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    Week 155 :: What Are The Best Supplement Stacks?

    * Note: How can I win? 1. Answer all questions in the order that they are asked. 2. Go over reviews (located at the bottom of past TOTW articles) and see what was said about those that did not win. Good Luck!

    TOPIC: What Are The Best Supplement Stacks?

    For the week of: January 30th - February 5th
    Wednesday @ Midnight Is The Final Cut (Mountain Time, US & Canada).


    One of the best ways to get the full benefit of your supplements is by stacking them together.

    What are the benefits to stacking supplements?

    What is the best stack for gaining muscle mass?

    What is the best stack for fat loss?

    BONUS QUESTION: What has been the most effective supplement stack you have used? How were the results?


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    Don't discuss any other topic in this section. ONLY discuss the question above.

    The best response will get $75 in credit to use in our online store! The other good responses will be used in an article on the main site, with the poster's forum name listed by it. Become famous!

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    Great topic!
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    best supplement stacks

    1 - best way to get the most out of your supp's and money - dont take more than your body can absorb. whether its protein, creatine, or other amino acids and vitamins etc. less isnt always more, it can be hard on your digestion tract and can be a waste of money if your body wont take all of it. do homework on the products your taking, and make sure you can take them together, some supplements dont work well when taken at the same time as others.

    2 - the best thing about stacking supplements is that when one supplement may help you from going catabolic and keep you anabolic, and another can help with anabolism and cell volumization, you can see how they would work synergistically. the easier you can make it for your body to put on muscle, and put it in that perfect environment for homeostasis and protein synthesis, the more energy it can devote to putting on that muscle. i always throw BCAAs and glutamine into my water bottle, and maybe a scoop of whey once in a while, so i make sure i dont ever go catabolic. if you never go catabolic, you have nothing to do but grow.

    3 - best stack for gaining mass

    the best, basic, non hormonal supplement stack that i would tell people about for gaining mass would be

    A HEALTHY FREAKIN' DIET TO BEGIN WITH! supplements meant to SUPPLEMENT what you cant get enough of. one should try and get as much out of their natural food diet that they can. 6-8 or more meals of lean meats, healthy fats, lots of veggies, whole grains, and nothing too high on the GI chart except right after a workout- that being said this is what i would tell someone

    whey protein & weight gainers (i use serious mass & regular whey) - 1.5 - 2 g's per lb

    dextrose- post workout only

    multi vitamin - body needs them vitamins

    EFAs - keep you nice and lean

    glutamine or glutamine AKG - very anabolic/anti-catabolic

    BCAA or BCAA AKG - very anabolic/anti-catabolic

    creatine - Kre alkalyn - what more can be said about every bodybuilders friend?

    Beta- Alanine - higher muscle carnosine levels

    pre workout/ NO product - NO Xplode or Hypershock energy and vasolidation

    this is what i would tell a beginner who asks me about what to take.

    I myself take all of these along with:

    ZMA, melatonin, and GABA - better sleep and hormone levels

    Vanadyl Sulfate - glucose uptake

    aftershock- post workout instead of making a dextrose, protein, amino acid, and creatine cocktail

    i take a lot of different aminos - Arginine, carnosine, taurine, tyrosine, lysine, citrulline malate, i make different amino mixtures during the day depending on the time of day and when i work out etc. - all good for keeping me from going catabolic and great for GH levels

    every few months i'll do a pro-test cycle including (i personally like to put together different stuff, rather than buying a test booster from a company, i like to know exactly how much and when i'm taking different things when it comes to my hormones, i do take the novedex though, i'm sensitive to estrogen, and this stuff is the best on the market that i've found so far)

    2000 mg vitex

    1500 mg tribulus

    600 mg ecdysterone

    25 mg DHEA

    3 pills Novedex (gaspari nutrition)- after a few weeks of beginning and one week after i stop the other pro test to make sure i dont get a rise in estrogen

    4 best fat loss stack

    i would continue to take everything else i had mentioned above, just cut out the weight gainers and make sure to keep pounding the aminos even more so to keep from catabolizing. im getting ready for a competition in april and thats all the stuff im taking

    cut the carbs, especially evening carbs, and make sure everything is super low on the GI chart

    i also throw on lipodrene with ephedra in it. im not sensitive to ephedra so the stuff works great for me.

