
Type: Posts; User: kenshamrock

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  • Shes def in shape.... lol

    Shes def in shape.... lol
  • Thanks!

  • hahaha, easy.. Ok cool, shes crazy!

    hahaha, easy..

    Ok cool, shes crazy!
  • How did this girl get such nice abs??? What kind of diet would she be on?

    Anyone know? I cant find out any where?
  • hahaha thanks

    hahaha thanks
  • has anyone tried that "rushfit" by GSP? any ghood?

    has anyone tried that "rushfit" by GSP? any ghood?
  • Yea true lol

    Yea true lol
  • Does he have it on video?

    Does he have it on video?
  • does he have more routines?

    does he have more routines?
  • ha....

  • GSP's Full workout routine video: Anyone try it?

    GSP's Training Routine: Video

    Anyone try it? Seems pretty cool. Does anyone think this is all he does for weight training?
  • ** Please help with my Cutting Diet - ALL info provided!

    Hey guys,

    I am done my bulk. Went from 180, to just around 203.

    Time to cutt.

    I am 203 pounds. How many grams of pro/carb/fat should I start with?

    Can someone please help me get a...
  • So if I asked what exercise is best for Biceps,...

    So if I asked what exercise is best for Biceps, you would say "Squats"

    Yes yes, we all know dead lifts are good. Geez
  • What is the #1 exercise for Back WIDTH and #1 for Back thickness?

    What is it?

    Wide grip pull ups for width, and heavy bent over BB row for thickness?

  • Cool THanks, I heard on your NON training...

    Cool THanks,

    I heard on your NON training days when your trying to bulk, some people take in an access of calories, like icecream and all kinds of calories. ??
  • How should Diet change on your "Non" Working out days?

    Well, I train Monday thru to friday, and take Sat and Sun off.

    I am bulking right now. On training days, I eat mass ammounts of food for my bulk, but very clean.

    On sat and sun, how should my...
  • Anyone order it? Did it work?

    Anyone order it?

    Did it work?
  • anyone have more whorish pics of brit?

    anyone have more whorish pics of brit?
  • Replies

    for bulking, besides protein powder, what is the...

    for bulking, besides protein powder, what is the next best 3 supps to get ?

    Multi's, BCAA's, Glut ?
  • Replies

    does it work as good?

    does it work as good?
  • Results 1 to 20 of 82
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