm 4 evenings a week. On evenings I train, after training I feel so pumped and almost 'high' from all the endorphins it's almost like having multiple coffees. It feels great but the issue is when I try to eventually sleep 4...

BeeKay90‎, 02-03-2024 11:51 AM
02-22-2024, 06:08 AM Go to last post
2 2,641

Basic details in workout

Workout Tips in soon

samjoy11‎, 01-13-2024 08:16 PM
0 2,624

Is creatine worth it?

Thinking about buying creatine. Anyone tried it?

Team Punishment‎, 01-27-2024 08:01 AM
01-30-2024, 12:18 PM Go to last post
4 2,605

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