    throw in cardio in the mornings to cut the adipose tissue off

    bonus - taking the mass stack i mentioned and using a high volume workout, with a 4020 time under tension lifting method i put on over 1/2 inch on my forearms, calves, biceps, quads, an inch around my glutes and over an inch and a half around my chest in 3 weeks.

    although it seems like all the stuff i'm taking is spendy, it is to buy all at once, but if bought online at and in large amounts, and in powders instead of pills as often as possible, it ends up lasting forever. ill make a big buy at every couple months since it takes me so long to go through all this stuff.

    hope i win!
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    What Are The Best Supplement Stacks?

    stacking supplements has many benefits but the most important one is that it lets you cover all areas of bodybuilding like recovery, fatloss, protein synthesis, and test increase. To get all these benefits you have to combine different things because most supplements only cover one area. another good reason for stacking is some supps enchance the effecrt of others like how ecdysterone can enhance the bodys ability for protein synthesis.

    BEST MUSCLE BUILDING STACK(non-hormonal/ph-free)
    a good stack no matter what the goal has to start with the basic stapple supplements. once you cover the basic nutritional needs then you can treat youself to some good stuff, here is my LEAN MASS STACK i have used with success many times :

    *whey protein-pre/post workout(ON whey)
    *casien protein-before bed(ON)
    *Multivitamin (animal pak)
    * BCAAs (scivation extend)
    *Fish oils/cla
    * pre-workout & creatine(no-shotgun)
    *Natural test booster(diesel test hardcore)
    *ecdysterone product (thermolife e-bol)
    *Methoxyisoflavone Powder(bulk nutrition powder)
    * Post workout( Universal torrent)
    *Glutamine(sci fit)

    THis stack is a very pricy one and has alot of stuff to take but if you have the money and the dedication its well worth it. solid supplements for gauranted solid gains.

    my fatloss stack is alot similar to the muscle building one becasue you always want to gain, or at least maintain as much muscle while cutting. well here it is,
    *whey protein-pre/post workout(ON whey)
    *casien protein-before bed(ON)
    *Multivitamin (animal pak)
    * BCAAs (scivation extend)
    *Fish oils
    *Glutamine(sci fit)
    * pre-workout & creatine(no-shotgun)
    *Natural test booster(diesel test hardcore)
    *Lypotropic formula- (prolab pro cuts 2)
    *thermogenic/metabolic enhancer (Dren by MHP or LIPO 6x)
    * cortosil reduction ( lean extreme 2)
    *green tea drink mix(mega tea company)

    this stack is also very expensive but once again well worth it if you have goals to achieve and are willing to sacrifice.

    the most effective stack i have ever used is the FAT LOSS one listed above, it helped me go from a 230lb bulky powerlifter to a 190lb 6% bodyfat future marine(leave for basic in may!!). it covers everything needed for steady fat loss while being able to maintain the hard earned muscle. if you accompany that stack with a low/moderate carb,HIGH protein diet along with the right amount of cardio you are quaranted success.
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    Supp Stacks

    The Benefits of stacking are quite simple- some products work best when synergized with others and by working best, i mean they combine to make your goals easier! A team is better than an individual!

    Mass Gaining Supps Stack

    I try to keep it simple and affordable. As mentioned in one of my posts the best mass gaining workouts are ones done at high intensity to stimulate growth hormone, so i want a stack that will help with endurance and recovery. recovery is especially important becuase thats when muscles grow!!!

    I liked the combination of a test booster, arginine, Kre-akalyn preworkout (diff times), Glutamine and GABA (post workout). Of course you want to throw in your standard protein supps (whey and casein, separately), multivitamin, and proper nutrition! I found Cellucor products to be beneficial albeit expensive

    For Fat Burning Stack you should really keep it simple! The best fat burning is done through great nutrition and exercise. I dont like fat burners because people use them as an excuse to eat poorly. But if youre looking for a good stack, heres one.

    Standard Caffeine Supp. No fancy fat burners

    Creatine with ALA with a Simple Carb- Gatorade will do. Insulin spikes occur after a workout which can lead to cortisol gains if not blunted. This is a good combination to prevent this.

    At night
    Any Flax or fish Oil. Healthy fats fight FAT!

