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    BPI Sports IMR - Good Pre-Workout

    So I've been a member here for quite awhile - and while not really "rating" products, I've relied on much of the information for trying different products, many useful, and some not so much.

    More specifically, on pre-workouts (I've tried almost all of them I think) I do believe I have found a favorite - BPI's 1 MR.

    For my review, I first received a few samples of this stuff with some orders while I had been currently using my typical, but very effective pre-workout combo of Jack3d + Nitrox II.

    On the first day I took it, I simply substituted it with Jack3d and took it with 2 Nitrox II softgels about 45 minutes before my workout. I remember it clearly: I was sitting in a public speaking class and my right knee was like a jackhammer. It was that same pre-workout euphoria like taking one for the first time. My arm pits starting sweating through my shirt. To put simply, I had never been that ready for a workout.

    What surprised me the most was it's what I call a "Jack3d knockoff", meaning it is comprised of the same basic ingredients such as:
    L-Arginine Alpha Ketogluterate
    Creatine Monohydrate
    1,3 Dimethylamylamine

    And the list goes on, but this does have a few more ingredients than simple-Jack (Tropic Thunder reference). However, none of these ingredients are fillers.

    TASTE (10) - Not that it's a huge deal, but to some, stomaching the product to begin with matters. And this stuff is amazing. I've tried both the Lemon Lime and Fruit Punch, and both are delicious. I've always had a soft spot for Lemon Lime, it honestly tastes so good I get a little sad when I finish drinking it.

    ENERGY (9): 1.M.R. scores some major points here. From currently taking Jack3d one day to the next trying this, there was a HUGE difference in how much energy I felt I had. I'm pretty naive when it comes to lifting, as I over-train. Sometimes I've lifted for 3 hours straight. Do I care? No. I'd rather be in the gym than watching TV. At the end of my workouts, muscular-strength is pretty depleted, but my alertness and energy are still super high.

    PUMPS: It's hard to give this a score since I take with Nitrox II, but they are just as good as the pumps with Jack3d--mainly due to the Nitrox II.

    STRENGTH (9) - Ok, this partly has to do with the increased energy, but my strength has increased a good amount since taking this.
    Barbell Curls: 95lb (8) → 105lb (6)
    Weighted Chins: 45lb (12) → 90lb (7)
    Barbell Rows: 195lb (10) → 245lb (6)
    Dips: (24) → +45lb (15)

    VALUE (8) - I find this product to be reasonably affordable. I get it for about $32 for 84 servings or 28 full scoops. has free samples of this product if you're interested.

    TOLERANCE - This could be a problem for some. To begin with, they advertise "1 scoop = 3 scoops of leading competition". In short, it's concentrated similar to Jack3d, except the 3 scoops of Jack3d is the size of 1 scoop of 1.M.R. Don't worry if you don't understand.

    Basically, 1 serving size is 1/3 scoop with the max being 1 scoop. I take 1 scoop which has 300mg of caffeine as I find this works best, but because I feel it's stronger, you will probably build a tolerance a lot faster than most, resulting in taking some time off stimulants.

    SIDE EFFECTS - Whenever I take this, I usually have to use the little boy's room before my workout. Most pre-workouts I've taken always do this to me anyway. But in my opinion that's a good thing as I want all that poo out of me before I lift (no pun intended). This also did not upset my stomach at all.

    I'm usually not one to jump from pre-workout to pre-workout, I like to find one that works and stick with it. But in this case, the change was necessary. 1.M.R. seemed to work so much better for me than Jack3d, which I had been through probably 6 or 7 tubs of.

    This is how my current protocol is and I love it:

    6:15pm - 1 scoop 1.M.R.
    2 Nitrox II softgels

    6:50pm - 7.5mg Yohimbine HCL

    6:55pm - 5g Modern BCAA

    7:00pm - Workout (10g Modern BCAA)

    8:50pm - 7.5mg Yohimbine HCL

    9:00pm - Cardio

    I've been having amazing results with this combination of products in terms of body composition-- fat loss, Muscle Gain, strength, everything. I will soon do a review of Yohimbine but it's not for the faint-hearted.

    If you're still jumping around trying different pre-workouts and haven't found one that works for you yet, I highly recommend 1.M.R.
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