    If youre doing the right workouts and eating properly you dont need to spend hundreds a month to fight fat!

    i found the mass gaining stack very beneficial. It helped me get over that platea of boredom early in my career. Helped me to get more intense in my workouts and over the course of a year and a half lost 15 percent bodyfat while putting on 20 punds of lean muscle. May not sound like a lot but its the real world!!!
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    Supplement Stack

    Different supplements do different things. It is that simple. Stacking is just doing many different things at the same time.

    Mass Stack:
    BSN TrueMass
    BSN NO Explode
    BSN Cellmass
    Animal Pak multi vitamin
    T- Bomb II - test booster
    Keepin it simple

    Fat Loss Stack:
    Lipo- 6- thermogenic
    Animal Pak Multivitamin
    BSN Syntha - 6 I like Mochachino

    Both of these stacks work for me- perineally
    Hope they work for you.
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    Thumbs up Best supp stacks

    First and foremost, no supplement stack is going to do you any good without the foundation of a good diet! If you want to put on mass, you absolutely have to eat more calories than you are expending... period. If you want to cut fat, you absolutely have to eat fewer calories than you are expending... period. That being said, there are lots of supplements out there that will help speed up the process. Here is what i suggest...


    As far as a mass building stack, you need to make sure you are getting adequate protein to rebuild, and carbohydrates to replenish your fuel source. (Ignore the media, carbs are NOT bad) This is why weight gainers are so great, they have a lot of protein, can have a trememendous amount of carbs and lots of calories to help you meet your goals for the day. I suggest a weight gainer such as Ultimate Nutritions I****ss extreme gainer. I will take half a serving during my workout to prevent muscle protein breakdown and replenish glycogen stores, a full serving after my workout for the same reasons and to set myself up for a good recovery. I like to take a protein with a fair amount of simple carbs such as maltodextrin or dextrose to get an insulin spike during and immediately after workout. At this time your muscle cells are extremely sensitive to the effects of insulin and won't store fat as the your body is very anabolic and the carbs are being used to replenish muscle glycogen.

    Next you will want some type of protein that you can take before bed. You will want something the digests a little bit slower, or ideally, a combination of proteins. I'm currently taking Probolic SR by MHP at night to help feed my muscles while i sleep. Its low in sugars and carbs and has an awesome amino acid profile. I also leave a shaker of water next to my bed with my protein, set an alarm for 4 hours into the night and make another one for myself, and immediately go back to sleep for the remainder of the night to make sure my body is never without fuel.

    Now the answer everyone saw coming... creatine. Lots of different brands out there, take your pick, but avoid the monohydrate as that has a tendency to pull water around your muscle cells as opposed to INTO the cell. Shoot for an ethyl ester or one of the many creatine combos out there now such as MRI's Anabolic Switch. Pull water into the muscle cells causes them to cell which promotes protein synthesis. On top of that, have that additional fuel stored will help you lift more weight, do more reps, and recover quicker. A harder workout means more stimulation for growth.

    I also suggest something to increase your bodys production of nitric oxide. Again, there are many products out there now to keep the blood flowing all day, right now I'm using MRI's NO2 Black. Keep your blood vessels dialated all day is essentially going to give your muscles a larger volume of nutrients throughout the day. I notice too when I'm taking it that i feel hungrier and much more often, like my food is being digested faster.

    A pre-workout drink is also something that will help you a lot. I use MRI's Black powder. Most will usually contain some amount of caffeine to give you a little kick, some creatine to help give you a boost in strenght for your workout, and a rush of nitric oxide with a dose of arginine to give you an awesome pump, and more importantly, to speed up the rate at which waste is removed from your muscles and at which nutrients are brought to your muscles. You can work out harder, and feeling like your muscles want to burst through your skin is a great confidence booster!

    Beta-Alanine is something that more recently has become very popular. I use NX Labs Betasine and have had awesome results. This is going to increase your muscle carnosine levels, which is a lactic acid buffer. Quite simply, if lactic acid builds up more slowly, you can do more reps. Some are calling it "The new creatine" even though it is great to stack with creatine. It can be, however, quite expensive.

    Now if all of this isn't enough for you, go for a testosterone booster. (Steroids are bad kids!) I personally can strongly recommend Haladrol by Gaspari Nutrition. That stuff works amazing. But there are plenty of alternatives also. Consider T-Bomb II by MHP, their products are always great. 17-HD works well, and a new product called Pronabolin is supposed to be pretty wicked also, even though I haven't tried it. These supplements will help for reasons that I think are pretty obvious.

    And last, but CERTAINLY not least, don't forget a multivitamin kids! No, a vitamin isn't going to directly put pounds on your frame, but someone working out as hard as you has a much greater need for vitamins than the average person, and I'm certain you aren't getting them through your diet. They are responsible for countless functions in the body, and you can expect your body to perform at its best when you aren't giving it what it needs!

    So let's recap
    1) DIET - premium fuel for your high performance machine
    2)WEIGHT GAINER - lots of protein, carbs, and calories!
    3)COMPLEX PROTEIN - a combination of fast and slow digesting proteins is ideal for night time
    4)CREATINE - boosts your strength for harder workouts
    5)ARGININE - improved blood flood means a faster recovery for you, during and after your workout
    6)PRE_WORKOUT - gets your pumped, energized, and ready to beat your muscles into submission
    7)BETA-ALANINE - less lactic acid build up means more reps
    8)TESTOSTERONE BOOSTER - main hormone in your body for regulating muscle growth
    9)MULTIVITAMIN - feed the machine baby


    The goal of losing fat doesn't have to be as painful as most people make it. Supplementation isn't going to change much, and changes in your diet really only involves fewer calories and watching what kind of carbohydrates you eat and when. (Assuming you were eating lean during your mass building phase like you were supposed to!) Again, diet is gonna be key here. Keep close tabs on how much you are eating and make sure you are burning more calories than you are taking in. THIS DOES NOT MEAN STARVE YOURSELF. Eating 1000 calories a day isn't gonna do much besides force your body to feed on your muscle tissue and you lose all that hard earned beef. Stick to carbs that are low on glycemic index, and stay away from that sugar!

    Protein is next. I would shy away from the weight gainers as they are usually rather high in saturated fats, cholesterol, etc... What you need for during and post workout is something high in protein, moderate in carbs, low in fats. Consider GNC's Wheybolic Extreme. Any other time try to use a protein complex, again like Probolic SR. I still take a shake before bed when Im getting cut, but do not wake up in the middle of the night for another.

    Arginine is a big one here also. Again, it speeds up your body's processes of waste removal and nutrient uptake helping you work out harder, and feeding your muscles.

    A pre workout drink is great here as well for the same reasons as listed earlier. The creatine in your drink will help boost your strength during your workout, but the need to keep it in your system all the time really isn't there.

    Beta-Alanine is another supplement that will ultimately help, however if you're on a budget, I wouldn't deem it necessary. Same thing with a testosterone booster. They can be a little pricey, but will certainly help.

    You might consider a "fat burner" (In quotes because none of them literally burn fat) They are just designed to boost up your metabolism, get you moving more, and burning more calories throughout the day. There are a million and one products out there, take your pick. I don't recommend appetite suppresants as you want to keep eating several times a day! You might consider Tonalic CLA as it helps with the metabolism of long chain fatty acids, although there isn't a lot of scientific PROOF that it will directly help you lose more weight. For those on a strict budget, pick up a sugar free red bull and youre good to go.


    Let's Recap:
    7)"FAT BURNER" (caffeine)

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    One of the best ways to get the full benefit of your supplements is by stacking them together.

    What are the benefits to stacking supplements?

    The benefit to stacking supplements are wide and numerous. If your nutrition and training are in order, your body will respond adequately to the stacking of supplements. The stacking of supplements allows you to get in a better shape faster instead of only stacking one or a couple of products.

    What is the best stack for gaining muscle mass?
    The use of compounds sets will help you gain the muscle mass in training. High protein will help you in the nutrition department, but adding in supplements can boost your results in the gym significantly.
    1.Protein- the use of protein enables you to build mass and get stronger. Whey protein should be used before working out and after. Casein protein should be taken right before bed and you will wake up more anabolic.

    2. Creatine-make you stronger and adds more mass to your frame. I stick to Creatine Monohydrate because I like mixing it in water or grape juice. 3-5 grams can be taken before warming out and after.( Higher Power)

    3. Fish Oil keep you strong and are best taken after a meal.(Kroger)

    4. Multi-vitamins and BCAA should be added in depending on if the whey protein you take contains them. (Purple Wraath)

    If you just want a basic stack and on a budget, I would recommend just these.

    Now if you have some money, your stack would look like this
    Protein: 2 hours before(20 to 30 grams)
    Creatine: 30 minutes before (3-5 grams of CM or CEE)
    N.O.: 30 minutes before( arginine, AKG, or any other)
    beta-alanine: 30 minutes before( 2-5 grams of B.A.)
    You can take creatine, n.o. or beta-alanine. Some products have all three(NANO Vapor) or you can pick and choose which ones to add

    Whey protein and free from amino acids(IntrAbolic)

    Glutamine-aids recovery(can be taken before and after workouts if you want)
    Post-workout product( Torrent, 2:1:1 Recovery, Golden Finish)
    BCAA-can also be taken before and after working out to combat fatigue

    Take at night

    What is the best stack for fat loss?

    The best stack for fat loss should first contain great training and a great nutrition plan. Your stack should consist of these supplements if possible

    Creatine- "if creatine helps you build more muscle, then more muscle means more calories burned at rest, which results in a leaner you "-Brad Davis. This added muscle mass helps you burn more fat
    green-tea is also good for fat burning
    carnitine and forskolin- helps burn fat by giving it to cells and raise test levels

    synephrine-works like ephedrine but your heart rate does not rise that high
    protein-build metabolism and also reduce fat loss

    caffeine-increase your energy and raise your metabolism= more fat burning
    BONUS QUESTION: What has been the most effective supplement stack you have used? How were the results?

    The most effective stack was

    GNC Sports Pak * Mega Men? Sport - a premium multiple vitamin and mineral formula for physically active men whose bodies demand more. This scientifically designed formula features a proprietary sports blend that includes green tea, ginkgo biloba and B vitamins. B vitamins are essential for carbohydrate metabolism and energy production.* It is also enhanced with essential amino acids known as branched chain amino acids (BCAA). BCAA help to reduce the amount of protein breakdown during intense exercise.* In addition, Mega Men? Sport includes a premium antioxidant blend to protect cells from damaging free radicals.*
    * Men's Energy Enhancer - a clinically proven thermogenic formula that helps to enhance metabolism, burn calories and boost energy levels.* Its powerful ingredients enhance cellular energy utilization and promote increased cellular metabolic activity.*
    * L-Glutamine - an important amino acid that plays a pivotal role in the nitrogen balance in the body, provides an anti-catabolic effect and is involved in protein synthesis.* Prolonged high-intensity exercise has been shown to decrease glutamine levels.*
    * Nitric Oxide Maximizer - Features ingredients shown to exhibit powerful nitric oxide boosting properties. Includes antioxidants with L-arginine, an amino acid and building block of nitric oxide which helps maintain blood vessel tone.*(information obtained from GNC site)

    Optimum Whey Gingerbread Protein

    First Order( Beta-alanine product made by Bodywell Nutrition

    Creatine Monohydrate or Conjugated Creatine( Vitamin World or Promera Health)

    Post-workout( 2:1:1 Recovery)

    ON Casein at night

    This stack allowed me to focus on my workouts, get stronger in the gym, cut fat, and remain healthy.
    Last edited by History in Effect; 02-03-2008 at 08:54 AM.
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    THE one

    the only stack

    EAS phos****en HP creatine


    HMB...kind of expensive proper dosage ends up being about a gram per pound of bodyweight per training day
    Nothin to it, but to do it
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    Post m,y essay

    5pg mini-essay.... i focus slightly on the diet and training, cover supplements though too. enjoy.
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    My view

    Short and sweet
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    Totw 155

    Good luck to everyone this week.
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    mrkdrt's best supplement stacks:
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    Here's my article, A clean one is attached below.

    One of the best ways to get the full benefit of your supplements is by stacking them together.

    What are the benefits to stacking supplements?

    Supplements are one of the key foundations of the bodybuilding lifestyle. Not to say they are as important than the essential components of proper diet and a complete exercise regimen, but they can certainly help a person looking to put on some muscle or lose some fat achieve that goal more efficiently.
    Now, everyone knows that supplements are essential for the optimum growth of muscles, but there are specific times throughout the day that are especially important to take advantage of. For example, in the morning after you wake up, it is especially important to have some protein as quickly as possible in order to raise the nitrogen levels in the blood for the creation of new muscle. Basically, there are a few supplements that are essential to any bodybuilder if he wants to build new muscle or preserve that hard earned muscle. These include a few things such as different types of protein, NO boosters, post workout carbs, and a testosterone booster.

    Starting with protein, there are a few types of protein that are really necessary.

    First of them all is whey protein. This protein comes from milk and is a very quickly absorbing protein source, and thus is perfect for times that you need a really quick boost of protein, such as right after you wake up or right after a workout. This is one of the cleanest sources of calories, therefore it is perfect for the dieting individual, or for someone attempting to gain some muscle.

    Another type of protein is casein, which is sometimes called micellar blends. Basically casein is another protein coming from milk, except that it has the ability to bind with water or milk, making any shake with casein in it much thicker. Now this seems like a negative thing, but the idea behind this is that it will sit in your stomach longer since it?s a semi-solid rather than a liquid, as liquids can pass through the digestive system amazingly fast. This allows the body to experience a very slow and sustained release of protein. This is ideal to take right before bedtime for this reason. Normally the body goes into starvation mode while sleeping, which is a catabolic state, meaning that muscle will be broken down for energy. If you happened to have consumed casein before sleeping, the sustained release of protein into the bloodstream can help maintain a positive nitrogen balance, thus maintaining and building new muscle while you sleep.

    There are a few other types of protein such as soy, and egg protein, which are also excellent if your stomach happens to not enjoy the presence of milk also.

    An additional supplement that is important for proper muscle repair is simple carbohydrates such as waxy maize starch. The idea behind very simple carbohydrates is that after a workout, the muscles are craving nutrients and therefore a spike in insulin, which can be caused by these simple carbs. The spike in insulin then forces sugars into the muscle cells which then cause the refueling and repairing process of the muscle to begin. The muscle cell then needs protein to begin the actual repairing of the muscle fiber actomyosin.

    This is why most post-workout supplement shakes that are specifically designed to be consumed after working out contain a good amount of simple carbohydrates in addition to a nice amount of quickly absorbing protein.

    Another supplement that is important for any athlete is a Nitric Oxide booster. Specifically, these supplements contain arginine, which is an amino acid that has been shown to have a stimulating effect on the body?s ability to produce NO. Nitric oxide plays a very important role in the body?s ability to properly contract muscles. When taking a NO product, I feel incredible pumps after my warmup set, and throughout the rest of the day. The simple fact that I feel like my muscles are going to rip out through my skin push me to work harder with each set that I attempt. This is probably one of the most important supplements leading up to my constant motivation and success in building up my body. My favorite just so happens to be MRI?s NO2 Black, give it a try, I promise you won?t be disappointed.

    The final supplement that I would suggest to anyone who wants to live a bodybuilding lifestyle is a testosterone booster. Basically, a supplement like this has the goal of simply raising the levels of testosterone that are naturally found in the blood. Although these products remain a controversial issue to some, they have remained on the market for years and years, meaning there has yet to be sufficient proof that they cause negative health effects, which is very good. The great news is that these products work. I tried Universal Nutrition?s Animal Testosterone booster and was amazed with the changes in strength that I experienced. Even for a smaller guy, benching 1.5 times your body weight it quite a feat to accomplish. I?d definitely recommend giving this product a try also.

    What is the best stack for gaining muscle mass?
    Basically, the essentials have been listed above, including:
    ? Whey Protein
    ? Casein Protein
    ? Arginine (NO) Supplement
    ? Post-Workout Shake
    ? Test Booster

    But when putting on muscle mass, another supplement is very important. This supplement is very famous and of course is creatine. Creatine has become infamous in the recent media, and oddly accused by the media of being a steroid. This of course is untrue. Creatine is naturally found in meat products and is essentially a substance that is a precursor to Adenosine Triphosphate, which is the energy molecule that the body uses to move muscles. Simply stated, creatine helps the muscles create energy, which unlike steroids which are artificial hormones. In addition to helping create ATP (the body?s energy molecule) in the muscles, it also allows water to flood into the muscle for quicker muscle recovery.

    What is the best stack for fat loss?
    Of course the basics listed above will be included in a fat loss stack, but there is one other additional supplement that I would include.

    Fat burners are one of the quickest ways to lower your bodyfat in addition to cardiovascular exercise. These supplements typically contain stimulating substances such as synephrine and caffeine which increase the efficiency of the body?s metabolism. This simply increases the amount of calories that the body can burn off per day, thus allowing the body to burn more calories than are consumed in the diet. This is basically the foundation of fat loss. During my cutting phases, I typically use Lipo 6, but more recently tried out the newer Lipo 6x, which I found to be extremely effective. I now officially have passed the point of 6 pack and am on my way to the legendary 8 pack.

    BONUS QUESTION: What has been the most effective supplement stack you have used? How were the results?
    As briefly stated above, my fat loss stack has been extremely effective in helping my abs to show through. I?ve gotten compliments at my local gym in the pool more than once, and the feeling that I get when someone notices the fruits of my labor. Trust me; there is no food that tastes as good as being thin and ripped feels.

    Here?s my stack:
    ? Optimum Nutrition?s 100% Whey Milk Chocolate Extreme
    ? Optimum Nutrition?s Double Rich Chocolate Casein Protein
    ? MRI?s NO2 Black
    ? Universal Nutrition?s Animal Test
    ? Lipo 6x

    I?ve had solid results with this stack, let me know how you do with it if you give it a try!

    Thanks for reading!
    -K (Opiewags99)
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    Thumbs up Stack 'em Up

    One of the best ways to get the full benefit of your supplements is by stacking them together, no doubt.

    What are the benefits to stacking supplements?
    The benefits vary by type of product/ingredient and of course body composition goal. Bulking and cutting at the same time was considered impossible just a few short years ago, but with the discovery of effective fat oxidizers and lipotropic products the body can accomodate more than 1 composition change at a time. Targetting specific responses such as endurance and hypertrophy were counterproductive not long ago as well, but given the release of products like Cordyceps and Endothil its possible to maximize both. Not to mention it gives your various functions a boost by targetting individual receptors to enhance specific biochemical and metabolic reactions.

    What is the best stack for gaining muscle mass?
    Animal Pack--Multivitamin/mineral/amino acid blend
    Cytosport Muscle Milk--2 scoops twice a day between meals
    German American Glutamine Peptides--5 grams in morning shake & 5 grams in nighttime shake
    VPX NO Shotgun 1 scoop pre workout 1/2 hour for pump, energy & endurance
    Universal Torrent 2 scoops immediately after workout in sauna or hot tub to replenish glycogen & kickstart anabolism
    Higher Power Relieve 6 caps daily for glucosamine/chondroitine/msm blend for joint pain
    Syntrax Matrix 5.0 1.5 scoops with 1/2 cup steel cut oats 1/2 cup mixed berries in milk before bed

    What is the best stack for fat loss?
    Controlled Labs Orange Triad for Multi/Joint & enzyme support
    Natures Best Isopure zero carb 2 scoops twice a day between meals
    Bionutritional Powercrunch bars, 1 bar for afternoon snack when craving sweets & carbs
    NX Labs Methyl Ripped 3 caps daily with breaky, lunch & dinner for anti-catabolic fat burning action
    NOW Liquid L-Carnitine 3 caps daily with meals for fat transport
    Axis Labs Sesamin 3 caps with meals for fat oxidation
    ISS Research ReSatur8 for Creatine/Glutamine/Electrolyte support post-workout

    Over 17 pounds lost since Dec. 1st on this stack and BF has gone from 13% to 8% as of yesterday.

    BONUS QUESTION: What has been the most effective supplement stack you have used? How were the results?

    For sheer size, it was a mass gainer Muscle Juice by Ultimate Nutrition 3 times a day with Novex-Biotech Endothil preworkout, MHP Trac Extreme & Trac with BCAA powder by Optimum blended in 1/2 hour before workout, Myozene post workout and ISS Research Micellar Matrix before bed. 20 lbs in 3 months with minimal fat gain of 2% increase and strength skyrocketed too. Probably a result of a dialed in diet more than the supplements themselves, but they definitely helped.
    Jason Mac
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    multi vitamin
    fish oil
    test booster
    pre workout
    whey protein
    casein protein
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    I was wondering about my budget stack any help would be appreciated...
    1.milk muscle protein shake mix
    2.creatine mono
    4.vit.c oil
    6.n.o fury pre workout
    7.bcaa supp.
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